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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    It could mean anything really, we'll just have to wait and see I supose...


      Originally posted by Rubicon
      OK so I know I read a
      re: The Tower that Elizabeth has a major decision to make? Anyone else read this and know what it means?

      I read spoilers and then go on about my merry way, never remember where they were. Tra-la-la!
      To plant a big one on Shep or not to...that is a big decision. ; )
      I'd bet the thought has briefly crossed her mind...oh say about the time she
      grabbed him around the neck and squeezed the life out of him

      *evil grin*



        Originally posted by xkawaiix
        Hmm... well
        I don't think that there will be any flirting from Shep. I mean, *she* tries to seduce him so maybe she'll be the only one doing the flirting...
        You know, sometimes events like this, even though at first glance they may seem anti-ship a little, often give us insights into the true and growing feelings a character may have about someone else. It most certainly will give us insight into the Shep character.
        If Shep has good opportunity to get laid with no regrets and turns it down, it certainly says something good for his ethics. I don't consider a little harmless flirting too damaging to any potential deeper relationship he might develop with Elizabeth.

        Theirs is going to be a lot more intense and long-term meaningful than one fleeting moment of sexual awareness. Now, while I do think sexual awareness will (and most likely already has) develop between Shep and Elizabeth, I also know that both of them seem to be honorable people who would shove such aside for as long as they could fight it for the mission's sake as well as respectfulness to the other and the team. If things keep munching along though, time and experiences will bring them to some points in the road where such feelings cannot be shoved aside. Those 'windows' of clear sight are a beautiful thing for the characters and the audience to behold.

        -Bama ; )


          Originally posted by Southern Red
          I usually don't listen to commentaries either because they all tend to say the same things, but this one was different. In fact I read a review somewhere that said JF was the best thing about this one because you could see that he is interested in every aspect of the filming and is learning the craft. He and Martin Wood seem to have a great relationship and work well together. Joe's humility and willingness to learn also come through, and he has a very impressive vocabulary. Gushing, I know I should head over to the thunk thread. Hey, maybe we can help him get over his fear of the internet. As for seeing your teacher in the store. I used to be one so I get it. I always sent hubby to the liquor store.
          LOL! Teachers are people too. I taught for 12 years before going into adminstration. I know where you're coming from. ; )

          I like Joe a lot from what little I've seen of him. I think, since this is a JOHN/ELIZABETH thread and we've certainly been gushing over the female side of that duo lately, that it is surely OK to indulge ourselves in a little harmless John/Joe gushing here. ; ) I'm very much looking forward to the ep he directed.

          -Bama ; )


            Originally posted by Rubicon
            OK so I know I read a
            re: The Tower that Elizabeth has a major decision to make? Anyone else read this and know what it means?

            I read spoilers and then go on about my merry way, never remember where they were. Tra-la-la!
            You know, I'm starting to think again about the 'It could mean anything' Well, it could still mean anything, but maybe
            the big decision that Elizabeth has to make is to let John... yada yada yada with *her* :hiss:

            AND! wait before you kill me and throw mints at me, just think about it. Caldwell might be in this episode and you know him. He'll probably be keeping an eye on Elizabeth and John seeing that there is potential for something more than a professional relationship between them. And then that would put Weir in a difficult position. It would be either help save The Protector's Royal bloodline and probably make a very good profit (of things like techonlogy and yada yada yada) or give Caldwell a really good reason transfer either John or herself to somewhere else, THUS! gaining the job he longs for. But ultimately, it would still be John's decision.

            I think that either way, this epi is gonna be shippy whether happy shippy or angst shippy.


              Originally posted by Southern Red
              Bama, you sound like my kind of woman also. Must be the Southern belle thing, sugar.

              Yeah, we southern gals do tend to be romantic. ; ) A lot of times on messageboards people will ask me why I use pet names like (honey, sugar, babe, darlin). I can never get it across to them that THAT is how we actually talk (and think). LOL

              I've seen a common idea in the last few pages. Elizabeth is a very strong woman. Strong women scare some people. Maybe at first TPTB didn't quite know what to do with her. I love the softer moments which seem to always come when a certain pilot is about to die or when she finds out he is indeed not going to die.

