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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Lizabeth View Post
    Sucked OUT into water? Sounds unlikely, water would flood in wouldn't it? Whatever, she won't die, they said she's coming back. Unless of course she ascends, which I wouldn't be very happy with. If she pulled a Daniel though I guess I'd live. Whatever. *bounces off to the land of eternal optimism*
    I remember reading somewhere that Weir was supposed to be the Daniel of Atlantis since she was the linguist of the group. And at first they wanted Sheppard and Weir to have a Jack and Daniel relationship... Then you think of all the slashing between Jack and Daniel maybe they shouldn't be suprirsed by the popularity of Sparky.

    So if they considered Weir to be like Daniel
    she could Ascend and pull a Daniel and just keep coming back. But if they did made Elizabeth Ascend I wouldn't be happy not only since it is technically dying, but it is also a plot they have used soooo many times before in SG-1. I would feel cheated to have to watch a recycled story again.


      Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
      I remember reading somewhere that Weir was supposed to be the Daniel of Atlantis since she was the linguist of the group. And at first they wanted Sheppard and Weir to have a Jack and Daniel relationship... Then you think of all the slashing between Jack and Daniel maybe they shouldn't be suprirsed by the popularity of Sparky.

      So if they considered Weir to be like Daniel
      she could Ascend and pull a Daniel and just keep coming back. But if they did made Elizabeth Ascend I wouldn't be happy not only since it is technically dying, but it is also a plot they have used soooo many times before in SG-1. I would feel cheated to have to watch a recycled story again.
      Yeah, i wouldn't be happy either. BUT, it would be better than dying w/o ascending or ascending and not coming back. But anyway, I'm still going for major injuries but will be better after John worries sufficiently to make up for all the worry he caused. And Now, I am going to wait and see and be DONE analyzing. Seriously, when I come back to analyze the future of SGA based on rumors again, remind me how fuitless I think it is to really bother, and tell me to GO AWAY!


        Originally posted by Lizabeth View Post
        In other news, I did work out my thoughts on Sunday and posted in the episode thread. It took quite a bit of time and effort. If anyone cares to read you can find my post here. Be forewarned, it is quite long and, obviously, full of spoilers for Sunday.

        I hope it's okay that I'm quoting this part of your post.
        She was also strangely absent in the aftereffects. Rodney and Ronon talked and John and Teyla talked. But we still don't know how it affected Elizabeth. Carson was a very close friend of hers, he was the one who came to see her on Earth when she couldn't move on. I would expect her to grieve this loss very deeply, and would have liked to have seen that. Personally, I thought there should have been a scene where John comforted her. He is a leader beside her, and more than that, a very good friend. He has been there for her when she needed support many times (Coup D'Etat, Critical Mass, etc.). I would have liked to see one of those scenes where he goes in her office or they're both on the balcony. It is very effective in showing them both as leaders and friends supporting each other through everything on this expedition.
        Nicely said. It really would've made sense to see a scene like that. John probably wouldn't have known what to say (he didn't have much to say to Teyla about the aftermath), but remembering the scenes of comfort J and E had in the past, it would've fit. It would've been a sad but beautiful scene. going into ficland a little here Very few words are spoken, Elizabeth lets out a silent tear, he embraces her and then cut. leaves ficland Or, you know, they already had a private meeting before the funeral.
        I love it when I read some mention here how he likes to help her feel better no, not in that way! To make her smile, see if there could be some way to help lighten her burden.


          Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
          I remember reading somewhere that Weir was supposed to be the Daniel of Atlantis since she was the linguist of the group. And at first they wanted Sheppard and Weir to have a Jack and Daniel relationship... Then you think of all the slashing between Jack and Daniel maybe they shouldn't be suprirsed by the popularity of Sparky.

          So if they considered Weir to be like Daniel
          she could Ascend and pull a Daniel and just keep coming back. But if they did made Elizabeth Ascend I wouldn't be happy not only since it is technically dying, but it is also a plot they have used soooo many times before in SG-1. I would feel cheated to have to watch a recycled story again.
          I feel the same as you do. No recycled stories.
          NO ASCENSION, if they do that, then I'll have finally found a reason to quit watching the show...


            Hi Guys!

            Ok, I've haven't been posting in this thread or some of the others because I went back into "lurk" mode(Too much negativity messes with my zen.) I have posted in my S/J had been a while. Anyhoo, I had to tell you all something. I thought it was pretty neat....

