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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    I couldn't resist. This just popped into my head. You just can't fake it or learn it in acting class.

    It's two co workers on the same wavelength! I know how that feels, I worked with smart people but there was no vibe of understanding between us. So there. You can't fake it. Neener - neener!
    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


      *thud* iz dead from the pretties. They are just .... no words for it.
      sig made by me


        Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
        WOW - I go on vacation and the Sparky thread goes WILD! Sorry I missed all the, um, excitement?

        Anyhoo, I'm back and thought I would drop off a little something positive....PICSPAM

        XD Which is why the fic/art DA club is called EternallySparky XD. >.> couldn't resist!

        Falcon- *GASP!* So THAT'S why the lemming bit me! I had to tell it the truth...and it lost its bed! I'm sorry, lemming!

        o.o wee! post count even! WOO HOOO! Not bad for someone who only delurks for spirts at a time, thanks gateraid for pointing that out! Never would have seen it!

        clearly this means I must celebrate by wasting time! So here's the challenge:
        show me your favorite sparky-fied screencaps... (or individuals if they rock your socks.) And I will try to butcher them!

        And, while I'm torturing all of you, a script for a comic thing I wanted to do when I first read the summary for GitM and I was still under optimistic doubt that they were lying to us about Torri to conceal things. (Wouldn't be the first time they lied, but the first they lied about something we'd like.)

        length and swearing

        Rodney, Teyla, and Ronon wait outside Woosley’s office, John comes in with his reserved pissed face.

        Sheppard: “Can you even believe this? There’s in there taring Elizabeth apart like she’s our enemy! Even after she saved our asses!”

        Rodney:“Well, it’s not like she’s our Elizabeth. Even if she was…”

        John:“Rodney?” *glare*

        Rodney: “Look, All I’m saying is that I think it’s good to be cautious.”

        Teyla: *puts hand on Rodney’s shoulder, cautioning* “ Rodney…”

        Rodney: “What? It’s not like the replicators haven’t pulled one over our heads before. Hell, our CLONES didn’t know what was going on with them until it was too late. And I don’t know about you, but I’m not a fan of mind probing!”

        John: “But this is ELIZABETH we’re talking about!”

        Rodney: “IS it?!”

        John: “…” *doubt. Makes that gah sound and storms off.”

        Rodney: “Aw geez…”

        *Teyla sighs, goes to get up, Ronon grunts and shakes his head no.*

        Ronon: “let me do it.”

        Outside, balcony, night. Sheppard’s leaning on the railing, brooding. Ronon comes up behind him, leans against one of the poles, doesn’t say anything. John casts a side glance to him.

        Ronon: hesitantly “Look… you know I’m not good at this talking thing…”

        John: still scowling “yup.”


        Ronon: “I know this must really suck for you. I’ve been here.”

        John: casual, sarcastic. “Well. I don’t think you have.”

        Ronon: “I’ve lost teammates, I’ve lost friends, Tyre, …Melena…”

        John: “no, see there’s the difference.” *Turns to face him.* “Tyre, maybe. But we all know how he turned out don’t we? Other then that? How many friends have you lost, had brought back, only to lose again. TWICE? No, Ronon, you don’t know how it feels. Not to FINALLY have another chance, even after you’ve acted like an ******* yourself.

        And that one moment you have to make things right, might be ripped away by a bunch of tight assed white collar diplomats who don’t know what it means to cross the street let alone put their own hide on the line for people you believe in!

        No, all they care about is how their actions look on paper. They want to lock her away in area 51 and poke and prod her until she’s nothing more than a scrap of who she was! They don’t give a DAMN that they’re about to take away the one thing that kept this city together better then anyone else has or could! No. I won’t sit back and watch them destroy someone else. And I’ll be damn if I let them take her away again. I won’t lose anyone else. And I sure as hell am not going to lose her to them when she made her way back past god knows what! She didn’t give up on us. How can we give up on her?

        Stand there in silence. Eventually, Ronon nods.

