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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Bama
    looks like...
    We get everything but the 'kiss' between them in this ep. Lots of talking...Eliz. in his room...emotion...Eliz. looks very close to tears in that scene over his bed...perhaps even a devestating goodbye...

    Are TPTB trying to send us a message? Do they intend to make shep/weir one of those long-term relationship where 'they deeply love each other and are so obviously the perfect mate for each other but circumstances will deny them the natrual male/female exploration touches that should deepen and increase as the ship does? If it walks like a duck...

    I've endured one of those...almost tore my guts out but I endured...

    I can do it again. This one is worth it I think.

    That's interesting to think about, would love to see a long term realtionship between one of my favorite ships (shweir or mcweir, yep shweir is one of my favorites now ) and it'd be worth it either one of them.

    Mulder/Scully? That one took forever, I mean it was also soo obvious, I was 8 when I first watched xfiles, and I saw it then.
    Last edited by weirfan517; 30 August 2005, 06:30 PM.
    McKay: I'm invulnerable!
    Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
    McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

    McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

    First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
    My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


      I was feeling creative today:

      First: I did a "fic" picture? If you would... at Langford_U

      Second: Three Backgrounds (xposted like wOAh)
      Last edited by wizengamot; 30 August 2005, 07:23 PM.
      Citizen of Braneville


        Originally posted by Bama
        You know I love the 'Rod'. His ego is the sexiest thing about him tho imo. ; ) I don't really have a 'second ship' yet...maybe I'll buy real estate in the tey/dex land with a little more prodding.

        But I do *so* enjoy Eliz./Rodney scenes together. She just stays on his case all the time but in such an 'Elizabeth' way that you love her for it. ; )

        Ok...back to regularly scheduled shep/weir drooling...
        *Waves hand to teacher and points at Weirfan* "SHE is distracting me from workin Miz Teacher!" *Sticks out tongue at Weirfan*

        -B ; )
        I see the Ronan/Tey'la thing as well. I haven't seen the latest SG-1 and SG-A eps mainly cuz I haven't had a chance to apply my "alternative method" for watching them yet.

        And I agree!!!! John and Liz are so great together!


          Originally posted by Bama
          Hey Weirfan! What's the catch gal? ; ) YOU of all people, commenting on a happy john pic on the shep/weir board? If I didn't know better, I'd say we're turning you. Step closer to the light is blinding. *winks*

          Great pic. We needed that.

          either that or the assimilation nanoprobes are taking effect....


            welcome Newbies!!!!


              Originally posted by mad_gater
              welcome Newbies!!!!
              hey! I know I typed that all in caps! WTF is goin' on??!?!?!?! why is GW de-capitalizing what I type?!?!?!?!


                Originally posted by Bama
                "Sheppard becomes infected with a retrovirus which is slowly devolving him into an iratus bug, so Beckett, McKay, Ronon and Teyla go on a mission to find some bug eggs to use in a stem cell treatment that Beckett has come up with. Meanwhile, the major is slowly turning into a monster and wrestling with his human and more primal sides. The episode has some very strong emotional moments between Sheppard and Elizabeth, who is struggling with the very real possibility that she could lose him for good"

                Yep...this episode is sounding SO good!

                There. I fixed it. Ah.... It reads way better now and I've melted into a pile of goo on the floor. ; )

                I want her crying, desperate, breathless, incoherent, longing, needy, pissed, angry, frustrated, shocked, and telling him how she feels about this bleepin thing! Dadgumit! Turn it loose woman!


                P.S. No offense Elinor, but it had to be done. ; )
                Hee hee! No offense taken.....ah, if only it had REALLY said that. We'd be on Cloud 9!

                I think we're gonna be in for some good stuff though....I can feel it in me bones!!


                  Playing catch up. Geez ur guys are on a roll!!!!! Random thought....Ermmmm.... we`ve got it bad huh ? I can see TPTB LTAO at us and rubbing their hands in glee until post 9/9 to see how SGA` s ratings has skyrocketed! Can we expect another GW server crash?? BTW the 2 week layover just sucks ....on the other hand I might do something "normal" again instead spending all of Sat morning in here reading all the SW tidbits Yeah I know us Sparky!Lovers are just hopeless & pathetic during SCIFI season...ask my hubby

                  “I know how Sheppard can be,” “He’s an incredibly strong man,” “and Elizabeth is his weakness. He doesn’t know how to handle that.”
                  - Rodney to AU Elizabeth : quote from PeanutButterer`s The Other Side


                    OMG, i had just finished reading this post (during work btw ) and guess who i met??

