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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    i'd go with something traditional as well Grace, Eizabeth, Emma.

    does any one else find that picking out boys names is easier then girls?
    Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
    Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


      Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
      i'd go with something traditional as well Grace, Eizabeth, Emma.

      does any one else find that picking out boys names is easier then girls?
      I do. That might have something to do with the fact, I have two boys.
      sig made by me


        Well if it was a boy I could've called him Brad Sheppard.

        Lol, sounds like another 100 topic to me.

        Names for John and Lizzie's children.



          Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post

          Any Chloe/Clark shippers here?

          poll at E online

          To make this on topic sparky!!!!!
          OMG, such a Chlark fan! I read and voted--and the essay in support of Chlark was the best of the three! (Even though in the end I know it'll go Lois&Clark).

          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
          Jane Austim fan strikes again. I suggest Emma.
          Emma Grace Sheppard *weird psychic vibes with the other sparkies* is the name I gave their daughter in my AU fic (which has been pushed to the back to make room for two more I'm doing).

          I plan on naming my daughter Elizabeth. If I don't have one, I'm going to adopt one.

          I'll be back with the start of the "Hot Zone" discussion--I have to download some piccies. A whole weekend on it! *waves flag*
          Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


            *rubs hands*

            Bring on the Hot Zone!!!! because it's a) hot, b) awesome episode!

            @Worm - name the kid Brad and I'm not talking to you. Ever. Again.
            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
              *rubs hands*

              Bring on the Hot Zone!!!! because it's a) hot, b) awesome episode!

              @Worm - name the kid Brad and I'm not talking to you. Ever. Again.

              Okay, to start the 100 topic off then.

              #1 - Brad.

              BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                *Nudges* everyone. Wake up!.

                *Dream World*

                *Bad Dream*.


                BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                  The final part of the new ren fic is up

                  Title: Precipice (3/3)
                  Authors: angelqueen04, melyanna, and miera_c
                  Rating: PG
                  Summary: Elizabeth's visit to Neill yields some surprises for Laura, Kate, and herself.




                    Sorry! How bad is this? I've had the gateworld forum open for 6 hours and haven't been able to do anything Hot Zone related because of some crisis issues at work!

                    However, I'll try and do something forgive my abbreviated synopsis, but after all, we have the weekend!

                    Hot Zone

                    Okay...while "The Eye" is definitely my tip-top favorite of S1, this episode is close. Rather than a strengthening of the Elizabeth/John connection--made very evident in "The Storm/The Eye", this episode actually places the Elizabeth/John relationship in jeopardy--exploring the dissonance in their positions and the differences in their personalities. And because Elizabeth is my favorite character, I have to give kudos to the fact that she makes her case and basically wins round 1. I don't discredit John's position, but I favored Elizabeth in the stay/don't stay debate because she had the ability to see the entire situation from the control room, and he didn't.

                    The debate begins here:

                    John agrees, in part, with her assessment initially. But you can tell he doesn't like not having his fingers in it, and I think that lays a little at the core of the John character. He loves to advise and to assist and not be left out of the loop. He doesn't seek to lead, but he definitely wants to always be a part. If you don't let him, it makes him angry, nervous, and antsy. I think it goes to that complex of wanting to make sure he can take action when he needs to. Not a control freak, and not a 'save the day' hero complex, but someone who believes if a situation gets out of hand he needs to take action.

                    As the situation intensifies, he becomes more belligerent, eventually getting to the point where she's forced to give him an order. I enjoyed that, actually.

                    As the tension escalates, so does the tension between Elizabeth and John. The peak scene in the story is the point where John assumes his military authority and overrides her orders by ordering his military to do what he requests (in particular, Bates, who loved it).

                    One of the things I noticed when searching out caps for this episode is how well directed it was. Notice how menacing John's position looks as he argues with Elizabeth and finally orders Bates to open the door:

                    Elizabeth's response is more than just anger--she's honest to goodness hurt over his actions. Obviously it's got to be a worry, that he's overridden her authority as leader, but also because at this point she does trust him. If you can tie in continuity, remember that she's just owed him her life--she essentially allowed him to make a decision about her life during that standoff on the ramp with Kolya, and here, he's not allowing her the same sort of trust.

                    And then we get to my FAVORITE scene--the one-two punch of female power. Not ONLY does Teyla tell off John (subtly, of course, in a completely Teyla manner) *waves Teyla flag*:

                    Elizabeth, however, deals the blow. I think she actually scares him. This scene by Torri is one of my favorites anywhere in the series, and I love the look she gives as he calls her over the comm. He goes from being kinda *shrug shrug* at Teyla's remark to all of a sudden nervous, irritated, and probably a little worried at Elizabeth's manner. And then, when she does actually answer, he gives a little bit of a *yikes* expression at her tone.

                    Torri plays off sad, angry, hurt, and disappointed all through her eyes (and the magnificent push of the camera.) She looks like she's about to break down, and yet you know inside how steely she is and that she never would. This is another scene where I get absolute chills at how good it is:

                    Alright, all for now. I'll come back with second half pics later...sorry for the stinky synopsis. I'll leave it to you Hot Zone fanatics to fill in the blanks--and also to take up some of the 'other' moments in the story (like, um, people dying)! XDDDDD
                    Last edited by Eri13; 28 March 2008, 02:04 PM.
                    Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                      Alright, Hot Zone, part II!

