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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    *drops of banner*
    not that good, blame the need for sleep


      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
      Me or Anuna? I'm feeling much better, thanks...but I sound like a frog and I think I've reached my energy level for today because the words are going crossed on the screen. XD
      god, lucky you. i'm getting worse

      Originally posted by sofie View Post
      *drops of banner*
      not that good, blame the need for sleep

      love the banner.


        *hugs Anuna*

        Hope you feel better soon Eri and Torri012!

        Love the banner Sofie!
        Thanks to Spacemonkey Jackson for the signature!


          me post 600 *wootooo* i'm getting old in here nearly *rofl*


            No one wants it then?

            Okay puts story in unwanted pile.

            Contrat's on 600 Torri012


              Originally posted by Wormhole View Post
              No one wants it then?

              Okay puts story in unwanted pile.

              Contrat's on 600 Torri012
              what story?? huh? - i want it!?

              thanks. catching up on you soon *rofl*


                Originally posted by Wormhole View Post
                No one wants it then?

                Okay puts story in unwanted pile.

                Contrat's on 600 Torri012
                you're kidding right no sparky stories in the unwanted pile!!!!!

                Congrats Torri012 on 600!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                  So you do want Paradise Lost then .

                  But first last instalment for the Pompeii story
                  BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                    Paradise Lost updated
                    BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                      Originally posted by Wormhole View Post
                      woohoo it's great!! Such an interesting story


                        Originally posted by Torri012 View Post
                        me post 600 *wootooo* i'm getting old in here nearly *rofl*

                        Welcome to old age.

                        Great banner sofie. Now go do a John one. *puppy eyes*

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Hello! Hope everyone's feeling a little better today!

                          I hate sort of leaving The Brotherhood as the over-the-weekend discussion because it doesn't have much Sparky...but oh, well.

                          That being said, I actually do like "The Brotherhood". For me it has many redemptive elements that don't denigrate the Elizabeth and John characters, despite their being away from each other, and the additional plot line stuff is well-timed. And they actually stick continuity elements in there. Weir's 'list!' Future plot developments! Someone stop the presses, more than two episodes might be linked together! *kidding* *not really*

                          The only time we see John and Elizabeth together is the beginning and the end--despite having seen Alina, I'm SO GLAD she's not 'the focal hot chick' this go around. John's still bored of the prospect (showing he's not a perpetual Kirker) and Rodney's all about the ZPM. Though the 'romance' does turn into a plot element, it's not the Chaya reaction from either guy:

                          The initial archeology stuff about the Potentia only peaked my interest slightly. I do like archeology, but I thought they perhaps threw a bit too much information at the audience to make it interesting until the final moments. (Was all that digging necessary)?

                          And the Rodney/Alina stuff was funny simply because David Hewlett is great at playing Rodney's reactions. The team camaraderie was a cute moment. And Rodney's handling of Alina after they let him know she might be crushing:

                          Just as I get bored with the digging, however, in a brilliant twist they bring back someone who will always catch my interest--Kolya! I love that man.

                          And...he throws them down a hole. I thought John's reaction was a little off from what I'd be feeling at seeing him again so soon. I know all those bad memories of everything they went through in the storm would resurface--you'd think he'd be more than ticked off. Instead, he's sorta nonchalant about it. I wish they'd kept it more intense, as it was during "The Eye" have John have the fire in his eyes again--especially being captured for the first time by Kolya, would have been more intriguing.

                          Anyways, the best thing out of the Potentia situation was the Mensa revelation by John. We always knew the boy was smart, but finally we get confirmation. And for some reason it threatens Rodney's manhood.

                          I wasn't all that impressed with Alina and her band of the Brotherhood. Isn't that ZPM still floating out around there somewhere? I never paid enough attention to care.

