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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
    Made a sparky vid. I'd figured youtube is easier than downloading. But just in case youtube is evil again and takes it down.
    Girl-Jim Sturgess(Across The Universe soundtrack)
    Spoilers up to Lifeline.

    Download. It's a .mov file though.
    Sooo good! Heart-wrenching.
    Can you post a link to an old vid I think you did -- the String Orchestra's version of "Dance Dance" with the episode "The Long Goodbye"? I tried to download it somewhere a long time ago, but it didn't fully download. Pretty please?

    Originally posted by Sukiyaki View Post
    And as LadyBozi pointed out earlier in the thread, I don't care what the anti-Sparky people say. They are so in love with one another, they don't even know it.

    And Anuna, this passage about love from the Bible comes to mind.

    Love is patient, and love is kind
    Love does not envy, love does not parade itself, is not puffed up.
    It does not behave rudely, nor does it seek its own.
    Love is not provoked, thinks no evil.
    It does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth.
    Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
    Love never fails

    And on that note, I believe that Sparky will endure.
    Indeed. (To all of the above.)

    Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
    *pokes thread* Where is everyone?

    I have a gift for you all, the next chapter of my AU version of Season 4.

    Everlasting Chapter 20: Remember the Lost Please take the time to read and review and lemme know what you think!
    Have I ever told you I adore this fic?? And the surprise when Kolya suddenly showed up again-- so intense! Luv it! I'm always super thrilled when I notice you've updated. Keep up the great work!

    Sparky songs?

    "Paperweight" - Schuyler Fisk & Joshua Radin
    Been up all night staring at you
    wondering what's on your mind
    i've been this way with so many before
    but this feels like the first time
    you want the sunrise to go back to bed
    i want to make you laugh

    mess up my bed with me
    kick off the covers i'm waiting
    every word you say i think
    i should write down
    don't want to forget come daylight

    happy to lay here
    just happy to be here
    i'm happy to know you
    play me a song
    your newest one
    please leave your taste on my tongue

    paperweight on my back
    cover me like a blanket
    mess up my bed with me
    kick off the covers i'm waiting
    every word you say i think
    i should write down
    don't want to forget come daylight

    and no need to worry
    that's wastin time
    and no need to wonder
    what's been on my mind
    it's you
    it's you
    it's you

    every word you say i think
    i should write down
    don't want to forget come daylight
    and i give up
    i let you win
    you win cause i'm not counting

    you made it back
    to sleep again
    wonder what you're dreaming

    "Reason Why" - Rachael Yamagata
    So, I will head out alone and hope for the best
    And we can hang out heads down
    As we skip the goodbyes
    And you can tell the world what you want them to hear
    I've got nothing left to lose, my dear
    So, I'm up for the little white lies
    But you and I know the reason why
    I'm gone, and you're still there
    I'm gone, and you're still there
    I'm gone, and you're still there
    So, I will head out alone and hope for the best
    We can pat ourselves on the back
    As say that we tried
    And if one of us makes it big
    We can spill our regrets
    And talk about how the love never dies
    But you and I know the reason why
    I'm gone, and you're still there
    I'm gone, and you're still there
    I'm gone, and you're still there

    "Wherever You Are" - Jack Ingram
    This desert wind is burnin’ my face again
    God I’m missin’ you
    Been runnin’ blind under a broken sky
    With regrets I was sorting through
    But lesson learned baby
    I’ve made the turn

    Wherever you are
    No matter how far
    Girl I’m gonna find my way to you
    Through rivers of rain
    Over mountains of pain
    Do whatever on earth I’ve gotta do
    I’ll follow the dream I’ll follow my heart
    Girl I’ve gotta be
    Wherever you are

    So many miles to where we said goodbye
    To the street of shattered dreams
    I’m prayin’ hard you didn’t start a life
    With someone who’s not me
    And if you’re just gone
    Girl I’ll be movin’ on


