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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SallyLizzie
    Yes, it's Torri kissing Robert Patrick. They where shooting a scene then MW yells 'and kiss him' she does...and can you blame her?
    I can see MW saying that.


      Originally posted by ra-hanna
      East Coast USA here. I say the word "like" a lot. I think its more of a generation thing now. I never pick up on Torri's Canadian accent when she's in character. Joe just sounds "american" to me. And it freaks me out to hear Paul McGillion speak without the scottish accent.
      I'm from South Florida and whenever I go somewhere else in this country of state even, people tell me that I have an accent, but that's probable because I lived in Germany for the first ten years of my life. I can never pick up Torri's Canadian accent when she's in character. Joe's sounds like an American all around, plus he's a huge Football fan. I'm not really a big Football fan but I watch it sometimes.

      I feel sorry for all the Comcast subscribers up in Chicago, how can they just drop the SciFi Channel. Well maybe they'll change their minds after they get lots of complaints.

      McKay: Oh, believe me that's not the first thing we tried.
      Sheppard: I shot him.... In the leg.

      Ford: How can something as big as Atlantis just sink?
      Sheppard: I'm sure the passengers on the Titanic were asking themselves the same question?!

      McKay: You're right- if only we had a magical tool that could slow down time. I foolishly left mine on Earth - did you bring yours?

      McKay: I will try, but despite what you all may think, I am not Superman


        Originally posted by SallyLizzie
        The only problem with giving Liz 'Americanised' words is that, with SGA being transmitted globally, there would be countries where, not only was the reference lost but the word itself would not be understood.

        That's a very good point. We do have some regional 'words' that are different to say the least. If I were the writers, I'd build her 'American' backstory a little better and not worry so much about the speech. Her speech is beautiful. I love listening to her talk...she's sort of got this mesmerizing quality about her voice.

        Although i couldn't identify the accent, i can hear the changes when Torri's speaking. I'm pretty sure she born in Wales (Swansea?) and later moved to Canada, then moved back to the UK to study in London, before going back to Canada.

        Didn't know that. So is she Canadian or British? I could defintely hear how she might have some influence from both in her speech.

        I've been thinking more about how Liz would know how to defend herself. I think it was Mel who said that she would have been given some kind of training since she would have been in dangerous situations when negotiationg. I was wondering how true that was. I'd have thought that any negotiations would have taken place in a secure facility with only other political members present (and perhaps some security) so self defense classes wouldn't be warranted. You wouldn't expect any of the G8 attendees to have to be able to defend themselves. Granted, negotiationsmay have taken place in a dangerous area but if that was the case then wouldn't there be a strong military presence around?

        That's a good question and you would think if all she'd ever done was international peace-time diplomatic relations that she wouldn't have had to worried about too much self-defense. However, we just don't know enough about her early background. There are different levels of negotiators in the U.S. We even have some in the CIA and I'm quite sure they know their way around a weapon. I can see though where on Atlantis, as time goes along, she'll be forced to go off world more and more as they encounter new peoples and are forced to 'deal' with them on levels different from how they've had to militarily deal with their enemy, the wraith. I look forward to seeing her work 'deals' with some of these people.

        I think Lizzie could take a beating aswell as dish out a beating, just not as effectively as the military members that surround her, which is why she leaves it to them.

        Sure. I don't care if you do know a little about it-you most certainly would want to leave the fighting to the experts around you whenever you could. I would think her less intelligent to do otherwise.

        We first saw Simon in Rising watching the tape that Liz sent him to say she was off to explore the Pegasus Galaxy. Then we saw him in Home when
        Liz went back to Earth. He was very loving and caring and understanding. When she told him she wasn't staying and going back to Pegasus, he just said 'Take this with you' handing her a new necklace. Then they got all kissy and Liz broke off. He says 'What's wrong?', she replies 'When you kissed me...' and her phone goes off. That's the last we see of Simon (only it wasn't really Simon, just a fabrication of Liz's mind created be the mist) until Intruder. WE hear him mentioned again in LFP in Liz's 'letter' where she tells him not to wait for her and that her heart will always look after him.


