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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    Mission accomplished.

    Well, let's see...
    Spoiler for size.


    Novak's interview. She's just the most hilarious character around and even Elizabeth had to force herself to keep a straight face.

    Look at the cuteness... How can I not like that?

    I'm a Teyla-fan and I absolutely adore the 'Beyond the Night' sequence. She looks so beautiful and it's full of strong emotions and I remember the first time I watched CM my jaw was hitting the floor at the speed of light. That was/is just a breathtaking moment.

    A very powerful moment between the two leaders, the civilian and the military man. The trust just jumps off the screen like wow. These two know each other like no one else knows them. That was very powerful. The look between Weir & Sheppard, the way she looks back at Caldwell and walks out... Sparky Power extraordinaire.

    Beckett/Cadman - I love that pairing. They were so cute together. I really wish they hadn't just dumped Cadman after CM... I would have liked to see her again some day.

    ZELENKA!!!!! That was brilliant... "Hey look, it's Mr. Mom!"

    Again, the understanding between Sheppard & Weir goes beyond everything... They totally get each other on every level of existance.
    You know, it's really nice to hear opinions of people who like other characters more than J/E bump in here and point towards that awesome chemistry. Not that I don't absolutely love every Sparky on Earth, but it just makes the argument for that chemistry stronger.

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    I've been a busy beaver today. My husband says by the time I get to Z, I may get good at this. Anyway, the E wall.


    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
    Mojitos! And hey, they've got mint in them... does this mean that the mojito is the official Sparky drink?

    Sparky fics about the heat... There's a number of them out there, but I can't remember any of them at the moment. Anuna's already mentioned her "Boiling Point." I seem to recall that one was put up recently that featured John going to Elizabeth's quarters to entice her with some ice cream.
    Um, mmmm...Mojitos. That's about the only alcoholic beverage I drink. I'm not a drinker, but when I joined the tennis team we made mojitos for after matches. YUMMY!
    Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


      Heya Sparkies!

      A sick idea just jumped into my head: what about if we vote fort he most cutest sparky baby?

      How does it work?
      Everyone posts a baby pic of himself/herself in here and then – after everyone posted - we vote and in the end we have a sparky baby


        Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
        You know, it's really nice to hear opinions of people who like other characters more than J/E bump in here and point towards that awesome chemistry. Not that I don't absolutely love every Sparky on Earth, but it just makes the argument for that chemistry stronger.
        Thanks, I'm glad to be able to spice up the variety...
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          Originally posted by Torri012 View Post
          Heya Sparkies!

          A sick idea just jumped into my head: what about if we vote fort he most cutest sparky baby?

          How does it work?
          Everyone posts a baby pic of himself/herself in here and then – after everyone posted - we vote and in the end we have a sparky baby
          *snort* I don't think they had cameras when I was a baby. I'm game if the rest of you are. What age limits?

          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


            Originally posted by Torri012 View Post
            Heya Sparkies!

            A sick idea just jumped into my head: what about if we vote fort he most cutest sparky baby?

            How does it work?
            Everyone posts a baby pic of himself/herself in here and then – after everyone posted - we vote and in the end we have a sparky baby
            » Good idea! I'll get some baby pics of moi when I get home

            » And I need to do something academic now >.< I need to make some Sparky icons - pictures anybody? Post a base, get an icon


              Sparky lunch pic.


              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Good morning, Sparkies!

                Originally posted by Ice Wolf View Post
                Agreed. What ever is wrong with Elizabeth would be something subtle. You could argue that she like hopeless causes and trying to fix people (John, Ronon etc.). Clearly she craves adventure. And she has probably a greater obsession with the Ancients than Daniel. She seems to always be searching for something greater. She's self sacrificing, maybe not as blatantly as John but its there. It guess you could say that she has all the same psychological problems as John only in John they are more noticeable. They are very similar in a lot of respects.
                *nods* Yep. She's an explorer, through and through. I would also venture that she's certainly a workaholic; I know this tends to be shown a lot more in fic, but even on the show, the woman's always working! Always in her office doing paperwork or running around the city checking up on the latest dire situation. We never hear about her hobbies (other than seeing all the multicultural knick-knacks she collects in her office), though we see the others doing or talking about non-work activities on a regular basis.

