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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    As I said, when I began watching SGA I knew, that there was a possibility of a Teyla/Shep-Ship because then the episodes were already aired in the USA and every TV-journal wrote that! So I really was concentrated on them... but even with this they couldn't convince me of Sheyla... I think they are like brother and sister...but nothing more!
    I like Teyla, but she's a bit too neat (hope that the right word for it!) for my opinion.
    I like it...every time John or Liz is unsure they look at each other, it's never John looking at Teyla! And the looks they give each other are just terrific

    I suppose, there are meanwhile more Shweir-Shippers than Sheyla, so I hope the writers see that and think about it!
    I've the same opinion...that the writers should wait with making a Ship more concrete for some'd be better for all shippers...


      Originally posted by Tomcatter
      Yeah, sorry about that curse thing, old Dr. Weir, lol. Whoops.

      Good catch on the HZ scene! I'm just going to have to re-watch all of season one now. Oh, twist my arm....

      SO hope the spoilers aren't true, but I'm not too worried. The whole Sheyla thing is just so forced... it's better when ships evolve from tension or even dislike in some cases. I love the fact that Shep and Liz have established a good (although sometimes tentative) working relationship built on respect first. The Sheyla thing to me seems like one of those, dare I say, cliched scenarios where Earth man falls for hot alien chick. And that's why I think it won't work out in the end, because the writers are too smart for that. Here that writers?! Yes, I'm sucking up so we here can get some ShWeir!
      I agree! Even if Sheyla does happen, it'll be so obvious and bad that we'll be able to sail right past it.

      Besides isn't there a saying "not ms Right but Ms right now?"

      And it's a given, resolved ship is not interesting in terms of dramatic tension. So they do Sheyla, what next? Where's the drama and the story? So they probably have to do something to creat tension, kill Teyla off, split them up into a tedious will they/won't they? Either way PTB are doomed with this, like they were doomed with Sam and Jack.

      We should actually pray for Sheyla given PTB's track record.

      My main worry is if they stop our lovely scenes between Sheppard and Weir, which stops all the fun in fandom.


        Originally posted by Athenaktt
        I guess there logic on that part is a bit flawed.

        Or they might have convienently forgot Teyla is also a Leader of her people.
        well that fits the fanfic profile of Teyla. The fanfic profile of Teyla is a lovely, shy kind of girl, who's normally knocked up with twins almost immediately or "innocent in the ways of men". She's not a sassy, kick-a$$, strong leader of her people, more's the pity. I'd like to see Teyla like how I wrote her in my fanfic (shameless plug) and I'd like to see the same type of relationship I wrote for her and Sheppard. That I could buy.


          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
          No one get upset now. . (if Sheyla folks are present), but my hubby thinks Rachel is quite pretty but he says she seems a bit of a "ditz" when she is interviewed. Just his opinion.

          Personally. . The way Rachel interviews, and the way she gushes Teyla/Shep (when others deny it), I get the impression that Rachel has a bit of a crush on Joe Flanigan IRL. Just my opinion.
          My guess is it's got less to do with having a crush and more to do with giving her character a reason for being. Which is a bit sad. Poor Teyla is defined by men, even her fans define the character in terms of men. Hands up the Teyla fans that aren't shippers or fancy her.

          Whereas Weir is not defined by men, she has her own role in the scheme of things and yes a lot of her fans are probably shippers too, but I certainly don't define her terms of Sheppard.


            Originally posted by Athenaktt
            Oh Please, National Enqiuirer. If we all believed anything they write in that, we'd have bigger problems than Shep/Teyla ship.
            I'd click on the link myself, but I'm at work and might get sacked.

            Is she not talking about stick fighting anyhow?


              Newbie here that decided to jump in. I love Elizabeth and I really find her relationship with John interesting. It's the respect that they have with each other and it's growth that's gotten me interested in them. It's a mature and beautiful relationship and I've been really satisfied with the way it's been handled in season 1. JF and TH have a remarkable on-screen chemistry and I hope the writers have picked up on that.
              I enjoy it the way it is now, and I wouldn't want it to be rushed if tptb decide on a romantic relationship. I would like to see moments where they can confide in one another though.

              As for the whole Sheppard/Teyla thing, I honestly can't see anything else besides a friend and teammate to John. It's his body language and the way he talks to her that doesn't seem like there could a romantic future. Also there's the fact that they lack chemistry. I don't see it.

              Sorry for the ramblings.


                Originally posted by Vixen
                Newbie here that decided to jump in. I love Elizabeth and I really find her relationship with John interesting. It's the respect that they have with each other and it's growth that's gotten me interested in them. It's a mature and beautiful relationship and I've been really satisfied with the way it's been handled in season 1. JF and TH have a remarkable on-screen chemistry and I hope the writers have picked up on that.
                I enjoy it the way it is now, and I wouldn't want it to be rushed if tptb decide on a romantic relationship. I would like to see moments where they can confide in one another though.