        Oh! And one last thing! Would you mind sharing with me titles of songs that remind you of sparky? Either from just listening or music vids or the like (bonus if you have links to the vids.) I have evil slightly humourous plans....
        "Scientists say juggling is good for the brain....Or...was that...Jelllll-o?


          Originally posted by SoulSpinder View Post
          XD Which is why the fic/art DA club is called EternallySparky XD. >.> couldn't resist!

          Falcon- *GASP!* So THAT'S why the lemming bit me! I had to tell it the truth...and it lost its bed! I'm sorry, lemming!

          o.o wee! post count even! WOO HOOO! Not bad for someone who only delurks for spirts at a time, thanks gateraid for pointing that out! Never would have seen it!

          clearly this means I must celebrate by wasting time! So here's the challenge:
          show me your favorite sparky-fied screencaps... (or individuals if they rock your socks.) And I will try to butcher them!

          And, while I'm torturing all of you, a script for a comic thing I wanted to do when I first read the summary for GitM and I was still under optimistic doubt that they were lying to us about Torri to conceal things. (Wouldn't be the first time they lied, but the first they lied about something we'd like.)

          length and swearing

          Rodney, Teyla, and Ronon wait outside Woosley’s office, John comes in with his reserved pissed face.

          Sheppard: “Can you even believe this? There’s in there taring Elizabeth apart like she’s our enemy! Even after she saved our asses!”

          Rodney:“Well, it’s not like she’s our Elizabeth. Even if she was…”

          John:“Rodney?” *glare*

          Rodney: “Look, All I’m saying is that I think it’s good to be cautious.”

          Teyla: *puts hand on Rodney’s shoulder, cautioning* “ Rodney…”

          Rodney: “What? It’s not like the replicators haven’t pulled one over our heads before. Hell, our CLONES didn’t know what was going on with them until it was too late. And I don’t know about you, but I’m not a fan of mind probing!”

          John: “But this is ELIZABETH we’re talking about!”

          Rodney: “IS it?!”

          John: “…” *doubt. Makes that gah sound and storms off.”

          Rodney: “Aw geez…”

          *Teyla sighs, goes to get up, Ronon grunts and shakes his head no.*

          Ronon: “let me do it.”

          Outside, balcony, night. Sheppard’s leaning on the railing, brooding. Ronon comes up behind him, leans against one of the poles, doesn’t say anything. John casts a side glance to him.

          Ronon: hesitantly “Look… you know I’m not good at this talking thing…”

          John: still scowling “yup.”


          Ronon: “I know this must really suck for you. I’ve been here.”

          John: casual, sarcastic. “Well. I don’t think you have.”

          Ronon: “I’ve lost teammates, I’ve lost friends, Tyre, …Melena…”

          John: “no, see there’s the difference.” *Turns to face him.* “Tyre, maybe. But we all know how he turned out don’t we? Other then that? How many friends have you lost, had brought back, only to lose again. TWICE? No, Ronon, you don’t know how it feels. Not to FINALLY have another chance, even after you’ve acted like an ******* yourself.

          And that one moment you have to make things right, might be ripped away by a bunch of tight assed white collar diplomats who don’t know what it means to cross the street let alone put their own hide on the line for people you believe in!

          No, all they care about is how their actions look on paper. They want to lock her away in area 51 and poke and prod her until she’s nothing more than a scrap of who she was! They don’t give a DAMN that they’re about to take away the one thing that kept this city together better then anyone else has or could! No. I won’t sit back and watch them destroy someone else. And I’ll be damn if I let them take her away again. I won’t lose anyone else. And I sure as hell am not going to lose her to them when she made her way back past god knows what! She didn’t give up on us. How can we give up on her?

          Stand there in silence. Eventually, Ronon nods.

          Oh! And one last thing! Would you mind sharing with me titles of songs that remind you of sparky? Either from just listening or music vids or the like (bonus if you have links to the vids.) I have evil slightly humourous plans....
          I wish they would hire you as a new writer.

          Here ya go: screencap


          and a Sparky song that I can see John playing on his guitar in secret.