    Let the sunrise find me searchin’
    Let the west wind carry my plea
    Give this changed man one more last chance
    Open your arms to me

    Wherever you are
    Through rivers of rain
    Over mountains of pain
    Do whatever on earth I’ve gotta do
    I’ll follow the dream I’ll follow my heart
    Girl I’ve gotta be
    Wherever you are
    Wherever you are
    Wherever you are

    "Everlasting Friend" - Blue October
    A heartbeat skip, relationship
    Inside a bubble bath
    An icing drip below your lip
    So we undo the math
    A sudden slip between
    My pathetic sedatives
    A real-life script of how
    Mistakes became our medicine, so

    Delay the hurtful words
    Of complicated overcast
    Please take the message that I'm
    Picking up my chin at last
    I said my confidence
    It gets stronger when you're next to me
    But we pray from miles away
    In quest for what we long to be

    I might crumble, I might take a fall again
    (Still missing you)
    I might crumble, I might take a fall again
    (Still missing you)
    I might crumble, I might take a fall again
    But you're my everlasting friend
    Everlasting friend


    Will you be coming home?
    (Everlasting friend)
    My everlasting friend, will you be coming home?
    (Everlasting friend)


    I just want to know that you'll be coming home
    I just want to know that you'll be coming home
    I just want to know that you'll be coming home
    I just want to know that you'll be coming home
    Sam, Sam, go away
    Come again some other day
    John and Lizzie want to play
    Jack, take Sam, and go away


      Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
      Made a sparky vid. I'd figured youtube is easier than downloading. But just in case youtube is evil again and takes it down.
      Girl-Jim Sturgess(Across The Universe soundtrack)
      Spoilers up to Lifeline.

      Download. It's a .mov file though.
      Stupid thing won't let me green you. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

      Mental green. I loved it!
      sig made by me


        One last vid rec before I hit the sack:

        Song: Here without you by 3 Doors Down.

        And the funniest one ever:
        Last edited by justhere1971; 08 October 2007, 07:06 PM.
        sig made by me


          Originally posted by CountryJoy View Post
          Sooo good! Heart-wrenching.
          Can you post a link to an old vid I think you did -- the String Orchestra's version of "Dance Dance" with the episode "The Long Goodbye"? I tried to download it somewhere a long time ago, but it didn't fully download. Pretty please?
          Yes that was my video. Youtube deleted it and my account when there was the mass deleting of SGA videos.
          Download it.

          Watch it
          Dance, dance

          Thanks for the greens/mental greens and comments guys.
          My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


            One love quote that comes to mind is from Shakespeare's sonnet 116 the part that says "Love is not love which alters when its alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove, O no it is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken".

            I love that it really applies to John and Elizabeth too.


              Ha, poetry now? We are so literate here. And that Bible passage is so heartwarming.

              Tricia, that Shakespeare quote is one I've always liked, though it confuses me. 'which alters when it alteration finds'- so is that 'you don't try to change the person you love even if you come across a flaw in them', or something? And 'bends with the remover to remove'- so, if someone's telling you to change and you do it for them, then that's not love either? I just find it hard to understand, sometimes, pardon my ignorance.

              Someone here had a sig about 'you bring color to my life' and it reminded me of this poem:


              When your face
              appeared over my crumpled life
              at first I understood
              only the poverty of what I have.
              Then its particular light
              on woods, on rivers, on the sea,
              became my beginning in the coloured world
              in which I had not yet had my beginning. I am so
              frightened, I am so frightened,
              of the unexpected sunrise finishing,
              of revelations
              and tears and the excitement finishing.
              I don't fight it, my love is this fear,
              I nourish it who can nourish nothing,
              love's slipshod watchman.
              Fear hems me in.
              I am conscious that these minutes are short
              and that the colours in my eyes will vanish
              when your face sets.
              -Yevgeny Yevtushenko

              Thanks to whoever provided the link to Dana’s fic on how the others might reunite with Elizabeth. The fic made the point that:

              even if Elizabeth broke free of the Asurans and escaped them, she wouldn’t be able to find Atlantis because obviously, the city’s upped and flown off somewhere again. It just strikes me as really sad that she might be looking for them and wouldn’t have the first idea where to search and she could go the rest of her life never finding them.