                    A lady name E. Shepperd!!!!!!! And guess what the E stands for?? Yep, you got it.....ELIZABETH!!!!

                    Hows that for prophetic

                    Lovebar made by natz099
                    My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                      WELCOME TO ALL NEWBIES from me too

                      Today I had a really strange dream....
                      I dreamed, about conversion. Liz had really cool clothes. dark Jeans, Green Top and a light-Jeany blazer! She and John were standing in a room, and he told her, that he don't want to hurt her, she told him that he would never be able to hurt her. Then they kissed and layed down on a bed. Liz snuggled John for comfort.

                      It's mean, now I'm thinking about this dream the whole day! (-> maybe I was reading too much Fanfics )

                      But, this made me thoughtful.... Is it 100% sure that they will kiss in this episode????????? I mean Teyla and John, can't it be someone else?????


                        Hello everybody!!

                        I've been away last weekend for a 3 day hike and got back last night (and bloody hell my shoulders hurt!!)

                        So now ive been playing catchup for the last hour!

                        Here are my thoughts...

                        - Bama...your fic was amazing!! I'm thinking maybe we could torture you into writing more? *shakes mints at Bama*

                        - On 'Bambams' latest blog : Sounds amazing!...I totally think this is gonna be one of the best episodes this season, if the THE best! REALLY can't wait untill images start to make it to us!

                        - WELCOME NEWBIES!!!!!

                        - angry sheyla's...Bleh!

                        - nice Sheyla's...yay!

                        - Shep/weir shippers...We ROCK!!!!


                        Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                        LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                        Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                          Originally posted by Elinor
                          Hee hee! No offense taken.....ah, if only it had REALLY said that. We'd be on Cloud 9!

                          I think we're gonna be in for some good stuff though....I can feel it in me bones!!

                          Ahhh...I think we are too and not just in this episode. TPTB set the shippy tone for the entire season with the first ep and I've seen nothing to make me think they're backing off that in any way. Emotions are slowly continuing to build between shep and Eliz.

                          In that spirit, I have a short list of 3 things to look for in 'Conversion'.

                          #1. John's REACTION. To whatever form of wraithysmooching he and Tey may share. Her reaction I can guess and besides, hers is not the one I'm concerned about-*she* ain't one half of *this* ship.

                          #2. Near Tears. Watching Elizabeth's emotion has become somewhat of a hobby for me within this ship. If she stays upset and near emotional breakdown the bulk of the ep, the 'ding! ding!' we have a shippy winner.

                          #3. That shippy music. We heard it when they rejoined in Siege 3 and a big emotional 'moment' transpired. Will we hear that beautiful Atlantis theme slow down to a crawl for our duo once more as they wrestle this heartwrencher together? Let our ears be aware.

                          -B ; )


                            Originally posted by Bama
                            Are TPTB trying to send us a message? Do they intend to make shep/weir one of those long-term relationship where 'they deeply love each other and are so obviously the perfect mate for each other but circumstances will deny them the natrual male/female exploration touches that should deepen and increase as the ship does? If it walks like a duck...
                            It seems possible. Being a fan of a CSI pairing..... I can take this one as well. But do you think we can be that patient?

                            mad_gater I love your Borg sig!
                            Last edited by Vixen; 31 August 2005, 05:48 AM.


                              Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                              OMG, i had just finished reading this post (during work btw ) and guess who i met??

                              A lady name E. Shepperd!!!!!!! And guess what the E stands for?? Yep, you got it.....ELIZABETH!!!!

                              Hows that for prophetic
                              Woo what coincidence!


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                TPTB set the shippy tone for the entire season with the first ep and I've seen nothing to make me think they're backing off that in any way. Emotions are slowly continuing to build between shep and Eliz.
                                I've noticed the shippy feel to the season... and I haven't even seen the eps yet. LOL!
                                *Rubs hands in anticipation*
                                I can't wait.

