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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hottest moment between John and Teyla (OMG what a way to start a post HERE!!!) is that "Hey - look - how - cool - I -am - I - found - your - long - lost - necklace" moment. End of discussion. But they did look hot in Hot Zone but not in the "we are hot together" kind of thing.
    (And just when John doesn't look hot? he looks hot even when beaten up, converting into a bug or being fed on by a wraith.)

    Body talk. Okay, not exactly body talk, but "first moments analysis" bc belanna asked for the attraction moments.

    Which sends me to work of the partial rewatching....

    There is that special something from the very beginning - I know bc I'm shipping them togethef from this scene:


    Something was so there in that look. At that time Sumner was the military commander, but it was clear he wasn't in the same wavelength as Elizabeth. It was clear that John was a kind of person she could better get along with, so that first look they exchanged was some kind of silent agreement between them. Elizbeth's face is all enhtusiasm and thrill and I just couldn't resist it, I squeed trough the first part of the Rising bc it was sooo... new and full of wonderful things awaiting to be seen. And John's face here says something like "I'll be your friend no matter what."

    This was the moment where we get the first sight into everything that is wonderful about John. That little wave of hand was great. I thought "Oh, taht's a great guy, and not just a hard headed soldier."

    Lizzie staying behind and watching with the well known worried expression on her face.

    The first conflict. I love how she pulled him.

    First time on *their* balcony. This moment is like Sparky history!!!

    Clashing heads for the first time. It's the first time we see John to stand up for his view of the situation. What I instantly liked about him was his loyality, but there was also a darker aura around him... like he didn't believe he deserved to be there... it was actually the first thing I liked about John in "The Rising". Somethin deep down inside preventing him to have a high oppinion of himslef. It got me instantly interested in him as a character (that's shrink in me speaking) bc I wnated to know reason for that, when his actions spoke totally different story. We never really got to see that side of John better. That's a shame, and that's me whishing for an analysis.

    It can be seen even here:

    Elizabeth is the person who gives him the new chance to do something with himself (yeah, it's because the ATA gene, but from everything else he did, we got the message he is special in many ways).

    It seemed to me that Elizabeth wasn't fooled by his dark mask he was wearing:

    The episode ends with balcony scene and John slips into his well known charming personality. Do I have to say how it made me squeee???

    And that was only the beginning...
    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


      Originally posted by SazZat View Post
      I wasn't saying hot from a shippy perspective. I meant as in they both looked hot, as in the attractive sense of the word. But anyway.
      Whew! Now I can relax.

      Good analysis everyone.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Altough I must add I prefer watching John looking hot.
        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


          I think it was in Hot Zone (but not sure) that I was looking more closely at the people sparring, noticed that those weren't even Joe and Rachel, those were stunt people, so it's hard to be talking about it being hot in any kind of shippy way the way I see it. Just saying.

          I listened to JM's interview, just for any new info, not for the pleasure of hearing him talk. He mentions fans a lot. Just a few things:

          -no mention of Torri

          -didn't like when he mentioned Carter being a permanent fixture on Atlantis

          - he doesn't take much stock on focus groups he said, the results have shown that people don't want SG-1 crossover on Atlantis (obviously they don't care about that)

          - he mentioned Sheppard/Weir: "We can't be going online and checking out who the most popular character is this week on GateWorld, basically write the script for them. Everybody seems to support a Sheppard/Weir pairing more than a Sheppard/Teyla pairing so let's do a Sheppard out on a date episode with Weir, it's just not something that we do.

          Now let's take this sentence out of the context! Imagine:

          Joe Mallozzi: "Everybody seems to support a Sheppard/Weir pairing more than a Sheppard/Teyla pairing so let's do a Sheppard out on a date episode with Weir."
          Last edited by Celcool; 03 May 2007, 08:16 AM.
          Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
          at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

          R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


            I love your way of thinking dear, and I like JM less every day. Let's go back to some happy chat, shall we? Pretty please? S4 makes me feel bad.
            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


              I actually find JM to be quite amusing really. I know a lot of fans hate him, and I understand that, but believe it or not, his aim in life isn't to make us miserable.

