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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Don't some of the promo shots for this episode show Sheppard & Co. in front of caves & outsidey type backgrounds? So he must leave at some point. And isn't there a spoiler
    about a nest of bugs??


      Originally posted by Bama
      Now, that makes sense.

      I hadn't heard that he actually 'left' at any time. I definitely can see him wanting to for fear of harming them. And I'd love to hear -and think we very well may- a conversation between John and Eliz. about this very thing. I can hear him saying something like, "I need to go and you know it." (again) and I can hear her refusing because she refuses to give up on him. "No John, I'm not letting you leave. We can help you get through this."
      This ep just screams 'emotion'!

      The idea of him leaving comes from the episode pics that came out a while back. He's definitely offworld at some point.

      Okay, went frame-by-frame through a bit more of it. The part where Teyla's got a gun on John isn't the same scene as the following clip, where he's coming down the stairs into the gate room. She's in a corridor, and he's obviously not. He also throws a couple soldiers around in the corridor where Teyla's standing, I think. So I'm curious to know how much security he overpowers to get out of the city. (And where Elizabeth is during all this. )
      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
      Last update: 14 April 2006
      Melyanna's Multimedia
      Last update: 15 February 2006


        Originally posted by Bama
        You know guys....
        . Since mel has (almost) established that Eliz. is in the bedroom with john and she's obviously 'hovering' over him while he's going thru this, perhaps we'll see a scene where he does almost hurt her (maybe the scene where she looks down at him and she says, "Oh my god!" )and that is the straw that breaks the camel's back and convinces him that he needs to 'go'.

        What I can't figure out is where the supposed 'kiss' with tey comes in. Is it in the beginning of the ep during a stick fight when he begins to feel too aggressive? OR is it later in the ep when he has already transformed and he's trying to suck life from her? I prefer the latter and it fits that this 'kiss' isn't 'what you might think'. we've heard that from TPTB.


        Well, this is going to sound funny, but I think the kiss is what tips everyone off that there's a problem. I think it's rough and aggressive, and comes off more as an assault than a romantic advance. The pictures we've seen where John has Teyla pinned to the wall in the gym are pretty telling — Teyla looks terrified. That's not the beginning of a romance. And at that point I'd think that John knows something's wrong and goes to the infirmary on his own volition.

        Of course, your latter suggestion is a possibility too, though that'd be a cheap way to rile up the shippers.
        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
        Last update: 14 April 2006
        Melyanna's Multimedia
        Last update: 15 February 2006


          Originally posted by Melyanna
          Well, this is going to sound funny, but I think the kiss is what tips everyone off that there's a problem. I think it's rough and aggressive, and comes off more as an assault than a romantic advance. The pictures we've seen where John has Teyla pinned to the wall in the gym are pretty telling — Teyla looks terrified. That's not the beginning of a romance. And at that point I'd think that John knows something's wrong and goes to the infirmary on his own volition.

          Of course, your latter suggestion is a possibility too, though that'd be a cheap way to rile up the shippers.

          Yes. *nods head* An overly aggressive kiss is certainly a tip. However, what concerns me, is not so much how Tey reacts to it but as to *why* john does it to begin with. Does this 'aggression' turn him on? I mean, growing aggressive wraith!john could slap her or something or knock her on her ass but he kisses/gnaws at her?

          I think Tey will be rightfully frightened and not at all turned on by this wraithy, machoism However, the flip side of the coin does concern me a bit I must admit. Does he 'calm down' and go tell her he was out of his mind? Is Elizabeth made privy to this 'incident'?

          Every indication from TPTB imo, since mid-first season has been that they're long-terming a deep ship between John and Eliz. and I just hope they aren't using this as a cheap antic to keep things stirred up. Let the characters grow and develop and let the chips fall where they may. I feel good if they'll do it the right way.



            Originally posted by Bama

            Yes. *nods head* An overly aggressive kiss is certainly a tip. However, what concerns me, is not so much how Tey reacts to it but as to *why* john does it to begin with. Does this 'aggression' turn him on? I mean, growing aggressive wraith!john could slap her or something or knock her on her ass but he kisses/gnaws at her?

            I think Tey will be rightfully frightened and not at all turned on by this wraithy, machoism However, the flip side of the coin does concern me a bit I must admit. Does he 'calm down' and go tell her he was out of his mind? Is Elizabeth made privy to this 'incident'?

            Every indication from TPTB imo, since mid-first season has been that they're long-terming a deep ship between John and Eliz. and I just hope they aren't using this as a cheap antic to keep things stirred up. Let the characters grow and develop and let the chips fall where they may. I feel good if they'll do it the right way.

            Just remember - J. Mallozzi has stated that TPTB DO read the episode threads to see how fans react. After watching, be sure to voice your opinions - good and bad, on the episode of the week. Doesn't mean one goes overboard gushing about fav "ships" - just give your honest opinion on what you felt was right and wrong about an episode.

