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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I was watching "Home" the other day, and I randomly stopped the video on this scene. It amused me. I think it deserves some captioning.



      Originally posted by Athenaktt
      I was watching "Home" the other day, and I randomly stopped the video on this scene. It amused me. I think it deserves some captioning.

      *g* o.k now you made me curios... have to re-watch this episode today evening when I get home from work....that would be in 10 minutes *runns*


        Oh boy! Photo day! Show me the love baby.

        I loved 'home' and thought it served all the characters well. John's was a little fuzzy at times...if anyone wants to give it a go...I'd be willing to talk. ; )



          Speaking of photos...

          there is one on the new photo thread for Eliz/Torri that answers our questions from yesterday about where Elizabeth's freckles are all at. ; )
          That woman is *toned*. i think maybe she could hang with teyla or john in a fair fight. But the ronon man would put her down. *g*


            Originally posted by Bama
            I loved 'home' and thought it served all the characters well. John's was a little fuzzy at times...if anyone wants to give it a go...I'd be willing to talk. ; )

            Home was a really good ep imo. It's one of those eps where there's so many different perspectives on it bc you don't know how much the mist fabricated the other people in the 'dreams' and how much is how they actually are.

            I've just had a thought. Maybe Simon had that crappy haircut all along and Liz subconciously created a better looking Simon
            ...Oh yeah. Rising kinda debunks that theory Oh well


              Originally posted by SallyLizzie
              Home was a really good ep imo. It's one of those eps where there's so many different perspectives on it bc you don't know how much the mist fabricated the other people in the 'dreams' and how much is how they actually are.

              I've just had a thought. Maybe Simon had that crappy haircut all along and Liz subconciously created a better looking Simon
              ...Oh yeah. Rising kinda debunks that theory Oh well
              Couple of things...

              obviously the necklace simon gave liz was real. she had it on just recently. or...if that were her dream, maybe simon was a cheapass who never bought her anything and she had to buy it herself but *wished* he'd have bought it.
              regardless, I don't like her still wearing the dang thing and it needs to go. I don't like thinking she has any significant feelings left for that cheatin sob. (yeah, I know, I'm being hard on him but hey, this is my girl we're talking about here)

              As for John's...what was up with that big house? I'm wondering now if he's from a privledged upbringing and had a lot of money and no love or if he was from a bad home life with little money and he wished he had all those things. And boy, I must say that for teyla to be horning in on his dream, he didn't exactly 'go for it' did he? *g* All i got from that was that he was curious as to how she'd enjoy being a woman on earth with all of it's trappings and how she'd look in normal clothing. maybe he wishes she wasn't so 'alien'. *shrug*. Home was a pretty early ep so i don't take much from the ship either way in that one.



                Originally posted by Major_Moomin

                Prepare yourselves.....

                I have 100 posts!!...WOOOO!!!!

                Yay Moomin!

                Its like a mile stone isn't it? I did a little 'I'm a mature symbiote, I rock!' dance in may seat when I realized I got 25 posts (I am ridiculously easy to please).


                  Originally posted by Bama
                  Obviously the necklace simon gave liz was real. she had it on just recently. Or...if that were her dream, maybe simon was a cheapass who never bought her anything and she had to buy it herself but *wished* he'd have bought it.
                  regardless, I don't like her still wearing the dang thing and it needs to go. I don't like thinking she has any significant feelings left for that cheatin sob. (yeah, I know, I'm being hard on him but hey, this is my girl we're talking about here)
                  I know I haven't seen S2 but does anyone know which ep Elizabeth was wearing the necklace off simon? I only ask so that I can look out for it when S2 finally airs here *sighs* just over 42 days til Atlantis in the UK

                  Are we 100% sure that it was the necklace that simon gave her?

                  Maybe (if it is that necklace) she was wearing it because she likes it and didn't take much bling with her to Atlantis.

                  Originally posted by hail_dorothy
                  I did a little 'I'm a mature symbiote, I rock!' dance in may seat when I realized I got 25 posts (I am ridiculously easy to please).
                  I waved invisable happy flags and hummed the atlantis theme tune

                  oh, and before I forget... Go moomin, go moomin!


                    Originally posted by leafy

                    oh, and before I forget... Go moomin, go moomin!
                    Yay! thankyou!! And to hail_dorothy and Ra-hanna too!

                    Just noticed i'm a Jaffa Warrior aaannnnnd..I'm no longer incubating!!! triple yay!


                    Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                    LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                    Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                      Which knecklace? I thought she stopped wearing the heart shaped one after Intruder. Is she wearing the little one 'Simon gave her' in Home now? The problem i had with that scene is she tells him she's going back to Pegasus and he's all, ''Oh well, never mind, here take this with you.''
                      But then maybe that was what Liz hoped Simon would be like - supportive, understanding and not angry at her.

                      Maybe the reason she's kept the knecklace is simply bc it's pretty. I fell out with my best friend for over a year but kept the knecklace she'd bought me bc it was gorgeous.