              Anyway where is that interview from?

              and *squee* at that bolded line. At least he knows we exist

              livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
              ~You are who you choose to be~


                Originally posted by Celcool View Post
                I think it was in Hot Zone (but not sure) that I was looking more closely at the people sparring, noticed that those weren't even John and Rachel, those were stunt people, so it's hard to be talking about it being hot in any kind of shippy way the way I see it. Just saying.
      's not all stunt people. Most of it is Joe and Rachel.

                And wow, seems I've sparked something off now just cos I said it was hot *shrugs* nothing wrong with admiring how attractive it was. Just forget I said anything. I didn't mean it as ship and I don't think anyone has said it was shippy.
                Oh forget it. See you all sometime later maybe.

                livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                ~You are who you choose to be~


                  I read your post saying you didn't see anything hot-shippy in it, I was just saying because I'm sure Sheylas do find it shippy. Also, I'm not sure it was Hot Zone ep I where I noticed the stunt people. Sure the actors do close-ups but the sparring they show from a far, I'm not sure it's all always Joe and Rachel.
                  Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                  at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                  R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                    Saz, are you gonna run away from us now?? Don't do taht pleasee!!

                    Well I don't find JM amusing... I'm just not good at that kind of humor... Anyhow, I'm feeling the need to make another Sparky vid. I have several ideas and still I'm contemplating which road to go.
                    Last edited by Anuna; 03 May 2007, 08:29 AM.
                    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                      I loved the breakdown on the Rising. Very, very nicely done. I have to agree that there was a spark from the beginning. They understood each other from the beginning. John calling her out on them being on the balcony to argue, Elizabeth telling him not to blame himself and giving him a second chance. They just knew--that fast. We haven't seen any other characters on the show with that depth of understanding so quickly. Lord, I hope I'm saying this right. (and now. . . she attempts to subtly climb down from the soap box )

                      Second, the JM comments. .. . You don't pay attention to "focus groups". Yeah right. They may not dictate all the shows directions, but at least he's acknowledging what the fan base (us sparkers!) like (Sparky) and don't like.

                      I'm a little disheartened about the Sam permanent thing as well. However, I still pray that Weir stays on in a very permanent type roll in S4. I think the show will lose alot without Elizabeth's interaction.

                      Finally, if he didn't listen to his fans at least in part, then

                      Carson wouldn't be coming back in S4.

                      Ok, I agree. . . . happier times ahead:

                      One of my favorite moments of "tension" was when they finally got the puddlejumpber through the ring in "38 minutes." Elizabeth sprints up there and basically collapses on the bench in the cargo hold while they resuscitate John. Right there, that look on her face, she was worried out of her mind. (I'm sorry. . . I'm not good with the photo thing. I tried a couple of times and it doesn't seem to be working for me.)

                      Personally, in my own little mind, I see her worried on several different levels:

                      1. Not wanting to lose someone else so quickly.
                      2. She feels responsible for him even being on Atlantis
                      3. The first real BIG hints of Sparky on her side....

                      Ok, any thoughts on Johns' first big acknowledgement for Elizabeth?


                        I wonder why do they do focus groups (Celcool, why did you have to remind me of my early years at the uni? I learned how this was done!! It's pretty boring, if you're watching and taking notes) if they don't pay attention to the results?! Those research cost time and money.

                        I will screencap that wonderful moment in 38 minutes. First big acknowledgement on John's side. Gotta think!!! Belanna, thank you for giving me better things to think about, than S4.
                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                          Saz, are you gonna run away from us now?? Don't do taht pleasee!!

                          Well I don't find JM amusing... I'm just not good at that kind of humor... Anyhow, I'm feeling the need to make another Sparky vid. I have several ideas and still I'm contemplating which road to go.
                          No I'm not gonna run away. I just had to go out for a bit.
                          I went out to vote for the first time...not that voting makes much difference anymore but at least now I have the right to moan about everything in my crappy little town

                          Originally posted by belanna30 View Post
                          Second, the JM comments. .. . You don't pay attention to "focus groups". Yeah right. They may not dictate all the shows directions, but at least he's acknowledging what the fan base (us sparkers!) like (Sparky) and don't like.
                          JM doesn't pay attention because he listened to the Carson fans. The focus groups get listened to as long as publicity is gathered for the show at the same time

                          One of my favorite moments of "tension" was when they finally got the puddlejumpber through the ring in "38 minutes." Elizabeth sprints up there and basically collapses on the bench in the cargo hold while they resuscitate John. Right there, that look on her face, she was worried out of her mind. (I'm sorry. . . I'm not good with the photo thing. I tried a couple of times and it doesn't seem to be working for me.)