            I think the "Conversion" thread is going to be quite popular for several different reasons.

            When all else fails, change channels.


              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
              Just remember - J. Mallozzi has stated that TPTB DO read the episode threads to see how fans react. After watching, be sure to voice your opinions - good and bad, on the episode of the week. Doesn't mean one goes overboard gushing about fav "ships" - just give your honest opinion on what you felt was right and wrong about an episode.

              I think the "Conversion" thread is going to be quite popular for several different reasons.
              What, you think *I* might have an opinion on this ep? ; )

              Well, then SURELY ol Joe has picked up on how popular the idea of Shep/Weir ship is. ; ) TPTB knew *exactly* what they were doing in Siege 3 folks. That stupid comment of his was just that. We even had shippy MUSIC for goodness sakes! ; )

              I hope they don't think we want some sort of triangle/quad sort of thing. Confusion for confusion's sake isn't good imo.
              As long as they give me my 'long-term' love between my boy and girl that I've consistently been seeing since season one, I'll let them give a wraith/ 'gnaw' moment to john/tey.


              -Bama ; )


                Thanks for all the great discussion following my earlier post about anti-shippers. I love throwing out ideas like that and watching the real analysts take over. OMG, I'm still a teacher. There are some real sci fi snobs out there, but I agree there's room for everyone. As far as I know there's no genre of literature that omits human relationships. I plan to henceforth embrace my shippiness.

                has us all spooked and rightly so. Let's see JF said there is a kiss with Rachel but "its not what you think." So, what do you suppose we think, Joe. Romance would be logical, but some of us are having trouble seeing that. Maybe we think she suddenly can't take it anymore and kisses you. Hmmm? Maybe we think you do it to distract her so you can finally win for a change and then have to apologize. Maybe as someone else mentioned you have been on Atlantis for over a year in close proximity to a hot sweaty woman and YOU can't take it anymore,so testosterone overload (and Lord knows you have a good supply of that) leads you to do something unexpected. But then she tells you that she doesn't think of you that way, but you're like a brother to her. Hee. Or the other way around. Rachel said there was an "amazing" kiss. Again open for interpretation, although considering the lips involved, not so much. Any of these will lead us back to John and Elizabeth.

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Here's a bit of info on Conversion. It's Martin Gero talking to TV Zone Special #64
                  "Sheppard becomes infected with a retrovirus which is slowly devolving him into an iratus bug, so Beckett, McKay, Ronon and Teyla go on a mission to find some bug eggs to use in a stem cell treatment that Beckett has come up with. Meanwhile, the major is slowly turning into a monster and wrestling with his human and more primal sides. The episode has some very strong emotional moments between Sheppard and his team-mates, who are struggling with the very real possibility that they could lose him for good"

                  Yep...this episode is sounding SO good!


                    Originally posted by Southern Red
                    has us all spooked and rightly so. Let's see JF said there is a kiss with Rachel but "its not what you think." So, what do you suppose we think, Joe. Rachel said there was an "amazing" kiss. Again open for interpretation, although considering the lips involved, not so much. Any of these will lead us back to John and Elizabeth.
                    Remember, Rachel was hired to be Sheppard's romantic interest. It didn't pan out with the fans, but without the Shep/Tey romance, Rachel's job could be in jeopardy - what "else" can Teyla do? Therefore, Rachel IS going to promote Shep/Teyla whenever she is interviewed. When GW was down the other day, I lurked at another site and there was a discussion about Teyla being this season's Ford. That has to be scary for Rachel - the lady wants to keep her job, and I can understand that. And that is why I believe TPTB brought in Ronon - to help build Teyla and give her something ELSE to do and have more opportunities to interact with others besides Sheppard.

                    When all else fails, change channels.


                      Originally posted by Elinor
                      Here's a bit of info on Conversion. It's Martin Gero talking to TV Zone Special #64
                      "Sheppard becomes infected with a retrovirus which is slowly devolving him into an iratus bug, so Beckett, McKay, Ronon and Teyla go on a mission to find some bug eggs to use in a stem cell treatment that Beckett has come up with. Meanwhile, the major is slowly turning into a monster and wrestling with his human and more primal sides. The episode has some very strong emotional moments between Sheppard and his team-mates, who are struggling with the very real possibility that they could lose him for good"

                      Yep...this episode is sounding SO good!

                      wowwww !!! If Beckett, McKay, Ronon and Teyla are away while John is turning into that monster, that means..... that he is alone with Elizabeth !!!!!

                      That 's perfect !!! If TPTB have not managed to write intimate scenes between those two though all the conditions tend to bring them closer, I'll just have to go on a suicide mission (... it's the Sheppard in me talking ).

                      Save Dr Elizabeth Weir: (spoiler for Atlantis season four)



                        Originally posted by snoopoony
                        wowwww !!! If Beckett, McKay, Ronon and Teyla are away while John is turning into that monster, that means..... that he is alone with Elizabeth !!!!!