              Those have been my fave moments as well. She has that womanly softness in her eyes and it comes through but at the same time, she realizes she has to be tough on the outside too. The weight of the world is on that woman's shoulders at times and one false step can mean disaster. I think we're all going to enjoy the few episodes where she releases a little of that stress.

              I stood up and cheered at the unfortunate Kavenaugh moment. I saw it as the mama lion doing anything to protect her baby (or baby doll in this case). Heh. We can't have her go all girly and wishy washy because then she'd be accused of being weak. I love the way they've changed her attitude toward the military. My hubby is a former Marine, and we have tons of military and former military friends. I know how the military thinks and how they serve with honor and pride. The writers have done an excellent job of protraying these qualities in Sheppard, or maybe we have JF to thank for the character choices.

              I think the director must give the actors a lot of leeway to play things how they think they should. If actors have chemistry and that leeway is available, they'll usually give the audience something good even when the scripts aren't all that shippy.

              After listening to him on the commentary for The Rising DVD, I realized that he has a lot of clout and makes a lot of decisions about his character. I hope that is continuing because he seems to have a lot of common sense, and OK my face is red but I admit to being surprised at how smart he is. Sorry for being judgmental of actors, but they usually don't impress me with their education and number of brain cells. I've talked a little bit with a rocket scientist friend who's an SGA fan. He's also a USAF major with a cowlick, but the resemblance ends there. Anyway, he gave me a blank look when I mentioned the romance angle and started one of his rambling Rodney-like replies which I tuned out The bottom line is the old guard Sci Fi crowd doesn't even see it. Yet. And will probably wander off if it turns into a soap opera, so slow and steady will win the day.

              Very interesting how smart Joe is. He looks like a sharp guy to me though and that bleeds through in his portrayal of John. It appears that John hides a lot of his intelligence but it is obvious that Elizabeth and others can see it. I like that aspect of the character. He has his reasons...makes him multi-layered.

              As for the 'romance angle'...pure Sci-fi people (men mostly) NEVER want to see the human aspect of things. I think TPTB wanted to show more than hack and slay. Why even put Dr. Weir in the cast if not? Why not just put four BA men out slaying wraith constantly if that is all it takes to make a good show? It simply takes much more whether the testosterone laden sci-fi 'purists' want to admit it or not. Nobody wants it to be a soap opera. There are plenty of those on if that is the kind of shallow relationship we wanted to watch be built. While I want John and Elizabeth to eventually reach the point of intimacy, as lead commanders of a horridly dangerous mission, they have a lot on their plate and a ways to go before they get there. Half the fun is watching them edge toward each other in their pursuits.

              -Bama ; )


                Originally posted by Bama
                LOL! Teachers are people too. I taught for 12 years before going into adminstration. I know where you're coming from. ; )

                I like Joe a lot from what little I've seen of him. I think, since this is a JOHN/ELIZABETH thread and we've certainly been gushing over the female side of that duo lately, that it is surely OK to indulge ourselves in a little harmless John/Joe gushing here. ; ) I'm very much looking forward to the ep he directed.

                -Bama ; )

                Joe did not direct the episode Epihany (sp?) but he did come up with the story and help write it. It gives
                more information on John's background.

                As for "The Tower"
                it seems that the female trys to seduce John but fails, he puts a stop to it. And Weir and Beckett show up to help their new allies since they need a strong Ancient gene to help protect their Planet. John as one of the strongest Ancient genes that they have seen in a long time. Hence the attemped seduction. My guess is that the people are going to be inoculated with the ancient gene just like our people have in order to work the chair to protect the planet.
                Unfortunately we won't know until next year since it shows after the winter hiatus.
                Lady F


                  Good no directing! The director just isnt in front of the camera enough during the ep. So yeah! for the no directing!


