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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
    From a storytelling standpoint, it would probably be too confusing to just drop her in without any prior explanation for how she got back. And then saving the "return" story for yet another movie later on would be a rather backwards way of doing it.

    I'd much rather see the "rescue and return" story up front.
    Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
    I wouldn't wait a whole movie with it... it would be cool though to start the movie with John and Liz (and maybe the rest of the team) walking through the Stargate into Atlantis and Woolsey slightly smiling and saying: "Welcome back, Dr. Weir." and then Elizabeth replying "Thank you, Mr. Woolsey. It's good to finally be back." Then we fade out and we get the txt 'One month before' or something like that appears and we start the whole rescue from there...
    Tsk... Tsk...

    You're thinking too linearly. Then again, I didn't describe it very well. I meant more like Sheppard and company go through the gate like any other day, and while exploring, they find Weir, a biological Weir, no nanites/replicators... all human. Our people are left with many different plausible scenarios. Is she another replicator human creation (ala This Mortal Coil), was the replicator Weir rescued from space and put in a human body (ala GitM(o)), or, was the human Weir not killed at all? Given all the crappy comebacks TPTB gave her, this would play off of all of them.


    We follow Weir as she wakes up in the hands of hostiles. Could be Wraith, could be Genii, could be Travelers, could be Asgard. Any of these races could have snagged her from space (or another way, see above) in the hopes of learning replicator secrets.


    The Genii develop an early version of our space program. Having learned about Weir being stranded in space, Laden creates this program with the express goal of rescuing her (think Gemini (Yes, I meant Gemini, not Genii) space capsules without rockets, just the capsule to fly through the gate, dial back, and fly home). His hope is to gain replicator tech. He gets all the replicators at the space gate and is unpleasantly surprised when they are activated.


    (I especially like this one) The Atlantis team meets up with Janus (time traveling Ancient) and Weir, but it is not our Weir. Janus has constructed his time machine and gone back in time to get the "Before I Sleep" Weir and brought her with him to the present. They help the team, but she gets put back into stasis by the end with explicit instructions not to reveal this when she awakens.


    As Space Weir falls into the planet's atmosphere (several months ago), the heat enables her to boot back up. Because she has conscious will, she is able to override her code and alters her body shape into something more aerodynamic. She falls to earth (literally). The impact leaves her damaged and barely able to function, but utilizing mad nanite skills, she builds a stargate out of the raw materials around her, altering them at the molecular level. It takes months, but she does so and dials away. Falling back on her base programming (so little of Weir is left), she returns to a classified Ancient facility hoping for repairs, but the facility is now occupied by the renegade Asgard. They repair her, and she, in turn helps them bring their facility online, which is actually a huge Ancient super weapon. The Asgard don't hesitate to use it, helping them to secure a position as top dog in the Pegasis Galaxy. When Atlantis is threatened, our boys move to counter, and guess what (or who) they find. Sheppard is captured because he tries to "rescue" her, but that goes badly. He is head tortured by Weir, but while in his mind, she begins to remember her lost life.

    I could go on, but I won't. And that's just off the top of my head.

    *sighs* So much lost opportunities...


      Originally posted by Ncc-72452 View Post
      Tsk... Tsk...

      You're thinking too linearly. Then again, I didn't describe it very well. I meant more like Sheppard and company go through the gate like any other day, and while exploring, they find Weir, a biological Weir, no nanites/replicators... all human. Our people are left with many different plausible scenarios. Is she another replicator human creation (ala This Mortal Coil), was the replicator Weir rescued from space and put in a human body (ala GitM(o)), or, was the human Weir not killed at all? Given all the crappy comebacks TPTB gave her, this would play off of all of them.


      We follow Weir as she wakes up in the hands of hostiles. Could be Wraith, could be Genii, could be Travelers, could be Asgard. Any of these races could have snagged her from space (or another way, see above) in the hopes of learning replicator secrets.


