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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Major_Moomin View Post
    I just can't stop laughing at the minute!
    LOL! I can't stop laughin' either ! Maybe Lizzie really is
    a cylon afterall, and Teyla's pregnant with Michael!cylon!wraith's child.... OMG, is Atlantis turning into Battlestar!Lantis?


      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
      Am I sensing feminism here?
      Nah, it's not feminsim. I'm not a huge feminist or anything. I'm one of those girls who likes when guys hold the door open for you and offer to carry your things.

      I'm more amused by the fact that various times they have been saying Teyla is a "strong leader of the Athosian people", but she's always portrayed wearing revealing clothing. Making many, including myself, to come to the conclusion that the TPTB have her there to be the token "alien babe". And to add to the fact that this spoiler for "Seer" says she's
      pregnant. I just hope they don't go down the road of "Who's the daddy?" arc. Because that would be too soap operaish for me.
      I want to like Teyla's character. Who doesn't like a girl who can kick everyones bum? But lack of real development is leaving me indifferent to her character still.

      I guess it's because of the way Teyla is protrayed, I'm more drawn to Weir's character and see her more of a "strong leader". It may also be due to the fact that I'm used to associating "leaders" with those who dress professionally, or at least their tops don't keep getting shorter with each wash. Though maybe in Athosian culture that's a sign of leadership, then again we haven't had that much information on Athosian culture to be aware of this.

      Anyhoo, to go back on the topic of Sheppard/Weir.

      I like that poll!The 4 out of 10 listed there are probably many of our top favorite moments. If that poll included season 3 they might just have to add
      breaking quarantine in "The Real World" and carrying Elizabeth into the infirmary in "Echoes" Any others you guys suggest? I know I missed some.

      Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
      LOL! I can't stop laughin' either ! Maybe Lizzie really is
      a cylon afterall, and Teyla's pregnant with Michael!cylon!wraith's child.... OMG, is Atlantis turning into Battlestar!Lantis?
      Talk about crossovers! LOL
      Last edited by Athenaktt; 25 April 2007, 08:55 AM. Reason: spelling


        Originally posted by dana View Post
        And notice no Shep/Teyla there............
        I didn't want to gloat. LOL.
        My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


          Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
          I didn't want to gloat. LOL.
          *giggles* Well, I'm not above gloating.


            Originally posted by dana View Post
            *giggles* Well, I'm not above gloating.
            Me either. I did that on my livejournal. LOL. Ah, yes, there was much gloating and a little laughing at The Seer spoilers. So happy I'm not watching s4.
            My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


              WTF? indeed. Which takes me back to FUBAR.

              I'm a little surprised also at the number or people who actually think this idea will work. Zaz, you are making lots of sense and almost made me change my mind. JM did say we would learn how the wraith reproduce, so maybe... But I am still ROTFLMAO and can't get the picture of a very pregnant Teyla stick fighting in her little split skirt outfit out of my head. It's only a matter of time before some clever boots fires up Photoshop. *snorts* OMG, I am dying here.

              Now, ahem, you know this could be John's baby and they could end the series with an Athosian wedding with Rodney Ronon as best man and Carter as maid of honor. At the very least, we are going to have to face sympathetic!John who will probably offer to marry her even if it isn't his baby. Now I just stopped laughing.

              No, not really. You know what guys, we had 3 years of lovely Sparky moments that the great majority of viewers also saw. In a perfect world, TPTB would have gone with the most popular option and dropped any other ship for Shep, but it's not a perfect world. My state of zen gets better the more bad news we get. Now all that's left to do is relax and enjoy watching Joe Flanigan lick his lips, which is what got me into this show in the first place.

              Sparky lives here and in fanfic and always will.
              Last edited by Southern Red; 25 April 2007, 11:32 AM.

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Posting here as well.

                Every Elizabeth fan should see this video:



                Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                  Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                  Talk about crossovers! LOL
                  HUGE! It's XF all over again

                  Celcool : Thx for sharing the video. I'm on my pinky ass for that one. Really it's awesome
                  Last edited by Blower'sGate; 25 April 2007, 09:31 AM.