            So, my little sister(my baby girl) came down for a suprise visit(I get mushy talking about her). Although....she is 25, married and expecting her second and last baby. Wow, I can ramble....back to the subject! Sarah didn't feel like going places, she just wanted to relax and spend time with me. She HATES scifi shows....I mean, HATES them. For some reason she said to pop in "That Atlantis stuff you watch". After I regained my senses I did what she said. We watched a little of season one, two and three.

            Now, what you have to understand is that Sarah can spot "ship" a mile away. I don't think she has ever been wrong(even when I wanted her to be). We didn't talk about it while we were watching the episodes. I kept looking at her face during those moments that I thought "sparky", her face showed no hints what-so-ever! I thought....That's just great, she's gonna say that she saw Sheyla,*grumbles*. I'm fully expecting her to tell me I'm delusional and that there is no chance that "sparky" will ever come to pass. What she said next shocked the stuffing out of me(direct qoute):

            "Still can't see why you like all of this Stargate stuff, I was a little bored(at which point, I very lovingly told her to bite me ). I did like a couple of the characters....that Teyla is pretty good with fighting sticks(At which point I agreed, but was getting annoyed). I really liked the Romance brewing between John and Dr. Weir. It's pretty clear that those two love got a little intense in some episodes."

            Thats my girl!!!

            Happy Posting
            It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


              Originally posted by FaithStars View Post
              Hi Guys!

              Ok, I've haven't been posting in this thread or some of the others because I went back into "lurk" mode(Too much negativity messes with my zen.) I have posted in my S/J had been a while. Anyhoo, I had to tell you all something. I thought it was pretty neat....

              So, my little sister(my baby girl) came down for a suprise visit(I get mushy talking about her). Although....she is 25, married and expecting her second and last baby. Wow, I can ramble....back to the subject! Sarah didn't feel like going places, she just wanted to relax and spend time with me. She HATES scifi shows....I mean, HATES them. For some reason she said to pop in "That Atlantis stuff you watch". After I regained my senses I did what she said. We watched a little of season one, two and three.

              Now, what you have to understand is that Sarah can spot "ship" a mile away. I don't think she has ever been wrong(even when I wanted her to be). We didn't talk about it while we were watching the episodes. I kept looking at her face during those moments that I thought "sparky", her face showed no hints what-so-ever! I thought....That's just great, she's gonna say that she saw Sheyla,*grumbles*. I'm fully expecting her to tell me I'm delusional and that there is no chance that "sparky" will ever come to pass. What she said next shocked the stuffing out of me(direct qoute):

              "Still can't see why you like all of this Stargate stuff, I was a little bored(at which point, I very lovingly told her to bite me ). I did like a couple of the characters....that Teyla is pretty good with fighting sticks(At which point I agreed, but was getting annoyed). I really liked the Romance brewing between John and Dr. Weir. It's pretty clear that those two love got a little intense in some episodes."

              Thats my girl!!!

              Happy Posting
              DELURK !!!!
              Wow thx, I'm glad your little sis' sees sparky. But you just showed her a couple of eps and probably the most sparky ones, am I wrong ?

              Anyway your sis should watch more of Atlantis, with eyes like that she could make a great sparky shipper ^^.


                Originally posted by FaithStars View Post
                I really liked the Romance brewing between John and Dr. Weir. It's pretty clear that those two love got a little intense in some episodes." [/B]
                Nice. I wonder which scenes she found intense and which episodes, though I can imagine.

                What they say with their eyes! That's when it gets intense, the way they look at each other, angst about one another. Hot! Hot! Hot!
                Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                  Originally posted by Blower's Gate:
                  but you just showed her a couple of eps, and probably the most sparky ones, am I wrong?
                  *laughing*....Actually, I showed her a fair mix of episodes, as I wanted her honest opinion. Btw, getting her to watch on a regular basis is gonna take a bribe, ya got a few million dollars laying around?

                  Happy Posting
                  It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


                    Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                    DELURK !!!!
                    Wow thx, I'm glad your little sis' sees sparky. But you just showed her a couple of eps and probably the most sparky ones, am I wrong ?

                    Anyway your sis should watch more of Atlantis, with eyes like that she could make a great sparky shipper ^^.
                    That was a lovely little anecdote, FaithStars. I thought the same as BG and bet you showed her TS/TE, TRW, Echoes, Intruder. After all, why sit through episodes you don't particularly enjoy. Heehee!