                As for the whole Sheppard/Teyla thing, I honestly can't see anything else besides a friend and teammate to John. It's his body language and the way he talks to her that doesn't seem like there could a romantic future. Also there's the fact that they lack chemistry. I don't see it.

                Sorry for the ramblings.
                A very big WELCOME. Thanks for joining in with us. Have lots of fun! Can I interest you in a mint?
                I love that lots of people are joining in with this thread and bringing even more ideas and thoughts.


                  Kazan, be nice to the newbies... No mints!

                  Hi, Vixen! Welcome to the thread. And don't worry about rambling. You'll learn soon that we're all rather long-winded.
                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
                  Melyanna's Multimedia
                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    I have seen a huge difference in Teyla fans and Liz fans over the past few months. Liz fans have total respect for her - they understand her flaws and fears, and are with her through every decision she has to make. As Liz grows into a more confident leader, her fan base seems to grow as well.

                    In casual prowling in the Teyla threads here at GW, Teyla fans tend to veer off and discuss what a great dominatrix she would be. . they discuss how much Sheppard loves being beaten by a woman, some want sex at every opportunity, and at least one Sheyla person at GW proudly calls her the "Intergalactic Whore". I also recently saw comments that they needed to gear up for an anti-Teyla/Dex ship war (are they afraid?). Two nights ago I peeked in and one Sheyla person was lecturing the others that they needed to tone it down - what they wanted would injure the show (that person has my total respect).

                    I'm also tired of some Sheylas who say they hate fans who "dis" Teyla and other characters, then turn around and call Liz an old broad, and a cow in the same post.

                    Ack. . .I'm done rambling now. My hubby is yelling at me to come help paint the bathroom.

                    When all else fails, change channels.


                      Wow, the threads been quite slow for the past week or so, so it's a nice surprise to have 2 pages of excellent, thought-intriguing posts

                      WELCOME VIXEN! I think we all want to see scenes where they confide in each other and maybe acknowledge the burden that leadership brings and come to realise that htey don't have to go through it alone. Don't worry about rambling. As Mel said, we're all ramblers here. Just can't help ourselves (as you can see )

                      Just wanted to wish the USA a very HAPPY 4TH OF JULY
                      I get the impression that Rachel has a bit of a crush on Joe Flanigan IRL. Just my opinion.
                      I got that impression too, not that you could blame her. He's so darn hot!
                      I don't feel comfortable insinuating or even suggesting that she might have a crush on JF in real life because if I were her, I wouldn't know how I would feel if I came online and saw people saying that I have a crush on a married man. Its just a bit uncomforable IMO.
                      Obviously i can't speak for RL, but it wouldn't bother me. I'd just have to laugh at it, and i think that if your in the public eye, and you do take notice of what is being said, then you can't take it to heart bc it will end up driving you mad, so you have to go 'okay, well that's funny, i know the truth, now lets move on'. I know. The amount of rumours i've heard about myself and my friends since we left school are truly amazing and some of them mind-boggling

                      i've tried using them and Sheyla sounds like the name of some stripper
                      Actually, i'm pretty sure it's....
                      Anyway, Luz, try searching Google for the word "Sheyla."
                      ....yups, i was right. Knew i wasn't making it up

                      I think so too, and I suppose part of it is that she's young, and this is her first big job. She's just not used to all the publicity, and it's hard to know how much to say when you're being asked all these questions that you can't give straight answers to. Rachel's a lovely woman and from all accounts very sweet, but her enthusiasm comes off as ditzy sometimes.
                      There very good points Mel. I don't how i'd be able to handle having to appear calm and collective in interviews when i was really bubbling with enthusiasm.

                      I think ATM what TPTB are doing with the ships is a wise move in the business aspect of things. It's too early to canonise a ship so by playing with different couplings, not only are they achieving market research with fan response, but they are keeping various groups watching the show. THis has the potential to backfire if they screw with the fans over a long period of time, but if they listen to what the fans want 'character development' wise then there is no reason why this should happen when they decide upon which ship is to sail.

                      RE: Inconsistant character development.
                      There where alot of characters introduced in S1 and it just wasn't possible IMO to develope them equally across 20eps. I think Weir, Shep, McKay were looked into the most bc they are all leaders in their fields, and on a show like SGA, you need to care about why these charcters are making certain decisions. It's unfortunate that Teyla didn't start to develope until towards the end and i don't recall a whole lot of development for Ford. From S2 spoilers it looks like Ford is finally getting some interesting attention, and despite him not being in as many eps, i think it's better for him than being in all 20 and being overlooked again. I'm hoping that S2 will look further into Teyla along with Dex.