          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


            Awww *blush* You're too kind SR! But pic isn't working. ;.; is itjust my browser being mean?

            oh gods. XD I'm browsing through my own library for this project...and this song reminds me of US. As in us sparky shippers to current situations...and an earlier conversation in here...or maybe just me?


            n any other world
            You could tell the difference
            And let it all unfurl
            Into broken remnants

            Smile like you mean it
            And let yourself let go

            Cos it's all in the hands of a bitter, bitter man
            Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in
            Take a bow, play the part of a lonely lonely heart
            Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in
            To the world you thought you lived in
            -Mika, "Any Other World"
            "Scientists say juggling is good for the brain....Or...was that...Jelllll-o?


              Originally posted by SoulSpinder View Post
              Oh gods. XD I'm browsing through my own library for this project...and this song reminds me of US. As in us sparky shippers to current situations...and an earlier conversation in here...or maybe just me?


              n any other world
              You could tell the difference
              And let it all unfurl
              Into broken remnants

              Smile like you mean it
              And let yourself let go

              Cos it's all in the hands of a bitter, bitter man
              Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in
              Take a bow, play the part of a lonely lonely heart
              Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in
              To the world you thought you lived in
              -Mika, "Any Other World"
              My cousin told me to do a Sparky vid on that... I absolutely love that song. Of course, I would probably make a combination of Sparky and my OTP.
              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                Originally posted by SoulSpinder View Post
                Awww *blush* You're too kind SR! But pic isn't working. ;.; is itjust my browser being mean?

                oh gods. XD I'm browsing through my own library for this project...and this song reminds me of US. As in us sparky shippers to current situations...and an earlier conversation in here...or maybe just me?


                n any other world
                You could tell the difference
                And let it all unfurl
                Into broken remnants

                Smile like you mean it
                And let yourself let go

                Cos it's all in the hands of a bitter, bitter man
                Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in
                Take a bow, play the part of a lonely lonely heart
                Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in
                To the world you thought you lived in
                -Mika, "Any Other World"
                Don't know why the pic didn't work. I use Safari, so that may be the prob. Here it is again.


                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Haha! I broke out Safari (default) and I got it. MUH HA HA! Firefox is usually nice about those things, though, drats!

                  Falcon- Yay for many ships! ^.^ (You'll find me to be very open to suggestion, though does love her own OTPs.)
                  "Scientists say juggling is good for the brain....Or...was that...Jelllll-o?


                    Originally posted by SoulSpinder View Post
                    Falcon- Yay for many ships! ^.^ (You'll find me to be very open to suggestion, though does love her own OTPs.)
                    My OTP keeps Teyla away from John, so that Elizabeth can have him all to herself.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                      As to the face...

                      I think he looks kinda ticked off. Like the next words out of his mouth are going to be "what the hell kind of joke is this, McKay?" If I had to write this 'realistically', I would have John get upset, since they all thought they've been through her death and have moved on, and it seems impossible to consider she might still be alive. No one would believe it. If they're smart, and I do consider Binder smart, I'd have John be upset and suspicious and hurting the whole episode, since the face is not 'Elizabeth's' though the consciousness claims it is. Until she does something truly 'Elizabeth'.
                      Hell yeah!
                      John's been through this twice already, it would be only natural, especially after the clone fakeout from TMC, for him to be suspicious until he gets irrefutable proof.

                      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                      I think the important thing to remember is...
                      This is sci-fi, where ANYTHING is possible. I consider the 'real' Elizabeth's storyline to have continued through "Lifeline"; then, based on the fact that we did not see what happened, anything after that is an open-ended story. So perhaps her clone was a clone in TMC. Here, in GITM, we have a consciousness that might be her, but what's not to say that we find out later the replicators 'experimented' with Elizabeth, creating multiple copies of her, all with her mind and her emotions. You could have limitless 'Elizabeth's' out there, and since we've already had 'two', you can make a pretty good, believable case for it as far as the storyline goes.

