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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
    But this thread used to be all about discussion. Pro and Con and Sparky fans have always got along and shouldn't have to go to a special thread to talk about their favorite ship. I find it extremely sad that people who are upset about S4 need to go elsewhere.

    Once upon a time - both opinions were welcome here. If only happy thoughts are allowed here, then the title of this thread seriously needs to be changed.
    Yes, very true. But the vast majority of us who were involved in those discussions, which used to be indepth analysis and very much a case of pros and cons to both the characters, are long gone... partly because of the change of attitude in the general tone of the thread.

    People policing threads is another a big problem on GW. I think that's another of the reasons a lot of us who've been around for a while no longer post at all.

    I'm not going to be all happy, happy, joy, joy when my favourite character's been dumped. If that's the attitude you have to have to post in here... I'll find somewhere else to play. I don't think it's called being negative. I think it's being a realist. Anyone who doesn't think that losing one half of the ship will affect the ship adversely in the long run is living in fantasy land. Anyone who thinks TPTB will bring Torri back and not do a Ford on her.. I respect your faith in TPTB, but I really think that's the way it's going to end for her.

    Anyway you, SR and FP are the only ones from the old days who still post on a regular basis, as far as I know.


      Alyssa, I stated my opinion on the happy happy joy... and how I feel about my fave character. I just gave up on that and said that I'd accept whatever discussions you want to have about it and there's no way in hell your discussions could make me leave this thread. I can lost interest but that's another matter and RL doesn't always allow you to have time for fandom.

      Yeah, I tried policing the thread on the bashing issues and heaven forbids me to say that it wasn't a nice intention. I have friends who don't post here anymore as well and it's bc of the moody attitude that's been going on ever since the news about Torri's recurring status broke out. So you can say we used to have nice discussions before but imho if we don't have them anymore it's bc of that specific turn out. Some people lost interest and some just don't want to discuss on a positive thread if they're feeling down and some just don't want to discuss on a negative thread if they're feeling positive about sparky. So really there's no point in debating anymore on the recurring status, you can discusss it here if you want to and how it'll affect sparky I don't mind anymore. Feel down, feel happy.. whatever. It's really the last thing that's on my mind at the moment.

      What I don't want to read is posts which only purpose is to undermine or bash other ships. That's it. If I want to bash a ship or a character I certainly won't do it on a public thread where everybody's welcome. Bc people's feeling might get hurt in the process and really it's a sad thing. People have enough crap in RL to deal with a virtual one.

      Now you want to discuss how Elizabeth's recurring status is gonna screw up Sparky? Be my guest!

      /back to discussion


        Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
        I have friends who don't post here anymore as well and it's bc of the moody attitude that's been going on ever since the news about Torri's recurring status broke out. So you can say we used to have nice discussions before but imho if we don't have them anymore it's bc of that specific turn out.
        Many of the people I'm talking about left long before the Torri news came out.

        Some did leave at the time, but mostly that was because if they happened to say that they were sad about it or that they thought it would be bad for the ship, they were attacked and told in no uncertain terms that that attitude wasn't welcome here.

        Personally, I haven't posted regularly here for well over a year, and there were a lot of others who left then, preferring LJ where innocent comments weren't construed as bashing.

        I still don't see anything that bashed Sheyla here. I saw one person state an opinion, and get jumped on for it. There has never been any over the top bashing of other ships here. A lot of Sheyla people used to post in here back in the old days. A lot of us used to post in the McWeir thread, too.


          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          Just for what it's worth. I don't think anybody bashed Sheyla. If we've gotten to the point we can't even point out how our ship is different from that one, then we just may as well be the Sparky galleria and get it over with. I like a little spirited discussion now and then, and if we keep it civil it should continue.
          I didn't see any bashing either.





            rodeny: will you look at that, I think it's growing.

            elizabeth: you're right, doesn't look good, might want to get that checked out.

            john: you're going to die.

            HAHAAAHAHAAA.... not sparky in the least, but that was what i thought of when i saw that picture.
            thanks Erised for the sig!


              Comment on picture:

              Rodney: And then I got this really ugly rash here...
              Elizabeth: did you go to see Carson about that?
              Sheppard (thinking): Yuck! Wish he would stop doing the full monty so I could talk Elizabeth into that...
              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                Quick drive-by to restock the mint jar!

                When all else fails, change channels.


                  Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                  Comment on picture:

                  Rodney: And then I got this really ugly rash here...
                  Elizabeth: did you go to see Carson about that?
                  Sheppard (thinking): Yuck! Wish he would stop doing the full monty so I could talk Elizabeth into that...
                  LOL I see it more like Rodney walking into a closet and catching them in the act. Because John looks like "Yup. That's what you get for opening closets!"



                    Off topic for a moment, I have greened some people and at least twice(unbelieveable I know) accidently given red.
                    Sorry to Anuna and Alyssa and anybody else I accidently redded.

                    I watch what I'm Bl****y doing the next time.


                      Unuseful rant, read at your own risk.

                      Like I don't know that already. Oh I remember the old days, don't worry.

                      I just don't like these "innocent" comment. Maybe I'm old fashion, but that's it. If I want to rant on how much I hate a ship I'll do it with people I know on LJ. If I want to bash a poster, I'll do it in private on my lj. I won't do it here, that's it. Here I respect people's opinion and I don't want to state "innocent anti-feelings" on a public thread just bc I have a particular hatred. And I really don't want to have to report posts to mods.

                      I'm not a mean person, I'm just trying to bring up some nice feelings to this fandom, that's it. Tell your friends to come back, maybe if I leave the thread t will be back to its previous thread. May I add that we have some friends in common on lj and as far as I know my attitude toward this thread hasn't been ( that I'd know of ) criticized. I just want this thread to be friendly again and a nice place to lurk/post into.

