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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
    My biggest fear for GItMo?

    That they will kill Liz. Again. That they will have John kill her. And that all of you, whom I love, and with whom I enjoy discussing this amazing pairing - and if I catch some time, I'll type you just why I love them so much and it will be a lengthy post - will go away and nobody will come to this thread any more. That would break my heart. Not the episode itself but all of you leaving.

    And that's my fear too. I'm already planning on stocking up on junk food, tissues, tea, and possibly closed doors until 6:30pm the next day to get the main bit of mourning out. (Would be two days, but I have a play I have to be in at 6:30 and work the next day.)
    "Scientists say juggling is good for the brain....Or...was that...Jelllll-o?


      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
      And another thing, since I'm punching the virtual bag here...

      My biggest fear for GItMo?

      That they will kill Liz. Again. That they will have John kill her. And that all of you, whom I love, and with whom I enjoy discussing this amazing pairing - and if I catch some time, I'll type you just why I love them so much and it will be a lengthy post - will go away and nobody will come to this thread any more. That would break my heart. Not the episode itself but all of you leaving.

      Please don't leave Sparky. *cries*

      Yes, I seriously don't feel well. Very stressed out right now. Sparky hugs, please??? *bats tear stained eyelashes*
      I don't think anyone is going to drop everything and leave. What happens in GITM will affect this thread, that's no question, but we'll all have to take it our own way and hopefully move on. We suffered through Elizabeth's death--twice--and though the users who post most have changed, the discussion remains. Hopefully it will continue to do so.

      Sparky Hugs

      Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


        Originally posted by SoulSpinder View Post

        And that's my fear too. I'm already planning on stocking up on junk food, tissues, tea, and possibly closed doors until 6:30pm the next day to get the main bit of mourning out. (Would be two days, but I have a play I have to be in at 6:30 and work the next day.)
        Yep. But we survived TMC. And this time, it's not even Torri playing her. Van that help at least a little bit? Will you guys leave? I'd be really heartbroken to see that.
        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


          Originally posted by SoulSpinder View Post
          Pajus- Love the name of the source. Quite accurate, too.
          Some people say that I have a talent for inventing nicknames


            Originally posted by Pajus View Post
            Some people say that I have a talent for inventing nicknames
            Yes you do. Can you give us here nicknames? But please don't be too evil.
            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
              Yep. But we survived TMC. And this time, it's not even Torri playing her. Van that help at least a little bit? Will you guys leave? I'd be really heartbroken to see that.
              I actually feel better about it not being Torri, because I won't be sitting there regretting every minute she's on screen them deciding to cut her. This is a little AU-feeling, and how believable it is will depend mostly on Michelle Morgan. So it could be good, could be bad. Doesn't change the fact that I still love Torri and Joe as Sparky seasons 1-3 +3.

              The only reason I would leave is if I didn't have time to post anymore, or if the thread got too fluffy and there wasn't any discussion, just spam. I like to be challenged in a positive way, that's sort of my way of de-stressing, so I like to come in and chat up what was great about the couple. If it goes too far away from the actual show (I'm talking S1-3, mostly) then I won't have much to contribute because I don't have time to do tons of fanon stuff, though I try.
              Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                » Yes. This is fiction. It's my fantasy, so, hell with tptb, let me have some of it.

                » Can we go back to fun stuff now?

                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                Yes, I seriously don't feel well. Very stressed out right now. Sparky hugs, please??? *bats tear stained eyelashes*
                » **HUGS**

                » Aaaand here's teh art so far, I left space(s) for any additional text you may want me to add ^^



                  Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                  Yes you do. Can you give us here nicknames? But please don't be too evil.
                  I don't know... I feel it would give me a few quick reds and a mod infraction


                    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                    Yep. But we survived TMC. And this time, it's not even Torri playing her. Van that help at least a little bit? Will you guys leave? I'd be really heartbroken to see that.
                    Unfortunately, You're stuck with me.