                      So, if by some miracle Torri did happen to come back, you can write in that she's the 'real thing'. Maybe they stored her 'real' body in stasis in a storage facility away from Asuras, to keep it hidden. Maybe those other versions were created by rogues or true Asurans to study humans, or ascension, or whatever. To study her consciousness. And maybe they lost control of those Elizabeths, because, after all, she is a part of our Elizabeth. But it would explain how every 'Elizabeth' they throw at us is a true part of her--her mind and feelings, etc--but the real thing is still out there, somewhere. And maybe someday, either the Lanteans or the Wraith stumble upon it, resurrect it, and true Elizabeth is reborn. So even if this Franibeth ascends, you can later make the argument she's not 100% our Liz, so you can still have Elizabeth reborn later.

                      Or real Elizabeth descends. Another possibility. Or her mind is preserved and gets reconstituted in a body Rodney creates.

                      It's Sci-Fi. There are two absolutes: 1) ANYTHING can happen; 2) and NOTHING is every truly gone. It all depends on the business end, and how badly you want it to happen.
                      Yes! Yesyesyesyesyes!!!!! *bouncing off the walls* This is exactly what I was thinking!
                      The Replicators from TMC had recreated all of the team members, using the mind probes taken during Progeny, so this is very much possible. And those bits about the rogue Replicators "hiding" the original Elizabeth to study her? Gods help us all, Mallozzi even suggested that when he posted about Repli!Keller perhaps lying about Elizabeth. *headdesk* But it's true, and that was actually the basis of my alternate plan for my S5 AU. Damn, I should've waited until after GitMo to start writing it after all!

                      Argh! On the one hand, it's really liberating, because there are still so many possibilities out there for Elizabeth, the real, original Elizabeth, to still be alive in show canon. On the other hand, it's also really frustrating, because damnit, we want closure! Stop dragging it out and just have John rescue her and bring her home to Atlantis already! Torri said she turned down GitMo because it left things too uncertain, too "is she or isn't she," and it sure looks like what we've been talking about with GitMo ending with a resolution that isn't really a resolution, may be what we'll get.
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        I couldn't resist. This just popped into my head. You just can't fake it or learn it in acting class.

                        Damn right! It either comes naturally, or not at all. Sparky wins again!
                        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                          Originally posted by SoulSpinder View Post
                          And, while I'm torturing all of you, a script for a comic thing I wanted to do when I first read the summary for GitM and I was still under optimistic doubt that they were lying to us about Torri to conceal things. (Wouldn't be the first time they lied, but the first they lied about something we'd like.)

                          length and swearing

                          Rodney, Teyla, and Ronon wait outside Woosley’s office, John comes in with his reserved pissed face.

                          Sheppard: “Can you even believe this? There’s in there taring Elizabeth apart like she’s our enemy! Even after she saved our asses!”

                          Rodney:“Well, it’s not like she’s our Elizabeth. Even if she was…”

                          John:“Rodney?” *glare*

                          Rodney: “Look, All I’m saying is that I think it’s good to be cautious.”

                          Teyla: *puts hand on Rodney’s shoulder, cautioning* “ Rodney…”

                          Rodney: “What? It’s not like the replicators haven’t pulled one over our heads before. Hell, our CLONES didn’t know what was going on with them until it was too late. And I don’t know about you, but I’m not a fan of mind probing!”

                          John: “But this is ELIZABETH we’re talking about!”

                          Rodney: “IS it?!”

                          John: “…” *doubt. Makes that gah sound and storms off.”

                          Rodney: “Aw geez…”

                          *Teyla sighs, goes to get up, Ronon grunts and shakes his head no.*

                          Ronon: “let me do it.”

                          Outside, balcony, night. Sheppard’s leaning on the railing, brooding. Ronon comes up behind him, leans against one of the poles, doesn’t say anything. John casts a side glance to him.

                          Ronon: hesitantly “Look… you know I’m not good at this talking thing…”

                          John: still scowling “yup.”


                          Ronon: “I know this must really suck for you. I’ve been here.”

                          John: casual, sarcastic. “Well. I don’t think you have.”

