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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I just had to pipe up on my favorite moments of S.1 -- I'll just go for everything in Rising. All the eye-oogleing going on between the 2 of them, I was shocked that it was "supposed" to be John/Teyla.

    ::still freaked about the Teyla bed splits::


      "Duet" was great, it definitely lived up to the hype. Davit Hewitt did a wonderful job. Now this was another episode that we did not get much Shep/Wer action, but we got more than last week. However I was a little disturbed on how
      John asked Ronan to join the team before consulting Elizabeth. That is not how chain of command works. And Elizabeth did not seem upset about it. Which disturbs me. She is head of Atlantis and should be consulted. Now I admit that the end scene where she does let Ronan join the team, and John knows she is going to say yes is cute (and love how he has that smirk and how her eyes scrunch up when she says yes) it is at the same time to easy and I'm not sure if it is suppose to be that way. Nobody else on Atlantis would that, they would totally be shut down.
      However they do trust each other, so maybe that is why it is easy for them to make command decisions together.
      Lady F


        Originally posted by alyssa
        I was a huge Mulder/Scully fan. Everything was so subtle with them. I miss X-Files..... does it destroy my credibility in any way to say that I loved Robert Patrick and Annabeth Gish too???
        I'm probably way late in responding to this line of conversation, but just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in.

        I just turned 37, have been married for almost 16 years, am a former career woman and now a stay-at-home mom to 3 kids. I'm also a lifelong sci-fi fan and totally hopeless (or should that be hopeful?) shipper!

        I never start watching a show for its "ship potential," but I do think that a hint of romance or some UST between characters with great chemistry often ups my enjoyment of a show. I've shipped for Moonlighting (Dave/Maddie---although quit watching before they ever got together due to frustration, and was SOOOO glad I wasn't emotionally invested anymore when they jumped the shark), Remington Steele (Remington/Laura), Lois and Clark:TNAoS (obvious pairing), Roswell (Max/Liz), Buffy (Buffy/Spike---I never hated Angel, and liked when Buffy and Angel were together the first 3 years---I just never got emotionally invested in them as I did with Buffy/Spike), Stargate SG-1 (Sam/Jack), and last but most importantly, Mulder and Scully in The X-Files. I agree that they had the most and best onscreen chemistry of any two actors I've ever seen, and I cannot wait for a 2nd X-Files movie.

        But to keep this at least slightly on-topic .........

        When I first started hearing rumors and spoilers for Atlantis (several months before Rising actually aired), I was not happy to hear that TPTB were planning to push a John/Teyla ship. As a frustrated Sam/Jack shipper, I didn't trust TPTB to do it right, and I also didn't want to have a ship forced on me. I've watched several shows where I haven't shipped any couple at all, even though others did, because I need to see the chemistry for myself. I want them to show me, not just tell me. A little later, I was relieved to read some articles and interviews that indicated they were backing off of any planned ships, specifically the John/Teyla ship.

        Then I saw the premiere of Rising. I went in with a completely open mind regarding the show---its characters, storylines, and ship potential. I did make a point to look for any chemistry between John and Teyla, since it had been talked about so much, but their interactions just left me flat. By the end of the first hour, though, I had already seen great chemistry between Sheppard and Weir, and thought they would be the ones to watch. "38 Minutes" confirmed for me that they definitely had some ship potential, and "The Storm/The Eye" just sealed the deal.

        I think the best and most unexpected early ship moments for me were when Kolya tells Sheppard that he will kill Weir, and Sheppard is desperate to stop him; then when Kolya tells Sheppard that Weir is dead and Sheppard vows to kill him. When Kolya tells John that Weir is still alive, and John stops walking and gets this incredible look of relief on his face and his voice trembles when he speaks, I think I just melted into a pile of goo.

        It was after that episode that I started searching out Atlantis threads on Gateworld to see if I was imagining things, or if others saw the same great chemistry I did. I still saw a big John/Teyla push in several threads, but was SOOOOO relieved when I finally found this thread. I've been lurking ever since, and want to say thanks to everyone for all the great posts and discussions I've read over the past several months.

        Whew! Sorry for the length of this post. (And I'm a fast typer, too, Bama, so I know what you mean about letting your thoughts just spill out onto the keyboard!) I guess I usually lurk so long and store up so many thoughts that when I finally do post (only 12 posts in a year and a half), it's a doozy!!


          Originally posted by Elmindreda
          I'm probably way late in responding to this line of conversation, but just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in.

