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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
    I watched it. Can't honestly tell you how I feel about it. It didn't hurt sparky, at all. So it's a plus point for this thread.
    Overall, I am kinda tired of the Todd (wraith) story line.
    The bolded part has made me

    I've heard different which is what I was talking about in the anti-thread but I didn't want to go into a ship discussion there.
    My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


      Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
      The bolded part has made me

      I've heard different which is what I was talking about in the anti-thread but I didn't want to go into a ship discussion there.
      Oh there's not a second we need to be worried/even give a second thought to.
      Finally John told Teyla in a little harsh tone exactly why he doesn't want her on the missions anymore. Then he had to ask for her help, and admitted to being wrong. Teyla helped them with the whole fight wraith & such. At the end she admitted that she can't be helping the team anymore, as her baby is her first priority. There was hug, and Shep was still very uncomfortable.
      I don't see how anyone can interpret the actions tonight to mean something romantic. It was plain & dried. My husband said "oh they have a brother/sister relationship."
      sig made by me


        Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
        Oh there's not a second we need to be worried/even give a second thought to.
        Finally John told Teyla in a little harsh tone exactly why he doesn't want her on the missions anymore. Then he had to ask for her help, and admitted to being wrong. Teyla helped them with the whole fight wraith & such. At the end she admitted that she can't be helping the team anymore, as her baby is her first priority. There was hug, and Shep was still very uncomfortable.
        I don't see how anyone can interpret the actions tonight to mean something romantic. It was plain & dried. My husband said "oh they have a brother/sister relationship."
        Aww brother/sister, your husband is smart.

        Can you clear this up for me.
        Someone posted that it was hinted that Kanan might not be Teyla's baby daddy. Did that actually happen or even hinted or was this person just way too hopeful?

        Regarding the hug, it bugs, oh it bugs me but when I see Sheppard's face and compare it to his face when sparky hugged and all the eyesex they had before the hug, I'm happy again.
        My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


          Spoils of War

          Nothing to see here folks, move along...

          Seriously, I saw two friends. John was very concerned about Teyla and they had some good conversations about what her place is or could be on his team. Team, not in his life. And yes, they hugged in the end. She was upset and initiated the hug when he didn't.

          Not sure where this rumor about Kanan got started. I've heard that too. I've seen nothing to support it.

          Season 4 will seem like a bad dream the moment John sees Elizabeth again in season 5. Believe it...
          sig by SueKay

          My Team:


            Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
            Spoils of War

            Nothing to see here folks, move along...

            Seriously, I saw two friends. John was very concerned about Teyla and they had some good conversations about what her place is or could be on his team. Team, not in his life. And yes, they hugged in the end. She was upset and initiated the hug when he didn't.

            Not sure where this rumor about Kanan got started. I've heard that too. I've seen nothing to support it.

            Season 4 will seem like a bad dream the moment John sees Elizabeth again in season 5. Believe it...
            I watched the episode as well, and though the moments were sweet, I didn't sense anything romantic--jealous, I guess is what people would be looking for--in the behavior. I honestly thought it was a great character building episode, and Joe and Rachel both did a GREAT job with the more emotional scenes.

            The only part I sort twitched a little was the 'hug' scene--not for the dialogue, it was really a nice altogether scene. But he sees her on the balcony and that's where the scene takes place. My Elizabeth heart went *GAH! Not there!* But again, we've got 8 filler episodes until Season 5 begins, so someone's gotta stand out there.

            The first time he and Teyla have a scene together I actually went "JOHN ROCKS!" They're in the 'equipment room' (didn't know they had one of those) and he gets the guys to leave them alone for a moment while he confronts Teyla on the baby issue. They argue about whether she should be on the team, and she tells him she doesn't want him to protect her, to which he responds something like: "This isn't about me protecting you. This is about your baby's father. It's about you, wanting to look for your people and find the answer to what happen to them and kick some ass in the process. And that's not what needs to happen. The sooner you realize that, the better off we'll all be."

            Teyla had no response to that. The look on his face told her she'd completely misjudged his intentions. It was a great scene.

            I totally fist pumped John. XD.