      The Genii develop an early version of our space program. Having learned about Weir being stranded in space, Laden creates this program with the express goal of rescuing her (think Gemini (Yes, I meant Gemini, not Genii) space capsules without rockets, just the capsule to fly through the gate, dial back, and fly home). His hope is to gain replicator tech. He gets all the replicators at the space gate and is unpleasantly surprised when they are activated.


      (I especially like this one) The Atlantis team meets up with Janus (time traveling Ancient) and Weir, but it is not our Weir. Janus has constructed his time machine and gone back in time to get the "Before I Sleep" Weir and brought her with him to the present. They help the team, but she gets put back into stasis by the end with explicit instructions not to reveal this when she awakens.


      As Space Weir falls into the planet's atmosphere (several months ago), the heat enables her to boot back up. Because she has conscious will, she is able to override her code and alters her body shape into something more aerodynamic. She falls to earth (literally). The impact leaves her damaged and barely able to function, but utilizing mad nanite skills, she builds a stargate out of the raw materials around her, altering them at the molecular level. It takes months, but she does so and dials away. Falling back on her base programming (so little of Weir is left), she returns to a classified Ancient facility hoping for repairs, but the facility is now occupied by the renegade Asgard. They repair her, and she, in turn helps them bring their facility online, which is actually a huge Ancient super weapon. The Asgard don't hesitate to use it, helping them to secure a position as top dog in the Pegasis Galaxy. When Atlantis is threatened, our boys move to counter, and guess what (or who) they find. Sheppard is captured because he tries to "rescue" her, but that goes badly. He is head tortured by Weir, but while in his mind, she begins to remember her lost life.

      I could go on, but I won't. And that's just off the top of my head.

      *sighs* So much lost opportunities...
      Ahhh okay, you didn't describe it well, then. Because these ideas don't sound like what you originally suggested.

      Actually, these ideas are frakkin' awesome! That one with Janus and Alt!Weir from Before I Sleep sounds utterly heartbreaking.

      The one with the Genii starting a rudimentary space program sounds interesting... Ladon always did seem to have a soft spot for our Lizzie.
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
        Ahhh okay, you didn't describe it well, then. Because these ideas don't sound like what you originally suggested.

        Actually, these ideas are frakkin' awesome! That one with Janus and Alt!Weir from Before I Sleep sounds utterly heartbreaking.

        The one with the Genii starting a rudimentary space program sounds interesting... Ladon always did seem to have a soft spot for our Lizzie.
        Well, thank you!!!

        Most of these could be mixed and matched, taking the best from all and making one uber story. I think the Janus one has the most potential, especially when you factor in time travel. What I had in mind was some kind of ominous new threat that resulted in the destruction of all life in the PG. Before he ascended, Janus used his time travel ability (a mortal ability so he doesn't get slammed by the ascended rules) to see this bad future and alter it. He can't do it himself, so he leaves clues leading our guys to pieces of Ancient tech spread throughout multiple galaxies, and, when brought together, they can end this threat. His first attempts still result in failure, but he is watching the failures and goes back and inserts fixes. Once all of the clues are in place, he gets the ball rolling with BIS Weir. As he knows her best and trusts her, many of the clues are protected by devices that are keyed to her genetics.


          Originally posted by Ncc-72452 View Post
          Well, thank you!!!

          Most of these could be mixed and matched, taking the best from all and making one uber story. I think the Janus one has the most potential, especially when you factor in time travel. What I had in mind was some kind of ominous new threat that resulted in the destruction of all life in the PG. Before he ascended, Janus used his time travel ability (a mortal ability so he doesn't get slammed by the ascended rules) to see this bad future and alter it. He can't do it himself, so he leaves clues leading our guys to pieces of Ancient tech spread throughout multiple galaxies, and, when brought together, they can end this threat. His first attempts still result in failure, but he is watching the failures and goes back and inserts fixes. Once all of the clues are in place, he gets the ball rolling with BIS Weir. As he knows her best and trusts her, many of the clues are protected by devices that are keyed to her genetics.
          Ooooh, a quest story! Those are always a lot of fun. You should try turning it into a fic!
          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
            Okay this is for everyone, but mostly Anuna whose not so subtle nudging earlier gave me this plot bunny.