                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                Which is exactly what makes them a great - and realistic - couple. It's not opposites that attract. Take it from a professional.
                Definitely. While they may have differences, there has to be some sort of feature common to both, a point at which they can meet as equals.
                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                  Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                  Good morning, Sparkies!

                  *nods* Yep. She's an explorer, through and through. I would also venture that she's certainly a workaholic; I know this tends to be shown a lot more in fic, but even on the show, the woman's always working! Always in her office doing paperwork or running around the city checking up on the latest dire situation. We never hear about her hobbies (other than seeing all the multicultural knick-knacks she collects in her office), though we see the others doing or talking about non-work activities on a regular basis.

                  Definitely. While they may have differences, there has to be some sort of feature common to both, a point at which they can meet as equals.
                  And a little difference comes in when he tries to get her to relax more or worries about her working too much. One of the few good things in Sunday was when John said he was glad Teyla was having lunch with Elizabeth. And in The Return 1 he teased her about not sleeping. He was totally aware of where she was and what she was doing at all times.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Hey y'all. I have another John/Elizabeth pic fic...

                    Beauty Secrets

                    If things settle down here, I should have another one by the end of the week!
                    Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                      Um, mmmm...Mojitos. That's about the only alcoholic beverage I drink. I'm not a drinker, but when I joined the tennis team we made mojitos for after matches. YUMMY!
                      They are yummy! Cool and refreshing... very like our Sparky.

                      So, Sparky fans, what say you? Shall we proclaim the mojito as the official drink of Sparky?
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                        They are yummy! Cool and refreshing... very like our Sparky.

                        So, Sparky fans, what say you? Shall we proclaim the mojito as the official drink of Sparky?
                        Works for me. I even have fresh mint growing in a pot on my deck.

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                          Good morning, Sparkies!

                          *nods* Yep. She's an explorer, through and through. I would also venture that she's certainly a workaholic; I know this tends to be shown a lot more in fic, but even on the show, the woman's always working! Always in her office doing paperwork or running around the city checking up on the latest dire situation. We never hear about her hobbies (other than seeing all the multicultural knick-knacks she collects in her office), though we see the others doing or talking about non-work activities on a regular basis.

                          Definitely. While they may have differences, there has to be some sort of feature common to both, a point at which they can meet as equals.
                          Hrm...I'd have to go through and refresh my memory, but here are some standout things I think about Elizabeth, both on a psychological level and as far as hobbies go:

                          1) She wasn't married to Simon, and chose to leave him for another galaxy. A modern take on relationships, and she hadn't found a person to commit to--I'm curious whether she ever would officially declare it. (Rising). I do think John is the best type for her to be with, and if she were to commit, it would be to him.

                          2) Is comfortable and able to negotiate highly-volatile treaties. Demonstrates a level of control, strong self-confidence, and balance. Can also apparently placate two sides in an issue enough to reach agreement. (SG-1 Introductory episodes, The Lost City Parts I & II, The Real World)

                          3) Dreamed of being an astronaut when she was young: showed she was adventuresome. (The Real World)

                          4) Carries around her father's watch as a keepsake/good luck charm--looks at it in times of great distress: I'm guessing Elizabeth's father was one of those men who was very intelligent, very adventurous, and very much loved his daughter. I don't think many men can live up to that image, which may be while she's not found a person with whom she can commit. I think he's also the one who instilled in her the love of exploration. (The Real World, Critical Mass)

                          5) She is not a sports person (*grumble* she should have been--Torri was a tomboy). Makes various references to not knowing much about American football, hockey, or golf. (Suspicion, The Real World, Sunday)

                          6) Very much a pacifist who dislikes guns, though on Atlantis she learns to live with them. (SG-1 Introductory Episodes)

                          7) While she is always weighing consequences, she will go all the way when it comes to making ethically challenging decisions (Common Ground, Poisoning the Well, Critical Mass, Michael). There are a few things, however, she refuses to do no matter what the cost to her team (Childhood's End).