            Oh, and AWESOME Teyla&Lorne scene. I adore Lorne. They better not even think of doing something to him. He and Zelenka are sacred.>8D
            Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


              Oy this is outrageous! LOL


              Two hugs in one season? Now why did they deserve that? I mean the ship that shall be unnamed. That pisses me off, it's waaay too much! But I guess now when that whole baby discussion is over we'll see none of this crap any more. Of course all this will simply fade away the very second John gets to see Elizabeth in S5.

              Okay, with that said moving on to more serious and important topics.

              For sparky wedding mix:

              Richard Marx - Wherever you go

              And for dancing mix - and it's country!! - Shania Twain - I'm gonna getcha good
              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
                SR your doing a great Job! *thumbs up*
                out of the "club mix or dance mix" lol, i know 11 out of 17, tahts incredibly sad for me.

                i read music history like its going out of fashion i play 3 instruments, this is humilitating for me lol.
                She can't help being organised. She's a teacher. It's in her genes!


                  Originally posted by alyssa View Post
                  She can't help being organised. She's a teacher. It's in her genes!
                  Yeah it's good to have someone like her 'round here!

                  More songs Aly?
                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                    Oy this is outrageous! LOL


                    Two hugs in one season? Now why did they deserve that? I mean the ship that shall be unnamed. That pisses me off, it's waaay too much! But I guess now when that whole baby discussion is over we'll see none of this crap any more. Of course all this will simply fade away the very second John gets to see Elizabeth in S5.

                    Okay, with that said moving on to more serious and important topics.

                    For sparky wedding mix:

                    Richard Marx - Wherever you go

                    And for dancing mix - and it's country!! - Shania Twain - I'm gonna getcha good
                    We have such good taste in music. i just finished reading Sweet Cowboy Comfort again, *sigh* such a great ficcy

                    Originally posted by alyssa View Post
                    She can't help being organised. She's a teacher. It's in her genes!
                    i wish i was like that. I'm jsut unemployed and not learning anything lol (althought i have applied for jobs and i'm starting uni in 6 months so its getting right on track)
                    Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                    Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                      Heh, I'm not organised either, altough I'm a teacher myself. Thanx for reading, atlantis_babe! Do you think both John and Elizabeth are organized people? I think she's more organized than he is.
                      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                        Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                        Oh there's not a second we need to be worried/even give a second thought to.
                        Finally John told Teyla in a little harsh tone exactly why he doesn't want her on the missions anymore. Then he had to ask for her help, and admitted to being wrong. Teyla helped them with the whole fight wraith & such. At the end she admitted that she can't be helping the team anymore, as her baby is her first priority. There was hug, and Shep was still very uncomfortable.
                        I don't see how anyone can interpret the actions tonight to mean something romantic. It was plain & dried. My husband said "oh they have a brother/sister relationship."
                        I agree, I honestly don't see anything even remotely worth considering, I actually really liked this episode.
                        brother/sister type relationship is exactly how I saw it, and I liked that we're getting to see some nice character development for Teyla, her priorities changing, searching for her lost love, etc.
                        Even if every time I do see her and Ronon I start seeing stuff..
                        Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                        Sig by Odakota_Rose