          I just turned 37, have been married for almost 16 years, am a former career woman and now a stay-at-home mom to 3 kids. I'm also a lifelong sci-fi fan and totally hopeless (or should that be hopeful?) shipper!

          I never start watching a show for its "ship potential," but I do think that a hint of romance or some UST between characters with great chemistry often ups my enjoyment of a show. I've shipped for Moonlighting (Dave/Maddie---although quit watching before they ever got together due to frustration, and was SOOOO glad I wasn't emotionally invested anymore when they jumped the shark), Remington Steele (Remington/Laura), Lois and Clark:TNAoS (obvious pairing), Roswell (Max/Liz), Buffy (Buffy/Spike---I never hated Angel, and liked when Buffy and Angel were together the first 3 years---I just never got emotionally invested in them as I did with Buffy/Spike), Stargate SG-1 (Sam/Jack), and last but most importantly, Mulder and Scully in The X-Files. I agree that they had the most and best onscreen chemistry of any two actors I've ever seen, and I cannot wait for a 2nd X-Files movie.

          But to keep this at least slightly on-topic .........

          When I first started hearing rumors and spoilers for Atlantis (several months before Rising actually aired), I was not happy to hear that TPTB were planning to push a John/Teyla ship. As a frustrated Sam/Jack shipper, I didn't trust TPTB to do it right, and I also didn't want to have a ship forced on me. I've watched several shows where I haven't shipped any couple at all, even though others did, because I need to see the chemistry for myself. I want them to show me, not just tell me. A little later, I was relieved to read some articles and interviews that indicated they were backing off of any planned ships, specifically the John/Teyla ship.

          Then I saw the premiere of Rising. I went in with a completely open mind regarding the show---its characters, storylines, and ship potential. I did make a point to look for any chemistry between John and Teyla, since it had been talked about so much, but their interactions just left me flat. By the end of the first hour, though, I had already seen great chemistry between Sheppard and Weir, and thought they would be the ones to watch. "38 Minutes" confirmed for me that they definitely had some ship potential, and "The Storm/The Eye" just sealed the deal.

          I think the best and most unexpected early ship moments for me were when Kolya tells Sheppard that he will kill Weir, and Sheppard is desperate to stop him; then when Kolya tells Sheppard that Weir is dead and Sheppard vows to kill him. When Kolya tells John that Weir is still alive, and John stops walking and gets this incredible look of relief on his face and his voice trembles when he speaks, I think I just melted into a pile of goo.

          It was after that episode that I started searching out Atlantis threads on Gateworld to see if I was imagining things, or if others saw the same great chemistry I did. I still saw a big John/Teyla push in several threads, but was SOOOOO relieved when I finally found this thread. I've been lurking ever since, and want to say thanks to everyone for all the great posts and discussions I've read over the past several months.

          Whew! Sorry for the length of this post. (And I'm a fast typer, too, Bama, so I know what you mean about letting your thoughts just spill out onto the keyboard!) I guess I usually lurk so long and store up so many thoughts that when I finally do post (only 12 posts in a year and a half), it's a doozy!!
          Welcome Elmindreda! I'm a huge fan of the X-Files myself, but never have been much of a shipper for MS.

          I wasn't aware of the intention to push Teyla/Sheppard when I started watching Atlantis, but from what I saw I didn't see much chemistry between them in the first episode. Now Weir and Sheppard had chemistry IMO. Although I wasn't looking at as ship at the beginning until I started checking out this thread.

          I think the most surprising moment to me in S1 was also in The Eye. It was when Sheppard learned Weir was really alive and just the way he spoke to her at that moment.


            Welcome Elmindreda!

            Always nice to see new friendly faces so feel free to post when ever, tho i must warn you that this thread has a habit of sucking people in and never ever letting them go. Mwhahahaha



              I know that early on in the series, atlantis didn't have power to return to earth and feared they might never be able to. when did they aquire the (zpm?) -power to return and do they have the power now to go and come as they please? I's a newbish question but hey, i've missed a lot of eps and i've just lost some of what I did have recorded so show me some pity here. ; )

              I sort of like the idea of the team being 'stuck' on atlantis together and forever having to seek out other worlds for trade, food, etc. But then, I kept thinking how difficult a job it would be.

              Also, it sort of 'adds' to the shippy quality of things all the way around if the pool of people you have to choose from is as small as it is on atlantis. ; ) If you find someone you are crazy about-you'd have to grab them.