                      I did not pick up on the fact that he first calls her "Elizabeth" in this episode. I watched them out of sequence, though by this point I was going chronologically on the DVDs, but because he called her Elizabeth so frequently in Season 2 (which I watched quite a few episodes of first) it just didn't phase me. But it's important: the point at which he does it is an interesting one. He uses it as a defense of his position--and right as his betrayal is at it's height, he calls her using her name. Is it a way of bringing her down to a subordinate level--or is it because he's honestly concerned about her, has reached desperation mode, and is just trying to get her to understand?

                      WEIR: You said so yourself – you are the ranking military officer. I can’t chance you getting infected.
                      SHEPPARD: I can’t chance you getting infected. Bates?
                      BATES: Yes, sir.
                      SHEPPARD: Unlock the gym.
                      BATES: Yes, sir.
                      WEIR: Stand down, Bates. You are not in command here, Major.
                      SHEPPARD: Well, we’ll agree to disagree. Bates, open the door.
                      WEIR: Don’t.
                      SHEPPARD: Elizabeth, he’s heading right for you.
                      WEIR: So we’ll stop him. We’ll talk him down, we’ll block his way, we’ll ...
                      SHEPPARD: Sergeant Bates, I am ordering you to open up the doors between the gym and the med lab right now.

                      He does it a second time, a scene later--and this time it is much more personal. Elizabeth isn't speaking to him--and he needs her to. I like how Joe delivers this line--a bit desperate and a bit frustrated:

                      and I'm reposting this picture because I love it.

                      Elizabeth receives a bit of a vindication when it's revealed that Peterson was able to use the transporters due to John's actions. I also love Elizabeth's response to John's (sorta snotty) comment (and the camera--did I mention the direction? The quick pan up, push in to her yelling at him over the comm--WOW!):

                      WEIR: Doesn’t look promising. Atlantis itself seems to have somehow sensed a threat and taken over most of the controls.
                      SHEPPARD: So it shut down the transporters?
                      WEIR: That’s right.
                      SHEPPARD: Well, I wish we would’ve thought of that.
                      WEIR : We did think of that, Major. That entire section had to be powered up for you to open the door to Peterson. In fact, if you hadn’t gone after him, he wouldn’t have been able to use the transporters. D’you still feel it was a good idea?
                      SHEPPARD: Where’d he transport to?
                      WEIR: The Mess Hall. Thankfully everyone else respected the quarantine – there’s only a handful of people there.
                      SHEPPARD: Alright, you’ve made your point.

                      I have to HA!HA! and wave an Elizabeth flag when she chews him out. I was rather irritated with John this entire episode, and this was great vindication:

                      In the meanwhile, another cool part about this episode is how Elizabeth changes faces. While she's busy dealing with John, she's also trying to be supportive to Rodney, Ford and the rest of the team exposed to the virus--and watchful over the Peterson situation. It's Elizabeth's authority tested to the max (by an internal crisis, anyway), and she handles it well.

                      When John proposes the solution to the situation, it is an interesting bit of reversal--Elizabeth argues and John reminds her there is no other way--which she is forced to concede.

                      I love the detonation sequence, though I'm completely not convinced that blowing up a nuke, no matter how high above the city you are, is a good idea and will have no lasting effects! But again, a beautifully shot, beautifully acted episode--look at the lovely angles for everyone:

                      FINALLY...the ending scene:

                      I'm glad Elizabeth didn't let him get away. She wants it out--and she wants it understood that there can't be conflict between them. But I have to admit, the character's take on this is interesting. I guess I was expecting a back-and-forth 'if you undermine my authority no one else here will follow me'. But she doesn't argue that, she instead pleads with him--"trust me".

                      This is Elizabeth at her best. Negotiating, understanding the other side, and rather than demanding anything, simply asking. Trying to make them understand. It's intelligent and mature, and I love that about the character. It is my excuse for why John doesn't do this again--because she is the first person who deals with him this way--no reprimands, no punishments, just 'trust me. I trust you.' It is very, very reflective of the first time they argued on the balcony, and rather than just telling him 'no', she says: "I see your you see mine". Both are compromise angles, and neither one demeans his position. After both arguments, even though she's enforced her position as Head of the Expedition, she's also asserted he does have a place right alongside her, that she trusts his judgment and authority, and relies on him. She just needs him to see her side, too.

                      All I have to say is damn Rodney and Carson.

                      A really great episode.
                      Last edited by Eri13; 28 March 2008, 02:09 PM.
                      Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                        Ooooh, wait I have a present!

                        *strained voice* Really shouldn't have had that last corn dog!

                        ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                        I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                        Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                          Jane Austim fan strikes again. I suggest Emma.
                          I was gonna suggest that, it's pretty, I'm sure Liz and John would love it.
                          Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                          at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                          R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                            Seems we have a name, hands up for those who want Emma Sheppard.
                            BEST OF BOTH WORLDS



                              Watching some Sparky vids I have saved and haven't watched in a while...
                              Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                              at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                              R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                                Originally posted by Wormhole View Post
                                Seems we have a name, hands up for those who want Emma Sheppard.
                                *raises hand*

                                Heh! I also vote for Emma. I've always preferred traditional names and don't like the current propensity for "modern-sounding" names. I like names to have meaning and history behind them, instead of something that someone made up on the spur of the moment just because it sounded cool. "Sounds cool" doesn't always translate to a peaceful classroom or playground for those kids.
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

