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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by alyssa
    Wow! That's impressive --- nothing that exciting was on TV when I was 11!
    Michael Shanks is great! I saw him in Sydney one time. Nice guy --- a little sarcastic with funny stories about all the cast, especially RDA.
    Have you ever been to a convention with Amanda or Teryl? They're fantastic! Very cheeky and funny!

    I love all the good things I'm hearing about Torri and Joe, and I think David would be funny! (just thinking about him makes me laugh --- especially after watching Letters from Pegasus last night!)
    This is my first Convention

    I'd love to meet Torri and Joe. From all the stuff I've heard, Torri is jst so fun to be around!

    My partner is not that big on stargate but watches it with me anyway (He luurves me!) But he said that if David Hewlett was ever coming to a convention in London, he'd go in a heartbeat!
    I always love watching the extras on Atlantis just for David...hehe

    Anyway Shep/Weir....woooo!!

    Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

    LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

    Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


      Originally posted by alyssa
      I've been to 3 (Arrggghhh! Nerd alert!)
      First one was Teryl Rothery, Don S Davis and Peter Williams
      Second was Michael Shanks
      Third was Amanda Tapping.
      All of them very cool!
      I agree on the David Hewlett thing. I wasn't really a fan when he was on Stargate, but he's sort of grown on me to the extent where I really look forward to the slightest bit of time he has in a scene on Atlantis. He's just too funny. Especially with Joe and Torri!
      Im in my late teens (almost 19! )

      I saw Amanda Tapping in Sydney and she was great - very entertaining and cheerful.
      Looking forward to Joe and Torri in November..... A LOT!!

      Major Moomin - Love your sig

      Lovebar made by natz099
      My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


        Originally posted by alyssa
        I've been to 3 (Arrggghhh! Nerd alert!)
        First one was Teryl Rothery, Don S Davis and Peter Williams
        Second was Michael Shanks
        Third was Amanda Tapping.
        All of them very cool!
        I agree on the David Hewlett thing. I wasn't really a fan when he was on Stargate, but he's sort of grown on me to the extent where I really look forward to the slightest bit of time he has in a scene on Atlantis. He's just too funny. Especially with Joe and Torri!

        Hehe. I know what you mean. On one of the DVD extras. David is making fun of the fact that Torri Keeps blowing into her hands "That means she's happy!"

        I'd love to meet Amanda Tapping, but I heard that she doesn't do Wolf events any more...And I refuse to go to a Creation event cuz they are so expensive!

        Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

        LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

        Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


          I knew I should have waited until later to come on here. Now I'll never get dressed. You all have expressed some great ideas about EW's diplomatic status. I too was a give the woman a gun person for a long time but have changed my mind. Toting a firearm would negate her being a diplomat. That's what the military is for. Actually, she should be going on those negotiation missions. Picture her sitting at a table with the new alien contacts and John standing behind her fingering his P90. Nice backup, Sheppard. Love the idea of her showing off her language skills. Joe speaks fluent French by the way. They are wasting an opportunity there. I'm glad someone else saw the eye romance (I love that expression much better than what some people call it.) in The Rising also and remember thinking that maybe they had already met. She always seemed to zero right in on him, and they've been bursting each other's personal bubble right from day one. There's a moment in one episode that's used a lot on vids where she comes up behind him, and his expression changes in such a way that it looks like she may have given him a little tap in a certain place. Since we're telling our ages, I'm 55 going on 15. Does that make me the granny of the group?

          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


            Originally posted by alyssa
            I saw Amanda in Melbourne and the others in Sydney.
            Will have to investigate the Torri/Joe Australian visit. I presume they'll end up in Melbourne.... I should know this by now! How much of a slacker am I???
            It's not fair! much would it be for a flight to Australia?...ARG! Too Much!

            Just imagine all the possible senario's with Torri and Joe together on stage...I hope eveyones taking plenty of Photo's

            About Torri's age...Someone's guess at 33/34...hmm. Younger than I imagined (not in a bad way of course!)
            The larger part of me doesn't really want to know...It's not a big deal for me.

            It just goes to show that people become more beautiful the older they get

            Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

            LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

            Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


              I'm 19 (going to be 20 only 4 days after Joe's Birthday )

              *snif* I so wish that I will have the Chance to see one of the actors. The con's are just so far away from Switzerland (or Hungary!)

              Hey it's Friday.... so looking forward to this episode!

              Whaaa... 6000 Posts, thats great! (most Posts in Atlantis-Ship-Thread's )


                Originally posted by Southern Red
                Since we're telling our ages, I'm 55 going on 15. Does that make me the granny of the group?
                I'm in the 40's group. I'll join you in the rocking chair brigade.

                When all else fails, change channels.


                  Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                  I'm in the 40's group. I'll join you in the rocking chair brigade.
                  I think it's safe to say this group is composed of a wide age range?

                  Stargate really is a show for everyone!