                          But...on to the best parts of the episode, for me at least--the happenings back on Atlantis, which was tremendous forethought for the writers as we lead up to 'The Siege'. We're still 2 episodes away from a three part finale, but already suspense was building. I like how they bring it in sort of nondescriptly, with Zelenka and Elizabeth having a few heart to hearts and it escalating to a battle situation and then impending danger. I think this episode established the personality of the Zelenka character completely--we'd already seen his intelligence, but here he gets the chance to be himself away from Rodney. His soft-spokenness, his attentiveness to Elizabeth and his hard-working ethic made him immediately likable. His character has also suffered as a result of no Elizabeth in Season 4.

                          I like the forced reaction Elizabeth and team had to take to deal with the dart. Without John there, Elizabeth has to make a military decision, and there is no wavering in her demeanor. This is one of the elements about the Elizabeth character I like most--she makes decisions, and not just because she 'has' to--there are no excuses with her. If John had been there, she would have relied heavily on him for advice--because he's experienced in being a pilot and has fought in war. But when he's not there, there isn't a 'what should I do?' manner about Elizabeth. She's not wishy-washy about things, doesn't hesitate with decisions, and shoulders the consequences.

                          It goes back to why I find Elizabeth appealing as a character. As a female, you might expect her to waver in situations like these. She never really does--only in the times where ethics were seriously in question--as we'll see with the upcoming "The Gift" episode. I still find that rarely, in sci-fi or anywhere else, do we find a leader who can eschew the lightheartedness Elizabeth displays with Zelenka early on and still have the cold steel to order that jumper strike, suffer the losses, and still keep her head on straight afterwards to deal with the remainder of the problem. No prototypical or stereotypical anything with the leader here--she was unique, and for me, very realistic.

                          That intense scene at the a way it's an interesting counterpart to "Hot Zone". John was not informed of what was happening because of the hostage situation with Kolya so he doesn't find out what happened on Atlantis until he returns. He's a little peeved about that, but Elizabeth explains to him immediately why and what actions were taken. I also like that Elizabeth makes no apologies as she explains the situation--no 'I'm sorry, I had no other choice' or 'you weren't here, I did what I thought was best'. She states why she couldn't contact him, and that's that. She's the leader--she doesn't have to have him there to make those kinds of decisions, and it strengthens her character to have her be that way.

                          I like the feel of this scene, the way Torri and Joe play it. They both feel like strong characters at this point, both having just dealt with serious life-or-death situations and both realizing they're not in the clear. They're in command mode, but it's a situation where they are dealing with each other leader to leader, commander to commander. I love the maturity in their demeanors--and also the unity. By the end of the scene, they're cohesive again, a united front against the upcoming danger. Their dialogue, actions and emotions fit like puzzle pieces.

                          And then comes that great cliffhanger of what's heading their way, which so neatly shapes the next five episodes (there's that darn continuity thing again. Who woulda thought?)

                          I thought it was a strong episode. If not sparky in a sense, the fact that the characters of John and Elizabeth were, for the most part, respected in their positions, that we got Kolya, we got the Mensa mention, and we got the handling of the Wraith dart situation from Elizabeth without her military commander, all make the episode a worthy watch from time to time.
                          Last edited by Eri13; 04 April 2008, 08:51 AM.
                          Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                            Good job, Eri. A+++

                            Actually I thought this was a very Sparky episode. Not from a personal standpoint but just in the way they related to each other. The last scene reminded me so much of a husband and wife. She made a major decision while he was gone and he wants all the details. Love it.

                            *points to new sig* I love my new toy. Now I have to go rest my eyes.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Originally posted by Wormhole View Post
                              *starts to dance up and down a boogywoogy*

                              yaaaaaaaaay i got a credit lol

                              *runs of with a bunch of sweets to read the fic*


                                Wormhole, when you put a fic in your LJ can you put it under a cut? It's like a spoiler tag

                                I loved The Brotherhood for all the reasons Eri so eloquently pointed out, but I also loved the archeology part and the search for the ZPM. It reminded me of Da Vinci's Code (yes I liked the book, don't hit me). The part when John solves the riddle was breathtaking - I had to put that clip in my very first John vid. I was also thrilled to learn about Mensa, I always thought John is smarter than he lets on.

                                The last scene is so very perfect.
                                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.