                          100 Sparky Kisses -
                          1 - 50 are under the cut, 51 - 91 to follow

                          1) On the Balcony, they first step foot on.
                          2) Control Room - infront of everyone
                          3) Infirmary - 38 Minutes
                          4) In Elizabeth's room when they are preparing to leave in The Return
                          5) In the Mess Hall when John confronts her about her "date/lunch" with Mike
                          6) In the Puddle Jumper/near the flight controls.
                          7) In her office, both of them standing and sharing a small kiss above the desk
                          8) On one of the piers (or all of them)
                          9)in the Gateroom - The Seige, when he returns
                          10) The Meeting room - He strides in while she's in a Meeting with O'Neill, Cardwell and IOA members
                          11) Standing in the rain and kissing, whist on an off-world mission
                          12) On the Beach of the Mainland after having a friendshippy walk what turned out to be more…
                          13) On a ballroom dance floor, after John danced with her a slow Waltz
                          14) Elizabeth lands on top of John after a snow ball fight and they end up kissing
                          15) On a park bench when John and Liz are walking home from TheReturn-Dinner
                          16) In the dark tunnels when they were together in Submersion.
                          17) When Elizabeth wakes up in Adrift
                          18) After Elizabeth gives birth to their first child.
                          19) After he pulls her up the stairs in Seige. A quick & hard one, in front of everyone.
                          20) During Conversion. After he pushes her up the wall holding her neck, the human part of John takes over and he kisses her where his fingers had left bruises.
                          21) In the jumper after she was attacked by Niam
                          22) Instead of holding her hand in TRL, he leans down and kisses her awake. She wakes up, and sees him getting dragged away.
                          23) They go to an off world mission, and the way of greeting is kissing on the mouth. John get's jealous, and wants to practice.
                          24) After he receives his promotion.
                          25) After she informs him he's gonna be a daddy!
                          26) When she cries at a sad movie.
                          27) - When they are hiding out in the closet.
                          28) In the mess hall during Intruder when they are having their chat over coffee. He notices how withdrawn and pensive she looks, asks what's wrong and Elizabeth, in a moment of weakness, tells him about what happened about Simon. He hugs her and brushes a kiss to her forehead, telling her that Simon is an idiot. Then he goes all cheeky on her and says he's glad Simon stayed on Earth, that it will make continuing their flirting game a lot easier......she gives him the raised eyebrow look and then laughs, knowing that she will be okay.
                          29) After they are released from the infirmary in the TLG she goes to his room in the early morning hours and says she just needs to feel what it is like to kiss him. Not Phoebus kissing Thalen!
                          30) After John shoots Kolya in The Eye, he kisses Elizabeth before they rush to the Control Room.
                          31) At the end of Before I Sleep, Elizabeth never shows up for the mission briefing. John finds her still on the balcony. Their eyes meet, hers full of sadness. Wordlessly he takes her in his arms, hugging her tight. When they finally pull back from each other, he is pleased to see a small smile on her face. And then she kisses him...
                          32) - Kisses old Weir due to sadness once she died.
                          33) McKay was experimenting w/ some botanical samples. He infused a rose like plant w/ some combination which resulted in huge blossoms on it. John thought they'd look beautiful in Elizabeth's office, so he gave her a couple. Elizabeth breathed in the perfume and dropped the roses and tackled John in a kiss.
                          34) John and Elizabeth engage in a food fight. Tasty looking cake ends in her face and John thinks it would be such a shame to waste that cake! Kissy kissy
                          35) John and Elizabeth are on their knees under her desk looking for a lost USB port. The lights go out suddenly startling them and they bump heads, then noses, then lips.
                          36) John gives Elizabeth a golf lesson. He has his arms around her showing her how to hold the club. She turns her head to ask him if she's doing it right. He drops the club and kisses her.
                          37) It is the beginning of John's birthday present!
                          38) Elizabeth gets powder on her nose from baking a cake, John licks it off, then they end up kissing.