                    Oh, and I made a note/sent the message out about the sparky awards to the eternally sparky members!

                    and now, off to work!
                    "Scientists say juggling is good for the brain....Or...was that...Jelllll-o?


                      And here be my promised why I like Sparky so much post. Note this is my personal take on things, which means you don't have to agree with me at all. But I think this explains I see them as more than just two (very) pretty people.

                      Spoilers for length.

                      Most of us don't ship the characters just randomly, just like we don't choose our favorite characters in that fashion. We can always single out somebody we consider our favorite, and there is a reason. When I first watched SGA, I found John to be the most intriguing character – speaking from the psychologist point of view. The coin tossing scene, when he is deciding should he go to Atlantis or not, basically says “I'm alone, I'm afraid of trusting people, and I'm very screwed up”. I liked that, combined with dedication and intensity and fierceness, and his wish to do the right thing and save people entrusted to him. Powerful combination! However I picked Elizabeth as my favorite. I can't say I'm like her – I'm not, I'm probably more like Teyla when it comes to my personality, or maybe like Carson (yeah I'm mostly like Carson) - but there was something in Elizabeth specifically I could relate to, something I found important for me. She was alone against the world so many times. She had to stand alone in the beginning and shoulder the burden of responsibility. Something about that, and her personal strength made her my hero, because I needed – and sometimes still need – that kind of personal strength myself. I survived lot of things and I wish I didn't have to be brave or strong. People who know me personally say I'm tough as nails, but only I know how hard it is to be that strong. I guess I saw that in Elizabeth – both the strength and the pain. I like the balance of courage and fragility in her, but I don't see her as a perfect person. She broke up with her fiancée over a videotape! Talk about issues there.

                      At the same time she is completely dedicated to her work and ready to make sacrifices. She looks for the best in people and knows how to give a chance, or a second chance. Those are some of the things that make me like her more than everyone else.

                      What I like about her and John – and how I came to see them as a couple/a potential for a love story – is because they weren't meant to be from a start. It's not the you and me against all odds premise, but more like a natural growth.

                      At first they clash heads and disagree, but at the same time both try to understand the other and respect other's point of view. They are a challenge to each other. Both are stubborn, and both are very screwed up in an emotional sense. Both are very dedicated to Atlantis. In my opinion their relationship grows and develops from mutual respect into trust and close friendship. Finally they induce the change in the other, or rather both of them choose to learn something from the other. John learns to be more careful and less reckless while Elizabeth learns taking risks and being more adventurous. (In my personal life, I believe that people in a relationship should be essentially similar, hold similar basic values, but also, there should be diversity, because we need to give and take. And I guess when you love someone, you let that person influence you and show you the ways you can change. Should you change or not, is ultimately up to you and they let you choose.)

                      There is lot of gorgeous on screen chemistry between them. Also, to me, this relationship fits into “I can be without you, but I choose not to” thing, which has been done to death. They work as a team (commanding team, not the off world team). It's different from the usual romance/love story we are often shown on TV screen and I enjoyed that immensely. It's not “You complete me” thing and it's definitely not “I can't be without you” either (God how I loathe that clichee), because we saw Elizabeth being forced to sacrifice John several times over and breaking inside (but not on the outside) every time.

                      Finally, I think the same could be said about John, that is why he said in “Adrift” that Rodney never should have activated her nanites in the first place. In my opinion he wanted her wish to be respected, and her dignity as well as her humanity to be intact. All of that seems very realistic to me, in terms of close personal relationship. Being able to let someone go is the greatest love of all – it means doing what is good for the other person, or what is in his or hers interest, even if its something you personally don't want to do. And it takes lot of courage.

                      The best thing about sparky and their loudest message - fanon and maybe even canon vise is that their love can be summed into "I can be without you, but I choose not to." It's a conscious choice and freedom where you're not tied by the hands of cruel destiny. It's so much better than Romeo and Juliet (no offense to Shakespeare). It's modern love and something I personally find important and try to incorporate in most of the stories I put out there. That is one of the reasons why I write. That is also why Sparky, to me, doesn't get old,and the same goes for the other ships I shipped in the past. I still love them. I stay true to my ships.

