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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Finnstardust
    Thanks! Yeah, I've written a couple fics, they can be found at my LiveJournal (
    Shameless advertising..hehe.

    Yay you made it!


      Originally posted by macktheknife
      Want a mint?
      Yes, please!! The mint discussions in the beginning totally cracked me up!

      Thanks alyssa!
      When there is a will, there is a way.

      My LiveJournal (friends-only)
      My fics

      Sig by Trialia.


        Originally posted by Finnstardust
        Thanks! Yeah, I've written a couple fics, they can be found at my LiveJournal (
        Shameless advertising..hehe.
        Oo, i've read those. They were really good Write more, write more

        Hey, we share the same birthday


          Originally posted by Finnstardust
          Yes, please!! The mint discussions in the beginning totally cracked me up!

          Thanks alyssa!

          NOOOO!! *does a slow motion dive to knock mints away from Finnstardust*...They're EVIL!!...and they're all gritty too!

          *headdesk*..people must take extra precautions these days! *headdesk*

          Welcome Finnstardust!!!


          Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

          LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

          Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


            Originally posted by hail_dorothy
            Dude, you were the 8000th post.
            And I know the hug has been posted 100 times already but here's a nice little shot that makes me happy. And yes I was one of those sitting there chanting, "Kiss her, kiss her, kiss her...".
            Yeah, I know, I just realised *g* *headdesk*

            I so love this scene! Watched it at least 100times I mean even a hug is something speacial. The others didn't hug each other, yet.


              Originally posted by Finnstardust
              Yes, please!! The mint discussions in the beginning totally cracked me up!

              Thanks alyssa!
              NOOO!!! Not the mints!! Anything but the mints!



              Lovebar made by natz099
              My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                NOOO!!! Not the mints!! Anything but the mints!

                *g* I think I can be happy, that we don't have mint's like you all pictured over here... I couldn't eat more of them, without thinking know what


                  Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                  NOOOO!! *does a slow motion dive to knock mints away from Finnstardust*...They're EVIL!!...and they're all gritty too!

                  *headdesk*..people must take extra precautions these days! *headdesk*

                  Welcome Finnstardust!!!

                  *Giggles uncontrollably* Stay away from my mints!

                  Oh yeah, I can see myself hanging here all day, every day now..I'm addicted already!
                  When there is a will, there is a way.

                  My LiveJournal (friends-only)
                  My fics

                  Sig by Trialia.


                    Originally posted by alyssa
                    I get a little frustrated by the time difference though -- often I find myself here when hardly anyone else is!!!! I need my Shep/Weir buddies!!
                    I know how you feel! I come on during the evening when I get home from work and no-one is here. It gets to about 10pm here, eveyone comes on and I'm just about to go to bed!... ...Life just isn't fair!


                    Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                    LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                    Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                      Originally posted by alyssa
                      It's extremely addictive!
                      I get a little frustrated by the time difference though -- often I find myself here when hardly anyone else is!!!! I need my Shep/Weir buddies!!
                      Poor Alyssa, I know how you felt !! I'm so used to see people in this thread that when I find myself alone, I feel so sad !!!! This thread is a great community, we can't ever get enough of it and we could stay hours on it !!
                      oh.... WE ALREADY STAY HOURS ON IT !!!

                      Welcome Finnstardust !!! I've not read your fanfics but I surely won't miss them !!! Post a lot and have fun !!!


                      Save Dr Elizabeth Weir: (spoiler for Atlantis season four)



                        Originally posted by Dorka
                        Yeah, I know, I just realised *g* *headdesk*

                        I so love this scene! Watched it at least 100times I mean even a hug is something speacial. The others didn't hug each other, yet.
                        No, they don't. And Elizabeth *rarely* touches anyone at all and I've seen no one touch her. Yet, in Duet,
                        John was obviously reaching up to pat her arm.
                        There is a level of implied personal ease and intimacy between them that we just flat out do not get between any of the others. Now, that's not to say they don't care about their other team mates, they do. I mean, Elizabeth and Rodney's friendship is a good example.
                        She pats Rodney on the back with her hand *after* he saves her flyboy's tail in 'Intruder'.
                        And then, she allows him to put his arm around her in 'The Eye' but she's have let the Genii leader put his arm around her at that point. She was wet and freezing. I get the 'sense' that she and Rodney have known each other a while too. It was pretty obvious that they were buds before 'rising'. You don't tease and snark at someone who isn't your friend and they were doing both in Rising.

                        But isn't it interesting that she's only known John a short time and yet, he's passed both Simon and Rodney, two men she's had prior friendship/relationships with on her personal trustability scale? I keep thinking about her relationship with Simon. The way he kept his new woman to himself and the way she turned away from him and didn't open up to him about all of her feelings in 'intruder' told me enough. She wants to share herself with someone but until John, hasn't found the one person she really could. I don't even know if either of them realize how close they've become in a short time. But that is how love is. You can't be in control all the time, you can't set rules for it. And it doesn't always begin to happen for you just when and where you think it needs to. Do any of us honestly think John or Elizabeth would choose each other if they had a choice? Do any of us think either of them would choose an Atlantis, otherworld galaxy expedition to fall in love on if they had a choice?

                        Of course not. But the beauty of their relationship is that it's forming without their prior consent or even their current recognition of just how special it's become. John sought her out in BIS to give that ...'mint jar' to. Guys, that is *personal* in a big way. He didn't just pick up a card for the boss at the local intergalactic drugstore. He went out and found something unique that he thought she would enjoy. Her placement of it prominently on her desk as a constant reminder of the giver should tell us a lot too.