                      EDIT: Crimey, came to rec a fic and totally forgot about it *facepalm*
                      IT's The Pledge by ethelinesherman
                      rating: PG (or K+)
                      warnings: character death
                      Last edited by SallyLizzie; 04 July 2005, 07:18 AM.


                        Originally posted by Melyanna
                        Kazan, be nice to the newbies... No mints!
                        Here Here!!

                        And about the Sheyla topic....I was wondering around a thread regarding the season 2 ad poster (the one where Liz is in the foreground with that smouldering look!) and there were a lot of Sheyla's there who were finally admitting how good she looked instead of bashing her like they did in season 1.

                        Who knows, maybe we can convert them into devout shep/weir shippers!

                        Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                        LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                        Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                          A request:

                          This thread is not the most accomodating to Shep/Teyla. That's understandable considering the subject of the thread.

                          This thread is also not the most accomodating to Teyla. That's too bad, but I guess it can't be avoided on some level.

                          Unfortunately, recent posts have made some negative comments about Rachel, not Teyla. Speculation that her enthusiasm is making her hallucinate, that she's pushing her own shipping agenda, and that she has a crush on JF is just that; speculation, and potentially negative speculation at that. Such things disrespect the actress and border on being a GW no-no. Imagine how Rachel's fans might feel reading that. I'm sure fans here wouldn't like similar things said about Joe or Torri, and I for one would be peeved if we were talking about David. Heck, imagine how Rachel herself might feel if she actually came into this thread. The last thing I'd want to do, and I'd imagine anyone here would want to do, is upset an actor directly connected to the show, even if they didn't like the actor's character.

                          Posts that talk about Teyla or Shep/Teyla fans are also potentially dangerous. It's certainly safe to assume that Teyla fans like Teyla and S/T fans like that ship, but assumptions beyond that can get iffy. Trying to lump all fans into one category or taking the actions of a few to represent the many could upset those fans. Imagine how you'd feel if such things were said about Weir fans or Shep/Weir fans. Such posts have the potential to lead to a fan/ship war, which I know many people in here have actively spoken against in the past. While I wouldn't be on either side of that "war", I'd hate to have that hurt the SGA fandom in any way.

                          So please enjoy your ship with all your might, support Joe and Torri, but use extreme caution when talking about actual actors or fans. Such things can intentionally or unintentionally hurt feelings and that's the last thing I want to see happen on GW.

                          Thank you.


                            Ack. . .I'm done rambling now. My hubby is yelling at me to come help paint the bathroom
                            I should really go help Mum help paint the bathroom, especially since it's her week off and she's redecorating the bathroom and her bedroom, but i thinks i'll stay here instead

                            Mel, just watched 'Seven Days' and 'Prelude'. Abfab darling! I'd rep you but it wont let me

                            SEven Days ~ I love Sting and the Police and this is one of my favourite songs
                            Great vid, yay for Lizzie teh player, lol
                            Prelude ~ I'm slowly getting into classical music and i quite like this piece. The clips fit the scoring perfectly


                              Heck, RL has come right out and said that JF is an attractive man, and right she is! I'm just wondering who is behind promoting, for lack of a better term, the ships? Sometimes tptb are tight-lipped and cagey when it comes to the chemistry while othertimes they hint at T/S (I refrain from using Sheyla, lol), and that makes me wonder if it's almost too obvious or too set up to actually happen. I'm wondering if the producers/writers/etc. are trying to throw us off for what is to come in the next season, with Teyla/Ronan, and John and Liz, etc etc....

                              What I also like about S/W that someone mentioned before was that it's a WOMAN in charge, and the man who is subordinate to her. In SG-1, Jack is Sam's superior, not that that's a bad thing or anything, but I'm glad they went the other way in Atlantis. Nice change of pace.


                                ToasterOnFire, I'm sorry that you took some of those comments to be bashing Rachel, but we are allowed to criticize an actor's statements in interviews as long as it's done respectfully. Madeleine said this just last night in a thread dealing with bashing of an actress. I'm sorry you were offended, and I apologize to those who were offended by my remarks. I assure you that that was not my intention.

                                However, I disagree that any rules have been broken, or that anyone has been bashing Rachel Luttrell. No one has said that she got the job by sleeping with the casting director, nor has anyone said that she has an inappropriate relationship with her mother. Those would be groundless, malicious attacks on her, and would be violations of forum rules. Talking about comments she has made publicly, whether positively or negatively, is not against the rules.
                                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                                Last update: 14 April 2006
                                Melyanna's Multimedia
                                Last update: 15 February 2006