              All this just sort of 'struck' me after seeing last night's episode with
              McKay trying to date other military/science personel.
              I got to thinking to myself, 'hey, if he can do that, so can *others* without any worry of reprucussion.' I began to think about the social aspect of life on atlantis. They obviously have one.
              Katie mentioned 'girl's night out' with them playing cards and the like.
              Have their been any other eps that have referenced this? I just thought that it might be deemed inappropriate on this mission for any kind of relationship of that sort to be pursued that way.

              Unlike SG-1 with sam and jack who had that whole ethical, military rule thing constantly in the way, I don't see where anything would prohibit our boy and girl from doing whatever they want together other than their own code of professionalism. They can't be 'on the job' 24/7 as we saw last night. There has to be some time to just be 'them'.

              just thinking and wondering outloud...

              thanks guys...

              -Bama ; )
              Last edited by Bama; 06 August 2005, 11:02 AM.


                Originally posted by Athenaktt
                I finally finished my latest Langford U fic! Yay! Now you guys can't blame me for being too much a tease.

                It's a little Summer Party/Fourth of July fic...that spawned a while back.

                Here's the link to:

                Yay for Langford U fic!!!!
                ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                  Welcome Elmindreda!

                  Funny episode. DH did a great job!
                  The Carson kiss really had me laughing and not to mention his expression after.
                  Why did Elizabeth refer to John as Major when she was talking to Ronon?

                  The exchange toward the end was really cute. The way Elizabeth said 'yes' was like a little kid. Something like "Fine! I was going to! Happy?" So cute.
                  And I loved her line "Chatty fellow isn't he?"

                  Look where they are


                    Originally posted by Bama

                    I know that early on in the series, atlantis didn't have power to return to earth and feared they might never be able to. when did they aquire the (zpm?) -power to return and do they have the power now to go and come as they please?

                    I began to think about the social aspect of life on atlantis. They obviously have one. Katie mentioned 'girl's night out' with them playing cards and the like. Have their been any other eps that have referenced this?
                    To answer your first question,
                    they aquired a ZPM in Seige 3 when it was brought over on the Daedalus. So now they can gate TO Earth but have to travel BACK via ship (Daedalus).

                    THe only social aspect i recall being shown was in Hide and Seek, where Liz walks in on McKay, Ford, John and Teyla eating popcorn and watching a football game (John's peronal item that he brought). It was a great scene that showed them all relaxing and getting to know one another better.

                    THanx for the pic Vixen THey look so always


                      Originally posted by Bama

                      I know that early on in the series, atlantis didn't have power to return to earth and feared they might never be able to. when did they aquire the (zpm?) -power to return and do they have the power now to go and come as they please? I's a newbish question but hey, i've missed a lot of eps and i've just lost some of what I did have recorded so show me some pity here. ; )

                      I sort of like the idea of the team being 'stuck' on atlantis together and forever having to seek out other worlds for trade, food, etc. But then, I kept thinking how difficult a job it would be.

                      Also, it sort of 'adds' to the shippy quality of things all the way around if the pool of people you have to choose from is as small as it is on atlantis. ; ) If you find someone you are crazy about-you'd have to grab them.

                      All this just sort of 'struck' me after seeing last night's episode with SPOILERS (Highlight below to read):
                      McKay trying to date other military/science personel. I got to thinking to myself, 'hey, if he can do that, so can *others* without any worry of reprucussion.' I began to think about the social aspect of life on atlantis. They obviously have one. Katie mentioned 'girl's night out' with them playing cards and the like. Have their been any other eps that have referenced this? I just thought that it might be deemed inappropriate on this mission for any kind of relationship of that sort to be pursued that way.

                      Unlike SG-1 with sam and jack who had that whole ethical, military rule thing constantly in the way, I don't see where anything would prohibit our boy and girl from doing whatever they want together other than their own code of professionalism. They can't be 'on the job' 24/7 as we saw last night. There has to be some time to just be 'them'.

                      just thinking and wondering outloud...

                      thanks guys...