                    Ok shippers can some of 'yall 'splain it to them?


                    Sorry double post!


                      Originally posted by Rubicon
                      Ok shippers can some of 'yall 'splain it to them?


                      Sorry double post!
                      I gave it a quick try before heading to the office but in my experience, I've found that if a 'no romo' has his mind made up that shippers are trying to ruin 'his' show, that little can be done to persuade them to think otherwise.

                      -Bama ; )


                        A quick try??? Bama, that post was sooo true! You really hit it striaght on! :applause:


                          Guys, let's not get too worked up over the information on The Tower. We really don't know much about it, as GW tends to be rather cagey about spoilers. They don't generally give out any information past the halfway point of an episode.

                          However, I've looked around at another site that tends to be more comprehensive, and the girl's attempt to seduce him is definitely a ploy — she's being played by the Lord Protector's advisor, who does turn out to be a bad guy. And Sheppard's not at all happy with her for it, but like a good guy, he offers to protect her when her life is in danger later.

                          Another detail that I really like is that when Sheppard comes up into a situation he's uncomfortable with, he calls Weir in. That's something he didn't do last season — I get the feeling that her dealing with the Genii, whether he knows that she was blindfolded or not, gave him confidence in her superior people skills.

                          And... Weir and Beckett are captured later in the episode. And we all know what that means.

                          Should be an interesting episode. Hopefully I'll have the sides and be able to give you guys a comprehensive rundown by the end of the week.
                          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                          Last update: 14 April 2006
                          Melyanna's Multimedia
                          Last update: 15 February 2006


                            Unfortunately we won't know until next year since it shows after the winter hiatus.
                            Ooo, so that means that us Brits get it first then

                            I enjoy the commentaries, particually the ones by MW, PDL, AT + GJ, so i'm looking forward to the SGA ones.

                            OT but as we're sharing..
                            I served loads of teachers when i worked in the off-license and a couple came into the pub i worked in when i was 15. Most of them live local. Two of them used to date and my friend had to babysit bc she lived next door, and one time Mr. Walker came down in just his boxers (not knowing she was there yet) ........which reminds me of a cute fic i read once where John walked in on Liz getting out the showers (wrapped in a towel) then she walked in on him starkers in his room

                            It appears that John hides a lot of his intelligence but it is obvious that Elizabeth and others can see it. I like that aspect of the character. He has his reasons...makes him multi-layered.
                            I don't think he hides it, i think that he just doesn't show it off, ie McKay. It's nice to see that despite his high IQ that he is still level-headed and can joke around/socialise without coming across as being condescending.

                            And... Weir and Beckett are captured later in the episode. And we all know what that means.
                            Is it too early to squee?


                              Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                              Is it too early to squee?

                              Nope, now's fine I think...


                                Originally posted by Melyanna
                                Guys, let's not get too worked up over the information on The Tower. We really don't know much about it, as GW tends to be rather cagey about spoilers. They don't generally give out any information past the halfway point of an episode.

                                However, I've looked around at another site that tends to be more comprehensive, and the girl's attempt to seduce him is definitely a ploy — she's being played by the Lord Protector's advisor, who does turn out to be a bad guy. And Sheppard's not at all happy with her for it, but like a good guy, he offers to protect her when her life is in danger later.

                                Another detail that I really like is that when Sheppard comes up into a situation he's uncomfortable with, he calls Weir in. That's something he didn't do last season — I get the feeling that her dealing with the Genii, whether he knows that she was blindfolded or not, gave him confidence in her superior people skills.

                                And... Weir and Beckett are captured later in the episode. And we all know what that means.

                                Should be an interesting episode. Hopefully I'll have the sides and be able to give you guys a comprehensive rundown by the end of the week.
                                I refuse to get 'worked up' about a spoiler until I see something good actually happen on screen. ; ) Hopefully, we'll get some touchage or major gazeage at least. And I agree that if
                                his woman is taken hostage that John is gonna go all crazy and ape$hit to our shipper heart's delight. ; )


