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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
    If you like Skillet, there's a Sparky vid to one of their songs

    I really like it, but its as much a farewell to the character as it is a sparky vid
    Best song they've ever made


      Originally posted by borgprincess View Post
      Please indulge me, just a little bit more...

      [Teyla thinking about Elizabeth]
      Teyla frowned and tried to recall seeing Doctor Weir at the party the night before. She remembered her being there at the beginning, greeting the Athosians. She remembered her being there at the end, too, dutifully thanking everyone in turn for coming, inviting them back, saying it was good to see them.
      She didn't think Doctor Weir had been lying either. She believed the Atlantis leader did genuinely enjoy it when the Athosians came to visit – until recently she could remember Doctor Weir mingling and talking and laughing with everyone before retiring to her place by the balcony outside overlooking the ocean or more often than not finding a place for herself at the railing inside overlooking the Stargate usually with John at her side, the two of them content to talk solely to each other.
      Teyla stiffened unintentionally, remembering back to all of the other social events they'd held at the city, before she and John became an item. Before Doctor Weir had started avoiding the gathering as much as possible.
      They always gravitated towards each other, she realised with a sigh. Doctor Weir and Major Sheppard, the two leaders of Atlantis. She didn't know what they talked about, just remembered thinking once that they looked like proud parents, overseeing their children fondly
      . She herself had been kept occupied by Lieutenant Ford, she remembered. Aiden, he'd told her to call him Aiden. She never had. He'd spent many of those gatherings beside her, listening to her conversations with her people, joining in occasionally, or regaling her with stories of his family, of their gatherings and celebrations.

      Teyla’s wonderfully in character. I like stories where the writer can handle one pairing without unduly picking on the member of a counter-pairing that they hate. She’s not portrayed at the evil witch who stole Shep from Elizabeth, she’s not blowing up and storming off to have a catfight with Elizabeth. I love her perspective of Elizabeth and Shep, of the two being comfortable chatting on their own, apart from the group, which ties back to the previous part about how she’s more of a social creature than Shep. It makes the whole thing so much more authentic.

      "You shouldn't be here." John kept his voice dangerously low. "We could have handled the situation on our own."
      They stood together at the far side of the tent they'd been given, doing their best not to disturb their colleagues. Elizabeth stared at him with an arched eyebrow, her shoulder tense. "I beg to differ, Major. How exactly were you planning on getting out of this one?"
      "I wasn't going to offer them explosives, that's for sure! Weren't you the one who told me you didn't want to establish ourselves as arms dealers in this galaxy?" The reminder of her own words stung but John had no room for remorse. He was battling with concern for Teyla and Ford, concern for Elizabeth and mild anger that she'd put herself in danger – that Beckett had let her – after admitting not so long ago that she was under enough pressure on Atlantis.
      Her arms moved and her hands came to rest on her hips. "Oh, I'm sorry, would you rather I offered him what he wanted? Maybe I should've thrown myself into the bargain and you could get control of Atlantis."
      "That's not what I want and you know it." Surprise flared momentarily in his eyes but was beaten back swiftly.
      "Do I? If I remember right, I'm the one in charge of this mission." One hand moved and she prodded him in the chest with her index finger. "I'm the one in charge of Atlantis."
      "You are, Elizabeth, that isn't an issue…" John let his eyes roll and caught her hand, taking a deep breath to try and calm himself, conscious of the eavesdroppers doing their best to look as though they were sleeping soundly.
      "If it isn't an issue then why are you questioning my decisions and acting as though I should have consulted you first?" She pulled her hand back and returned it to her hip, glaring at him.
      "You should have done!" He fought the urge to throw his hands up in the air in frustration. "You don't have to do it alone. You can't keep doing it alone."
      "When exactly did I have time to consult you, Major? Before or after Brayne decided to punish you all for waking the Wraith?"
      "We're not talking about this mission."
      "Then what are we talking about?"
      They stared at each other, both breathing heavily, both flushed. He took a half-step forward and watched as she took a half-step back, wariness entering her eyes.
      "This isn't about the mission," he answered in a quieter voice, his eyes dark. "This is about you trying to do too much and me not doing enough to help out."
      "I've been managing fine on my own, John." It was a struggle to keep her tone as soft as his but she managed. Barely. "Honestly. I don't know what Carson's told you but he should learn to mind his own business. I'm fine. I don't need you putting your life on hold to help me with mine."
      "I wouldn't be putting my life on hold. I want to help out more, I want to take on more responsibility." He shrugged and looked away. "I just got distracted…"
      A brief albeit wistful sigh turned up the corners of her mouth for a split second. "You have nothing to feel guilty about, John, I really wish you'd stop doing that. You and Teyla need time together and I understand that. I don't expect you to put your relationship on hold so you can work yourself to an early grave on Atlantis. You do enough as it is, risking your life every time you go off world… I'm happy for you and Teyla. I'm pleased you have each other to turn to." She didn't miss the shadow that passed over his face and stopped speaking.
      "It won't be an issue anymore."
      "I'm sorry to hear that." When his gaze found its way back to her face, he saw nothing but genuine sympathy there.
      "Don't be, it wasn't serious. Yet." He ran a hand through his hair and shifted awkwardly. "She, ah, doesn't know yet. So I'd appreciate it if…"
      "I won't tell anyone." Elizabeth made the promise quietly and knew it was one she would keep. "Is there no way you can make it work…?"
      He shook his head. "It shouldn't have started in the first place."
      Elizabeth could think of nothing to say to that so settled for letting her hand rest on his arm in consolation. "Back to the matter at hand," she said after a few moments had passed. "I'll need you to demonstrate how to use C4 tomorrow."