                        That 's perfect !!! If TPTB have not managed to write intimate scenes between those two though all the conditions tend to bring them closer, I'll just have to go on a suicide mission (... it's the Sheppard in me talking ).

                        Umm actually Shep is offworld with the team when all this happens. Im not sure if you saw spoiler photos but here they are if your interested:



                          Originally posted by Elinor
                          Here's a bit of info on Conversion. It's Martin Gero talking to TV Zone Special #64
                          "Sheppard becomes infected with a retrovirus which is slowly devolving him into an iratus bug, so Beckett, McKay, Ronon and Teyla go on a mission to find some bug eggs to use in a stem cell treatment that Beckett has come up with. Meanwhile, the major is slowly turning into a monster and wrestling with his human and more primal sides. The episode has some very strong emotional moments between Sheppard and his team-mates, who are struggling with the very real possibility that they could lose him for good"

                          Yep...this episode is sounding SO good!


                          Well...well...that leaves his cute buns on Atlantis for most the ep for his sweetheart of a boss to 'deal' with and console him. ; ) I'm diggin that. I'm seeing an ep full of yummy Eliz/Shep scenes.


                            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                            Remember, Rachel was hired to be Sheppard's romantic interest. It didn't pan out with the fans, but without the Shep/Tey romance, Rachel's job could be in jeopardy - what "else" can Teyla do? Therefore, Rachel IS going to promote Shep/Teyla whenever she is interviewed. When GW was down the other day, I lurked at another site and there was a discussion about Teyla being this season's Ford. That has to be scary for Rachel - the lady wants to keep her job, and I can understand that. And that is why I believe TPTB brought in Ronon - to help build Teyla and give her something ELSE to do and have more opportunities to interact with others besides Sheppard.
                            Argh! I like where Tey has been heading this season as a character and I *really* like what Dex does with her. I think the writers should be able to write some interesting storylines revolving around she and Dex's problems with their own people and the wraith. Not to mention that yummy vibe between them that's developing.



                              Originally posted by Elinor
                              Here's a bit of info on Conversion. It's Martin Gero talking to TV Zone Special #64
                              "Sheppard becomes infected with a retrovirus which is slowly devolving him into an iratus bug, so Beckett, McKay, Ronon and Teyla go on a mission to find some bug eggs to use in a stem cell treatment that Beckett has come up with. Meanwhile, the major is slowly turning into a monster and wrestling with his human and more primal sides. The episode has some very strong emotional moments between Sheppard and his team-mates, who are struggling with the very real possibility that they could lose him for good"

                              Yep...this episode is sounding SO good!

                              I can almost taste the angst of the ep!
                              We all love
                              very strong emotional moments
                              Especially between Liz and John.

                              Perhaps, if Shep is devolving then because he is becoming a iratus bug he develops wraith-like tendencies. After all the bugs did eventually evolve to become wraith. That could explain the slaming Teyla against the wall...thing. He could be doing it because he has the urge to feed and yet lacks the parts (hole in hand) to do so.

                              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                              Remember, Rachel was hired to be Sheppard's romantic interest. It didn't pan out with the fans, but without the Shep/Tey romance, Rachel's job could be in jeopardy - what "else" can Teyla do? Therefore, Rachel IS going to promote Shep/Teyla whenever she is interviewed.
                              What can I say? but DITTO!
                              I thought that the spoilers that everyone else has divulged didn't add up with the spoilers that Rachel mentioned.
                              Take the Amazing kiss for example. (Unless the kiss she mentioned isn't from that ep)

                              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                              When GW was down the other day, I lurked at another site and there was a discussion about Teyla being this season's Ford. That has to be scary for Rachel - the lady wants to keep her job, and I can understand that. And that is why I believe TPTB brought in Ronon - to help build Teyla and give her something ELSE to do and have more opportunities to interact with others besides Sheppard.
                              I like the sound of Ronon, even though I haven't seen a single ep with him in yet. He sounds like a character with many layers. When I read info about him he seems to be more than just the warrior that I first believed him to be.

                              I am also very interested in how Teyla reacts and responds to him because I feel that she was (in S1) not used to her full potential.

                              Just my ramblings...


                                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                                Remember, Rachel was hired to be Sheppard's romantic interest. It didn't pan out with the fans, but without the Shep/Tey romance, Rachel's job could be in jeopardy - what "else" can Teyla do? Therefore, Rachel IS going to promote Shep/Teyla whenever she is interviewed. When GW was down the other day, I lurked at another site and there was a discussion about Teyla being this season's Ford. That has to be scary for Rachel - the lady wants to keep her job, and I can understand that. And that is why I believe TPTB brought in Ronon - to help build Teyla and give her something ELSE to do and have more opportunities to interact with others besides Sheppard.
                                Excellent ideas. I totally forgot all that, but I sure wish politics didn't have to be a part of it. I love Rachel as Teyla this season. Rachel is finally getting to show her acting ability.

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

