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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
    So, for next week's thon, we'll be going back to double-headers with the really juicy "Hot Zone" and "Sanctuary."
    Will try to be there for the Hazmat Hotness and the 'Kirking'

    Originally posted by hopalong View Post
    Here's a morbid question. What do you think they did with the remains of those who died (those they had remains for). Keep them in storage for possible sending home later, or burial at sea.
    Hmm. I would have think they would be autopsied then cremated, seems the easiest thing to do.


      Originally posted by Reiko View Post
      Will try to be there for the Hazmat Hotness and the 'Kirking'
      Ohhhh yeah. The snarkage is gonna be flying hot and heavy!
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
        Oh a continuation would be the best thing ever! or at least another chp of Sunday fathers...what's happening with that? Have you hit a tricky spot?
        As the matter of fact, I have. It's not like I'm out of ideas, I just feel it should me more structured, and I think the story can be better - and I'm into a little rewriting project. I'm thinking about finishing it first and then posting it.
        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


          Vid rec:

          It's Sparky 2.0 so watch at your own risk. The song works really well, but it kinda made me ...
          sig by SueKay

          My Team:


            No wallpaper set today, just a Sparky Shakespeare sig:


              Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
              Vid rec:

              It's Sparky 2.0 so watch at your own risk. The song works really well, but it kinda made me ...
              I love that song and have often thought it would make a great vid. And it does. *sob*

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Originally posted by hopalong View Post
                No wallpaper set today, just a Sparky Shakespeare sig:

                That is such a great choice for them!
                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                  Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
                  Vid rec:

                  It's Sparky 2.0 so watch at your own risk. The song works really well, but it kinda made me ...
                  *sniffs* Very ! But so good! *hugs *
                  (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                  Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                    As the matter of fact, I have. It's not like I'm out of ideas, I just feel it should me more structured, and I think the story can be better - and I'm into a little rewriting project. I'm thinking about finishing it first and then posting it.
                    Hmmm...I usually do that too. Finish a story before I post it. I still have about 3 Sparky half stories that I just haven't had the time nor energy to complete. Hopefully when my exams are finished...only 2 more to go...I can just sit down and right.

                    Well holler if you need any help, yeah?

                    ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                    I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                    Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                      I'm working on writing something CT right now. I've been working on it for awhile but I have trouble just finishing a paragraph because I'm hypercritical of myself and have to go back and revise constantly.

                      I also hardly write a story linear -- have too much trouble starting things, so often I'll just start somewhere before the middle.


                        Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
                        Hmmm...I usually do that too. Finish a story before I post it. I still have about 3 Sparky half stories that I just haven't had the time nor energy to complete. Hopefully when my exams are finished...only 2 more to go...I can just sit down and right.

                        Well holler if you need any help, yeah?
                        Same here. In my case, it's because too many times in the past, I've come across great fics that have been left unfinished. I don't want to do the same thing to some other unsuspecting reader. Plus, having the whole thing done means you can release it all at once, which makes it more like having a finished book in hand.
                        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                          Hey guys! Sorry I missed the post-athon-again...I was busy nursing my sorrows. My bulldogs got SPANKED. *hangs head* And I had to babysit the nephew. The good news is...all my 'obligations' beyond work are on hiatus for two months, so I have weekends free again! *happy dance*

                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          I'm hoping to get something back from the SG rarepairings ficathon on LJ - which means at least one new fic to add to the collection.

                          But if you're offering - what do you like to write? Who do you write best? Cause I for one hardly ever know what goes on inside McKay's head. And writing Kavanagh/Rodney was sorta fun but tiring - will never do that again (probably).
                          Y'know, honestly I don't know who I write best. If you look at some of my fics (ugahill at LJ) you'll see I can write pretty much any season, any character. Most of the time they speak in my head and that's how I get the dialogue out. John's probably hardest in terms of a full-picture, because while he's clearly defined in terms of the 'humor' element he's so quiet in terms of high-drama that it's hard to picture the inside-his-head stuff.

                          Rodney I have a tendency to want to over-stereotype, so I try to really avoid that if I can. But he's also a great character to write because he's distinctive.

                          I enjoy writing Teyla--I'd actually like to write more of her. I don't think I go over the top with her Athosian-speak.

                          Does that help?

                          Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                          OKay, so how about a discussion quetion?

                          Do you think that tptw intended there to be a canon ship from the start of the show? Did they expected Sheppard/Weir to become one of the strongest shipper groups?
                          Nope. I think Shep and Weir were supposed to be friendly antagonists without sexual tension--hence Simon. I think they were supposed to bump heads a little more, and with Elizabeth's necklace always around her neck, the hint was 'don't go there viewer'.

                          But I think as the relationship between them evolved, it certainly became friendly--and a lot more comfortable--because of the Torri/Joe dynamic. So what started out as being yin and yang became more like two halves of a whole. Sheppard's reaction in "The Eye", for example, and then even the Hot Zone drama wasn't really head-butting or a whizzing contest, but more of a "desperation" to fix a dangerous situation and who was more worthy to be sacrificed.

                          When the fact that the two heads were more reliant on one another than antagonistic--and that they had fun chemistry--that, to me is when 'sparky' began to be played up with the writers. Interesting tidbit to me--the breaks between S1 and 2. Everything Season 1 feels more serious, and deeper. The connection there is sort of intrinsic. They were two leaders of an expedition finding a ton of common ground. Even the quieter episodes, like BIS, have the humor downplayed. Thinking off the top of my head, most of my Sparky fave scenes from S1 are serious bonding stuff.