                    Psst, Southern Red, you forgot spoiler tags.

                    Though I'm with you. I've reached the point where I'm just watching the show for the pretties again e.g. Sheppard, Ronon, and any other pretty guest stars. It's easier on the brain.

                    Of course I'll always put a Sheppard/Weir spin of an episode in my head... but I do that already. lol


                      Oh LOL at the crossovers! I get the joke even though I don't watch BSG

                      About alien babe thing - I want to like Teyla's character too. TPTB don't prtray her as a strong leader, a strong leader should get more than five sentances per episode!!! With this "Seer" development I don't see how they will help her become that strong leader she is supposed tobe.
                      What I really miss is Teyla and Elizabeth friendship. Hey, we even got to see

                      ToR spoiler

                      Ronon (!!!) being happy than Rodney is back to his old annoying self!!!

                      I mean, WTF??!! I can count on fingers of one hand probbably when Teyla and Elizabeth exchanged more than five sentances. While guys get the character development and friendship implied between the lines, the girls get pushed in the background. Oh hey, I like guys carrying my things too... but I like being a smart woman who can use her brain.
                      Okay, sorry for ramble. Long day. Too much work. Sleep deprivation.
                      Gotta work on Sparky Tango.
                      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                        @ SR >> yeah well I'm not trying to convince anyone on anything That's just really what I would like to see happen. I don't care much for Teyla...never have done. Just can't relate to her in any way at all. She just annoys me really.
                        This pregnant thing didn't surprise me so much because when I first read JMs poem the first thing that came into my head was mutant wraith experimental babies from Teyla because of Michael *shrugs*. So I'm really hoping that's what we get. If it's nothing to do with Michael then I really don't give a toss about the whole storyline to be honest.
                        The only time I've found Teyla to be interesting is when Michael has been involved. I love Michael. So if they throw him into the storyline then I will be relatively happy. And it could throw up so many plot streams to go down. It would be such an angsty storyline as well. The possibilities are endless.
                        Actually that's the only thing I can imagine them doing. Other than that idea, well I don't care. I'm liking the idea purely based on the fact that I want Michael I could be in for a big let down.

                        I have to say though I am a bit surprised that this is all Teyla's major story arc is...I don't know. Maybe I expected more. It just seems like this arc is still proving she can't be an interesting character on her own. She needs some sort of support plot...if you know what I mean. Like I said about Michael. Teyla has only been important to me when it comes to certain aspects of that story.
                        I also quite like her interaction with Ronan in certain episodes like...darn can't remember the name of mind has gone blank. The one where Ronan meets up with his friend and then his old military commander and then shoots him and Teyla goes at him for using her trust etc. Moments like that are cool for her.

                        Other than that though...well. We've never seen Teyla developed beyond those bonding/fighting with other people episodes. They have a good opertunity to give her a good arc now, but again the arc they choose is one that isn't just based around her character, but it will rely on other characters involvement.

                        Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                        Psst, Southern Red, you forgot spoiler tags.

                        Though I'm with you. I've reached the point where I'm just watching the show for the pretties again e.g. Sheppard, Ronon, and any other pretty guest stars. It's easier on the brain.

                        Of course I'll always put a Sheppard/Weir spin of an episode in my head... but I do that already. lol
                        That's what I did a lot of the time to start with. The I discovered fandom about 4 months ago and everything went up in the air. I'm thinking I might ignore spoilers for a while again. I'm starting to think it's much better to just watch it when it arrives because then I haven't got time to get annoyed about it if it's something I don't like I will then watch it and it probably won't annoy me at all because I wouldn't have been influenced by fandom.

                        Anyhow. I still say that Sparky is the best thing I've been dragged into worshipping in fandom and I don't regret it for a minute I've said it before: I've never been a shipper. I don't ship anything unless it's so obviously there or if there is obvious emotional chemistry and angst between 2 people. The fact that I saw Sparky is enough proof for me to go on loving it. I don't care what happens in season 4, it doesn't erase what we have seen and felt in season 1, 2 and 3

                        livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                        ~You are who you choose to be~


                          Btw. Federica, who is part of the Save Elizabeth Weir campaign, gave me the permission to post the vid here.

