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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SallyLizzie
    i just read this over at ffn and found it very funny. Thought you guys might like it. Enjoy
    Great FF!
    I love Rodney. Even when he is in FF people still use his character to make me laugh!

    Got any more?


      I love Rodey. His sense of humour is just like mine - sarcastic through and through
      I don't recal ever reading a fic where he was written OOC. He's just so funny.

      I read this last night and thought it was sweet. I loved the desk part near the end, great mental image
      Oh and i've been keeping up with Elizabeth Weir's Diary. OOC but it still amuses me.


        Originally posted by SallyLizzie
        I read this last night and thought it was sweet. I loved the desk part near the end, great mental image
        Chocolate chip ice cream. Won't think of that the same way again.

        When all else fails, change channels.


          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
          Chocolate chip ice cream. Won't think of that the same way again.
          Is there anything this fandom hasn't corrupted yet?
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            If not, it's just 'cause we haven't got there yet.

            Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
            still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


              Originally posted by Melyanna
              Is there anything this fandom hasn't corrupted yet?
              Um *thinks* err.... uh...No...!! 0

              "You know love. It's a strange and mysterious... thing..." - Jack "Sacrifices"

              SAM/JACK for sg1
              and though i promised myself i wouldn't ship for atlantis.... PROUD SHWEIR SHIPPER


                There is'nt a "Ronon Dex\Rodney" ship\slash\friends\mates thread is there?

                Team RamRod.

                Rodney And Mate Ronon Dex

                NOTE : "Mate" is used her in the colliquial Australian expression for a friend or colleague, most often used between 2 males, but not exclusively.

                TM MackTheKnife. (And Super Troopers)

                Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  Is there anything this fandom hasn't corrupted yet?
                  Do you even have to ask that question?


                    I'm tired (but happy) from the Bama game but just a couple of quick thoughts before I hit the hay.

                    I was thinking earlier about the 'sacrifice' shown by Elizabeth in eps like 'home' and 'rising' and I think the creators definitely set her up to be the one who denies everything in order to make atlantis the great city of legend once more. I think they see her as a Greek-like goddess of growing and expanding great wisdom who is willing to give all for the good of the state. Eps such as BIS have already 'aligned' her with the wisdom and patience of the ancients. John, I think they see as the Greek-like 'traditional' anti-hero. (For some reason, I see jason and the argonauts when I look at shep and his team sometimes) He slays but is never quite satisfied-can never quite reach the 'golden ring' he seeks though the answers are within him. He prays to the goddess (as jason does athena constantly) for help and she bestows but always sins once more and is always in need of forgiveness.

                    Weird thinking I know but i do think they're thinking 'greekish' lore w/these characters in comparison to the egyptian lore of sg-1.

                    I also had a thought on Elizabeth and BIS. (You think a lot on a two hour interstate drive) We learn a lot, lot about her in that episode. Quite the character enrichment. Not only does the ep underscore her allegorically as an 'ancient' of great wisdom, it also tells us that she understands what is being asked of her personally is a great sacrifice and one she is willing to make.

                    In this vein, I think this important shipper-wise because I truly think Eliz. has, in her own mind, closed the door on the chance of a romantic relationship in her life. I think she sees her sever with simon as the ultimate and justified sacrifice for her destiny. In BIS though, we see there is a small part of her, buried deep within that still yearns to breathe, to laugh and to love. She still has that tiny submerged hope of full happiness that she dares to explore.

                    These two characters are so fascinating independently but their connection and inevitable path toward and with each other makes them even more so.

                    just some ramblings that probably made no sense...
                    hey, it's late, i can't talk and i'm exhausted...; )



                      I think that to be a good leader, you must have a strong potential of love, compassion ....And Elizabeth has this potential. As you said, Bama, she sacrificed everything she had for Atlantis, but in time I'm sure she'll understand that the more she tries to protect herself from any strong relationship, the less she serves the city well. Let me explain : It is important for a leader to be strong, to make the right decisions but I think that most people prefers also a leader that may sometimes fail but a leader who is interested in their well being, someone who really cares about them and I could bet that Sheppard and every people on Atlantis prefers by far to be under the command of Elizabeth Weir than under Caldwell's one !

                      I remember the old Elizabeth said to the young one that she had to enjoy her life (or something like that) and in the end, Elizabeth will really understand what it meant : if she wants to make the city what it was, she has to love it, she has to love what she does (and she does). But if she was to fall in love with someone (though I should said when she’ll fall in love with Sheppard…) she’ll need to understand that there’s no point in denying a relationship. This love could only improve her and the leader she is. Whatever happens, whatever this love could bring as problems, in the end, it would make her evolve much more faster and better than many years of loneliness !