                      I didn't accuse these posters personally, I just wanted to remind them that it's not the place to comment on other ships and how it appears to take over our discussion. It's the Shep/Weir Ship discussion thread not "We're unhappy with the decisions let's screw up all the fun in sparky." Here you can post fanfictions, vids, ideas... speculations... but everything has to be in favour of sparky and in a respectful manner. That's it.

                      I'm not accusing you here Alyssa, I respect your opinion, I don't want to be the shipper who thinks she owns the thread bc really it's not. I'm all alone against all of you here, really I don't have anything to win in the end. I have no real goal bc in the end, I can have fun with this ship alone in my room.

                      I'm going to repeat myself once and for all : this is not a thread where you can bash as you want, that's it. I remember the days when we used to bash freely ( ships, characters even a character from our ship ) and yes we had awesome discussions and it was a great place to be. Today imho we should be able to have awesome discussion without bashing ships, writers... hell TPTB and the whole fandom. Specific threads are put in place for that. Here you're supposed to have fun and/or cry if you want in a pro S/W ship discussion thread.

                      What I don't want to read is: "Teyla looks fugly and Sheyla is just ugh, makes me wanna throw up!" bc really when you a read a comment like : " They want to push Sheyla, it's the end... I can't believe it, they have no idea what they're doing!" you don't have to be able to read between the lines to know what people are really thinking and I've been in this fandom for quite some time as well too and I know of all the fun anonymous posters had on JM's blog, they didn't mind bashing... and came back to this thread like nothing happened. I'm sorry but this attitude is childish, really it's not alright and I hate to be among people who don't give a damn' about respecting fandom on a forum as "nice" as GW bc it's not everywhere that you see mods deleting disrespectful posts. Rant all you want on your lj bc it's your private place or your friends' private place. I know I don't mind doing it but it's my place and I take entire responsability for it. Gosh it's just a tv show FCOL! Talk peacefully and please don't bash the fun. That's really all I'm asking.

                      Please go back to discussing some real issues regarding Sparky?

                      Thx FP for the mints.


                        *hugs pete*

                        I know you didn't mean to give me red.


                        E: You're so clumsy sometimes!!
                        J *blushes*
                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          Gone for a day and you guys jump ahead 4 millions pages. Or five. Now, I'm gonna run around like a crazy person until I catch up on all that reading...
                          Last edited by JesterDala; 25 July 2007, 08:22 AM.



                            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
                            Quick drive-by to restock the mint jar!


                            Thanks FP! Glad to see you around. Now I can make some more mint pie

                            As for the current discussion, it is one of the longest discussions I have seen here in a long time.

                            Me personally I don't mention other ships because I feel this is a Sparky thread and I want to talk about the fun things, sad things, naughty things and random things that this ship makes me think of. I don't mind preferences being stated as long as they don't spiral out of control into a discussion of why the other is wrong. Make it spin into what is right about this one. I don't mean spin by forcing it to fit into a preconceived mold of what we think it should be. I mean let it fly and have fun with it.

                            As for concerns and cons of Sparky- let it roll. Sometimes someone sees something they perceive as negative and by bringing it up here it, ruffled feathers can be soothed or other thoughts can be brought in.

                            I don't post much in here but I love seeing how other people perceive the same actions, thoughts and storylines. I love the speculation about what may happen and how it will affect our couple.


                              Originally posted by crazylizzie View Post
                              but isnt elizabeth's reaccuring status intrinsically connected to sparky?

                              oh dear... i just saw that you were trying to end the topic.

                              *runs way*
                              It is, though! Really, CL, you've said it. Honestly, trying to stick one's head in the sand is not going to change that even for the people who claim that they are just trying to be "hopeful". One of the reasons I don't stick around this thread so much anymore-- there is little realism left in certain attitudes.

                              ETA: Also, BG-- the attitude you are pushing there is not just anti-bashing, it inhibits discussion. Rant about it all you like but we have a perfect right to discuss things that might have a negative impact upon our ship as easily as we discuss things that would have a positive effect.

                              I agree that outright bashing is wrong, but the example you gave as "veiled bashing" really wasn't! I have to say to you-- by behaving the way you are and really not letting any tiny little remark slip, you're driving people away from this thread and do you seriously want to do that, in light of what's coming for us? Your attitude to this thread *does* have problems, I'm afraid, and I hate to say it but someone's got to, or people will just start drifting away to LJ and *not* come back here.

                              Why should people have to take their negative thoughts *out* of a discussion thread, provided that the negative thoughts are stated in a way that is allowable anywhere in a normal "discussion thread" on GW? Fun and giggles is not the only thing that a discussion thread is intended for-- you have to accept that and stop trying to police everything everyone says as though we'll be jumped on by the mods if someone says anything that isn't completely bouncy and happy about what is happening to the 'ship. If we're jumped on, we're jumped on, and if anybody says something that is truly out of line, people *will* tell them about it, and not just one person either. If you don't let it slide just a little bit more than you have been, you will be driving people away, which is exactly what you profess not to want to do to start with, isn't it?

                              Now, I would post some walls to soften the post, but haven't made any Sparky ones recently, so I'll just have to go post them in the Lizzie thread...
                              Last edited by Trialia; 25 July 2007, 08:41 AM.


                                Well, if you say so. But Trialia, may I ask you one question? Why are you still here anyway, I thought you left this thread a long time ago bc you found no real interest in the show or its fandom?

                                Also iirc you're a multi-shipper, so you know what I'm talking about, right?

                                Anyway, I've stated my opinion, you guys voiced yours. Can we go back on topic, please?