      I love Shep making this professional conflict a personal one, with the guilty!Shep- at realizing he hasn’t been pulling his weight around the city, and the toll it’s taken on her as a result- bleeding over into their disagreement, even though it’s not the time or the place.

      Elizabeth is the kind to keep the two worlds fiercely apart in her head, which is why I’d see her being able to deal with a Sheyla relationship, because she’d want to support her people, no matter what her personal feelings were on the matter, she wouldn’t let it be an issue, if anything, she’d do whatever she could to help ease the pressure on him so he could be happy.

      He may not be with the ‘I’ll love Lizzeh til my dying day’ program yet, and considering he’s just now realizing things aren’t working with Teyla, it’d be jumping the gun for that to happen yet, but I love that there’s still so much closeness and that bond between him and Elizabeth, that he’s telling her BEFORE Teyla that it’s over. He may have been involved with someone else, but he’s not going to stop caring about her. It’s also wonderfully ELIZABETH that she will be sympathetic, before returning to the problem they’re facing.

      "You kissed Ford?" His voice was calm. It surprised him. Surprised her more. "Do you have feelings for him, Teyla? Truthfully?"
      "I didn't think so then but now… I think I do. I'm sorry, John. We are too different. I can't be the woman you need me to be and you…"
      "Can't be the man you need me to be," he finished for her with the smallest of smiles. A smile that looked more like a grimace. "I understand, Teyla. I think I feel the same way."
      The corners of her mouth twitched, a hint of a sad smile lingering behind. "About Doctor Weir, I presume. Unless there's more to your relationship with Aiden than I've been led to believe…"
      He appreciated her attempt at humour and his smile reappeared briefly. "I can assure you you'll get no competition with me there. Promise."
      "Good." The smile on her face faded and the nervous expression returned. "Will this affect our friendship? If you would prefer not to have me on your team, I would understand…"
      "You're staying on the team, Teyla." He pushed himself up, tired but knowing he wasn't going to get any sleep until he heard from Doctor Beckett. "And I'd like to still be friends. Good friends."
      "I would like that also." A genuine smile broke out across her face, radiating relief, and Teyla bowed her head as he approached, an echo of the Athosian hand of friendship she'd offered him once before. Her relief grew when he returned the gesture, his arms moving to encircle her for the briefest of embraces before he took a step back and let her go.
      Let go of their failed attempt at a relationship and re-embraced their friendship.

      Best. Break-up Scene. EVER. It acknowledges that Shep and Teyla are good friends, and can remain that way, after all this. The humor, the mutual understanding, the wry sadness, that last line, slays me dead. And then the Sparky infirmary scene revives me again, lol. Gotta love a fic that can sensitively deal with a fading Sheyla relationship, a growing enduring Sparky relationship, and Elizabeth getting to save the day. Yay!
      I think I read this back in the day. Good fic and it would have worked in canon. But that would have required good writing and common sense.

      Originally posted by Black Hawk View Post
      Hey guys!

      I just wanted to share my first ever Sparky video. I hope you enjoy!


      John learns that even though he's finding the strength to move on, "it's never really over."

      Wishing you all much love, laughter and light!
      Excellent use of lighting. Loved it. *wipes a tear*

      Originally posted by gateraid View Post
      If you like Skillet, there's a Sparky vid to one of their songs

      I really like it, but its as much a farewell to the character as it is a sparky vid
      Also good.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Just dropping off some lyrics to inspire a Sparky drabble, fic, siggy, something.....