                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          Now, ahem, you know this could be John's baby and they could end the series with an Athosian wedding with Rodney Ronon as best man and Carter as maid of honor. At the very least, we are going to have to face sympathetic!John who will probably offer to marry her even if it isn't his baby. Now I just stopped laughing.
                          Actually I would be laughing my ass off if it happened! It would show how ridiculous the show had become.

                          No, not really. You know what guys, we had 3 years of lovely Sparky moments that the great majority of viewers also saw. In a perfect world, TPTB would have gone with the most popular option and dropped any other ship for Shep, but it's not a perfect world. My state of zen gets better the more bad news we get. Now all that's left to do is relax and enjoy watching Joe Flanigan lick his lips, which is what got me into this show in the first place.

                          Sparky lives here and in fanfic and always will.
                          You're right, to the majority of folks it's clear who belongs together, also the recent Stargate magazing poll shows that besides the fact that it's clear that there's like 5 times more Sparky shippers than of the other group. We have 3 seasons of proof of all the eye!sex, no personal space, the flirting, the sexual tension, the prettiness , everything. We know who is wrong here, they can do whatever they want with their show but they can't take away those 3 seasons of Sparky love. If removing certain someone is the only way to stop what they never planned to happen... it's actually their loss for not taking advantage of something like that that rarely happens on a show.

                          I wouldn't even want RST, UST is quite enough, I'd just need Liz in lots of scenes with John, that's quite enough with the way those two actors work, nothing more is needed, just putting them in a scene together and we have an explosion of sparks!
                          Last edited by Celcool; 25 April 2007, 10:28 AM.
                          Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                          at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                          R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                            Oh LOL at the crossovers! I get the joke even though I don't watch BSG

                            About alien babe thing - I want to like Teyla's character too. TPTB don't prtray her as a strong leader, a strong leader should get more than five sentances per episode!!! With this "Seer" development I don't see how they will help her become that strong leader she is supposed tobe.
                            What I really miss is Teyla and Elizabeth friendship. Hey, we even got to see

                            ToR spoiler

                            Ronon (!!!) being happy than Rodney is back to his old annoying self!!!

                            I mean, WTF??!! I can count on fingers of one hand probbably when Teyla and Elizabeth exchanged more than five sentances. While guys get the character development and friendship implied between the lines, the girls get pushed in the background. Oh hey, I like guys carrying my things too... but I like being a smart woman who can use her brain.
                            Okay, sorry for ramble. Long day. Too much work. Sleep deprivation.
                            Gotta work on Sparky Tango.
                            I completely agree! One of my favourite moments for both characters is that short moment in Suspicion when they are standing on the balcony together talking about leadership and doing what is best for their people etc. I loved that moment.
                            The only other time we saw anything between the two of them was a small moment in First was an interesting exchange then. Not as touching as the scene in Suspicion. It had a different feel to it. I liked it, but at the same time I was feeling sorry for Elizabeth and I wanted Teyla to be more sencitive (but that would have been out of character). So I liked it, but at the same time I didn't like it...but it a good way if you know what i mean.

                            livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                            ~You are who you choose to be~


                              There was a great little moment in TRW too...

                              when Elizabeth woke up. Teyla's happy smile was priceless!! I loved it!!!

                              Yeah, i know what you mean Saz. Some scenes bring ambivalent feelings, but they are great nevertheless (forgive me for possible typos).

                              @Celcool - you are so right dear, we will have Sparky forever. And there is always the mighty fandom, so much more creative than TPTB. Like in that song: Make your own kind of music, sing your own special song... Sparky is our song, definitely!!
                              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                                @Celcool - you are so right dear, we will have Sparky forever. And there is always the mighty fandom, so much more creative than TPTB. Like in that song: Make your own kind of music, sing your own special song... Sparky is our song, definitely!!
                                Yeah, but still I'd want more on screen... dammit. But seeing how TPTB are, I have lost all faith in them, not to mention something else as well.
                                Still listening to that song? LOL
                                Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                                at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                                R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)