                      -Bama ; )
                      Spoilers for All Seiges, and Intruder, as well as some SG-1:
                      If you recall, last season on SG-1, they managed to acquire a ZPM (the whole Moebius, time travel thingy). That ZPM was then used to send help through the gate from earth, after which it was removed and placed on the Daedalus to give it more oomph to get to Atlantis quickly. Once they arrived and saved Sheppard, they beamed down the ZPM, which was used to restore power to the shields. When they finally managed to trick the Wraith into thinking Atlantis was destroyed, they were able to use the ZPM to power the gate and send Weir and Co. back to Earth. However, as Earth no longer has a ZPM, they had to wait there for the Daedalus to come pick them up and take them home, a much longer trip than it's first one without a ZPM to speed things up. In other words - Moebius I and II, Seige II and III, Intruder - it's all the same ZPM. Still, it's not exactly an easy jaunt to Earth and back, so they are still pretty isolated. It's a waste of power to go to Earth on a regular basis, not to mention it requires that it removes one of their defenses when the Daedalus has to come pick them up, so I think they're still likely to find companionship among their fellows on Atlantis. As for supplies, I suppose they will still be seeking to do most of that in the Pegasus galaxy, but with the ZPM it does at least offer them another option should they need it.

                      As for "girls' nights out" and such, there was a movie watching night in season one, but I can't think of anything else off the top of my head right now. And in "Runner"
                      McKay comments on how he and Ford didn't exactly hang out when not on a mission - only he does more in a much more snarky manner.

                      Sorry - that was probably much more than you needed to know, but my fingers ran away with me.

                      Also, just wanted to let you all know I'm thinking of trying to write a fic - so if (and that's a big if) I do, I'll let you know.

                      ETA: So it took me so long to type this, that Sally was able to answer it much more consisely before I could post! I'm so wordy.
                      Last edited by LurkerLa; 06 August 2005, 11:13 AM. Reason: Because I'm wordy.
                      ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                      The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                        Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                        To answer your first question,
                        they aquired a ZPM in Seige 3 when it was brought over on the Daedalus. So now they can gate TO Earth but have to travel BACK via ship (Daedalus).

                        THe only social aspect i recall being shown was in Hide and Seek, where Liz walks in on McKay, Ford, John and Teyla eating popcorn and watching a football game (John's peronal item that he brought). It was a great scene that showed them all relaxing and getting to know one another better.

                        THanx for the pic Vixen THey look so always
                        Yeah, well crap if i didn't just lose my siege 3.
                        I do remember them getting the zpm in that ep but was that their *first* trip back to earth since coming over? And if they can only get back via the ship, then that means they are tied to the Daedalus permenantly?

                        They must have brought along a bunch of food and then I was thinking that they must have more personel than just scientists and military soldiers. Military cooks must be involved and personel that clean etc...which got me to wandering about how large a contingent is now on atlantis.

                        Hmmmm...I like seeing the social aspect of atlantis. I mean, these folks are living out their LIVES there. They have to have things to do when they're not working. That is one thing I really liked seeing last night.

                        thanks for the response...

                        -bama ; )
                        Last edited by Bama; 06 August 2005, 11:19 AM.


                          Originally posted by LurkerLa
                          Spoilers for All Seiges, and Intruder, as well as some SG-1:
                          If you recall, last season on SG-1, they managed to acquire a ZPM (the whole Moebius, time travel thingy). That ZPM was then used to send help through the gate from earth, after which it was removed and placed on the Daedalus to give it more oomph to get to Atlantis quickly. Once they arrived and saved Sheppard, they beamed down the ZPM, which was used to restore power to the shields. When they finally managed to trick the Wraith into thinking Atlantis was destroyed, they were able to use the ZPM to power the gate and send Weir and Co. back to Earth. However, as Earth no longer has a ZPM, they had to wait there for the Daedalus to come pick them up and take them home, a much longer trip than it's first one without a ZPM to speed things up. In other words - Moebius I and II, Seige II and III, Intruder - it's all the same ZPM. Still, it's not exactly an easy jaunt to Earth and back, so they are still pretty isolated. It's a waste of power to go to Earth on a regular basis, not to mention it requires that it removes one of their defenses when the Daedalus has to come pick them up, so I think they're still likely to find companionship among their fellows on Atlantis. As for supplies, I suppose they will still be seeking to do most of that in the Pegasus galaxy, but with the ZPM it does at least offer them another option should they need it.

                          As for "girls' nights out" and such, there was a movie watching night in season one, but I can't think of anything else off the top of my head right now. And in "Runner"
                          McKay comments on how he and Ford didn't exactly hang out when not on a mission - only he does more in a much more snarky manner.

                          Sorry - that was probably much more than you needed to know, but my fingers ran away with me.

                          Also, just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of trying to write a fic - so if (and that's a big if) I do, I'll let you know.