            Walking slightly behind John as they made their way back toward the jumper, Elizabeth could not keep her eyes from studying his strange garb. Okay, it may have a lot to do with the way the soft looking pants hugged his rear end. And a slight bit to do with the way the billowy white shirt stretched across his shoulders. His outfit reminded her of the movie Last of the Mohicans which in turn reminded her of the theme song from said movie and got her to thinking about how she had helped rescue John for a change and what a nice switch that had been. But mostly she was thinking about the beard and how interesting that was.

            John glanced around at her and slowed his pace to walk beside her. Elizabeth hoped that her face didn't give away the direction in which her thoughts had been drifting.

            “Thanks know...coming along,” he said, not meeting her eyes and gesturing at the surrounding landscape with one hand.

            She inclined her head and smiled enigmatically. “I wasn't busy. It's a beautiful day for a walk. You know...all of the above.”

            John gave her a brief once over and his mouth lifted on one side. “And you have great timing I might add.”

            “Lucky for you,” Rodney interrupted. “If we had delayed much longer, you would have been plucking even more gray hairs out of that nasty looking new beard of yours.”

            “Rodney!” Elizabeth's voice was sharp.

            Momentarily contrite, Rodney gave John a shrug of apology and trudged on.

            “I'm sure John found growing facial hair to be much more convenient than trying to shave in such a primitive environment,” Teyla contributed, ever the diplomat.

            Ronon snorted and nudged Carson who wisely remained silent.

            Elizabeth developed a sudden interest in the flora and fauna of the sanctuary and began peppering John with questions to distract him. But she couldn't help noticing that he reached up occasionally to stroke his chin and scratch along his jawline.

            * * * * *

            As soon as they got back in the city, Carson insisted that John accompany him to the infirmary at once for a battery of tests. The others also were required to have a check up and hours passed before Elizabeth was free to check on her second in command. Told by a nurse that Colonel Sheppard had already been released, Elizabeth decided that he needed some time to acclimate himself so she wouldn't bother him. Disappointment making her shoulders droop, she headed for her favorite balcony which never failed to lift her mood.

            The slight breeze stirred her hair as she lifted her face and stood with eyes closed.

            “I thought I'd find you here.” His voice startled her from her reverie and she opened her eyes to find him standing in his usual spot next to her.

            For a second or two she just studied him until, satisfied, she looked back out to sea.

            “I've still got all my former parts. Everything checked out okay.”

            “I can see that.”

            “And, I might add, according to Carson I don't appear to have become a senior citizen quite yet.” He bounced on his toes a little as if he had made an announcement that pleased him greatly.

            “I can see that also.”

            John glanced over at her, expecting more. Waiting patiently wasn't a strong suit with him.

            “So,” he continued, “you think the beard is interesting.”

            She gave him a quick look and a smirk. “I thought you were in a hurry to shave it off.”

            He smirked back and stroked his chin languidly. “Well, I thought about it some more.”


            “And.” He drew the word out. “Since you think it's so interesting and all, I decided it can stay for a day or two.”

            Elizabeth turned toward him and took a step closer.

            “Oh really?” She lifted a hand to his face. “Well, it is kinda soft.”

            “You think so?”

            Two hands now on either side of his face that soon trailed over his neck and back up to his cheeks. “Definitely soft.”

            John leaned into her touch and brushed his face against hers ever so gently. “Maybe you can help me shave it off later,” he said as his lips settled on hers and his arms came around her.

            “Much later.” She replied. “Tomorrow...or the next day...or...”

            Definitely interesting.
            Oh. Oh, oh, oh! You've just made my day, SR! *hugs* That was beautiful!
            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


              Ncc-72452, those are awesome ideas!! And completely not what you described in that other post
              You really should try to convert some in fics, or hand these ideas in as prompts for fic challenges. Or just write to the writers of the show and tell them: 'Dear writers, since you don't seem smart enough to come up with a decent story to get Weir back in a decent way, here are some ideas. Feel free to use any of them.'
              Hey, you never know, maybe they will...