                      Did that make sense ??

                      Save Dr Elizabeth Weir: (spoiler for Atlantis season four)



                        Originally posted by alyssa
                        I just think it may be several years before they decide to do something along the lines of Shep/Weir

                        I hope it won't take several years !! You are all so incredible. You're talking of a kiss in season four, a real relationship in season 6.... But how do you do ?? I know I won't have the heart to wait several years !!!!! (I had enough of Sam and Jack, I love them but they just tired me in the end.... ) I won't stand that if it happens again with Sheppard and Weir !! You'll have to be very patient with me because I swear that if nothing significant happens by the end of season three (and I'm generous !!) I will start to be really aggressive and unbearable !! Just be warned !!

                        Save Dr Elizabeth Weir: (spoiler for Atlantis season four)



                          I think (am hoping) that the big difference between SJ and SW is that they'll let SW continually develope without jerking about like SJ. I can see SW being steady and constant where as i felt SJ was sporadic. You can pick out a handfull of shippy SJ eps but with SW there's something shippy in nearly all of the eps.

                          Chocolate chip ice cream. Won't think of that the same way again.
                          Come to think of it, i've read a lot of SW food!fics. I think it's great bc i see John and Liz being a flirty, teasing, playful couple.

                          Other things this fandom had corrupted: chocolate, ice cream, fruit, closets, mints, chicken, puddlejumpers....oh yeah...ShepWeir - so hot it corrupts everything in sight!

                          RAMROD OMG! That's just pure brilliant.


                            Originally posted by alyssa
                            Were you an X-Files fan? Remember how we lasted so long with the whole Mulder/Scully thing? The slightest look/touch was really 'shippy' because of that. I think we may see something similar with Shep and Weir.
                            It's a basic principle of episodic television not to get into these things too quickly --- they can go bad too easily. Unless it's an established relationship, that is.....
                            I never watched X files that much. I've seen a lot of episodes but I never had really the time to watch it entirely and I never succeed to catch up all the episodes I've missed but I see your point and I totally agree with it (but still, three, four years of waiting would be, in my opinion, really enough !! ).
                            Remember Farscape, the John and Aeryn relationship didn't take that long and it was amazing !!

                            Well, I'm complaining but if it had to take eight years, that won't prevent me from watching the show.... love Stargate Atlantis too much for that !!!

                            Save Dr Elizabeth Weir: (spoiler for Atlantis season four)



                              Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                              I think (am hoping) that the big difference between SJ and SW is that they'll let SW continually develope without jerking about like SJ. I can see SW being steady and constant where as i felt SJ was sporadic. You can pick out a handfull of shippy SJ eps but with SW there's something shippy in nearly all of the eps.

                              Come to think of it, i've read a lot of SW food!fics. I think it's great bc i see John and Liz being a flirty, teasing, playful couple.

                              Other things this fandom had corrupted: chocolate, ice cream, fruit, closets, mints, chicken, puddlejumpers....oh yeah...ShepWeir - so hot it corrupts everything in sight!

                              RAMROD OMG! That's just pure brilliant.
                              I agree with you about the differences in the J/S & S/W ship.......I for one am looking forward to them developing the John & Liz relationship slowly.......i love the hints & teases of more to come.

                              U r right about the amount of 'food fic' around, my fave at the moment has to be 'strawberries' , it could go on forever......banana's, pineapples, plums etc etc etc......mmmmm John Sheppard & fresh fruit, what a yummy combination!
                              sailing the ship to Sparkyville!


                                Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                                I think (am hoping) that the big difference between SJ and SW is that they'll let SW continually develope without jerking about like SJ. I can see SW being steady and constant where as i felt SJ was sporadic. You can pick out a handfull of shippy SJ eps but with SW there's something shippy in nearly all of the eps.
                                I agree with you. When I watched Stargate, I had the impression the writers made a J/S shipper episode and then just forgot what S and J felt for each other during ten episodes !! That was weird. But it gave to S and J episodes that special emotion that made you cry while watching the ep... (remember D an C, can't help to think about this ep. without jumping on my chair !)

                                SW never really had their episode so far but it's true you can find shippy details in almost all Stargate Atlantis episodes. Don't know what the best ? A full shippy episode or some spread shippy moments through all episodes. (if you ask me, I wouldn't mind both... )

                                Save Dr Elizabeth Weir: (spoiler for Atlantis season four)