                          39) John is laying in the infirmary after another near death experience. They are not sure he is out of the woods yet. Elizabeth is keeping her vigil but can't resist leaning over for a kiss. He wakes up and catches her and uses a weak, shaking hand to draw her back for another one. This time he can kiss back!
                          40) John gets an eyelash in his eye and asks Elizabeth to look for it. Even though tears are streaming down his face, he notices she keeps looking at his mouth. After that, there's nothing to do but kiss her.
                          41) Elizabeth gets a paper cut on her finger, and absentmindedly starts to suck on her finger. John eyes her for a second, and snatches her hand, and starts to suck on her finger himself. When he stops, she's staring at his mouth, and she grabs a hold of his jacket and pulls him down into a kiss.
                          42) After a meeting with a new race of Amazon type women who keep eyeing up John, Elizabeth pulls him into her office and kisses him madly and bites his neck, leaving a mark. "There, now let them look!" is her only comment
                          43) Elizabeth is swimming in the ocean, drowns after getting cramp; being to far out. John pulls her and gives her mouth-to-mouth, she starts breathing and they end up kissing.
                          44) John fries his fingers on a broken puddle jumper console. Elizabeth offers to help with the injury and John keeps pouting like a kid because he was clumsy and not careful enough. She tries to reason with him, but he won't stop behaving like a big kid so she says "maybe I should kiss it better?" She kisses tips of his fingers, they stare at each other... he forgets all about pouting and pulls her to his lap to do some more kissing!
                          45) Elizabeth is standing out on the balcony eating a peach. John walks out just as juice starts to run down her chin. Without even slowing down, he walks right up and starts licking it off. She drops the peach and plunges her sticky hands into teh hair.
                          46) John and Elizabeth are given a double bed whilst off-world and end up kissing.
                          47) John trips and breaks his arm when Elizabeth tells him they're expecting. Elizabeth writes 'Property of Doctor Elizabeth Weir' on his cast while he's asleep, when he wakes up and notices, she tells him they'd have to let everyone know about them soon enough anyway. Then she kisses him before he can come up with any more imaginative ideas on how to let the rest of Atlantis know.
                          48) both couldnt sleep, so each of them took a nice night-walk on one of the altantis shouth piers. it was a warm lovelly summer night and allowed elizabeth to walk with bare feet. she was alone in the dark so she didnt bother going swimming naked into the warm see. who should see her? she's at an empty south pier during night...
                          however, after elizabeth stripped her cloths off and jumped into the warm sea. she started to swim a bit. after a while she could see shadows passing by and someone stopping right next to her cloths to pick them up. nervously swam elizabeth back to her stuff. the closer she came the better she could see who was standing there - john, who looked down at her with a smirk on his face.
                          'soso, naked night swimming, dr. weir?' he teasted her and looked at his boss.
                          the blush on her face he couldnt see. nor could he see her naked body under the water. thank god!
                          'well, colonel. better naked then not!', she answered with a hint of irony in her voice.
                          'well then. sounds like i have to go swimming too', he said, with a cheeky spark in his eyes and without warning he stripped his cloths off.
                          within a second he was in the wather right next to her - naked of course - and looked innocent at her. 'what?'
                          'nothing. i...', elizabeth struggled. she didnt know what to say to her muscly first officer next to her.
                          after a while of friendshippy talk and swimming they started to bespatter each other and they ended up kissing and touching.
                          49) Rodney catches John and Elizabeth kissing on the monitor screen after checking the security cameras near their quarters.
                          50) During the big Asuran battle in BAMSR, Elizabeth and a team of Asuran rebels save Atlantis. When John realizes who's commanding the Asuran ship who saved their butts and realizes it's the real Elizabeth, he demands that Caldwell beam him from Atlantis to the Deadalus and then over to Elizabeth's ship. He's beamed directly to the bridge, sees her, strides over to her and voila, we get a TLG kiss replay, this time initiated by John. YUMMO!
                          Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                          Sig by Odakota_Rose