                    Anyhow, here's a Sparky vid posted by another poster on the Torri thread. I enjoyed it. It reflected her being torn between duty and love. Clicky here: Miss Independent

                    I finally got around to viewing "Sunday" and you know what? I actually liked it!
                    Re Sunday:
                    I had real reservations about this episode, not only because Beckett gets killed but Sparky gets killed off as well. But it didn't. Well, sure, there no Sparky in it but that episode effectively killed off all ships and what was there was as ambiguous as ever, very open to interpretation.
                    I have taken off my shipper goggles these days but I've also taken off my anti-anothership goggles too but what I saw on the screen were lovely friendship moments.
                    Funny thing was Teyla's comments for some reason led me to believe it was Beckett she was referring to and that ship had never popped into my head before! Maybe it was a Beckett-centric episode in essence and that stuck in my mind. *Shrugs* Well any future thought for that ship sailing has sunk as well.
                    I have already given my thoughts in the episode thread but overall I thought it was very touching.
                    This episode did not close the door on Sparky....not by a long shot, a little ajar maybe but not slammed shut with the key thrown away.

                    And this is coming from a" Zen with everything" person, me.

                    Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                      Celcool, Ronnikins......oh, just a few .....The storm, The eye....The real world....... *sighs*.....The amount of quiet intensisty and action intensisty in the past three seasons is astounding. How anyone can deny that these two complete eachother and feel for eachother a way that is so truly deeper than for anyone else is beyond me....

                      Happy Posting
                      It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


                        Thank the lord, Ronnikins! I thought I was going insane.....spoilers about Sunday
                        I also thought that Teyla was talking about Carson(poor Ronon). The completely devistated look on her face just showed me more emotion than she has ever shown for John...
                        It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post

                          And about Sunday
                          John told Ronon that there was noone in Atlantis that he thinks "that way" about. He didn't say there was noone on Earth. Maybe he's still in love with his ex-wife? Maybe we'll see her at some point. Farfetched, I know, but considering the unoriginality of this crowd, probably likely. I wouldn't even mind it as a, dare I say it, Sparky plot device. She shows up in Atlantis. He gets all woobly, then realizes...hey wait...son of a gun...I'm over her. Hello Elizabeth.
                          *grasps at straws and runs away*
                          I've decided I don't care what he says about himself... the man is in denial and he's hardly likely to blab to Ronon that he has feelings for anyone on Atlantis. He's a straight male and he's burying his feelings deep down. Very deep down...

                          Yup... I'm one deluded lemming...
                          "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                            I haven't even seen the ep., but I know enought about it to say! I sure hope not! I really want sparky to stay that way! I don't want an
                            to come in the way of that! I guess that it doesn't make a difference anyway if Elizabth is going to be
                            But I can still hope!

                            Save Lizzie!!!!!



                            "At the crossroads of our life, when we pass in the dark like two silent ships. . .please hand me a flashlight" ~fyd

                            "When life gets weary and we can't stand alone. . I'll meet you for pizza at Papa John's"
                            ~ Me


                              Originally posted by Easter Lily View Post
                              I've decided I don't care what he says about himself... the man is in denial and he's hardly likely to blab to Ronon that he has feelings for anyone on Atlantis. He's a straight male and he's burying his feelings deep down. Very deep down...

                              Yup... I'm one deluded lemming...
                              If you're one deluded lemming, then I guess I'm one too because that is what I think too.


                                Originally posted by Ronnikins View Post
                                I finally got around to viewing "Sunday" and you know what? I actually liked it!
                                Re Sunday:
                                I had real reservations about this episode, not only because Beckett gets killed but Sparky gets killed off as well. But it didn't. Well, sure, there no Sparky in it but that episode effectively killed off all ships and what was there was as ambiguous as ever, very open to interpretation.
                                I have taken off my shipper goggles these days but I've also taken off my anti-anothership goggles too but what I saw on the screen were lovely friendship moments.
                                Funny thing was Teyla's comments for some reason led me to believe it was Beckett she was referring to and that ship had never popped into my head before! Maybe it was a Beckett-centric episode in essence and that stuck in my mind. *Shrugs* Well any future thought for that ship sailing has sunk as well.
                                I have already given my thoughts in the episode thread but overall I thought it was very touching.
                                This episode did not close the door on Sparky....not by a long shot, a little ajar maybe but not slammed shut with the key thrown away.

                                And this is coming from a" Zen with everything" person, me.
                                Originally posted by FaithStars View Post
                                Thank the lord, Ronnikins! I thought I was going insane.....spoilers about Sunday
                                I also thought that Teyla was talking about Carson(poor Ronon). The completely devistated look on her face just showed me more emotion than she has ever shown for John...
                                I actually thought the same thing, not immediately when I saw it but after thinking about it a little and rewatching a few scenes.
                                Until this I would never have dreamed of shipping Teyla and Beckett, but I could kind of see it there. *remembers was going to quit analyzing and runs away*

