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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Bama
    Weir opening a can of whoopass on John? LOL! There has got to be a lot more to it! ; ) I'm wondering if there's not something that happens...a temporary transformation of a sort to Weir in this one that makes her extremely aggressive? And John, being that he is obviously protective of her-refuses to fight her back and lets her beat up on him....That would be fun to see. Wow...this ep sounds like a blast for us Shep/Weir crazies. ; )

    Heh. I'm somehow loving that scenario


      Originally posted by Major_Moomin
      Welcome Leafy!...Have a mint, they're not dangerous I swear!
      Mint huh... I think I'll pass on that one

      I just saw a really shippy picture, it's number 10 (I think) of the Conversion spoiler pics. Is anyone else desperate to know what they're thinking?
      I must admit to be slightly worried about this ep what with the
      Sheyla rumours an' all.

      At least we can take comfort in the later eps
      filled with weir/shep goodness including of course the highly anticipated "whup ass" moment.


        Originally posted by Bama
        Oh yeah...something else I wanted to ask you guys about and I'll just edit it here so I don't have to make multiple posts....
        Can someone explain to me why in the last episode that when
        John approached Elizabeth in her office about letting Rodney continue with the testing on the power source that Caldwell was with him? I didn't think that much about it at first but then I thought, 'that's a little weird...he knows he can approach Elizabeth and ask about something and she'll listen without having to have any kind of backup.' And then I wondered...did John do it to bring even more pressure to bear on Elizabeth or did he feel like he had to do it because Caldwell is the ranking officer whenever he is on Atlantis?

        Any ideas on that folks?

        -Bama ; )
        Who says that
        John wanted Caldwell to be there, let alone asked him to come along? Maybe Caldwell was already there and John just couldn't find an excuse to get rid of him.
        At least that's been my take on the scene from the first time I saw it.


          Originally posted by Vixen
          Heh. I'm somehow loving that scenario
          Oh yeah...I know...that idea gets my juices pumping too...just yummy...
          I'll be very, very interested to see John's reaction to an Elizabeth that is trying to hurt him. One thing I love between them that is so obvious already is their protectiveness toward each other. John is naturally protective of women -being a great guy of course...I mean, he warned Ronon off of Teyla for fear of him hurting her-which he very easily could have. But with Elizabeth, it's different...he ratchets it up a notch. Part of it I'm sure is that he knows / thinks she can't defend herself as well but I think part of it is also more. He sees her as a woman in all aspects and he cares for her and doesn't want her hurt. You can build a lot of shippiness around those two things. ; )

          Oh, and I'm diggin all the newbies!!!! Welcome to you all! Glad you're out of lurkdom!!! It is terrific here!

          -Bama ; )


            Okay welcome Kookaburra, leafy and kingshell!

            Originally posted by leafy

            I just saw a really shippy picture, it's number 10 (I think) of the Conversion spoiler pics. Is anyone else desperate to know what they're thinking?
            Thanks for reminding me! There's another interesting J/E Conversion pic at New Atlantis. The fifth one. I haven't seen it before anyway.


              Originally posted by Bama
              Oh yeah...I know...that idea gets my juices pumping too...just yummy...
              I'll be very, very interested to see John's reaction to an Elizabeth that is trying to hurt him. One thing I love between them that is so obvious already is their protectiveness toward each other. John is naturally protective of women -being a great guy of course...I mean, he warned Ronon off of Teyla for fear of him hurting her-which he very easily could have. But with Elizabeth, it's different...he ratchets it up a notch. Part of it I'm sure is that he knows / thinks she can't defend herself as well but I think part of it is also more. He sees her as a woman in all aspects and he cares for her and doesn't want her hurt. You can build a lot of shippiness around those two things. ; )

              Oh, and I'm diggin all the newbies!!!! Welcome to you all! Glad you're out of lurkdom!!! It is terrific here!

              -Bama ; )
              you know personally
              I don't think that we're gonna see 'evil' Liz kicking his but to hurt him in this Ep. I just think it's gonna be a small segment that shows them stick fighting. Liz has probably been getting lessons from Teyla without Johns knowledge and kicks his Ass when fighting with him...afterall, we all know he's not very good at it, he hasn't been practising!
              However, I could be wrong..We'll just have to wait and see...Damn you gateworld, update already!

              Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

              LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

              Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                My take is that the
                Weir "whup ass" on Shep is going to be more verbal/mental than physical. More her style.

                When all else fails, change channels.