                            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                            Oy this is outrageous! LOL


                            Two hugs in one season? Now why did they deserve that? I mean the ship that shall be unnamed. That pisses me off, it's waaay too much! But I guess now when that whole baby discussion is over we'll see none of this crap any more. Of course all this will simply fade away the very second John gets to see Elizabeth in S5.

                            Okay, with that said moving on to more serious and important topics.

                            Actually I don't see
                            the hug as a big deal anymore. It's like yeah they hug now because THEY ARE FRIENDS. I think one hug for the unnamed ship would have been better then two. Now it sort of becomes the usual, like John making fun of Mckay etc. I still see the sparky hug as the shippiest simply because it wasn't done because of sadness, it was happy, it had eyesex, it had the music, the camera doing the awesome spinning thing and it only happened once.. It was just set up to be shippy. I don't know what I'm trying to say it's 3am I should go to sleep. lol.

                            Plus you know Teyla is hormonal. lol. and naturally more emotional.
                            My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                              100 Sparky Kisses
                              # 51 - 91:

                              51) A mandatory day off and everyone goes to the mainland. John brings his guitar and John and Elizabeth sit beside a Bon fire at night. John plays a melody and Elizabeth tells him she loves the melody. John tells her that he didn't have a name for it until now. Elizabeth asks what its called. He replies telling her that he's called it "Elizabeth's Song". Elizabeth is stunned, but then leans over and kisses him on the moonlight with the light from the bonfire.
                              52) Elizabeth refuses to share and puts the last piece of chocolate in her mouth as John was just about to grab it. John decides to teach her a little lesson about playing nice and kisses her- and steals the chocolate back- Elizabeth will have to get her chocolate back somehow, right?
                              53) A fire traps John and Elizabeth; in a room on Atlantis. There’s only one thing left to do
                              54) During the middle of a battle on Atlantis, John pulls Elizabeth out of the path of enemy fire and they end up pressed together in a small maintenance corridor. Did I mention how small these corridors are?
                              55) Liz models a new leather outfit she has purchased and John is just overcome!
                              56) Elizabeth catches John doing laundry in the early morning hours. He had decided to do every stitch of clothes at one time, except for the boxers he is wearing.
                              57) Liz is working on a crossword puzzle in her office while John finishes up a report. He can't concentrate because she keeps chewing on the pencil. Finally, he grabs it out of her hand and kisses her.
                              58) Elizabeth and John are visiting a local settlement and John is sweet to a little girl who fell. Elizabeth impulsively gives him a kiss.
                              59) When John finds Elizabeth in the leather suit. He grabs a hold of her, and plants one on her.
                              60) Lorne paints a picture of John and Elizabeth on the balcony. They aren't looking at the view but at each other. When they see it, they instinctively mirror the pose in the painting and can't stop themselves from kissing.
                              61) John discovers an unusual crystal necklace in a market where they are trading. He gets for Elizabeth. Little did he know it is a "bonding" necklace. The first person the wearer kisses is bonded to them. Elizabeth gives John a Thank You kiss.
                              62) John visits Elizabeth in her office, with notinhg to do they sit in silence, Elizabeth working and john humming a song he has stuck in his head. elizabeth askes him why he is humming. He tells her that he has 'bad to the bone' stuck in his head. Elizabeth laughs, stands up and walked over to him, plants one on him and tell's him he is a bad boy.
                              63) In that cut out reunion scene from Common Ground. John wants to try out his new young lips!
                              64) When John finds her cooking dinner, he wants a taste of the sauce. Elizabeth offers him a spoonful. Instead of going for the spoon, John says "I want to taste it directly from the chef" and pulls her into a kiss.
                              65) on the dancefloor in the middle of a tango.
                              66) Elizabeth & John plays twister with everyone. In the middle of it, Elizabeth is somehow on top of John, just hovering very close to his face. Her eyes zero's in on his lips and she leans in for a butterfly kiss.
                              67) John came back from the mission covered in mud from top to toe, complaining about Mckay getting them into trouble so they had to run through a swamp and now he's all dirty. Elizabeth kisses him to show him she likes him no matter how he looks like.
                              68) John's got a bad flu and Elizabeth takes care of him. He tells her to go away, not to get infected, and she kisses him and tells him she's been infected with *him* long time ago.
                              69) They all play truth & dare. John says to Elizabeth truth or dare. She takes truth. He asks "did you like it when Phoebus kissed Thalan?" ... Elizabeth looks him dead in the eye and says "yes". John leans in, and gently runs his lips over her -- whispering against her mouth "so did I".
                              70) they end up in a karaoke bar and Elizabeth sings "Simply the best" and at the end of the song she says it's for John. he gets up, walks to her and kisses her in front of everyone!
                              71) when John sees her after a whole year of believing she was dead. He doesn't think any more, he simply walks to her and starts kissing her senseless!
                              72) John ends up with amnesia having been knocked out when of McKays experiments exploded in the lab. Elizabeth helps him to remember; only to get too close to him and they end up kissing.
                              73) After a long day of work, Elizabeth walks up to John in the control room. Gives him a quick kiss on the cheek and says "time to go".
                              74) after a stressful day filled with meetings john walks into Elizabeth office telling her he invented a new anti stress method. he grabs her by sholulders and pills her up on her feet and starts kissing her. And keeps kissing... and kissing....
