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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Athenaktt
    Those are some really great thoughts Bama.

    .......... And usually when you have a problem there is always someone higher up to search for help. But in Atlantis Elizabeth [i]is[i] woman on top. So I can definately see would go to John for advice. Because like you said he is in a position of leadership as well and they are both going through this together.

    I definately agree, why this is one of the reason Sheppard/Weir intrigued me. Both John and Elizabeth are strong leaders and they go to each other for support and advice, but they don't use each other as a crutch.
    Ditto! Without re-analysing it again , the only person Elizabeth can really turn to both professionally and personally is actually John. One can clearly see that happening in small measures throughout S1 & early S2. The Siege 3 reunion scene besides causing Major!Squeeeee! was also perhaps indicative of some emotional connection with John on a more personal level. He is slowly becoming her "rock". I think Elizabeth has to some extent "an awareness" , while John although a bit "flustered" by her spontaneity in S3 is still to reach that point. Which reiterates the fact that after 25 episodes, we really know very little; except for him loving speed, ferris wheels etc, about our boy. But one thing I`m looking forward to, is unraveling the mystery of John Sheppard. It is set up to be very exciting AND if we lucky (*nods to the TPTB*), we`ll get to see Eliz. play quite an important role, esp. seeing that pic from Conversion with John looking like a little boy lost.

    Meanwhile , we will continue to bask in the glorious UST even in itsy bitsy doses each episode. Don`t want to be greedy just now , there`s still many more seasons of shippy goodness to come!!

    “I know how Sheppard can be,” “He’s an incredibly strong man,” “and Elizabeth is his weakness. He doesn’t know how to handle that.”
    - Rodney to AU Elizabeth : quote from PeanutButterer`s The Other Side


      Originally posted by seetheship
      Ditto! Without re-analysing it again , the only person Elizabeth can really turn to both professionally and personally is actually John. One can clearly see that happening in small measures throughout S1 & early S2. The Siege 3 reunion scene besides causing Major!Squeeeee! was also perhaps indicative of some emotional connection with John on a more personal level. He is slowly becoming her "rock". I think Elizabeth has to some extent "an awareness" , while John although a bit "flustered" by her spontaneity in S3 is still to reach that point. Which reiterates the fact that after 25 episodes, we really know very little; except for him loving speed, ferris wheels etc, about our boy. But one thing I`m looking forward to, is unraveling the mystery of John Sheppard. It is set up to be very exciting AND if we lucky (*nods to the TPTB*), we`ll get to see Eliz. play quite an important role, esp. seeing that pic from Conversion with John looking like a little boy lost.

      Meanwhile , we will continue to bask in the glorious UST even in itsy bitsy doses each episode. Don`t want to be greedy just now , there`s still many more seasons of shippy goodness to come!!
      Well, she could actually turn to Rodney but it has been established that she won't. While it is obvious that she has great affection for Rodney, she'll never trust him the same or think of him on the same level as she does John. The last episode nailed that lid down about as tight as it can get. She 'mothers' Rodney because he needs it. Have we ever seen her 'mother' John? And no, that Seige 3 moment was NOT a mothering sort of affection. It was her own release of the build-up of emotions inside her to a stimulus. And of course, John *is* her most powerful stimulus. I love how you use the word 'rock' in referring to what he is to Eliz. right now. perfect. Her reaction when her rock isn't there will be most interesting.

      As for her 'awareness'...I do believe she has a male/female awareness of John. On another thread, it was being discussed why she comes down so hard on people like Kavanaugh and McKay and Caldwell and yet, she really *talks* to John on a different level. Yes, they argue (beautifully, I might add) but she doesn't put her foot on his throat either like she could at times. Even in their most 'heated' discussion in 'HZone' I found it interesting that his actions had her angry but also near tears as if she felt betrayed and hurt. And then, she asked for his trust. Rather than yelling at him (Rodney) or making snarky remarks (Caldwell) or dressing him down (Kavanaugh), she simply looked at him quietly over the desk and asked in a very serious tone if he really trusted her. Very telling imo.

      Other than Rodney, John or Caldwell there isn't really anyone that she could turn to on Atlantis. Everyone else is so far 'below' her command stature on the food chain that a more personal relationship would be ethically questionable. And how would you approach her if you're say...Zellenka? LOL! 'Er...Dr. Weir...want to share a dinner sometime?' I mean, when you're the head boss, people are naturally hesitant to approach you and it is important that she keep that professional barrier up with the entire crew. She must be taken seriously if she's to command properly. It is a lonely walk and she needs someone.

      I'd like to see her become closer to Teyla but they are very, very different women with very different jobs so it make take more time. I do think Teyla wants Elizabeth's respect though so perhaps we'll see some episodes that address that in the future.

      I'm with you TOTALLY on unveiling the mystery of John Sheppard! Cannot wait! I want to see HIS version of 'Before I Sleep'...I want to know what he truly thinks of himself and how he sees himself and what he is doing. And like John was her bookend in that episode, I want to see Eliz. be his touchstone in that episode.

      UST grows slowly as characters become closer personally. If we get the male/female friendship growth between two characters who love to argue with each other as much as these two do, we'll see the UST grow and flow over it's cup at some point. And yeah, it is fun. ; )

      Last edited by Bama; 23 August 2005, 08:14 AM.


        Hey folks,
        Just thought I'd update on my completely pointless posts! (seeing as I cant really join in discussions on character development as I havn't seen season 2!)

        Anyway, where was I?...Oh yes I remember, there are some more publicity shots up at..

        That goes directly to the Liz pics..I love the last one!

        Ta Ta..

        Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

        LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

        Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


          Originally posted by Major_Moomin
          Hey folks,
          Just thought I'd update on my completely pointless posts! (seeing as I cant really join in discussions on character development as I havn't seen season 2!)

          Anyway, where was I?...Oh yes I remember, there are some more publicity shots up at..

          That goes directly to the Liz pics..I love the last one!

          Ta Ta..
          Those are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. I just posted a link -with credit to you- ; ) over in the Weir thread. Thanks bunchies. I'm with you-that last one is gorgeous.



            Originally posted by Bama
            Those are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. I just posted a link -with credit to you- ; ) over in the Weir thread. Thanks bunchies. I'm with you-that last one is gorgeous.

            Dont thank me, I found these from the Atlantis Season 2 threads...just thought I's share
            But she has such a gorgeous pose dont ya think? she does it so naturally without being in your face with it. She has that smouldering look about her.

            Nice ones of Shep too...

            Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

            LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

            Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


              Heya guys, thanks for all the kind welcomes and the interesting commentary on my 'The Long Goodbye' suggestion. I've been hanging round the Stargate fandom for so long now that I had forgotten that I had never really posted on the GW Forums before.

              *Slaps silly lurking face*

              I'm glad I did!

              Is it not Saturday (evil downloader) yet?!

              INCLUDES SPORK.


                Originally posted by Buggy542
                Liz: "John, we've had this discussion before - don't bring the mints out for the newbies."

                When all else fails, change channels.


                  Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                  Dont thank me, I found these from the Atlantis Season 2 threads...just thought I's share
                  But she has such a gorgeous pose dont ya think? she does it so naturally without being in your face with it. She has that smouldering look about her.

                  Nice ones of Shep too...
                  Oh yeah...some really yummy ones of Shep. ; ) That boy is fine and more fine.

                  And yeah, I totally agree with what you say about how Elizabeth moves. She is very softly sexy. Very alluring...and graceful...very ladylike but also very tough. Sexy, sexy combination. And you're right-womanly w/o being in your face brash with it. 'Smoldering..' ; ) Such an undersused word. I like it.


                  OH, yeah...guys don't forget that tonight is the Atlantis marathon of season 2 on Sci-fi!!!! I can get Siege 3 back on tape!!!



                    Just because I didn't earlier...welcome JxHarrison!

                    You know I cant wait for this Long Goodbye to air...Everyday I come onto gateworld looking for plot info on it but goddamit!! How can they not tell us about it when they've put up details for the ep after it!

                    Why do they keep tormenting me!

                    Jo Mallozzi supposedly let slip that John and Liz are trapped in an escape pod for this ep...(I cant remember what the exact quote for this was, but if someone could post it, i'd be thankful!)
                    Is this actually gonna happen?. When I read it the first time, it just seemed to me that he was just fooling around, that the episode wasn't really about that, that he was just avoiding having to actually answer the question.
                    A large part of me justs thinks that he was joking about it...that way, when it does happen...i'll be pleasantly suprised!!

                    Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                    LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                    Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                      Liz: "John, we've had this discussion before - don't bring the mints out for the newbies."

                      Liz: "Why is this mint all gritty...?"

                      John: *...Sell by date...aww crap! *

                      Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                      LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                      Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                        OMG, I love to new promo shots. I need to make something with them...I'll come up with something good later, for now all I seem capable of making is this

                        Oh, and here's a little manip I made from an Intruder cap. (it's not scary like the other one at all. lol)


                          Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                          Just because I didn't earlier...welcome JxHarrison!

                          You know I cant wait for this Long Goodbye to air...Everyday I come onto gateworld looking for plot info on it but goddamit!! How can they not tell us about it when they've put up details for the ep after it!

                          Why do they keep tormenting me!

                          Jo Mallozzi supposedly let slip that John and Liz are trapped in an escape pod for this ep...(I cant remember what the exact quote for this was, but if someone could post it, i'd be thankful!)
                          Is this actually gonna happen?. When I read it the first time, it just seemed to me that he was just fooling around, that the episode wasn't really about that, that he was just avoiding having to actually answer the question.
                          A large part of me justs thinks that he was joking about it...that way, when it does happen...i'll be pleasantly suprised!!
                          I hope like heck he wasn't teasing about it. I have a feeling they've got something 'cozy' planned for them later this year that will follow up on the moment between them earlier. It just sounds like too good of an idea for it to be a joke.
                          What is a lifepod anyway? And where would they be in one and why?

                          Another warm welcome to you JXharrison! I was a newbie not too long ago and I love this place and these wonderful folks! Why anyone would just want to 'lurk' is beyond me. Nobody is gonna bite. ; )



                            That goes for me too. Welcome. We might bite over on the Sheppard thunk thread, but only if it's called for. Oh, and then you get a sponge bath.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              As far as I know, they haven't nailed down episode order yet, and the order GW has isn't even necessarily the production order. Just because they're listing Coup d'État coming after The Long Goodbye doesn't mean that's the actual order. I can't guarantee anything, though. I got the sides for Michael two weeks ago, and the Coup d'État sides today. It's entirely possible that Long Goodbye comes between the two, and they didn't have to cast guest stars for the episode. Judging from what little we know already, the latter is pretty likely.

                              As for Coup d'État, I'm hoping to get some additional information on the episode in coming days, as the information that came out today is extremely confusing. I'll let you guys know when it's all sorted out.
                              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                              Last update: 14 April 2006
                              Melyanna's Multimedia
                              Last update: 15 February 2006


                                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                                It is all a bit silly, and I get caught up in it sometimes.

                                I'll save my "opinions" for LJ. The mods can't spank me there.

                                What was that about Elizabeth on top??? *cleaning ears*
                                You probably liked getting spanked

                                *cough* thank god for lj yes *cough*

