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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Indeed it is splendid

    Excellent post indeed. I've said before in another thread that what we have to remember is that any promotional shots are exactly that - promotional. Yes, they're there to notify fans of when the show is on but these days internet is so accessable that fans could easily look it up there. THe main reason for promotional shots are to intice new viewers and They'll do that through sex appeal. Once people start watching they get hooked on the fantastic storylines and characters and come to see the truth of the show.


      Originally posted by SallyLizzie
      I've said before in another thread that what we have to remember is that any promotional shots are exactly that - promotional. Yes, they're there to notify fans of when the show is on but these days internet is so accessable that fans could easily look it up there. THe main reason for promotional shots are to intice new viewers and They'll do that through sex appeal. Once people start watching they get hooked on the fantastic storylines and characters and come to see the truth of the show.
      What I fear is the backlash against sci-fi using too much sex as a selling point. Putting Teyla 1/2 nekkid on the cover of TV Guide and then having an interview with Rachel in NE stating ". . romantic tension between Teyla and Sheppard. . .leads to off-duty physical contact. . " Shows such as Baywatch have so turned the public OFF shows with jiggly babes, that this sort of advertising may turn people AWAY from SGA, and never even give it a chance.

      Whether or not TPTB decide to go with "Sheyla", this sort of advertising may actually be detrimental. If I was not a current SGA fan. .and saw that cover, I might think. . "hmmm, space Baywatch, or another T'pol/Enterprise wreck". It certainly wouldn't draw me to the show. However, a shot of the cast. .in uniform, might draw my interest - something that looked classy and more professional. Just my opinion, which isn't very active since Uncle Migraine moved in this morning.

      When all else fails, change channels.


        Welcome Daisy!

        *shrugs* Athenaktt was suggesting it for theraputic reasons... to prevent brain annurisms (or twitching facial veins, both not pretty) in Shep/Weir fans.

        The J/E relationship seems more complicated than the S/T one and I guess because the latter is "easier" it also doesn't involve much hassle as to how it would be promoted. But with J/E it's different. They could let it grow and evolve into something deeper which might take 2-3seasons and have this solid foundation to bulid a romantic relationship on, and so not much mention in the media about it or at all.

        But for the casual audience maybe the hot and steamy sells more than the deep and intellectual..... If I make sense.


          Originally posted by Luz
          I think it's too soon for resolution, the quiet support and deep respect we've got so far are enough for now. More gaze fests, ust, smoldering, "makes me want a cold shower" UST.
          And i definitely know what i don't want, no RST, no grand love declarations, as long as we don't have to wait 'till season 9 for some lousy kissing i'll consider myself a happy camper, oh, and NO BABIES. Yeah, that would be it.
          Lol, exactly! You couldn't have summed it up any better. I'm so giving you some green.


            Yes, hot and steamy sells more. Look at the new Battlestar Galactica. Nothing against the show, I like it somewhat, but it's a lot darker and a lot sexier than the original. Completely different than Stargate, and I'm not so sure for the better. I mean, is it really necessary to show a full blown sex scene, a naked woman - uh, I mean Cylon - and a guy, erm, doing something that shall not be mentioned with himself? And the numbers that show pulls in are astronomical. From what I hear, it's not a lot of the same audience as the original BSG, and that's most likely why. I remember reading an article a while back titled something like 'Darker and Sexier is not Necessarily Better.'

            But, I digress....

            Welcome newbies!

            Omg, I have 100 posts! Someone post a pretty W/S pic for me, cuz I have none...


              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
              What I fear is the backlash against sci-fi using too much sex as a selling point. Putting Teyla 1/2 nekkid on the cover of TV Guide and then having an interview with Rachel in NE stating ". . romantic tension between Teyla and Sheppard. . .leads to off-duty physical contact. . " Shows such as Baywatch have so turned the public OFF shows with jiggly babes, that this sort of advertising may turn people AWAY from SGA, and never even give it a chance.

              Whether or not TPTB decide to go with "Sheyla", this sort of advertising may actually be detrimental. If I was not a current SGA fan. .and saw that cover, I might think. . "hmmm, space Baywatch, or another T'pol/Enterprise wreck". It certainly wouldn't draw me to the show. However, a shot of the cast. .in uniform, might draw my interest - something that looked classy and more professional. Just my opinion, which isn't very active since Uncle Migraine moved in this morning.
              They can change the title of the show now. As Atlantis Turns.


                Originally posted by Tomcatter
                Omg, I have 100 posts! Someone post a pretty W/S pic for me, cuz I have none...



                  Originally posted by daisyflower
                  Hey guys! kinda a newbie here, been floating around for awhile, thought i'd say hey.
                  Welcome to the thread Daisy and Hey back at ya!
                  Excellent points you made.

                  I don't think you can read too much into any of the promotional piccies and interviews - to my mind they are designed to wet the appetite and get people back interested again after the long break. So they often show lots or pairings and teasers so that established viewers are intrigued and any potential new viewers get an overall view of things and hopefully want more. In that way they may often have no direct relation or bearing on what we'll actually see when episodes start airing. For example, I bet TH won't be as heavily made up as she was for the promos and I'm betting she'll not be seen in the top she was wearing. Same with JF and DH - my betting that they were wearing their own casual clothes for those shots. Come to think of it, interesting that RL was actually in costume rather than her own casual. Something to do with the more skimpy nature of the costume and it therefore being more appealing to a certain audience?!? Oh well as you said Tomacatter - hot and steamy sells!!