                  Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                  My take is that the
                  Weir "whup ass" on Shep is going to be more verbal/mental than physical. More her style.
                  Good idea FP, I originally thought that.
                  But they have verbal spats all the time, why would they hightlight this episode as being good for Torri if it was the same?...
                  Still, your probably right, her pinning him on the floor of the gym is just too good to be true!
                  ...mmm...the imagery...arg! gutter! gutter!...i'm happy

                  Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                  LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                  Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                    Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                    you know personally
                    I don't think that we're gonna see 'evil' Liz kicking his but to hurt him in this Ep. I just think it's gonna be a small segment that shows them stick fighting. Liz has probably been getting lessons from Teyla without Johns knowledge and kicks his Ass when fighting with him...afterall, we all know he's not very good at it, he hasn't been practising!
                    However, I could be wrong..We'll just have to wait and see...Damn you gateworld, update already!
                    Hey, that would be OK too...but it almost seems too...I dunno...mundane and simplistic for an Atlantis ep that centers around Shep and Liz....I sort of lean that there is more to it.

                    But either way,
                    if she's tryin to kick his butt, he'll have to react and that will be worth the price of admission!!!!

                    -B ; )




                      Is this butt kickin and lifepod info coming from the same ep-TLGB?



                        Originally posted by Bama
                        Hey, that would be OK too...but it almost seems too...I dunno...mundane and simplistic for an Atlantis ep that centers around Shep and Liz....I sort of lean that there is more to it.

                        But either way,
                        if she's tryin to kick his butt, he'll have to react and that will be worth the price of admission!!!!

                        -B ; )
                        It does seem simplistic doesn't it!...perhaps it starts with
                        john/liz training in the gym and this sequence somehow ties in with event in the rest of the Ep? She kicks someone else's ass, they try to escape and thats how they end up in an escape pod!....*sigh*

                        Ok, we're slowly goin into the realms of insanity now...still..would make a good fanfic!...anyone?

                        Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                        LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                        Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                          Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                          Good idea FP, I originally thought that.
                          But they have verbal spats all the time, why would they hightlight this episode as being good for Torri if it was the same?...
                          Still, your probably right, her pinning him on the floor of the gym is just too good to be true!
                          ...mmm...the imagery...arg! gutter! gutter!...i'm happy
                          you know...


                          It would be interesting to see the contrast between he and Elizabeth having body contact via fighting vs. say...the 'norm' with he and teyla workin on sticks. I dare say, the emotion and breath holding between them would be racheted up quite the notch. Because it is rare and two because there is a different spark there. I've watched tey and john fight a dozen times and I never 'get' any vibe other than friendly competition between them. Nothing sexual at all imo...I mean, the scenes are almost too dry...



                            Originally posted by Bama
                            you know...


                            It would be interesting to see the contrast between he and Elizabeth having body contact via fighting vs. say...the 'norm' with he and teyla workin on sticks. I dare say, the emotion and breath holding between them would be racheted up quite the notch. Because it is rare and two because there is a different spark there. I've watched tey and john fight a dozen times and I never 'get' any vibe other than friendly competition between them. Nothing sexual at all imo...I mean, the scenes are almost too dry...

                            That's something I would love to see too! Like when Teyla and John train...I see it as Teacher and Student. They are not equal there, and there's noting sexual about teachers and students! urg!..
                            John'Liz however, they're both 'students' to it, they can interact on the same level. trying to prove who is better rather than learning...does that make sense?

                            Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                            LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                            Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                              Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                              That's something I would love to see too! Like when Teyla and John train...I see it as Teacher and Student. They are not equal there, and there's noting sexual about teachers and students! urg!..
                              John'Liz however, they're both 'students' to it, they can interact on the same level. trying to prove who is better rather than learning...does that make sense?

                              I'm quite sure that John would see himself as the 'teacher' with Eliz. and would probably be cocky...but wouldn't it be fun to see Eliz. be much better than he expects... ; )


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                Oh yeah...I know...that idea gets my juices pumping too...just yummy...
                                I'll be very, very interested to see John's reaction to an Elizabeth that is trying to hurt him. One thing I love between them that is so obvious already is their protectiveness toward each other. John is naturally protective of women -being a great guy of course...I mean, he warned Ronon off of Teyla for fear of him hurting her-which he very easily could have. But with Elizabeth, it's different...he ratchets it up a notch. Part of it I'm sure is that he knows / thinks she can't defend herself as well but I think part of it is also more. He sees her as a woman in all aspects and he cares for her and doesn't want her hurt. You can build a lot of shippiness around those two things. ; )

                                Oh, and I'm diggin all the newbies!!!! Welcome to you all! Glad you're out of lurkdom!!! It is terrific here!

                                -Bama ; )
                                I'm glad you said what you did about John being protective of women. I have been noticing that for some time, particularly with Teyla when fighting and of course, Eliz all the time. Remember in Intruder when
                                they were all getting shaken around and a female crewmember fell. John was the first one to leap over and help her up. He's just a gentleman, so it will be interesting to see how he would handle a fight of some kind with Eliz. After all Teyla can kick his ass and he's careful with her. Hee.

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