        Thank you so much for the answer although it leaves me with even more questions than I originally had. ; )
        So Simon and she obviously had some kind of 'arrangement'? We don't if they lived together or just dated seriously or talked of marriage or what eh? Had they professed love for each other at any point? I just felt from Intruder that she *respected* him a lot more than she loved him. And even though he broke it off, she seemed very consoled by her work which she chose over him to begin with. AND, from the sounds of that scene you described, it appears as if she had already figured out her feelings toward him were perhaps changing or his toward her. It sounds to me like if she cut it off she wasn't enjoying the feelings too much I'd love to know what she was going to say and I'm sure it was much talked about around here.

        'When you kissed me...I felt nothing because I adore my military commander on Atlantis' ? ; )
        'When you kissed me...I wanted to puke.' (I like that one)
        'When you kissed me...I could smell some other chick's perfume under your collar' ?
        My bet would be something along these lines...
        'When you kissed didn't feel...right Simon. Is something bothering you?'

        I'd have liked to have seen the ep if for no other reason than to see how Elizabeth (Torri) executes a kiss scene. I'm hopeful she'll have more opportunities in the future. Looks like we'll get to see John (Joe) execute one sooner than I'd like to in this coming ep.
        I'd love to hear some takes on the former Eliz relationship from some folks who've seen the ep.


        Bama ; )


          On Weir coming across as American. I can't say I'd really thought about it until a watched some clips of Siege III yesterday. It was THE SCENE with Sheppard and for obvious reasons I watched it over and over again and I suddenly started noticing Torri's Canadian accent. Normally I have to admit I can't really tell the difference between American and Canadian accents on TV but it really seemed noticeable on this occasion. I can understand it being important for american viewers that actors playing american characters come across correctly. As a Brit I pay close attention to PM's scottish accent as I also did with CV's english one.
          ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
          FBI - Body Preservation Division


            I just had a randomy drive-by thought. A few dozen pages ago there was worry/talk about E becoming a pushover to John due to his run-around invitation to Ronon to join his team. Didn't Elizabeth do the exact same thing to get John on her team w/ONeill? Asking w/o approval 1st?


              hahha!! I'm in Connecticut now but I'm originally from Kansas, then Long Island, NY then Colorado so suffice it to say my accent is all over the place!! I have a bit of a ny accent when I say certain words, I say "Ya'll" all the time and call soda "pop" and lollipops "suckers" and then I don't pronounce my consanents b.c thats how we roll in CT. haha. The only reason I can pick up on Canadian accents is if they say "about" or "sorry"

              soooo cute!

              Don't ask really, b.c there is no coherant answer. But my sister, my friend and I got bored.
              Citizen of Braneville


                lol, that's pretty cute.


                  Originally posted by wizengamot
                  hahha!! I have a bit of a ny accent when I say certain words, I say "Ya'll" all the time and call soda "pop" . . .
                  I'm originally from Los Angeles. The "correct" word is SODA. Get it right! *LOL*

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                    I'm originally from Los Angeles. The "correct" word is SODA. Get it right! *LOL*
                    Well you can just take your Los Angeles and stick it up... I jest, I said Soda until I moved, but pop is just so much more hip. And, well, you know me! I'm the poster child for all things hip... hhaha
                    Citizen of Braneville


                      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                      I'm originally from Los Angeles. The "correct" word is SODA. Get it right! *LOL*
                      Uh oh! I remember having this conversation too many times with too many people. (I'm a "soda" person myself.) Fight nice kids.
                      "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
                      "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
                      Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
                      Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
                      "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
                      Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
                      Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
                      (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