              [Hey, do the nanites mean she’s immortal? They can repair her cells, or whatever it is that makes us age, can’t they?]

              But even if she did discover their location, she wouldn’t have a GDO or valid code or anything to transmit to get them to lower the forcefield.

              Which reminds me of one quibble: in SGA, Chuck’s always saying, ‘Receiving Colonel Sheppard’s IDC’ etc. etc. and yet I never *see* the characters holding any device to transmit a code. I watched Lost Boys and McKay was clearly not holding anything, he was way too high, could barely punch out the address and all, yet Chuck still somehow received his IDC. Hmm.

              Now, I was just a little deflated by the end of Elizabeth’s two eps and the wait til the next two [or two and half], so I revisited Rising, where it all began. I know that when Sumner told Shep to remember who was boss and he smart-assed, ‘That would be Dr Weir,’ that it was more to irritate Sumner [who was definitely not amused], but I did like that he brought up her leadership. Sumner might have assumed authority, but Shep did his best to dint him a little. Mainly to be a pain, but still in defense of Elizabeth. And later on, when she picked up the bottle that O’Neill sent through the gate, she turned to find him watching her from the balcony and they had this little ‘head-nod of telepathic communication’ going on. Possibly the first eyesex in the series! Sometimes I wonder whether the actor throws in little flourishes, or if it’s in some rigorously scripted stage instructions, but I like that when Shep goes off-world later on, the soldiers are moving through the gate but he pauses, looks back and waves to her which is SO cute. It’s like he knows how worried she is and he’s trying to reassure her. It wasn’t cocky or anything, not a smug ‘hee, look at meee! Going off-world!’, he looked solemn, and I just liked the gesture. That innocence seems so far removed from LL. *sighs*
              'I am frightened that the flame of hate will burn me
              will scorch my pride, scar my heart
              It will burn and I cannot put it out...'

              Sig by Falcon Horus- thank you!

              my LJ of squee *myspace of angst * my fic of random

              My OTP forever, by Stef, who is awesome:

              Thanks, Stef!


                'ello fellow sparkies! I just got back from a vacation this afternoon, and I don't have time to finish all the pages of wonderful comments I missed right now, but I wanted to share something with you.

                My wonderful and glorious roommate brought me back a small gift, a pack of SGA season 2 cards. and if you haven't seen them, the (a?) cover is much to our delight.

                Also wanted to let you know I'm working my way through a 2nd SGA book and have been taking sparky notes. ^.^ I'll have that sparky analysis for you as soon as I can, but as a warning school's kicking up again.
                "Scientists say juggling is good for the brain....Or...was that...Jelllll-o?


                  Ahoy fair sparkers!!
                  i come bearing sparky song lyrics

                  Ana's Song (Open Fire)
                  Please die Ana
                  For as long as you're here we're not
                  You make the sound of laughter
                  and sharpened nails seem softer
                  And I need you now somehow
                  And I need you now somehow

                  Open fire on the needs designed
                  On my knees for you
                  Open fire on my knees desires
                  What I need from you

                  Imagine pageant
                  In my head the flesh seems thicker
                  Sandpaper tears corrode the film

                  And I need you now somehow
                  And I need you now somehow

                  Open fire on the needs designed
                  On my knees for you
                  Open fire on my knees desires
                  What I need from you

                  And you're my obsession
                  I love you to the bones
                  And Ana wrecks your life
                  Like an Anorexia life

                  Open fire on the needs designed
                  On my knees for you
                  Open fire on my knees desires
                  What I need from you
                  Open fire on the needs designed
                  Open fire on my knees desires
                  On my knees for you

                  also this song tooo

                  Across The Night
                  Across the night
                  It was the moon that stole my slumber
                  Across the night
                  I fell in love with people sleeping
                  And hugged a man's arthritic shoulder