                          ETA: So it took me so long to type this, that Sally was able to answer it much more consisely before I could post! I'm so wordy.
                          Wow, that was really helpful ! I'm still trying to wrap me wee brain around what all this stuff is (ZPM and the like) and what it does and where it takes them and crap. I watched siege 3 twice before I messed it up. Having watched SG1 sporatically I have more trouble than some at being up to speed on what does what with the science stuff.
                          So what you're saying in essence is that in case of a huge emergency, it is possible to get off earth and back via caldwell's ship but it isn't at all practical.


                          I thought when they went to the Pegasus galaxy, they were alone at it there. Have ships such as caldwell's been 'protecting' the area around them for some time or is this something new?

                          You guys are the best!

                          -Bama ; )

                          P.S. Please post a linko if you do write a fic! I almost hate to write fic again because it is so addicting to create your own little couple and make them do whatever you please. A powerful thing... and one I'm hopeful I'll control. ; )
                          Last edited by Bama; 06 August 2005, 11:23 AM.


                            Originally posted by Bama
                            So what you're saying in essence is that in case of a huge emergency, it is possible to get off earth and back via caldwell's ship but it isn't at all practical.


                            I thought when they went to the Pegasus galaxy, they were alone at it there. Have ships such as caldwell's been 'protecting' the area around them for some time or is this something new?

                            yes, they can now leave Atlantis in a hurry, if they need to, but the Daedalus takes a couple of weeks to make the trip between galaxies, so it'd take them a while to get back. And if they did leave, they'd be leaving behind the best hope for defense of the rest of the galaxy (i.e. the city itself), so I'd imagine they won't do that without drastic cause.

                            As for whether a ship "patrol" is new - yes. Until the Daedalus arrived in Seige II, Atlantis only had the puddle jumpers. Now that the Daedalus is here, it offers another line of defense for Atlantis, provided that it's not going up against too many enemies. In Seige III, we see that it can take on a hive ship, but after it got two of them, they managed to adapt. But that it is a valuable means of defense is obvious in Intruder, when we realize that the Wraith hope to be able to gain information about this new technology by implanting a virus in it.

                            Hope that made sense.

                            As for fanfic - my problem is that I usually don't do too well writing other people's characters. So while I've got drawers full of original fiction, the few times I've tried to write fanfic I screw it up terribly. I've been holding off because I like Sheppard and Weir too much to do such a disservice to them.

                            Aah! This forum is so addictive! I'm supposed to be leaving for the grocery store to buy lunch food, and I can't seem to leave my computer!
                            Last edited by LurkerLa; 06 August 2005, 01:12 PM. Reason: Yeesh, my grammar stinks lately!
                            ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                            The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                              Yeah, well crap if i didn't just lose my siege 3.
                              I do remember them getting the zpm in that ep but was that their *first* trip back to earth since coming over? And if they can only get back via the ship, then that means they are tied to the Daedalus permenantly? I thought when they went to the Pegasus galaxy, they were alone at it there. Have ships such as caldwell's been 'protecting' the area around them for some time or is this something new?
                              Yes it was
                              their first REAL trip back to Earth, and for the mean time, until they or Earth find another ZPM then yes, they are dependent on the Daedalus.

                              YOu're right. THey were alone when they first set off to Pegasus. SGC tried sending the Prometheus to find them in Prometheus Unbound(SG1) when it was fitted with an Asguard hyper-drive but the mission went sour. It was a whole new thing when the Daedalus showed up.

                              La, that happens to me all the time, usually with Mel
                              EDIT: Hehe, now you beat me and explained it far better than I did.

                              Remember, if at first you don't succeed...give up THe more you write, the easier it will be to get into sync with the characters, and you can always get a beta before you post it.

                              Athena, that was fantabulous! LMAO at the whole Daniel thang and ''My writing isn't that bad. Is it?'' Oo and the ending, so sweet John is SO whipped

                              I hear ya La. I got given the day off work so i could catch up with my studies bc i'm so far behind it's stupid. Well it's now 8:46pm and i've read 2 pages of notes *headdesk* Hmm..think I'll go watch Empire Records and study tomorrow
                              Hey, do you think they have music on Atlantis? I know they can watch films so maybe they have a sound system hooked up. I know i couldn't live without music
                              Last edited by SallyLizzie; 06 August 2005, 11:43 AM.


                                I've made a little Fan-art..not only Shweir... but I hope you'll like it anyhow

                                thanks for the Pic's Vixen... really cool! hope to watch the episode tomorrow