                        Originally posted by Bama

                        Thank you so much for the answer although it leaves me with even more questions than I originally had. ; )
                        So Simon and she obviously had some kind of 'arrangement'? We don't if they lived together or just dated seriously or talked of marriage or what eh? Had they professed love for each other at any point? I just felt from Intruder that she *respected* him a lot more than she loved him. And even though he broke it off, she seemed very consoled by her work which she chose over him to begin with. AND, from the sounds of that scene you described, it appears as if she had already figured out her feelings toward him were perhaps changing or his toward her. It sounds to me like if she cut it off she wasn't enjoying the feelings too much I'd love to know what she was going to say and I'm sure it was much talked about around here.
                        In BIS, Old!Weir asks Liz if she remembers what Simon told her about some negotiation she did and then in Intruder she has already prepared a meal when he walks in (was he stupid and left the door open, was she staying there while on Earth, did she have keys?) so using that and the timeline from how long she had been at Georgetown Uni/SGC/Antartica, they were together for at least a year IMO. Tho IIRC there were never any declarations of love from either of them, and when we first see weir in SG1 she is leaving her apartment so maybe it's less than a year they've been together.

                        AS for the kiss, it seemed like it just didn't feel right to her. We've speculated LOTs about whether it was he was too caring than how he really was, whether it reminded her of a certain Major , if it was a dissappointment and she WANTED a certain Major , etc.

                        I think the general concensous is that she respected him and loved him but she wasn't IN love with him. She looked so heart broken in Intruder, but i think that perhaps over the time she spent in Atlantis she had come to miss an 'adapted' memory of him instead of the real Simon.

                        A few dozen pages ago there was worry/talk about E becoming a pushover to John due to his run-around invitation to Ronon to join his team. Didn't Elizabeth do the exact same thing to get John on her team w/ONeill? Asking w/o approval 1st?
                        Yes she did but she was in charge of the expedition and so it was up to her to pick the members of her team. If you remember she says early on in the ep, ''You don't have to convince me. I've been choosing members for this expedition for the past few months''.


                          Originally posted by wizengamot
                          Well you can just take your Los Angeles and stick it up... I jest, I said Soda until I moved, but pop is just so much more hip. And, well, you know me! I'm the poster child for all things hip... hhaha
                          Why do you think I left L.A.? *LOL*!

                          I really have to re-watch some of the SGA episodes as I have not heard Torri's accent. *shaking head*

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            Originally posted by Rubicon
                            I just had a randomy drive-by thought. A few dozen pages ago there was worry/talk about E becoming a pushover to John due to his run-around invitation to Ronon to join his team. Didn't Elizabeth do the exact same thing to get John on her team w/ONeill? Asking w/o approval 1st?
                            Good point. Hehe, they are more like each other than I thought. Sweet.


                              Originally posted by Melyanna
                              As for accents — I grew up in various parts of the South before ending up in Chicago. I think I can say with some confidence that I don't have a strong accent, though my dialect is certainly Southern in flavor. The twang doesn't really come out unless I'm angry or frustrated. And that's kind of what we see on Atlantis — when Elizabeth is particularly panicked, Torri tends to slip into her normal accent more than usual.
                              I've lived in Georgia my entire life, but when I was in California this past July, everyone seemed surprised when I told them I was from Georgia. Apparently I don't have the accent that everyone expected from a Georgian.

                              Though I have been told by Floridians that I tend to get a thicker accent when I'm tired.

                              And, just to make this on topic, I agree with everyone else that having Elizabeth say something about her family's favorite collegiate team (basketball, baseball, or football) will go a long way toward establishing that she really is American. Not to mention how funny it would be to see John's face when she corrects him about some NCAA statistics that he really should know.

                              Plus, I bet he'd find it quite attractive that she knows all that.
                              Nothin' crazy, nothin' fancy. Just me.


                                Originally posted by Melyanna
                                Just to let everyone know: Comcast has removed SciFi from its basic cable package in the Chicago area. It's still on their digital cable service, but for others in the area, the channel has moved from 44 to 160. So don't panic if you don't find it immediately.
                                Oh this'll be good for ratings, I mean there has to be at least a couple dozen people in the Chicagoland area that watch SGA.