                      So there you have it. Call it Anuna's Sparky manifest. Now, would anyone like me to justify my liking for sparky and dislike for new and improved SGA again?
                      Last edited by Anuna; 11 August 2008, 11:34 AM.
                      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                        Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                        » Yes. This is fiction. It's my fantasy, so, hell with tptb, let me have some of it.

                        » Can we go back to fun stuff now?

                        » **HUGS**

                        » Aaaand here's teh art so far, I left space(s) for any additional text you may want me to add ^^

                        *IZ DED*

                        Thank you! You just made my day, you have no idea how much happier I am now!!!

                        Can I put this on my LJ??? It's so pretty pretty and so peeerfect!
                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          » Yup, go ahead.

                          » List?

                          1. Athosian tents on the mainland, which Teyla gratefully sets up for them.
                          2. Hologram room, under the stars. (not under the hologram lady, though, because that would be just freaky.)
                          3. Puddle jumper orbiting Lantea. (Can we say, mile high club?)
                          4. In THE control chair. (Their love makes drones fly...)
                          5. Rodney's lab. (On his desk - after they shove his laptop computer and coffee to the side, of course.)


                            Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                            » Yup, go ahead.

                            » List?

                            1. Athosian tents on the mainland, which Teyla gratefully sets up for them.
                            2. Hologram room, under the stars. (not under the hologram lady, though, because that would be just freaky.)
                            3. Puddle jumper orbiting Lantea. (Can we say, mile high club?)
                            4. In THE control chair. (Their love makes drones fly...)
                            5. Rodney's lab. (On his desk - after they shove his laptop computer and coffee to the side, of course.)
                            6. Infirmary, behind the privacy curtain. (whoopsie, Carson is blushing. I guess he heard John's heart monitor going frenzy)
                            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                              And another thing, since I'm punching the virtual bag here...

                              My biggest fear for GItMo?

                              That they will kill Liz. Again. That they will have John kill her. And that all of you, whom I love, and with whom I enjoy discussing this amazing pairing - and if I catch some time, I'll type you just why I love them so much and it will be a lengthy post - will go away and nobody will come to this thread any more. That would break my heart. Not the episode itself but all of you leaving.

                              Please don't leave Sparky. *cries*

                              Yes, I seriously don't feel well. Very stressed out right now. Sparky hugs, please??? *bats tear stained eyelashes*

                              (((Sparky hugs to Anuna)))

                              I have the same fears for GitMo and won't really know how I will handle it until it happens. But remembering back to the build up to TRW, I bet someone on this very thread that John was not the shadowy figure we were speculating about. I just knew they wouldn't go there, but they did. So there's hope. Either way I will be here to get angry or to get squeeful. Whatever is required.

                              Your manifest just gave the perfect description of a mature love. My husband and I have promised that when the time comes we will pull the plug on the other without hesitation. When the time did come for my father I asked the doc for a "do not resusitate" order without hesitation. That's what you do for people you truly love. And if John has to end the abomination
                              that he knows is not his Elizabeth. He will do it without hesitation.
                              Anything that has happened to them since Adrift comes under that mature decision making process to me. Even Keller knew that when she
                              treated John like the grieving spouse in Adrift. I loved her in that.

                              Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                              » Yes. This is fiction. It's my fantasy, so, hell with tptb, let me have some of it.

                              » Can we go back to fun stuff now?

                              » **HUGS**

                              » Aaaand here's teh art so far, I left space(s) for any additional text you may want me to add ^^

                              Simply stunning.

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                                Peace in the galaxy, humans. I had a really long day and I need fluff and punching bag.
                                Little lemming can offer fluff... but in her best interest ... no punching please. Kate would like her lemming to come back in one piece.

                                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                                Please don't leave Sparky. *cries*
                                I ain't going anywhere. I may not be the biggest Sparky shipper in the thread but I do see the potential. Besides, you wanted people in here... Now you're stuck with the Little Lemming until she drops dead.
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