                    I've made my first's al Liz/Shep one... I'm more the Banner/Avatar type so be gracious



                      Originally posted by Tomcatter
                      Yes, hot and steamy sells more. Look at the new Battlestar Galactica. Nothing against the show, I like it somewhat, but it's a lot darker and a lot sexier than the original. Completely different than Stargate, and I'm not so sure for the better. I mean, is it really necessary to show a full blown sex scene, a naked woman - uh, I mean Cylon - and a guy, erm, doing something that shall not be mentioned with himself? And the numbers that show pulls in are astronomical. From what I hear, it's not a lot of the same audience as the original BSG, and that's most likely why. I remember reading an article a while back titled something like 'Darker and Sexier is not Necessarily Better.'
                      The new BSG is very Adult in its content and I've really enjoyed the political and sexual games that go on. It is totally different from SG1 or SGA - which are more family oriented. I know the Sci-Fi channel wants a ratings bonanza night so they lump all three shows together, but I've sometimes felt BSG should not come right after SGA, especially with some of the sexual themes that run through the story arc.

                      As for wardrobe and behavior. .in BSG, the skimpy clothes and suggestive behavior are for a purpose - lots of manipulation going on there, whereas Teyla in SGA is only dressed that way for eye candy, which is why I love to watch #Six (BSG) in action - she actually generates a lot of events, but I don't like Teyla's dress at all as it serves no purpose.

                      Anyway. .that's way off topic. I do want to thank Blue B. for the great TV Guide cover with Weir.

                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        Hey everyone...

                        I know this is a little off topic at the moment but I just read a story over at It's called Last Goodbye by RayLion and i thought it was a fantastic fic!

                        (This one is a real tear jerker folks, It contains an issue with breast cancer and has a character death...just thought I'd warn )

                        Last Goodbye

                        Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                        LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                        Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                          that this sort of advertising may turn people AWAY from SGA, and never even give it a chance.

                          I agree. I remember when the "Atlantis" promos first started, I thought it was just a spicier, baywatchier (if you will) version of SG-1. I was completely wrong! Sci-Fi has clearly bought into the "sex sells" mentality, but it may, as Foolish Pleasure noted, turn potential viewers away. The Shep/Weir cover that was posted here, sends a completely different message from the actual cover art. Personally, it would have drawn me in more, but then again, I'm a ShWeir shipper. I'm curious to see if SGA's success continues (I hope it will) and whether or not the audience increases.

                          Signature By Amber Moon


                            Originally posted by daisyflower
                            Hey guys! kinda a newbie here, been floating around for awhile, thought i'd say hey.
                            ...But then i was thinking about the ad in sci fi mag awhile back, with all of the cast, and I'm so not worried about the tv guide now.
                            With Tv guide, it's being bought by lots of ppl who don't watch atlantis, so they've had to make the cover appeal to ppl in some way. And it looks like they've done this by making the cover seem 'sexy,' and trying to make it seem like there's all this sexual urst beween john n telya, when all of us here know there isn't.
                            Whereas the ad that was in Sci Fi mag, with Torri at the front and joe next to her, is being specifically bought by ppl who watch sci fi shows. So the ads that they print, and the relationships that the pics allude to are going to have to be alot more accurate as ppl reading the mag actually watch the show. And i sooo like that ad better!
                            ...But our 'counterpart' TV week, always has covers that implies something is going to happen on a show but it doesn't, so fingers and toes that's the case here!
                            Firstly, welcome! I'm pretty much a newbie too...

                            In response to your post: Eeeh, i dunno... I'm with you in that the tv guide people want the cover to be 'sexy' but i dont think that it reflects relationships in any way. take, for example, the sg1 cover. there's going to be no carter/mitchell ship at all [unless tptb wanna go through me! lol]... so it's hard to say. but *shrug* what do i know?

                            "You know love. It's a strange and mysterious... thing..." - Jack "Sacrifices"

                            SAM/JACK for sg1
                            and though i promised myself i wouldn't ship for atlantis.... PROUD SHWEIR SHIPPER


                              As Atlantis Turns Ey??? Or As the Gate Turns How about some caps for that?

                              Originally posted by Vixen

                              How could there be pics of Teyla and I when I was with Elizabeth all night?
                              Did Rodney photoshop those?

                              I have something to admit John... I am having your baby *handforehead*
                              God I'm so ruggedly handsome
                              Citizen of Braneville


                                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                                The new BSG is very Adult in its content and I've really enjoyed the political and sexual games that go on. It is totally different from SG1 or SGA - which are more family oriented. I know the Sci-Fi channel wants a ratings bonanza night so they lump all three shows together, but I've sometimes felt BSG should not come right after SGA, especially with some of the sexual themes that run through the story arc.

                                As for wardrobe and behavior. .in BSG, the skimpy clothes and suggestive behavior are for a purpose - lots of manipulation going on there, whereas Teyla in SGA is only dressed that way for eye candy, which is why I love to watch #Six (BSG) in action - she actually generates a lot of events, but I don't like Teyla's dress at all as it serves no purpose.

                                Anyway. .that's way off topic. I do want to thank Blue B. for the great TV Guide cover with Weir.
                                I KNOW!!! ::rolls eyes:: Every time i see teyla dressed like that i wince. seriously, what's the point?! if it's because she's supposed to be some tough cookie... if you think about it-- how easily would she be like stabbed in the stomach?! ::shakes head:: it makes no sense

                                "You know love. It's a strange and mysterious... thing..." - Jack "Sacrifices"

                                SAM/JACK for sg1
                                and though i promised myself i wouldn't ship for atlantis.... PROUD SHWEIR SHIPPER