                          Personally, in my own little mind, I see her worried on several different levels:

                          1. Not wanting to lose someone else so quickly.
                          2. She feels responsible for him even being on Atlantis
                          3. The first real BIG hints of Sparky on her side....

                          Ok, any thoughts on Johns' first big acknowledgement for Elizabeth?
                          OMG I complete forgot about 38 minutes. Loved that ep.
                          What is quite funny is the bit where Elizabeth collapses down onto the bench; when I was watching it late one night with my mum, she said to me at that point "Is that one of your shippy moments?". I was like hmmm well I guess it is in a way. I think it's too soon for ship but if you combine all 3 of your bullet points then I think that is a fair summing up of that moment. But my mum! The non-shipper! The anti-Sparky! She noticed it
                          But yeah great moment of tension. I really liked that episode.

                          livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                          ~You are who you choose to be~


                            Originally posted by SazZat View Post
                  's not all stunt people. Most of it is Joe and Rachel.

                            And wow, seems I've sparked something off now just cos I said it was hot *shrugs* nothing wrong with admiring how attractive it was. Just forget I said anything. I didn't mean it as ship and I don't think anyone has said it was shippy.
                            Oh forget it. See you all sometime later maybe.
                            Sorry hon, I was just kidding. Guess my sense of humor doesn't always translate. In the handbook for Season 1, BamBam went on about how that Hot Zone sparring scene was designed to show the UST between Shep and Teyla. We found that very amusing around here and wondered if they saw what we did or didn't. It's still kind of a hot button for some of us.

                            Originally posted by Celcool View Post
                            I read your post saying you didn't see anything hot-shippy in it, I was just saying because I'm sure Sheylas do find it shippy. Also, I'm not sure it was Hot Zone ep I where I noticed the stunt people. Sure the actors do close-ups but the sparring they show from a far, I'm not sure it's all always Joe and Rachel.
                            This was their first spar session if I'm not mistaken. At some point, I think maybe after Conversion, Joe decided he didn't want to stick fight. He doesn't think he's very good at it, and even Rachel has said he doesn't like to practice and accidently hits her. So. Nothing has been said other than that, but I doubt we'll see Shep doing any further stick fighting, except maybe playing games with Ronon.

                            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                            I wonder why do they do focus groups (Celcool, why did you have to remind me of my early years at the uni? I learned how this was done!! It's pretty boring, if you're watching and taking notes) if they don't pay attention to the results?! Those research cost time and money.

                            I will screencap that wonderful moment in 38 minutes. First big acknowledgement on John's side. Gotta think!!! Belanna, thank you for giving me better things to think about, than S4.
                            They seem to only pay attention to the focus groups that agree with them. A recipe for disaster if you ask me, and you didn't. They are just not going to let what people want to see stop them from putting on what people don't want to see. LOL. At least he acknowledged Sparky which in a sane universe would mean we won't be seeing Sheyla.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              @SR - I totally agree about your focus groups observations. If you listen only to people who agree with you it's a straight way to disaster, sooner or later. I know it's OT but I was recently giving lectures on a similar topics - groupthinking, group decisions, and I always use the bay of pigs as an example (it was a bad decision early in Kennedy's career. Actually it was a bad group decision, and the group didn't listen to advisors who didn't agree with them). Okay, sorry for OT.

                              No Sparky = DISASTER!!!!
                              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                                Originally posted by Celcool View Post
                                Now let's take this sentence out of the context! Imagine:

                                Joe Mallozzi: "Everybody seems to support a Sheppard/Weir pairing more than a Sheppard/Teyla pairing so let's do a Sheppard out on a date episode with Weir."
                                LOL. YES PLEASE.

                                Does that mean no sparky. Well I guess there goes my last hope of attempting to watch s4. Oh well I think I'm mostly over it.

                                Well at least he knows that sparky is teh popular and any other ship will just not go well. NO SHIP IN SGA. I think I'm going anti-ship.
                                My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.