                          8) She holds out a hand longer than any other person in Atlantis, including the military. Decisions that might come down to the very last minute for most generally go down to the very last second for Elizabeth. (38 Minutes, Conversion)

                          9) Doesn't like to fail; doesn't liked to be perceived as failing: Elizabeth gets a bit tetchy if you bring up her ability to command. Even in a joking manner. (Home, The Return).

                          10) Doesn't like to be challenged in authority: While we have many situations where she coalesces because of 'suggestion', when you really back her into a wall and attempt to override a decision she believes is correct, watch out! (Hot Zone, 38 Minutes, Conversion)

                          12) Is highly devoted to her people and her responsibilities. Elizabeth is willing to go all the way for those she cares about and for what she perceives is her responsibility. (Before I Sleep; Lifeline, This Mortal Coil).

                          13) She places implicit trust in people who have earned it. Betray it, and you will suffer consequences (Duet, any and every John cooperative decision moment, Trinity, The Game)

                          14) She isn't stuck in her ways, and she is willing to give people a chance to prove themselves (McKay and Mrs. Miller, Duet, Common Ground).

                          15) She has a snarky sense of humor (Inferno, Misbegotten, The Tower, Submersion, Echoes, Tao of Rodney etc, etc, etc)

                          16) Final observation: Elizabeth is a very strong, strong woman. But I do think she has to have purpose for her life to mean anything. If she's not accomplishing something, she feels like she isn't worth anything. Maybe that goes back to a Daddy issue, maybe it's something never explored, but I think we had it painfully exposed to us in the episode The Return, Part I. And though we'll never really enjoy the way in which her run on Atlantis ended, even in the cameo in Be All My Sins Remember'd we see Elizabeth working to an end.

                          Hobbies that I remember off the top of my head? Collecting Artifacts, Reading (various indirect reference to quotations and books), playing solitaire, writing (she's a sparky at heart)

                          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                          They are yummy! Cool and refreshing... very like our Sparky.

                          So, Sparky fans, what say you? Shall we proclaim the mojito as the official drink of Sparky?
                          I vote YES!
                          Last edited by Eri13; 09 June 2008, 09:53 AM.
                          Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                            I haven't been around much lately. I've missed 30 pages!! Anuna you probably would have figured it out, but that song was actually Mercy by Duffy. The other (Why don't you release me) was just the most featured line. Anybody else thought about Chris Brown's Forever?
                            Re Rodney's affliction I agree that one could interpret his condition that way, but I honestly don't think that it has been thought through that much on the PTB's side. They just wrote a character (based on their own life experience and something that is frankly very easy to write) who happened to turn out that way. One only has to look off-screen to see how much they think things through. You could look at any person on tv and interpret their actions in certains ways (hence the various fandoms) but it is more a reflection on the writers than the character as such. Maybe that's my anti-ness coming through, believing that there is no plan at all. Quite likely though
                            Can't help on the fic side. Tried to write one. It was truly awful so i stopped.
                            Where are the smutty screencaps??

                            EDIT: What is a mojito? I've heard of it but i don't actually know what it is. I tend to drink beer, whiskey, rum. You know, the boring drinks

                            EDIT II: What about Busta Rhymes featuring Lincoln Park Together We Made It. For an AU sparky universe of course
                            Last edited by gateraid; 09 June 2008, 11:18 AM.


                              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                              Hey y'all. I have another John/Elizabeth pic fic...

                              Beauty Secrets

                              If things settle down here, I should have another one by the end of the week!
                              *snickers* That's funny!