              Sig by me


                Originally posted by Ncc-72452 View Post
                Well, thank you!!!

                Most of these could be mixed and matched, taking the best from all and making one uber story. I think the Janus one has the most potential, especially when you factor in time travel. What I had in mind was some kind of ominous new threat that resulted in the destruction of all life in the PG. Before he ascended, Janus used his time travel ability (a mortal ability so he doesn't get slammed by the ascended rules) to see this bad future and alter it. He can't do it himself, so he leaves clues leading our guys to pieces of Ancient tech spread throughout multiple galaxies, and, when brought together, they can end this threat. His first attempts still result in failure, but he is watching the failures and goes back and inserts fixes. Once all of the clues are in place, he gets the ball rolling with BIS Weir. As he knows her best and trusts her, many of the clues are protected by devices that are keyed to her genetics.
                Your ideas are simply awesome. Especially the Janus one. Funny how the professional writers couldn't come up with even one worth doing.

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by Ncc-72452 View Post
                  Tsk... Tsk...

                  You're thinking too linearly. Then again, I didn't describe it very well. I meant more like Sheppard and company go through the gate like any other day, and while exploring, they find Weir, a biological Weir, no nanites/replicators... all human. Our people are left with many different plausible scenarios. Is she another replicator human creation (ala This Mortal Coil), was the replicator Weir rescued from space and put in a human body (ala GitM(o)), or, was the human Weir not killed at all? Given all the crappy comebacks TPTB gave her, this would play off of all of them.


                  We follow Weir as she wakes up in the hands of hostiles. Could be Wraith, could be Genii, could be Travelers, could be Asgard. Any of these races could have snagged her from space (or another way, see above) in the hopes of learning replicator secrets.


                  The Genii develop an early version of our space program. Having learned about Weir being stranded in space, Laden creates this program with the express goal of rescuing her (think Gemini (Yes, I meant Gemini, not Genii) space capsules without rockets, just the capsule to fly through the gate, dial back, and fly home). His hope is to gain replicator tech. He gets all the replicators at the space gate and is unpleasantly surprised when they are activated.


                  (I especially like this one) The Atlantis team meets up with Janus (time traveling Ancient) and Weir, but it is not our Weir. Janus has constructed his time machine and gone back in time to get the "Before I Sleep" Weir and brought her with him to the present. They help the team, but she gets put back into stasis by the end with explicit instructions not to reveal this when she awakens.


                  As Space Weir falls into the planet's atmosphere (several months ago), the heat enables her to boot back up. Because she has conscious will, she is able to override her code and alters her body shape into something more aerodynamic. She falls to earth (literally). The impact leaves her damaged and barely able to function, but utilizing mad nanite skills, she builds a stargate out of the raw materials around her, altering them at the molecular level. It takes months, but she does so and dials away. Falling back on her base programming (so little of Weir is left), she returns to a classified Ancient facility hoping for repairs, but the facility is now occupied by the renegade Asgard. They repair her, and she, in turn helps them bring their facility online, which is actually a huge Ancient super weapon. The Asgard don't hesitate to use it, helping them to secure a position as top dog in the Pegasis Galaxy. When Atlantis is threatened, our boys move to counter, and guess what (or who) they find. Sheppard is captured because he tries to "rescue" her, but that goes badly. He is head tortured by Weir, but while in his mind, she begins to remember her lost life.

                  I could go on, but I won't. And that's just off the top of my head.

                  *sighs* So much lost opportunities...
                  I love those! I kinda like number one (in part because Mallozzi hinted as much in one of his blogs) and also because the idea of John confronted with ANOTHER Elizabeth would twist him into knots.

                  But that one would have to be the real one, and you'd have to work in how the remaining replicators (along with GITM Lizzie) caused it to be known that real Elizabeth was still out there.

                  And then there could be an epic battle between Torri-Lizzie and Michelle-Lizzie for the grand supremacy of title of "Elizabeth". Because they have to face off because it's SGA. And semi-replicator-Torri-Lizzie would disassemble Michelle-Lizzie with her mind Matrix style 'cuz that would just be cool.