                  I fell tired, asleep in a golden ocean
                  Your eyes perspired, a spike in my fascination

                  I don't mean to make you cry
                  But this feeling will run right through the night
                  And I'll only make you cry with these feelings

                  Sleepless, untamed without a leash on the light around me

                  So let us be married and have another baby
                  Coz I don't wanna be lonely I just wanna be alone
                  Yeh let's just get married shouting baby, baby, babies
                  "You'll never sleep at all"
                  But I don't wanna be lonely

                  Never seen the sunshine
                  From higher points than sunrise
                  I don't wanna be lonely
                  I just wanna be alone
                  Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                  Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                    I've been on vacation and am finally making progress in watching all the shows I'd had to record while away. Watched Adrift & Lifeline over the weekend. Short take, good but extremely sad episodes.
                    I really feel sorry for John. It may have just hit him how much Elizabeth really means to him now that she's gone.

                    My take on a couple of points others have made.

                    Originally posted by SoulSpinder View Post

                    ... I think there's a separate thread to discuss how season 4 will affect sparky! but, I think it's valid here. It occured to me that Weir's situation could be very GOOD for our pairing, actually.


                    When (yes, when) we get 'Lizbeth back, the chances of the military/IOA letting her back in charge soon is...rare. However due to possible medical complications that could arise were she away too long they might keep her on atlantis as a co-administrator type person. Why is this awesome? If she's no longer the boss and there, there goes her: "I don't date those I'm in charge of" excuse!

                    So by the time she gets reinstated, it will be too late to call it a quits with John! ^.^ Hehe..

                    Agree that she wouldn't be put back in charge if, WHEN, she returns. My guess is we'll see some Dark Elizabeth, having succumbed to Replicator control, but she's rescued & reprogrammed. There's no way the IOA will allow her to run the expedition after that. Or even live on Earth; not just potential security issues, but what if she were in a car accident or something else, her blood and medical scans would raise a whole lot of red flags. She would be an asset on Johns team, doing the linguistic/negotiation stuff but also able to hack into computers, heal herself, etc. Basically Atlantis's version of the Bionic Woman.

                    Originally posted by borgprincess View Post


                    Thanks to whoever provided the link to Dana’s fic on how the others might reunite with Elizabeth. The fic made the point that:

                    even if Elizabeth broke free of the Asurans and escaped them, she wouldn’t be able to find Atlantis because obviously, the city’s upped and flown off somewhere again. It just strikes me as really sad that she might be looking for them and wouldn’t have the first idea where to search and she could go the rest of her life never finding them.

                    [Hey, do the nanites mean she’s immortal? They can repair her cells, or whatever it is that makes us age, can’t they?]

                    But even if she did discover their location, she wouldn’t have a GDO or valid code or anything to transmit to get them to lower the forcefield.

                    If she manages to get away I imagine she'd head for one of the planets they regularly trade with or one of the Alpha sites, then wait. As for immortality, she'll probably be able to live way beyond a normal life span, but I'd guess eventually she'd want to move on and ascend (she is still part human).




                        Dana, what are you doin' here? Woohooo, long time no see!
                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          Originally posted by Anuna View Post

                          Dana, what are you doin' here? Woohooo, long time no see!
                          Hey, you see me almost every day. just not here

                          Cut for size:


                            Ooooh that picture!!!

                            That's sooo good! I think it's good you decided to drop by
                            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                              morning.... its extreamly quiet in here all of a sudden.. come back sparky peeps!
                              Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                              Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                                I'm here but about to hit the sack. meanwhile Anji has some beta reading to do... and whe she's done, you'll get yourself a new series I started... it won't be long, but I think it will be heck of a ride. i plan to rewrite S4 - Southern Red you gave me the idea again.

                                Prepare hankies guys, just in case. And bear in mind just how evil i can be.
                                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.