                              75) Elizabeth is doing some paper work lounging on the couch in her office. It's late at night, and only a technician is manning the console. John was out running the peers, and comes in all sweaty and plops down by her feet. Puts his feet up on the table, and pulls Elizabeth's leg up on his lap. Elizabeth quirks her eyebrow at him, but ignores him for now. John takes her shoes off and starts to massage her feet, working his way up her calf. Elizabeth is ticklish on the inside of her knee... John knows this, so he leans close and kisses her on the inside of her knee.
                              76) John=I'm gonna Miss the whales. -- Elizabeth= You're going to kiss me pale? -- Jumps on him!
                              77) Elizabeth is taking a shower. John, who was on a mission for two long weeks can't wait to see her. He walks inside her shower with his clothes on and ends up drenched, but kisses her like mad!!!
                              78) Elizabeth had a bad meeting w/ the IOA. John comes in and says, "well let's give them something to really complain about" and kisses her.
                              79) Elizabeth wasn't very careful and broke one of the off world artifacts john brought for her. She is sad during the whole meeting and he is the only one who knows why, so after the meeting is over he gives her a kiss and tells her "I'll bring you another one, even if it means I have to go hiking through those mountains to meet those people again!"
                              80) "damn the honor, I want your lips!" And kisses her.
                              81) Ronon bets John that he (John) likes Elizabeth, and he's too much of a wuss to actually declare it. So John get's all "I am man - hear me roar" and in front of the gate, right before they're about to leave on a mission swoops her into his arm, plants one on her, and strides through the wormhole, leaving Elizabeth speechless and Ronon guffawing.
                              82) Elizabeth joins John’s team on a trade mission; only they came under attack by a four-legged wild animal and Elizabeth gets bitten in the neck. Before loosing consciousness she says goodbye to John, but he kisses her and replies. "Something to stay alive for."
                              83) and after she wakes up, John is sitting by her side and she says "Well I'm alive and I want more". John bends down and kisses her again.
                              84) John misses Elizabeth; he sees a photo of her on his desk. Picks it up and kisses the image of her.
                              85) TLG: Carson orders them to stay in the infirmary for the night. After Caldwell leaves when he tells them about the kiss they're both thinking how it happened and how it would be like to kiss for real, no alien entities involved. John decides to find out and joins Liz in her bed. She doesn't mind since she was having the same thoughts. They smooch.
                              86) Elizabeth & John are playing tic-tac-toe. Elizabeth keeps winning. John of course is none to happy to be losing. Elizabeth decides to put her next move on John's nose - and draws a circle on it. Leans in & kisses the O.
                              87) Theres a big party/ball going on in Atlantis. Obviously John and Liz are going together. She's taking a while to get dressed and John starts getting edgy. Liz appears at the ball and she looks so good that he plants one on her in front of everyone
                              88) John follows Elizabeth out of a very stressful meeting. He knows she will head right to the balconey for some relaxation before facing the rest of her day. He watches her stop at the door and look at the pouring rain. He feels bad that her quiet space is unavailable for her.
                              Surprised, he watches as she steps out into the storm. Believing she is huddled just on the other side of the door, he shrugs off his coat and heads to the door to offer it to her for warmth. At the door he stops and gapes in astonishment at seeing Elizabeth - sedate, controlled Elizabeth, twirling around and around in the rain with her arms spread wide, face up into the downpour, eyes closed and a wide smile on her face. He steps out into the rain and Elizabeth opens her eyes to look at him. She is absolutely glowing with happiness. He can't help himself. He crosses the balconey and catches her up in his arms and swings her around.
                              As he comes to a stop and her feet settle back to the floor, she stands on tiptoes and gives him a tender kiss. "I love Rainstorms" she whispers when the kiss has ended.
                              "I noticed" he replied.
                              Then he kisses her again.
                              89) Sleeping together in bed. John sees Elizabeth sleeping restlessly, he reaches over and kisses her and she automatically calms down.
                              90) John is teaching Elizabeth how to play guitar. She makes no progress and is frustrated. He pulls her into his lap and begins kissing her to make her happy, saying "It takes practice, but let's practice this first"
                              91) John walks into Elizabeth’s office one night to see her working late. He sits down unnoticed and waits patently for five minutes.
                              Giving into boredom he gets up, still unnoticed, reaches a hand over her laptop, which she notices but doesn’t look up, continues to look at her screen as he types I X U next to her unfinished report to the SGC. Startled she looks at him, before she gets to say anything, he plants one on her
                              Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                              Sig by Odakota_Rose


                                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                                Heh, I'm not organised either, altough I'm a teacher myself. Thanx for reading, atlantis_babe! Do you think both John and Elizabeth are organized people? I think she's more organized than he is.

                                no problem i enjoyed it!

                                i picture john as the messy/clean type kinda organised but is messy organised lol if u getwhat i mean. I'd imagine elizabeth is organised alot.

                                i'm not organised either, i plan kids lessons and stuff at my causal work which is a child care center

                                EDIT: hence the reason i love sparky baby fics so much, i see so many kids at my casual job that looks like sparky kids i was like omg! theres this one kid who has john hair i was like bah!!!
                                Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                                Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!