                              And actually,
                              the Air Force does have regs on wearing makeup, so you're on target on that one; men can't at all (so yeah, John's busted; on the other hand, Lizzie's never struck me as a stickler for the really rigid regulations the military has, but I can imagine even she'd probably draw the line at blue nail polish! ); women can wear it as long as it's subdued and complimentary of skin tone (so no wild clashing colors).
                              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                                Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                                Hrm...I'd have to go through and refresh my memory, but here are some standout things I think about Elizabeth, both on a psychological level and as far as hobbies go:

                                1) She wasn't married to Simon, and chose to leave him for another galaxy. A modern take on relationships, and she hadn't found a person to commit to--I'm curious whether she ever would officially declare it. (Rising). I do think John is the best type for her to be with, and if she were to commit, it would be to him.

                                3) Dreamed of being an astronaut when she was young: showed she was adventuresome. (The Real World)

                                4) Carries around her father's watch as a keepsake/good luck charm--looks at it in times of great distress: I'm guessing Elizabeth's father was one of those men who was very intelligent, very adventurous, and very much loved his daughter. I don't think many men can live up to that image, which may be while she's not found a person with whom she can commit. I think he's also the one who instilled in her the love of exploration. (The Real World, Critical Mass)

                                5) She is not a sports person (*grumble* she should have been--Torri was a tomboy). Makes various references to not knowing much about American football, hockey, or golf. (Suspicion, The Real World, Sunday)
                                I think these parts in particular are very telling about the nature of her character and what she finds attractive. She's intelligent. She likes adventure. She likes exploring things. So does John, which is why I agree that he is her "type." They're two of a kind.

                                And yeah, what the heck is up with not being a sports person? That does seem at odds with the rest of her adventuresome self, doesn't it?

                                Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                                9) Doesn't like to fail; doesn't liked to be perceived as failing: Elizabeth gets a bit tetchy if you bring up her ability to command. Even in a joking manner. (Home, The Return).

                                10) Doesn't like to be challenged in authority: While we have many situations where she coalesces because of 'suggestion', when you really back her into a wall and attempt to override a decision she believes is correct, watch out! (Hot Zone, 38 Minutes, Conversion)

                                12) Is highly devoted to her people and her responsibilities. Elizabeth is willing to go all the way for those she cares about and for what she perceives is her responsibility. (Before I Sleep; Lifeline, This Mortal Coil).

                                13) She places implicit trust in people who have earned it. Betray it, and you will suffer consequences (Duet, any and every John cooperative decision moment, Trinity, The Game)

                                14) She isn't stuck in her ways, and she is willing to give people a chance to prove themselves (McKay and Mrs. Miller, Duet, Common Ground).

                                16) Final observation: Elizabeth is a very strong, strong woman. But I do think she has to have purpose for her life to mean anything. If she's not accomplishing something, she feels like she isn't worth anything. Maybe that goes back to a Daddy issue, maybe it's something never explored, but I think we had it painfully exposed to us in the episode The Return, Part I. And though we'll never really enjoy the way in which her run on Atlantis ended, even in the cameo in Be All My Sins Remember'd we see Elizabeth working to an end.
                                Exactly. She's not one to sit around; she has to do something, and she has to do it well. It's clear that she's set very high standards for everyone around her, and no one moreso than herself. Perhaps too high of expectations; we see how crushed she is after being sent back to Earth in The Return.

                                She keeps giving and giving and not expecting anything in return; also like John.

                                Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                                Hobbies that I remember off the top of my head? Collecting Artifacts, Reading (various indirect reference to quotations and books), playing solitaire, writing (she's a sparky at heart)
                                I keep going back to that scene in Season 1 where she finds John reading War and Peace. He is such a closet intellectual!

                                Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                                I vote YES!
                                Whoo Hoo! Anyone else for mojitos as the official drink of Sparky? Just imagine, our Sparky sitting out on a sandy beach somewhere sipping on ice cold minty mojitos... there's gotta be a fic in there somewhere...

                                Oh, and for gateraid: What is a mojito? A very tasty mixed drink with white rum, sugar syrup, soda water, lime and mint. More here.
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

