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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by mgbland
    Mitch was born in 1952, so that makes him 53. Weird, for some reason, I thought Higginson was in her 40s and JF is 39-40. But I think his character is between 35 & 40.

    Haven't been able to find any birthdays on Higginson. I suspect that's because after a certain age, women stop publishing it.

    Edited to add:

    Can you do all the things Weir was supposed to accomplish by age 35? he's five years younger than my dad. Still...ewww... ; ) He looks a good bit 'older' to me now than he did on the Xfiles for some reason. I guess because he is. LOL. I remember people thinkin he was sexy on the xf and I was always like, 'eh?' ; )

    Can *I* do all the things Weir was supposed to accomplish? LOL. No. But then, she's 'girlwonder', I'm...not. I did manage a bachelor's masters and admin degree by age 33, the latter of the two done while working full time so I can understand the work ethic it might take to get there. And I'll never make her salary in my field. Not in a million. ; )



      Originally posted by Bama he's five years younger than my dad. Still...ewww... ; ) He looks a good bit 'older' to me now than he did on the Xfiles for some reason. I guess because he is. LOL. I remember people thinkin he was sexy on the xf and I was always like, 'eh?' ; )

      Can *I* do all the things Weir was supposed to accomplish? LOL. No. But then, she's 'girlwonder', I'm...not. I did manage a bachelor's masters and admin degree by age 33, the latter of the two done while working full time so I can understand the work ethic it might take to get there. And I'll never make her salary in my field. Not in a million. ; )

      Of course, EW had a lot of drive! And, managed to get to know the right people. With her diplomacy skills, she got the ear of the foreigners. Big question, if this is still top secret, which foreign nations did she manage to sway?


        Originally posted by Athenaktt

        I don't where I read or heard about this, but I remember hearing that Torri loves to play games on Weir's palm pilot when they are on set. So I wonder if they were making fun of Torri a bit there in that scene.

        I agree because of Elizabeth's position she kind of keeps a distance from most people, except for John. I guess that's why
        it prompted that question by Caldwell about how close they were to each other. Since he sees how they rely on each other so much, even though he's been on Atlantis for some a short period of time.
        This kind of ties in with what I was thinking this morning. We've talked about wanting to see Shep/Weir sharing more personal things about themselves and I was thinking it would be I don't know something neither would do with great ease. I mean I think with Sheppard he is not one to share about himself because I think he's afraid to allow others to see what's inside for fear of being hurt. I think it would be difficult for Weir because of her position. She feels the need to keep a proffessional distance.

        The thing that drives me crazy about these types of characters is shows like to bring in a guest character that we'll never see again so our regular characters can open up to them and then the rest of our regulars never get to see that deeper side of the other characters.


          Originally posted by mgbland
          Mitch was born in 1952, so that makes him 53. Weird, for some reason, I thought Higginson was in her 40s and JF is 39-40. But I think his character is between 35 & 40.

          Haven't been able to find any birthdays on Higginson. I suspect that's because after a certain age, women stop publishing it.
          Just because MP is 53 does not mean the character he plays on TV is the same age.

          For example: All actors who play high school students are really 29!


            Originally posted by SGLAB
            This kind of ties in with what I was thinking this morning. We've talked about wanting to see Shep/Weir sharing more personal things about themselves and I was thinking it would be I don't know something neither would do with great ease. I mean I think with Sheppard he is not one to share about himself because I think he's afraid to allow others to see what's inside for fear of being hurt. I think it would be difficult for Weir because of her position. She feels the need to keep a proffessional distance.

            The thing that drives me crazy about these types of characters is shows like to bring in a guest character that we'll never see again so our regular characters can open up to them and then the rest of our regulars never get to see that deeper side of the other characters.
            I'm with you, I like to see personal interaction but we won't see much because it brings characters together too quickly. Everything is usually 'work related' in some way and they have to grow together thru that. We're good to go this route as long as Weir/Shep is the 'highlight' relationship and all indications are that it was and has been from the beginning. To bring a permanent 'Third party' into that would shift the focus of the show and i can't see them ever doing that. Still, we'll get some great nuggies along if we'll all keep our eyes peeled. ; )



              My husband had a Masters in International Business, a Bachelors in Political Science, knew 3 languages (well, 2 other than Engish), and had done extensive international work for the Federal Gov't by his late 20's (he hasn't expanded on that tho, *LOL*). Lizzy's bio is possible with the right ambition and opportunities, but heck, this is science fiction, anything is possible.

              A new poll at, "Should John and Teyla Evolve Beyond Friendship?":


              Might have to register for the message boards, but if you already are, have fun.

              When all else fails, change channels.


                Originally posted by Bama
                I'm with you, I like to see personal interaction but we won't see much because it brings characters together too quickly. Everything is usually 'work related' in some way and they have to grow together thru that. We're good to go this route as long as Weir/Shep is the 'highlight' relationship and all indications are that it was and has been from the beginning. To bring a permanent 'Third party' into that would shift the focus of the show and i can't see them ever doing that. Still, we'll get some great nuggies along if we'll all keep our eyes peeled. ; )

                The thing is we know Rodney has said to Carter his parents didn't like him. He used to play the piano. And in Hot Zone he said to a room full of people including Beckett Zelenka and Ford that he had a sister he didn't know where she was and he didn't have a good relationship with her.

                But we know Elizabeth had a boyfriend and they are no longer together, but we know this because we as the audience saw this not because she shared with other regular characters.

                Sheppard hasn't shared a single personal thing to anyone and if he ever does I hope it's with a regular character not something in his thoughts or some one off character. TPTB were notorious for doing this kind of thing on SG-1.

