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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by alyssa
    I wonder how long we'll be waiting for that ep..... when it happens I want all you US people to give us details!!! Details, people!! (are they all asleep? What time is it over there anyway --- there must be one timezone where they're awake!!)
    Don't know where they are but it's already 2 pm in France and I think I'll have to disconnect !! Damn thing those timezones !!! I'm sleeping when they're all posting and the next morning I have to catch up two or three pages of posts !! and the day I'm just talking to myself or praying that someone will post in the thread !!! Happy to have you here Alyssa !!

    Save Dr Elizabeth Weir: (spoiler for Atlantis season four)



      They're upto 8 hours behind us so it's about 5am for them, lol.



        Originally posted by snoopoony
        New music video !! A Sheppard/Weir one of course !!

        Spoilers up to Instinct season 2 !! The song is The Gift by Blue (never thought that I'd made a music video with a song by Blue but I thought the song was nice... so couldn't help to do a video !!)

        I hope you'll enjoy it !

        Here is the link :

        i'm crying right now. that was amamzing!
        Other men said they have seen angels,
        But I have seen thee
        And thou art enough. True love cannot be found where it truly does not exist,
        Nor can it be hidden where it truly does. To be in love is merely to be
        In a state of perpetual anesthesia:
        To mistake an ordinary young man for a Greek god
        Or an ordinary young woman for a goddess.



          Originally posted by SallyLizzie
          They're upto 8 hours behind us so it's about 5am for them, lol.

          Well, I knew they were some hours behind us but eight !!!! I knew I didn't like timezones....

          Save Dr Elizabeth Weir: (spoiler for Atlantis season four)



            Originally posted by sheppards2cool
            i'm crying right now. that was amamzing!
            ohhhhh!!!!! Thank you very much, I'm so glad you liked it. I have a few other ones but I'm trying to decide myself to build a site !! (though it's so complicated that I think I will never succeed !! Such a shame, I have so many music videos to show...) LOL ! I know everyone is tired of my wallpapers, music videos and fanfictions so that would be a good thing if I had a site of my own one. Wouldn't have to post all my things on that thread !

            Save Dr Elizabeth Weir: (spoiler for Atlantis season four)



              Originally posted by snoopoony
              Well, I knew they were some hours behind us but eight !!!! I knew I didn't like timezones....
              I wait up till after 3am on a fri night to get the new ep spoilers


                Originally posted by alyssa
                It's a bit after 10pm here. I know what you mean about having to catch up. I'll be doing the same around midday tomorrow..
                I've been hanging til ridiculous hours of the morning lately --- I'll be out by 11 tonight, I think, since I have to be up early in the morning.
                I'm so glad I discovered this site, though. You have no idea how good it is to find people who share my obsession! None of my friends are into Atlantis. Some like Stargate, but none have got into Atlantis. They don't know the 'goodness' that is Shep and Weir!!

                Same thing for me !! Though I myself get into Atlantis very late ! I was a bit tired with Stargate, I didn't follow the news on the net anymore so I had no idea that there was a spin off. When I saw the first episode, I was kind of... yeah, good, interesting, characters, story. I saw a bit of the two following episodes and then due to timetable I didn't saw the episodes Suspicion from Home. Fortunately, I watched The Storm and the Eye and.... then I never missed and episode again (guess because of what ). But my friends don't like sci-fi a lot, I'm the only one who does and it's even harder because Stargate and Stargate atlantis doesn't have the same popularity in France as they have in the US. Stargate is well known by everybody but not Stargate Atlantis, so the french forums aren't as good as this one !
                It's really good to find people you can talk with, even if you do not speak their language properly (thank you all guys *little tear*)....

                Save Dr Elizabeth Weir: (spoiler for Atlantis season four)



                  Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                  RAMROD OMG! That's just pure brilliant.
                  I'm glad someone liked it.

                  Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


                    Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                    I wait up till after 3am on a fri night to get the new ep spoilers
                    I don't do that !! I see spoilers when I come on the forum at 9 am. I'm sure there will be some !!
                    I have not seen the episodes of season 2 yet but I think I know them by heart !!!

                    Save Dr Elizabeth Weir: (spoiler for Atlantis season four)



                      When i was in 6th Form there where loads of us who were into SG1 and SGA, although the lads were all techies so i couldn't really talk SW with them. The girls in my art class were big into BtVS (*sobs* i miss that series) so we constantly talked about that and didn't mind talking about each others fandoms.

                      But now, everyones in college or uni or working and we've all lost touch. Dang RL.
                      I babble to Teh Family but they just ignore me, lol.


                        Am I forever doomed to post the last post before a new page!

                        Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


                          well, I'm asking everyone who's on the thread now. Days are getting long (I'm in holidays for a few weeks now) and I'm looking for music videos to make. But I have trouble finding songs that could fit with Sheppard and Weir. Do you know of some you would like to be made ?

                          Save Dr Elizabeth Weir: (spoiler for Atlantis season four)



                            Not that we're obsessed or anything, right?
                            Me, obsessed? Nooo. I didn't hack my DVD player and order dvds from overseas just bc they have TH and AT in them bc they're films never air in the UK

                            *looks shifty*

                            *runs away*


                              Originally posted by alyssa
                              Stargate and Atlantis aren't hugely popular here, either. Mostly (I'm sure) because the tv network that shows both shows stuffs around with their timeslots. It'll be on one week, then not the next... just crazy.
                              I watched the first ep of Atlantis thinking "whatever --- it might be okay". About 10 minutes into it I was hooked, and I didn't want to be!!

                              Hey! No saying you don't speak our language properly! I can tell you, many people who learn English as a second language are better at it than native speakers! Trust me --- as someone who's been in a position of employing people, there are plenty of people out there who can hardly string a sentence together!!

                              Also --- funny thing! I once saw an Ep of Stargate when I was in Paris! It was weird to hear the dubbed voices!

                              I so know what you meant !!!! In France, they showed Stargate at 9 pm and Stargate Atlantis after, but everytime there was an episode in two parts, they just aired the other show the next week. That was so hard to follow. I just in front of my TV and waited to see what they would show !

                              And for the dubbed voices, I haven't troubles with dubbed voices as long as I've never seen an episode with the original voices of the actors; once I did I can't watch an episode with the French voices again !!! Not that they're so bad, but it's really not the same thing. All those dubbed voices system sucks but well... I understand it, for most people it's really unconveniant to watch something with subtitles, so well... I let them see the french version and I watch the English one !!!

                              Save Dr Elizabeth Weir: (spoiler for Atlantis season four)



                                Originally posted by snoopoony
                                well, I'm asking everyone who's on the thread now. Days are getting long (I'm in holidays for a few weeks now) and I'm looking for music videos to make. But I have trouble finding songs that could fit with Sheppard and Weir. Do you know of some you would like to be made ?
                                You know, i had loads but now i've forgotten them all


                                Am I forever doomed to post the last post before a new page!
                                Apparantly not, lol

                                See, this is where you're lucky! You talk sci-fi in Australia, and people look at you like you're some kind of nerd! I have discovered though, that there's a surprising number of Stargate fans out there.
                                It's funny bc i never realised how many Stargate/XF fans there were around in school. I was known for obsessing over those scifi shows and then i find i'm not alone in my obsessions

                                I had a pic of TH on my pc when my friend came round and said ''Ah, she can't act, she's terrible. Teyla's a babe''. Now i never thought he would be into scifi of any kind so after my initial ''DON'T BASH TORRI! SHE ROCKS'' rant, i backtracked and went ''Huh? You watch Atlantis!?''