                          Ronon: “I’ve lost teammates, I’ve lost friends, Tyre, …Melena…”

                          John: “no, see there’s the difference.” *Turns to face him.* “Tyre, maybe. But we all know how he turned out don’t we? Other then that? How many friends have you lost, had brought back, only to lose again. TWICE? No, Ronon, you don’t know how it feels. Not to FINALLY have another chance, even after you’ve acted like an ******* yourself.

                          And that one moment you have to make things right, might be ripped away by a bunch of tight assed white collar diplomats who don’t know what it means to cross the street let alone put their own hide on the line for people you believe in!

                          No, all they care about is how their actions look on paper. They want to lock her away in area 51 and poke and prod her until she’s nothing more than a scrap of who she was! They don’t give a DAMN that they’re about to take away the one thing that kept this city together better then anyone else has or could! No. I won’t sit back and watch them destroy someone else. And I’ll be damn if I let them take her away again. I won’t lose anyone else. And I sure as hell am not going to lose her to them when she made her way back past god knows what! She didn’t give up on us. How can we give up on her?

                          Stand there in silence. Eventually, Ronon nods.

                          I LOVE THAT!!!! Argh, the board won't let me green you, so MENTAL GREEN!!!!
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            Okay, it's Smut!Day on the Sparky thread, and you know what that means... fic rec time!

                            ...where time begins to fade, by Medie. A story based on the Star Trek original series episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before." Elizabeth and John are caught up in a jumper accident and wake up to discover they're not quite the same anymore. In this case, PWP stands for Porn WITH Plot.

                            Happy reading!
                            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                              Hell yeah!
                              John's been through this twice already, it would be only natural, especially after the clone fakeout from TMC, for him to be suspicious until he gets irrefutable proof.

                              Yes! Yesyesyesyesyes!!!!! *bouncing off the walls* This is exactly what I was thinking!
                              The Replicators from TMC had recreated all of the team members, using the mind probes taken during Progeny, so this is very much possible. And those bits about the rogue Replicators "hiding" the original Elizabeth to study her? Gods help us all, Mallozzi even suggested that when he posted about Repli!Keller perhaps lying about Elizabeth. *headdesk* But it's true, and that was actually the basis of my alternate plan for my S5 AU. Damn, I should've waited until after GitMo to start writing it after all!

                              Argh! On the one hand, it's really liberating, because there are still so many possibilities out there for Elizabeth, the real, original Elizabeth, to still be alive in show canon. On the other hand, it's also really frustrating, because damnit, we want closure! Stop dragging it out and just have John rescue her and bring her home to Atlantis already! Torri said she turned down GitMo because it left things too uncertain, too "is she or isn't she," and it sure looks like what we've been talking about with GitMo ending with a resolution that isn't really a resolution, may be what we'll get.
                              Okay I’m biting my nails here trying to stay away. I just had to jump in about Ghost in the Machine.

                              There was a lot of theory’s floating around last year, that the Elizabeth from the repli team was in fact the ‘real’ Elizabeth 'she was closer then they thought', which could mean the one on the ship is in fact the copy. So that would in fact make sense as to why she has her memories and nothing else.

                              Me going back to lurk mode. *Runs and hides*
                              BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                                Originally posted by SoulSpinder View Post
                                Awww *blush* You're too kind SR! But pic isn't working. ;.; is itjust my browser being mean?

                                oh gods. XD I'm browsing through my own library for this project...and this song reminds me of US. As in us sparky shippers to current situations...and an earlier conversation in here...or maybe just me?


                                n any other world
                                You could tell the difference
                                And let it all unfurl
                                Into broken remnants

                                Smile like you mean it
                                And let yourself let go

                                Cos it's all in the hands of a bitter, bitter man
                                Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in
                                Take a bow, play the part of a lonely lonely heart
                                Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in
                                To the world you thought you lived in
                                -Mika, "Any Other World"
                                Speckleberry did an Elizabeth vid for this song. It's here:


                                Depending on your mood, it can be hard to watch. Lots of First Strike, Adrift, and Lifeline clips are used. But it's an amazing vid.
                                sig by SueKay

                                My Team:

