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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I'm freaking out guys. LOL. *iz sad*
    My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


      First let me just say this:


      in my estimation was one of the Sparkiest eps ever. If Torri had done this we would be squeeing our brains out. In fact I may do a little of that anyway. There was eye sex. There was woobie John. There was enough angst for eternity.

      I can't remember half of the details and there was entirely too much blabber of a techie nature. But Eliz first appeared on the computer screen after causing all sorts of sparks first in the puddle jumper and later in the city. John made his first woobie face when she revealed herself by typing her name. Then Rodney fixed it so they could hear her voice. Nobody believed it was her, but John seemed less skeptical than the others.

      Then later she sneaked away and gave herself Fran's body. John barely took his eyes off her the whole time and always used the special voice. One of the best parts was a talk between E and Teyla about the baby. When Teyla told her the name, Elizabeth seemed incredulous that maybe John was the dad but Teyla said no it's an Athosian. And Liz said oh it must be Kanaan. ROTFLMAO She then talked about how Teyla used to glow when she talked about him. Then the other reps showed up and caused trouble. Liz told the team about her plan to let them all have repl bodies and then clone themselves. Woolsey was all against it but relented. They decided to let them go to another planet after. John even went so far as say something to Woolsey about what if one of them wanted to stay. I may have squeed a little right here.

      One of them was a jerk and wanted to keep his repl body. John got all mad at Eliz because she knew they were coming but to prove herself to him she killed the bad guy. The eye sex blew out my screeen.

      Then at the goodbye scene John's face said it all. Woobiness on an Adrift/Lifeline scale. All through they got right back to the sharing of personal space/joined at the hip vibe also.

      The ending almost killed me. Elizabeth had Rodney trick all the repls and they got spaced. We see her floating in space and a close up of JF's best woobie face ever.

      *sobs and dies* I am exhausted and I'm not going to worry about spelling.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Yeah, I knew I wouldn't be coherent after that...

        Poor poor Shep. His heart must be in a million pieces.
        sig by SueKay

        My Team:


          Wow *breathes and shakes*

          Honestly, it wasn't as bad as I'd feared, and the John parts were even a little better than I expected. Michelle Morgan was alright. I wasn't truly convinced, I had to keep repeating who she was in my head, but the rest of the cast did a good job with playing around it. The ending...

          was not expected, but wasn't as horrible as it could have been. I think this leaves us like before--in stasis.

          And for the fanon writers, I think they'll go to town. How many of them will be able to create endings out of this one?

          My favorite line, though... "What if one of them wanted to stay?" Carl Binder, I love you. *kisses*
          Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
            First let me just say this:


            in my estimation was one of the Sparkiest eps ever. If Torri had done this we would be squeeing our brains out. In fact I may do a little of that anyway. There was eye sex. There was woobie John. There was enough angst for eternity.

            I can't remember half of the details and there was entirely too much blabber of a techie nature. But Eliz first appeared on the computer screen after causing all sorts of sparks first in the puddle jumper and later in the city. John made his first woobie face when she revealed herself by typing her name. Then Rodney fixed it so they could hear her voice. Nobody believed it was her, but John seemed less skeptical than the others.

            Then later she sneaked away and gave herself Fran's body. John barely took his eyes off her the whole time and always used the special voice. One of the best parts was a talk between E and Teyla about the baby. When Teyla told her the name, Elizabeth seemed incredulous that maybe John was the dad but Teyla said no it's an Athosian. And Liz said oh it must be Kanaan. ROTFLMAO She then talked about how Teyla used to glow when she talked about him. Then the other reps showed up and caused trouble. Liz told the team about her plan to let them all have repl bodies and then clone themselves. Woolsey was all against it but relented. They decided to let them go to another planet after. John even went so far as say something to Woolsey about what if one of them wanted to stay. I may have squeed a little right here.

            One of them was a jerk and wanted to keep his repl body. John got all mad at Eliz because she knew they were coming but to prove herself to him she killed the bad guy. The eye sex blew out my screeen.

            Then at the goodbye scene John's face said it all. Woobiness on an Adrift/Lifeline scale. All through they got right back to the sharing of personal space/joined at the hip vibe also.

            The ending almost killed me. Elizabeth had Rodney trick all the repls and they got spaced. We see her floating in space and a close up of JF's best woobie face ever.

            *sobs and dies* I am exhausted and I'm not going to worry about spelling.
            Does this mean Lizzie died? Omg I'm going to cry now BUT I don't know couldn't she have like left her body or something. I REALLY DON'T KNOW!!!! Also was it the real Elizabeth?
            My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


              Okay I got To Admit That as Much as I love Torri Higginson's Version of Elizabeth Weir, I really Like Michelle Morgan's Portrayal of Weir. Torri Did a Good Job at being weir and so Did Michelle. Ghost in the machine is a good episode both sparky wise and how they end the episode was good. p.s. i hope i get a green for my positve review of torri



                This has to do with the episode tonight. This is strictly my opinion. Obviously everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Please write what you think. Maybe you can shine some light on this episode for me.

                BTW. If there is any spelling mistakes...I'm so sorry. I hope my ramble makes some type of sense.

                I hate Joe Mallozzi so much right now that I just want to kill my tv. We had some good "Sparky" moments. It almost feels wrong to say that, because it wasn't Sparky. It was weird, and awkward. First off, this is totally out of character. IMHO. Elizabeth (if even feels wrong to write that) relied on John, that was normal...but lying? I'm pissed. I knew that I shouldn't have watched this dumb episode. I knew it would get me upset...

                Anyways, to actual describing the episode. I really liked the episode at the beginning. I loved how it had Rodney typing 'Who is this' and then you have this tense second or two then you see 'Elizabeth Weir'. I was squeeing. I had a moment where I could just see Torri's face. OMG. It was awesome. Then we found out that Elizabeth supposedly made a Replicator body. Immediately I just went...WTF? Elizabeth would never do something like that. Never. Ugh. That was just the beginning of it isn't it?

                Then we have the talking between Teyla and Elizabeth...It was sweet, but once again...COMPLETELY WRONG. I just couldn't...I WON'T get that actress to replace Torri. John immediately being pissed at Elizabeth. IDK.

                It was right around then when I started to realize that I was going to hate this episode, but I still didn't quit watching it. Stupid Me.

                To me, I think that Elizabeth would never put the people on Atlantis in that much danger, even if she thought it was safe. It just goes against everything that she had been for. I have never been this mad at a show.

                The ending. The effing ending. OMG. At the end I could almost see a tiny bit of our Elizabeth coming out. Almost. When Elizabeth and John shared that look at the end, I could almost make myself believe that it was Torri standing there. It was a flash back to when they first go into the gate, and travel to Atlantis. I love how at the end John stood there. After that I turned off my TV. As soon as I saw where the 'gate had taken them...I seriously jumped up and turned the D***** thing off. It hurt. It hurt to see Elizabeth being thrown out like trash.

                Alright, I am so sorry to ramble on and on and on. But I am so disappointed in this episode that it makes me want to bust a blood vessel.

                I miss Torri. I'm sure this Michelle is nice, and crap, but this is not OUR Elizabeth. I really have no problem with her at all. She's a great actresses, but I will stand beside Torri, especially now that I know why she didn't take this episode. THE WRITING JUST DIDN'T SEEM LIKE ELIZABETH.

                I really didn't like this episode, sure don't get me wrong. There were some good moments (Elizabeth and John moments), but...the end just left a disgusting taste in my mouth. (Obviously)
                Last edited by PaulrissaRahany; 15 August 2008, 07:26 PM.


                  I am completely speechless after this. Without "Elizabeth" we got Sparky GALORE. JF proves once more how much he cares about his character & that of Elizabeth Weir.

                  OMG guys. You ALL will at least enjoy this one.
                  sig made by me


                    Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                    Does this mean Lizzie died? Omg I'm going to cry now BUT I don't know couldn't she have like left her body or something. I REALLY DON'T KNOW!!!! Also was it the real Elizabeth?
                    The GITM Elizabeth was left out in space like Niam...and you know they went and got him at one point. Still not convinced the real Elizabeth is dead, but this one said the real one is dead.
                    sig by SueKay

                    My Team:


                      SR said it all. Sniffle. But...
                      If Torri HAD done this, I would be shattered. It almost made it bearable that it wasn't her.


                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        First let me just say this:


                        in my estimation was one of the Sparkiest eps ever. If Torri had done this we would be squeeing our brains out. In fact I may do a little of that anyway. There was eye sex. There was woobie John. There was enough angst for eternity.

                        I can't remember half of the details and there was entirely too much blabber of a techie nature. But Eliz first appeared on the computer screen after causing all sorts of sparks first in the puddle jumper and later in the city. John made his first woobie face when she revealed herself by typing her name. Then Rodney fixed it so they could hear her voice. Nobody believed it was her, but John seemed less skeptical than the others.

                        Then later she sneaked away and gave herself Fran's body. John barely took his eyes off her the whole time and always used the special voice. One of the best parts was a talk between E and Teyla about the baby. When Teyla told her the name, Elizabeth seemed incredulous that maybe John was the dad but Teyla said no it's an Athosian. And Liz said oh it must be Kanaan. ROTFLMAO She then talked about how Teyla used to glow when she talked about him. Then the other reps showed up and caused trouble. Liz told the team about her plan to let them all have repl bodies and then clone themselves. Woolsey was all against it but relented. They decided to let them go to another planet after. John even went so far as say something to Woolsey about what if one of them wanted to stay. I may have squeed a little right here.

                        One of them was a jerk and wanted to keep his repl body. John got all mad at Eliz because she knew they were coming but to prove herself to him she killed the bad guy. The eye sex blew out my screeen.

                        Then at the goodbye scene John's face said it all. Woobiness on an Adrift/Lifeline scale. All through they got right back to the sharing of personal space/joined at the hip vibe also.

                        The ending almost killed me. Elizabeth had Rodney trick all the repls and they got spaced. We see her floating in space and a close up of JF's best woobie face ever.

                        *sobs and dies* I am exhausted and I'm not going to worry about spelling.
                        Okay, good. I'm not the only one...

                        squeeing over woobie John! The entire back half of that episode was one long woobie-moment! His face when she saved him. OMG, she even gave him teh flirty smile. And OH! when he watched the gate, knowing the fate she was going to have.

                        Loved the look on her face when she questioned whether John was the father. Did she seem relieved when Teyla told her no? *wiggly eyebrows*

                        By the way, the ending is not that bad for future appearances. If ever they wanted to bring Liz back, they easily could. The fact that she went the way of Niam speaks volumes. She's not dead, no one killed her off, and one person in particular wanted to keep her there. Loved that.

                        By the way, I liked Rodney's reaction too. And even Ronon. Both of them have maintained continuity with regards to the canon element of Elizabeth's history.

                        I about had a fit when the artificial voice said "is that Richard Woolsey? I could see Torri's face making the expression. It did sound a lot like her, so I wonder if they artificially reproduced it somehow.
                        Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                          Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                          Does this mean Lizzie died? Omg I'm going to cry now BUT I don't know couldn't she have like left her body or something. I REALLY DON'T KNOW!!!! Also was it the real Elizabeth?
                          I don't know whether to cry or squee. But I already saw one non-shipper write about Sparky in the ep thread. So I think I'll squee for now.

                          In the end Rodney said something like there's no doubt now whether or not it was Elizabeth. I'm sure folks will argue about that. I'm thinking he meant it was her because she was willing to trick the others and essentially sacrifice herself to save Atlantis. They are floating in space so they can be revived like Niam was. Leaves it open. And breaks John's heart even more.
                          I forgot to mention that when she went through the gate she and John shared a long look or ultra heartbreak.

                          *more crying and sobbing but not in a bad way* And MM did a great job. She and JF have good chemistry.

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                            Does this mean Lizzie died? Omg I'm going to cry now BUT I don't know couldn't she have like left her body or something. I REALLY DON'T KNOW!!!! Also was it the real Elizabeth?
                            Think back to

                            frozen in space basically. They can still be activated and they can bring them all back and have them build a human body and "dl" the consciousness. I am SO hyper right this minute. I can't tell you.
                            sig made by me


                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              I don't know whether to cry or squee. But I already saw one non-shipper write about Sparky in the ep thread. So I think I'll squee for now.

                              In the end Rodney said something like there's no doubt now whether or not it was Elizabeth. I'm sure folks will argue about that. I'm thinking he meant it was her because she was willing to trick the others and essentially sacrifice herself to save Atlantis. They are floating in space so they can be revived like Niam was. Leaves it open. And breaks John's heart even more.
                              I forgot to mention that when she went through the gate she and John shared a long look or ultra heartbreak.

                              *more crying and sobbing but not in a bad way* And MM did a great job. She and JF have good chemistry.
                              Yes they have chemistry. I thought of Torri's expressions, and tried to super impose them on MM. Like my hubby mentioned, initially there were some doubts, but towards the end, just something clicked and you could almost imagine Torri there.
                              sig made by me


                                *hides in the back*

                                Seems I am the only one that really didn't enjoy this episode...I still can't imagine any Elizabeth other than Torri. That's my default.