                      Near the end when they're in the mist!gateroom John says:

                      ''Well, home for the last eleven months has been a research base in Antarctica ... although I did dream about a bachelor pad like that.''

                      I took that as a person who dreamed of owning a big pimp!style mansion just like everybody else (well me, certainly). Who wouldn't want a swimming pool in their backgarden?
                      There's theories that John's father was a hard assed military man who disowned him over Afgahnistan, or that he's an orphan (LFP - ''I’m not sure he even has a family back there – not all of us do'')

                      I don't think that John actually wants the playboy lifestyle. Just a feeling from watching Home. Everyones partying and he seems very subdued an uneasy. If he WAS a party boy, i'd expect a ''PARRRRRRRRRRRRTAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! WOOO!!'' instead of ''Looks like we ... are having ... a party.'' which he tells Ford when he brings the pizzas in. Then again, that could be bc of the mist interference and seeing his dead friends there


                        I thought John was kinda going with the flow of things, to find out what the hell was going on. Until, he couldn't take it anymore. He knew that wasn't his flat. And his friends were dead.


                          Something just occurred to me about Shep/Weir. We all know Shep is a big flirt. The thing is he often flirts with women he has just met and it's usually so overt. With Weir he didn't flirt when they first met nor should he have, but as the relationship has progressed I think we've seen flirting and yet I don't find it overt. I think it's a nice subtle thing between them.

                          I can't help rolling my eyes when he flirts with women he's just met because it's so overt.


                            Originally posted by SGLAB
                            Something just occurred to me about Shep/Weir. We all know Shep is a big flirt. The thing is he often flirts with women he has just met and it's usually so overt. With Weir he didn't flirt when they first met nor should he have, but as the relationship has progressed I think we've seen flirting and yet I don't find it overt. I think it's a nice subtle thing between them.

                            I can't help rolling my eyes when he flirts with women he's just met because it's so overt.
                            Boy have you hit on something I've been thinking about all along. How about a syllogism? Flyboys flirt. John is a flyboy. Therefore, John flirts.

                            But, he only flirts with women he doesn't know well or knows there will be no emotional involvement with. Ergo, met Teyla, flirted with Teyla, got to know Teyla, stopped flirting.
                            Now, with Weir it was highly inappropriate to flirt. She was technically his boss, so it never entered his mind. But after a year of slowly getting to be her arguably closest friend, he finds himself really flirting as John, not just doing what is expected of the stud flyboy. Of course it scares him spitless, but he finds he can't stop it. It's natural and feels damn good when he does it. He may even berate himself. (Damn, man she's your boss. What are you thinking?) But he's powerless, and in between near death experiences he thinks about it, but not too much yet.

                            Ok, make sense or not? I'm just back from a long weekend down in Williamsburg with some of my inlaws. Converted my husband's cousin to the cause. Margaritas were involved. Also I'm beginning my own long goodbye because next Tuesday I'm being dragged to Hawaii for 3 weeks. So, I've been lurking to try and make the break slowly. It's not working.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                              Which knecklace? I thought she stopped wearing the heart shaped one after Intruder. Is she wearing the little one 'Simon gave her' in Home now?
                              Technically that one from 'Home' doesn't exist, it wasn't Simon. Yeah, she stopped wearing the one she's had since the pilot after Intruder. I suppose that means that in some way it was symbolic of her relationship to Simon. Personally I didn't think it suited her much, bit chunky and odd looking (the necklace, not Simon ).

                              The problem i had with that scene is she tells him she's going back to Pegasus and he's all, ''Oh well, never mind, here take this with you.''
                              But then maybe that was what Liz hoped Simon would be like - supportive, understanding and not angry at her.
                              I think you've hit the nail on the head there SL. I think there was a definitely edge of idealized wish fulfillment for Elizabeth in 'Home'. When she pulls up the drive and he just lets her step into his arms like she's only been away for the weekend, I think that is completely what Elizabeth needs in that moment. The way she just closes her eyes like all the worry and stress of the last however long in Atlantis is finally draining away (love that moment so much btw). I also think Elizabeth probably feels guilty about leaving as she did and doesn't want Simon to be angry at her and that's what the aliens pick up on and use.

                              The thing that really gets me about Intruder is that they must have been home for at least a month to 6 weeks before
                              Simon says anything about having met someone else, you gotta expect them have have had sex in that time. So not only did he cheat on this 'someone else' he kinda strung Elizabeth along until the last moment before sticking the knife in. And that ladies and gents is the sign of a real tool.
                              Plus he probably nicked her dog as well: it's Schroedinger all over again (he's so IS Narim!!).


                                The necklace Simon "gave" her hasn't appeared since Home. That was a gold necklace, and the one she wore all through the first season was silver. She's not worn it in a while, though, which makes me wonder if Simon gave that one to her in the first place. Maybe John's noticed and will give her a new one for her birthday this year.
                                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                                Last update: 14 April 2006
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                                Last update: 15 February 2006