                  I'd have fun watching...
                  Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                    In other news: I just passed the first 1000 words of my SGABigBang fic... not going so smoothly right now, but that's mainly due to a gigantic lack of time (frakking busy at work and exams in school are getting closer). But I should have a whole lot more time after the exams *hopes*

                    Sig by me


                      Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                      In other news: I just passed the first 1000 words of my SGABigBang fic... not going so smoothly right now, but that's mainly due to a gigantic lack of time (frakking busy at work and exams in school are getting closer). But I should have a whole lot more time after the exams *hopes*
                      Bit of unwanted advice. At this point stop counting words and just writewritewrite. *shuts up now*

                      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        Bit of unwanted advice. At this point stop counting words and just writewritewrite. *shuts up now*
                        I don't have to count it... Word does it automatically

                        Sig by me


                          Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                          I don't have to count it... Word does it automatically
                          Just write. You know what helps? Doing 4 000 word chapters. 10 chapters and you're there.
                          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                            Originally posted by Ncc-72452 View Post
                            Tsk... Tsk...

                            You're thinking too linearly. Then again, I didn't describe it very well. I meant more like Sheppard and company go through the gate like any other day, and while exploring, they find Weir, a biological Weir, no nanites/replicators... all human. Our people are left with many different plausible scenarios. Is she another replicator human creation (ala This Mortal Coil), was the replicator Weir rescued from space and put in a human body (ala GitM(o)), or, was the human Weir not killed at all? Given all the crappy comebacks TPTB gave her, this would play off of all of them.


                            We follow Weir as she wakes up in the hands of hostiles. Could be Wraith, could be Genii, could be Travelers, could be Asgard. Any of these races could have snagged her from space (or another way, see above) in the hopes of learning replicator secrets.


                            The Genii develop an early version of our space program. Having learned about Weir being stranded in space, Laden creates this program with the express goal of rescuing her (think Gemini (Yes, I meant Gemini, not Genii) space capsules without rockets, just the capsule to fly through the gate, dial back, and fly home). His hope is to gain replicator tech. He gets all the replicators at the space gate and is unpleasantly surprised when they are activated.


                            (I especially like this one) The Atlantis team meets up with Janus (time traveling Ancient) and Weir, but it is not our Weir. Janus has constructed his time machine and gone back in time to get the "Before I Sleep" Weir and brought her with him to the present. They help the team, but she gets put back into stasis by the end with explicit instructions not to reveal this when she awakens.


                            As Space Weir falls into the planet's atmosphere (several months ago), the heat enables her to boot back up. Because she has conscious will, she is able to override her code and alters her body shape into something more aerodynamic. She falls to earth (literally). The impact leaves her damaged and barely able to function, but utilizing mad nanite skills, she builds a stargate out of the raw materials around her, altering them at the molecular level. It takes months, but she does so and dials away. Falling back on her base programming (so little of Weir is left), she returns to a classified Ancient facility hoping for repairs, but the facility is now occupied by the renegade Asgard. They repair her, and she, in turn helps them bring their facility online, which is actually a huge Ancient super weapon. The Asgard don't hesitate to use it, helping them to secure a position as top dog in the Pegasis Galaxy. When Atlantis is threatened, our boys move to counter, and guess what (or who) they find. Sheppard is captured because he tries to "rescue" her, but that goes badly. He is head tortured by Weir, but while in his mind, she begins to remember her lost life.

                            I could go on, but I won't. And that's just off the top of my head.

                            *sighs* So much lost opportunities...

                            I like these VERY much. I would even write one of these. *sighs*
                            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                              Just write. You know what helps? Doing 4 000 word chapters. 10 chapters and you're there.
                              Whenever I have five minutes to spare, I write, no worries about that
                              And I wasn't actually going to work with chapters on this one...

                              Sig by me


                                Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                                Whenever I have five minutes to spare, I write, no worries about that
                                And I wasn't actually going to work with chapters on this one...
                                Hm. I find it better if you split it into chapters or larger parts. It makes following my own progress easier. Did you plan the plot?
                                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.