                        There are so many-TOO many hints pointing to shep/Weir for us to ignore. Hard to believe that a few others can't see it but imo, it's their loss.

                        -Bama ; )


                          Hey Bama, nice to have you here ! As usual, I love your post and I love answering them
                          What I like in Stargate Atlantis is that nothing is defined in a clear way. I mean, the relations between the different characters and the characters' personnalities are not definite ones. The writes give us slightly of each character in each episode. They don't say since the beginning like 'well, this one is a .... and she is the.... the two over there, well they have a relationship which is... '. No, they don't tell things like that. They let the characters show themselves slightly and let them evolve with a lot of natural. That's what I love about that show.

                          It might be a bit frustrating for some because you never know what to wait from the writers and you'd like so much to have clear answers right now but you don't get them (yes, I'm one of them, patience never been one of my main virtue ). But when I saw the relation between John and Elizabeth, I'm touched. I'm touched by the sincerity of their feelings (being romantic or not), by the way they interact with each other so naturally and by the way, they're evolving together in the serie. I love the idea as you said Bama that they didn't know how special they've become the one for the other. Though I'm sure they understood that there was something special in their relationship.
                          Call me crazy but for me that's magic. I'm not a romantic at all, love is not ruling my world and I've never been in love but I know that for most people, it's important to have a special relationship in their life.(again romantic or not). A relation which is different from the many others you have and I'm sure that this is the relationship John and Elizabeth have, this one and unique relation you have with someone, though you don't know why it is so special. You just know that it is. Yeah, I definitely call that magic....

                          Save Dr Elizabeth Weir: (spoiler for Atlantis season four)



                            Originally posted by alyssa
                            I read somewhere (gee, I seem to do a lot of reading.....), and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but apparently that Rodney putting his arm around Elizabeth bit wasn't scripted. They were sitting there freezing their butts of, and David just put his arm around Torri.
                            Yes, I recall reading that somewhere too. Apparently they were waiting between takes, Torri was shivering so David tried to help her warm up. They thought it would look good so they incorporated it into the takes...

                            ...I think thats what I read anyway...


                            Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                            LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                            Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                              Originally posted by alyssa
                              I read somewhere (gee, I seem to do a lot of reading.....), and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but apparently that Rodney putting his arm around Elizabeth bit wasn't scripted. They were sitting there freezing their butts of, and David just put his arm around Torri.
                              I have no idea but I will say that is *exactly* how it looked. Like a real friend trying to keep another friend from freezing to death. LOL. Torri looked utterly miserable there. I've no doubt she was.



                                Originally posted by snoopoony
                                Hey Bama, nice to have you here ! As usual, I love your post and I love answering them
                                What I like in Stargate Atlantis is that nothing is defined in a clear way. I mean, the relations between the different characters and the characters' personnalities are not definite ones. The writes give us slightly of each character in each episode. They don't say since the beginning like 'well, this one is a .... and she is the.... the two over there, well they have a relationship which is... '. No, they don't tell things like that. They let the characters show themselves slightly and let them evolve with a lot of natural. That's what I love about that show.

                                It might be a bit frustrating for some because you never know what to wait from the writers and you'd like so much to have clear answers right now but you don't get them (yes, I'm one of them, patience never been one of my main virtue ). But when I saw the relation between John and Elizabeth, I'm touched. I'm touched by the sincerity of their feelings (being romantic or not), by the way they interact with each other so naturally and by the way, they're evolving together in the serie. I love the idea as you said Bama that they didn't know how special they've become the one for the other. Though I'm sure they understood that there was something special in their relationship.
                                Call me crazy but for me that's magic. I'm not a romantic at all, love is not ruling my world and I've never been in love but I know that for most people, it's important to have a special relationship in their life.(again romantic or not). A relation which is different from the many others you have and I'm sure that this is the relationship John and Elizabeth have, this one and unique relation you have with someone, though you don't know why it is so special. You just know that it is. Yeah, I definitely call that magic....
                                Good post yourself . Something I've dealt with before with another series (ahem.) is that some think that two people can develop all these trusting and heavy feelings toward each other and give them no outlet. You get things like, 'They're special to each other but why can't they just be platonic friends?'.

                                Well, that's fine and good *if* just friendship is 'enough' to handle the weight of the feelings. But if the two continue to grow closer and closer, and especially in the case of a man and woman who do so, then those feelings will manifest themselves in something more eventually. The pair will get to the point where they *have* to touch the other person. I think that's what happened with Elizabeth in S3. Her emotional capacity was so overwhelmed that she couldn't stop herself. I think the POINT of that scene that gets me the most is how she walks up in front of him and just stops and soaks his face in. She thought she'd never see him again perhaps and to have this man she cared about still 'in the flesh' in front of her just simply pushed her to put her arms around him and hold tight. =outlet.

                                The same goes for their anger and their frustration and joy and trust with each other. Their reactions to each other on those points stem from huge and ever increasing inner feelings as well and they will need an outlet. For their mental and emotional health if nothing else. I've just finished a fic along those lines that I really like so it's been on my brain quite a bit. ; )

                                Yes, they can continue to 'just' hug until the end of the series but-it is pretty obvious that they're charmed by each other and that 'charm' is leading to lip mean sexual attraction. You combine that attraction and deep feelings together and you have the beginnings of a relationship that has the ability to encompass everything. And you'll have a 'want' to touch and provide an outlet to those emotions that neither will be able to stop eventually.

                                -B ; )