        One of my favorite James Taylor songs:


        Whenever I see your smiling face
        I have to smile myself
        Because I love you (Yes, I do)
        And when you give me that pretty little pout
        It turns me inside out
        There's something about you, baby (I don't know)

        Isn't it amazing a man like me
        Can feel this way
        Tell me how much longer
        It will grow stronger every day
        Oh, how much longer

        I thought I was in love
        A couple of times before
        With the girl next door
        But that was long before I met you
        Now I'm sure that I won't forget you
        And I thank my lucky stars
        That you are who you are
        And not just another lovely lady
        Sent down to break my heart

        Isn't it amazing a man like me
        Can feel this way
        Tell me how much longer
        It can grow stronger every day
        How much longer

        No one can tell me that I'm doing wrong today
        Whenever I see you smile at me
        No one can tell me that I'm doing wrong today
        Whenever I see your smiling face my way
        No one can tell me that I'm doing wrong today
        No one can tell me that I'm doing wrong today
        Signature by Erin87


          I'm going to try one of those song ficlets--maybe at lunch.

          Borgprincess, I forgot to mention--those 'recaps' I mentioned are spread throughout the Sparky forum *sorry* . We've been doing recaps, so every S1 & S2 episode is up somewhere buried through here, most with pictures. I'm afraid you'll have to go fishing to find them, but they out there.
          Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


            Howdy howdy!

            Dropping off my fic update--chapters 4 & 5 of Testament are published. *wipes off sweat*

            Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


              Three icons I did for "Icons of SGA" group challenges.



                Gateraid and Southern_Red, thank you so much! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it! I haven't ever been a very enthusiastic Sparky shipper but that episode, "Ghost in the Machine"... wow. That inspired me and now I want to go back and re-watch all the episodes with Weir in them.
                Sig by LadyBozi


                  Originally posted by Black Hawk View Post
                  Gateraid and Southern_Red, thank you so much! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it! I haven't ever been a very enthusiastic Sparky shipper but that episode, "Ghost in the Machine"... wow. That inspired me and now I want to go back and re-watch all the episodes with Weir in them.
                  Well there ya go. Lots of new Sparky fans agree.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Originally posted by Black Hawk View Post
                    Gateraid and Southern_Red, thank you so much! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it! I haven't ever been a very enthusiastic Sparky shipper but that episode, "Ghost in the Machine"... wow. That inspired me and now I want to go back and re-watch all the episodes with Weir in them.
                    *Yay!* I'm glad that even Sparky 2.0 wins people over.
                    Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                      *Yay!* I'm glad that even Sparky 2.0 wins people over.
                      That is the power of sparky. It cannot be denied even when in a completely different body.
                      My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                        The new Stargate Magazine has an interesting tidbit about John. They are doing a profile of each character and how they've changed, etc. About John they say he has not had any serious romantic relationships but has been portrayed as a ladies' man. *gag* He has deep and sincere friendships with all his comrades but he developed an especially close bond with Weir and had difficulty accepting her loss.

                        Hello, told ya. An especially close bond. Check.

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Sparky icon... or at least, I gave it a try... Like Luciana's, this one is also from the "Icons of SGA" social group icon challenge.

                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                            The new Stargate Magazine has an interesting tidbit about John. They are doing a profile of each character and how they've changed, etc. About John they say he has not had any serious romantic relationships but has been portrayed as a ladies' man. *gag* He has deep and sincere friendships with all his comrades but he developed an especially close bond with Weir and had difficulty accepting her loss.

                            Hello, told ya. An especially close bond. Check.
                            "Especially close bond" - is that what they are calling it these days? *snerk*

                            All kidding aside, this was AWESOME to read. Thanks SR for sharing!
                            Signature by Erin87


                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              The new Stargate Magazine has an interesting tidbit about John. They are doing a profile of each character and how they've changed, etc. About John they say he has not had any serious romantic relationships but has been portrayed as a ladies' man. *gag* He has deep and sincere friendships with all his comrades but he developed an especially close bond with Weir and had difficulty accepting her loss.

                              Hello, told ya. An especially close bond. Check.

                              I still can't believe we get sparky after two years of no Elizabeth. I love this ship so much.

                              By the way close bond totally means they were in love with each other. *lalalala*
                              My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                The new Stargate Magazine has an interesting tidbit about John. They are doing a profile of each character and how they've changed, etc. About John they say he has not had any serious romantic relationships but has been portrayed as a ladies' man. *gag* He has deep and sincere friendships with all his comrades but he developed an especially close bond with Weir and had difficulty accepting her loss.

                                Hello, told ya. An especially close bond. Check.
                                I'm glad that the magazine can look at all the work Joe did in the episodes surrounding Elizabeth's disappearance as being reflective of his feelings of her loss. That's the best indicator that his efforts got through even to the general audience.

                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                Sparky icon... or at least, I gave it a try... Like Luciana's, this one is also from the "Icons of SGA" social group icon challenge.

                                Very nice! You too, Luciana.
                                Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!