                          With "Intruder", however, their relationship starts off with a playful, flirtatious moment. I don't consider the Siege Trilogy as true Season 2 because I think they were written together. But with Intruder, our first true S2 episode, we find Elizabeth look hot and flirting with John. She calls out Caldwell and Landry to keep him. Then, we find out she broke up with Simon. Coincidence much? *raises eyebrow*

                          They knew it by Season 2 and played the two different relationships throughout in part because I think they were playing the subtle shipper angle, and in part because different writers had different interests/strengths. If Carl Binder likes and is good at writing both Weir and Sheppard, you can't really 'stop' him if he delivers good product. Same with Gero, same with M&M.

                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          But it was John's reaction in Adrift and Lifeline, not to mention TMC and the ultimate proof of his feelings in GiTM that sealed it and made Sparky canon in most minds. However unlike us, the rest of fandom is ready to move on and won't get upset if John is shipped with someone else. Them's the facts, but again we don't have to stop imagining a better world for them.
                          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                          Waiting on fan reaction is good, but once they had that, they should've stopped trying to send mixed signals, because it just drove all the fans nuts. TPTW should've remembered that you can't have your cake and eat it, too.

                          Maybe, maybe not. I mean, look at all the non-shippers who have come out of the woodwork saying that Adrift/Lifeline and GitM really convinced them that "hey, there's something going on with those two!" If John were to be shipped with anyone else now, all those viewers would have to be similarly convinced by the "new girl." No existing character has been (and no new girl would be) given enough development and screen time with Sheppard as Weir was to convince anyone that Sheppard's "found a new love." (Well, except the Weir-haters.)
                          I will probably hate whatever ending John has, and not just because he's not with Elizabeth. If he's with Teyla, then it means TPTB killed off Kanaan, and I hate that simply because it's a poor plot device. I love the idea of Kanaan, a childhood sweetheart who she loves, keeping her so closely connected to her Athosian side by helping her raise her son when she is helping Atlantis. The idea of it is really nice. And if it's not Teyla, then it's either Larrin (NOOOOOOOOO) or someone new, and I agree with SK--telling that convincingly would take a REALLY COOL GIRL. I don't have faith that the new show runners can create a REALLY COOL GIRL cuz, well, from what I've seen they haven't.

                          If there is no love interest, then he's alone, and as a positive person who loves songs like Nickelback's "Gotta Be Somebody" I hate that for him.
                          Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                            Originally posted by Eri13 View Post

                            I will probably hate whatever ending John has, and not just because he's not with Elizabeth. If he's with Teyla, then it means TPTB killed off Kanaan, and I hate that simply because it's a poor plot device. I love the idea of Kanaan, a childhood sweetheart who she loves, keeping her so closely connected to her Athosian side by helping her raise her son when she is helping Atlantis. The idea of it is really nice. And if it's not Teyla, then it's either Larrin (NOOOOOOOOO) or someone new, and I agree with SK--telling that convincingly would take a REALLY COOL GIRL. I don't have faith that the new show runners can create a REALLY COOL GIRL cuz, well, from what I've seen they haven't.

                            If there is no love interest, then he's alone, and as a positive person who loves songs like Nickelback's "Gotta Be Somebody" I hate that for him.
                            Oh there's one ending I wouldn't hate. Spoiler tags because there's actual spoiler in there.

                            Apparently someone important dies in this season's finale? If it's John I wouldn't be crying. At all. Not that I like the idea of him dead, but I don't like the idea of Elizabeth being dead or floating in space or something like that. I don't like the idea of John being shipped with anyone but Elizabeth - it's not realistic, not from this point in time and after we saw Adrift, Lifeline and GitM.

                            And since we're talking about good or bad plot devices.... I have a question for you guys.

                            How many of you think Kanaan will bite the dust in the next ep? Do you think the baby would survive? Are we facing more sheyla hype, again?
                            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                              RE: The ending.

                              I wouldn't hate such an ending either. In fact, for John it would be a great ending, the whole tragic hero following through and such.

                              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                              And since we're talking about good or bad plot devices.... I have a question for you guys.

                              How many of you think Kanaan will bite the dust in the next ep? Do you think the baby would survive? Are we facing more sheyla hype, again?
                              *shifty eyes*

                              I'd say Kanaan's chances of biting the dust next week are medium to high. As more sheyla hype, I know several other shipper groups are crossing their fingers that he will die (and planning for parties if he does). I hate TPTB for shoehornin poor Kanaan in there as a plot device/explanation, but that's a little harsh. (Even for me.)

                              Sheyla hype? JM denies it, but you never know. I think he denies them ever officially get together, but I wouldn't be surprised if unsuspecting viewers will get slapped over the head with 'UST' anvils over the rest of the year.


                                Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                                RE: The ending.

                                I wouldn't hate such an ending either. In fact, for John it would be a great ending, the whole tragic hero following through and such.

                                *shifty eyes*

                                I'd say Kanaan's chances of biting the dust next week are medium to high. As more sheyla hype, I know several other shipper groups are crossing their fingers that he will die (and planning for parties if he does). I hate TPTB for shoehornin poor Kanaan in there as a plot device/explanation, but that's a little harsh. (Even for me.)

                                Sheyla hype? JM denies it, but you never know. I think he denies them ever officially get together, but I wouldn't be surprised if unsuspecting viewers will get slapped over the head with 'UST' anvils over the rest of the year.
                                Ha, the real question is: can JM be trusted on this? I really hope this time he can.

                                Kanaan was a plot device from the very beginning, but what they did with him and Teyla having an actual family was a nice surprise. Some things calmed down and some other things made more sense. If all of that turned around over night than it would be very bad, and it would make Teyla stupid. Having a family, living a happy family life, loosing them and then running to another man? Not good.

                                If UST is all that's going to be, we can all say John has gas or similar problems. Hehe.
                                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.

