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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
    I'm here but I'm making lunch.
    I'm here too, but I'm eating lunch. Hee. Chicken tortilla soup from Safeway. Spicy. It should be called Sparky soup. lol

    See we don't just spam our thread. We can make anything relate to Sparky.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      I'm here too, but I'm eating lunch. Hee. Chicken tortilla soup from Safeway. Spicy. It should be called Sparky soup. lol

      See we don't just spam our thread. We can make anything relate to Sparky.
      Okay, I'll play too. I'm having a bacon cheeseburger and fries from DQ for lunch.....


      Sparky is better than fresh fries.

      Sparkies aren't cheesey at all and we're always "bacon" for more John/Elizabeth.

      Signature by Erin87


        Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
        Okay, I'll play too. I'm having a bacon cheeseburger and fries from DQ for lunch.....


        Sparky is better than fresh fries.

        Sparkies aren't cheesey at all and we're always "bacon" for more John/Elizabeth.

        Wow. I think I need to post my fic, like, right now. *headdesk*
        Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


          As promised! Thanks, gateraid, for the inspiration.

          It's a humor-based, subtle Sparky fic based on the idea of John getting distracted by Elizabeth while sparring with Ronon. The result is not a pleasant one for dear Colonel Sheppard.

          Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


            Originally posted by gateraid View Post
            Edit: There's a reason why I don't write. I can't tie all the loose ends together. I find it much easier just to nuke them (on paper of course - my country is nuke free)
            LOL. But still, for me its Sparky and Emmett FTW.

            Oh, and I'm gonna be gone 'til Monday. See ya'll then after that.


              Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
              As promised! Thanks, gateraid, for the inspiration.

              It's a humor-based, subtle Sparky fic based on the idea of John getting distracted by Elizabeth while sparring with Ronon. The result is not a pleasant one for dear Colonel Sheppard.

              Awww. That was great. Loved it.

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                As promised! Thanks, gateraid, for the inspiration.

                It's a humor-based, subtle Sparky fic based on the idea of John getting distracted by Elizabeth while sparring with Ronon. The result is not a pleasant one for dear Colonel Sheppard.

                EEE!! That was cute.
                My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                  Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                  As promised! Thanks, gateraid, for the inspiration.

                  It's a humor-based, subtle Sparky fic based on the idea of John getting distracted by Elizabeth while sparring with Ronon. The result is not a pleasant one for dear Colonel Sheppard.

                  Hehe. Poor shep. Didn't seem like he was too bothered though


                    *iz catching up*

                    Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                    When 'real' John finds 'real' Elizabeth, the author writes a kinda cool scene:

                    He gates to her world with a younger version of himself (only made it to Major status) and a crazy version of Elizabeth. They come upon a rustic village where the people are scrambling to gather some very colorful, aromatic blossoms because the weather is turning bad. He's looking for Elizabeth knowing she's there, when suddenly the flowers start swirling in the wind around him. A blossom brushes across his in the face, and as it does he sees a woman coming over a hill through the storm of flowers, carrying a basket of them in her arms. He pulls the flower slowly off his face, straining to see her, and it's Elizabeth, who smiles when she sees him; he's relieved to see her too.

                    I think it's a beautiful could completely see that as a film shot, with the flowers swirling around them both, and John slowing pulling the flower from his face as Elizabeth comes into view.
                    That is such a romantic setup. If it was a movie I would totally see it as romantic. I don't know if it tranlated in writing without you know the thoughts but still, the setup it there

                    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                    Seeing as I seem to be going post crazy today, how about this one for the song inspiration thing.



                    Still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
                    Still a little bit of you laced with my doubt
                    Still a little hard to say what's going on

                    Still a little bit of your ghost your witness
                    Still a little BIT of your face I haven't kissed
                    You step a little closer EACH DAY
                    Still I can't SAY what's going on

                    Stones taught me to fly
                    Love taught me to lie
                    Life taught me to die
                    So it's not hard to fall
                    When you float like a cannonball

                    Still a little bit of your song in my ear
                    Still a little bit of your words I long to hear
                    You step a little closer TO ME
                    So close that I can't see what's going on

                    Stones taught me to fly
                    Love taught me to lie
                    Life taught me to die
                    So it's not hard to fall
                    When you float like a cannon

                    Stones taught me to fly
                    Love taught me to cry
                    So come on courage!
                    Teach me to be shy
                    'Cause it's not hard to fall
                    And I don't WANNA scare her
                    It's not hard to fall
                    And I don't wanna lose
                    It's not hard to grow
                    When you know that you just don't know


                    I love that song so much. All the songs that I want to vid sparky to are so angsty.