                  Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                  LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                  Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                    Originally posted by Southern Red
                    I knew I should have waited until later to come on here. Now I'll never get dressed. You all have expressed some great ideas about EW's diplomatic status. I too was a give the woman a gun person for a long time but have changed my mind. Toting a firearm would negate her being a diplomat. That's what the military is for. Actually, she should be going on those negotiation missions. Picture her sitting at a table with the new alien contacts and John standing behind her fingering his P90. Nice backup, Sheppard. Love the idea of her showing off her language skills. Joe speaks fluent French by the way. They are wasting an opportunity there. I'm glad someone else saw the eye romance (I love that expression much better than what some people call it.) in The Rising also and remember thinking that maybe they had already met. She always seemed to zero right in on him, and they've been bursting each other's personal bubble right from day one. There's a moment in one episode that's used a lot on vids where she comes up behind him, and his expression changes in such a way that it looks like she may have given him a little tap in a certain place. Since we're telling our ages, I'm 55 going on 15. Does that make me the granny of the group?
                    Dang, you beat me to it. I was going to post the *exact* same thing. ; )
                    She should indeed be going out a bit more given that they need to be negotiating with friendly worlds. I can't see letting her fight wraiths but I do think a little light training with a gun might be a good thing for her. Never know when your life might be in your own hands in a world like this.

                    And yeah, I like 'eye romance' as a more fitting term right now too. ; )

                    55 eh? I used to think that was SO old. LOL. Now, as I stare 40 in the face, I realize just how young it is. BTW, can we call you Gran? *evil grin*

                    -Bama ; )


                      Nah, my parents (late 40's) always ask me: "Aren't you a bit old to watch a serie like this."
                      They thought, when I began watching with 11 that I will stop, when I get a bit older... but here I am! (o.k my parents are generally a bit anti-SciFi ) I think it's great, when there are all age-groups...makes it more intresting


                        Oh yeah, I wanted to share my fic link like a couple of you asked of me when I suggested writing one.

                        You guys can let me know what you think. Keeping in mind...I'm a total newbie. ; ) Also a slave to shippy romantic fic...

                        The Opposite Side of Goodbye is here:



                          Originally posted by alyssa
                          Just did some research.
                          Torri went to Guildhall in London. Ewan McGregor graduated in 1992.
                          Presuming it's your traditional 3 year course, which most are, that puts her around 33 or 34.
                          Does that sound about right?
                          Based on the fact that I read somewhere that she went to England to study when she was 18....

                          Okay, so Torri studied in London, likes Johnny Depp and went to school with Ewan McGregor. Now *that* is a woman with great taste.

                          Attempting to keep this vaguely on topic: I've often thought before that Torri's has very angular features and sometimes the lighting and camera angles don't catch her at her best, but they really seem to have it sorted out much better this season. Her hair looks great and the makeup is working for her finally and I really think she looks younger than most of last season. (this would be the point where I'd repost all those lovely spoilers pics that've been hanging about, but I haven't figured out how to do that yet, so y'all just have to use your imagination )

                          And as we're all sharing: I'm 24.

                          Thanks for the greetings xkawaiix, manybleems and athena_ktt, there are not smiley faces big enough to say how nice it is to have people to gossip Atlantis with. Everyone's generally being so pleasant and friendly to each other. It's weird.


                            Originally posted by hail_dorothy
                            Okay, so Torri studied in London, likes Johnny Depp and went to school with Ewan McGregor. Now *that* is a woman with great taste.

                            Attempting to keep this vaguely on topic: I've often thought before that Torri's has very angular features and sometimes the lighting and camera angles don't catch her at her best, but they really seem to have it sorted out much better this season. Her hair looks great and the makeup is working for her finally and I really think she looks younger than most of last season. (this would be the point where I'd repost all those lovely spoilers pics that've been hanging about, but I haven't figured out how to do that yet, so y'all just have to use your imagination )

                            And as we're all sharing: I'm 24.

                            Thanks for the greetings xkawaiix, manybleems and athena_ktt, there are not smiley faces big enough to say how nice it is to have people to gossip Atlantis with. Everyone's generally being so pleasant and friendly to each other. It's weird.
                            Agree that it is nice and second your post! Coming from the old land of X-file message boards it is a huge change to see people being civil. LOL. Those old boards used to be a free for all and shippers were attacked on all sides -constantly. There doesn't seem to be the backlash against shippers in the stargate community that existed in the XF one.

                            As for Torri, I've decided to be a hair worshipper. ; ) Love the curls.

                            -Bama ; )


                              Originally posted by hail_dorothy
                              Okay, so Torri studied in London, likes Johnny Depp and went to school with Ewan McGregor. Now *that* is a woman with great taste.

                              Attempting to keep this vaguely on topic: I've often thought before that Torri's has very angular features and sometimes the lighting and camera angles don't catch her at her best, but they really seem to have it sorted out much better this season. Her hair looks great and the makeup is working for her finally and I really think she looks younger than most of last season. (this would be the point where I'd repost all those lovely spoilers pics that've been hanging about, but I haven't figured out how to do that yet, so y'all just have to use your imagination )

                              And as we're all sharing: I'm 24.

                              Thanks for the greetings xkawaiix, manybleems and athena_ktt, there are not smiley faces big enough to say how nice it is to have people to gossip Atlantis with. Everyone's generally being so pleasant and friendly to each other. It's weird.
                              lol, we are a family.

                              And she likes Johnny Depp! Definately good taste.

                              And I agree, she really looks best this season. I love her hair!

                              And me = turning 18 this 16th!!!!!


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                Agree that it is nice and second your post! Coming from the old land of X-file message boards it is a huge change to see people being civil. LOL. Those old boards used to be a free for all and shippers were attacked on all sides -constantly. There doesn't seem to be the backlash against shippers in the stargate community that existed in the XF one.

                                As for Torri, I've decided to be a hair worshipper. ; ) Love the curls.

                                -Bama ; )
                                Ooh! A Club!...Can i join??...Do we get badges?...Ok, Im pretty sad I know

                                Lovely Hair and smile pic ahoy!


                                Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                                LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                                Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!