                It reminds me of the show Due South where there were two main Characters and one Fraser we would learn things about him by his conversations with his wolf or father who he saw as a ghost. His partner Vecchio however would occassionally mention something to Fraser about his past that was very revealing about the character.

                And I'm not looking for massive pieces of information. Just tidbits here and there. A situation they're in reminds one of them of something and they mention it. Sort of a throw away line, but adds something noteworthy about the character.


                  Originally posted by SGLAB
                  The thing is we know Rodney has said to Carter his parents didn't like him. He used to play the piano. And in Hot Zone he said to a room full of people including Beckett Zelenka and Ford that he had a sister he didn't know where she was and he didn't have a good relationship with her.

                  But we know Elizabeth had a boyfriend and they are no longer together, but we know this because we as the audience saw this not because she shared with other regular characters.

                  Sheppard hasn't shared a single personal thing to anyone and if he ever does I hope it's with a regular character not something in his thoughts or some one off character. TPTB were notorious for doing this kind of thing on SG-1.

                  It reminds me of the show Due South where there were two main Characters and one Fraser we would learn things about him by his conversations with his wolf or father who he saw as a ghost. His partner Vecchio however would occassionally mention something to Fraser about his past that was very revealing about the character.

                  And I'm not looking for massive pieces of information. Just tidbits here and there. A situation they're in reminds one of them of something and they mention it. Sort of a throw away line, but adds something noteworthy about the character.
                  Great points. There are times when I adore John and others I find myself *having* to like him and I think some of that is because I feel he intentionally keeps himself from the audience and from the other characters. To me, that small moment where he gives Elizabeth her B-day present in BIS is a touching one because it shows a caring side to him and shows that he cared enough about the woman to do something like that. On our ship, we get to see plenty enough about how Elizabeth feels about Shep but most times, little on Shep's end and that is frustrating at times too. I'm really, really hopeful like some mentioned yesterday, that we get to see an ep later this year showing Shep having some emotional moments over Elizabeth. We know he cares but I still want to see more of it and I'd like Elizabeth to as well.



                    Y'all please let me know how you decide to vote on this one. ; )



                      Hey Guys,
                      Just incase you havn't read it already, BamBam has updated his blog. It has a small segment mentioning 'The Long Goodbye'

                      "Last week we came back from our 1 week hiatus with a bang. We finished shooting "The Long Goodbye", and what a great way to finish off the episode. That rehearsal Ivon saw out his window paid off. When you all see the episode, you will know exactly what I'm speaking of! Weir is seen in a very different light on this will love it!"

                      So, nothing really new in terms of spoilers, but I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that Liz is gonna be 110% amazing in this ep, Jaws are gonna be firmly set on the floor...I can't wait!!!


                      Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                      LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                      Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                        Originally posted by mgbland
                        Mitch was born in 1952, so that makes him 53. Weird, for some reason, I thought Higginson was in her 40s and JF is 39-40. But I think his character is between 35 & 40.

                        Haven't been able to find any birthdays on Higginson. I suspect that's because after a certain age, women stop publishing it.

                        Edited to add:

                        Can you do all the things Weir was supposed to accomplish by age 35?

                        I can't remember where I read it/saw it but Torri is 35 or 36 and Joe is 38. I've always thought Weir looked around 40 ::and as someone at that age that is not a negative comment:: And that it made sense to me. 35 is too young to accomplish what she has and be giving control of Atlantis. I don't buy that. Shep, probably in part because JOE is ageless/young looking, I see as being 35 tops. I still look at Joe and think he's about 30. Plus being about 35 fits with Sheppard's character. Everett was supposed to be 40 and he seemed like ten years older at least than Shep in looks and in experience, in a sense. LOL


                          Originally posted by Merlin7
                          Shep, probably in part because JOE is ageless/young looking, I see as being 35 tops. I still look at Joe and think he's about 30. Plus being about 35 fits with Sheppard's character.
                          Johnny Depp is the same way. .so is Ben Browder. Both over 40. My uncle always likes to say, "the males of the species are always more attractive." He knows how I feel about THAT.

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            Originally posted by Merlin7
                            I can't remember where I read it/saw it but Torri is 35 or 36 and Joe is 38.


                            I still look at Joe and think he's about 30. Plus being about 35 fits with Sheppard's character.

                            I guess I am the only person who thinks Joe looks his age. And a very good age it is.


                              Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                              Hey Guys,
                              Just incase you havn't read it already, BamBam has updated his blog. It has a small segment mentioning 'The Long Goodbye'

                              "Last week we came back from our 1 week hiatus with a bang. We finished shooting "The Long Goodbye", and what a great way to finish off the episode. That rehearsal Ivon saw out his window paid off. When you all see the episode, you will know exactly what I'm speaking of! Weir is seen in a very different light on this will love it!"

                              So, nothing really new in terms of spoilers, but I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that Liz is gonna be 110% amazing in this ep, Jaws are gonna be firmly set on the floor...I can't wait!!!

                              The idea of Elizabeth surprising Shep just has me salivating. ; ) His snarky wraithy line
                              about protocol *always* being her excuse just reeked of 'oh, you are so predictable'.
                              Sometimes, surprise is all it takes to make someone open their eyes a little wider. Capesh? ; )


                              -B ; )


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                The idea of Elizabeth surprising Shep just has me salivating. ; ) His snarky wraithy line
                                about protocol *always* being her excuse just reeked of 'oh, you are so predictable'.
                                Sometimes, surprise is all it takes to make someone open their eyes a little wider. Capesh? ; )


                                -B ; )
                                I really hope this episode is gonna be a turning point in terms of their friendship.
                                We already know he is directly involved with what is gonna happen to her. I think it would be impossible to brush this experience off without some major move in their relationship.

                                ...and your welcome!


                                Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                                LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                                Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!