                    Originally posted by Black Hawk View Post
                    Thank you, I'm so glad!

                    Thank you -- I'm glad you appreciated the editing. And the song is so poignant and powerful.

                    And yes, Sparky 2.0 had both my sister and I suddenly finding ourselves shippers! That actress was great, she even had all the mannerisms down!

                    I did not think that it was possible for that to happen. But yay sparky has that kind of pull because in order to truly understand and appreciate sparky 2.0 you have to look back on the past sparky 1.0.

                    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                    I guess I must be the only Sparky with a different interpretation of the ep (shame). Having actually seen it now (I will spoiler it coz some haven't)

                    while I think Fran was similar to Weir, she wasn't her. Sheps reactions, his woobieness, was based on him wanting her to be Elizabeth, rather than her actually being her. If he really truly thought she was Elizabeth (sparky or spark-less) there is no way in hell he would have just left her there. Even the VR world would have been better than that. Joe and Michelle (that sounds weird) did a great job, and their reactions were spot on, but to me, it just didn't feel like Weir (the way it was written, not acted). I saw the 'spark', but not in the normal sense. It was Shep being reminded about Elizabeth, and FranWeir (who had Weir's memories) reflecting on Elizabeth's feelings. I do see sparky 2.0, but not quite like everyone else.

                    As for the other aspects of the ep, please stop writing CB. Go out on top. Walk away.

                    Don't take that as my being against sparky. I am pro sparky. I feel a little less so after that ep, but I'm still a supporter. And if sparky 2.0 is the way its gonna go down, I can live with that. I just prefer sparky 1.0. And if anything, that ep made me believe that

                    after Lifeline, Oberoth made some copies of Elizabeth (hence Frans activation scene and why he allowed her to wander the city even though she was a security risk) and killed the original.

                    I'd rather the ep hadn't aired so I didn't have to believe that
                    I actually don't know how to feel about the episode. I sometimes feel like you but then I feel like the other in the sparky thread. I go back and forth. I was just glad that John/Elizabeth relationship wasn't ignored.

                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    Finished my new vid. Sparky and Sparky 2.0. Huge spoilers for GitM.

                    There Is A Tree
                    I wasn't too crazy about the song, I don't like country music *runs* BUT the editing was lovely. I loved the overlays of the tree/gate/space.
                    My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                      Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                      Hehe. Poor shep. Didn't seem like he was too bothered though
                      Nope. I've been wanting to write a 'getting the hint' version of Shep for sometime, so this was great and a lot of fun. And I guess I'm a bit of a whumper, because I had a LOT of fun writing about the injury and its effects. Thanks!

                      And thanks for all the nice reviews so far.
                      Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!



                        Just to let you all know for those interested. I am currently posting a sequel on FF to the story An Eye for an Eye that I posted earlier this month; it’s called Forget Me Not and is part of the YOT’s group.

                        BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                          Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                          As promised! Thanks, gateraid, for the inspiration.

                          It's a humor-based, subtle Sparky fic based on the idea of John getting distracted by Elizabeth while sparring with Ronon. The result is not a pleasant one for dear Colonel Sheppard.

                          Oooooo! I loved it! Just what I needed!
                          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                            Got my s4 dvd set today for the ones I haven't seen (rented it). Am gonna watch TMC first. Ironic how I've seen Gitm but not all of s4. Tsk tsk tsk. It's not quite a mojito (I can never remember what that is), but I got a tequila, vodka, lime & guarana mix especially for the occassion. Although I've already had two of them so that four pack will be well finished before the ep ends.


                              You know, I can't stomach alcohol.... maybe that's why I'm incapable of watching S4 and beyond.

                              On the happier note, I'm writing and making a video. Yay!
                              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                                Although I hate the expression, even I noticed WoobieJohn when Elizabeth appeared on the viewscreen. And WoobieJohn when he said he was going to ship her stuff back to Earth (tears in his eyes). Seriously though, how did he think they were going to get her back without a rescue mission? She's not Lassie lalalalala ignores canon

                                I have plenty of stomach for alcohol. Surprisingly so. I find it dulls the pain of s4. S5 is best viewed sober - one needs a clear head in order to mock every situation Except Whispers. That one is really bad

