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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Season 4 speculation
    Sorry if this is off-topic, but you guys are my favorite and idk where else to say this. Sorry if this has been speculated somewhere else, I don't read everything. But I was reading Joe Flanigan's hint or whatever about the finale, and thinking about Elizabeth's major thing she's supposed to do, and how Atlantis is cut off from Earth again supposedly. I was thinking that maybe they fix the star drive and fly away in their city. I don't know why or how or even if it will happen. But it made sense in my mind.


      I haven't seen Sunday and probably never will but here's my opinion, anyway.
      The fact that there are so many differing takes on what exactly happened ship wise tells me that they must've purposely made it vague. I have a feeling this episode was meant to kill all ships, hence the remark about s4 not having any ship. I could be wrong, though. I frequently am when it comes to the Stargates.


        Originally posted by lissa1000 View Post
        I haven't seen Sunday and probably never will but here's my opinion, anyway.
        The fact that there are so many differing takes on what exactly happened ship wise tells me that they must've purposely made it vague. I have a feeling this episode was meant to kill all ships, hence the remark about s4 not having any ship. I could be wrong, though. I frequently am when it comes to the Stargates.

        their attempts fell flat to me. cahracter x saying isn't interested in charater y never stopped people from shipping and the only way not to have it is physically removing a character [weir?]. still. let's weit and see.

        and here i shall remove myself from the stage before my anger boils again.
        livejournal * fanfiction

        i do not support the cast changes. No x-over. Yes Elizabeth & Carson.


          Originally posted by lissa1000 View Post
          I haven't seen Sunday and probably never will but here's my opinion, anyway.
          The fact that there are so many differing takes on what exactly happened ship wise tells me that they must've purposely made it vague. I have a feeling this episode was meant to kill all ships, hence the remark about s4 not having any ship. I could be wrong, though. I frequently am when it comes to the Stargates.
          All I saw was "DEATH TO ALL SHIP!" (except the ones no one has seen before or have much interest in, i.e. Liz/Mike and Rodney/Katie) throughout the episode. Like I said on the Sunday thread, it's really interesting to me how different people view the same things in such different ways. Makes things interesting.


            Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
            Okay, I actually stayed up to watch "Sunday" I did a running commentary while I was watching i posted it on my journal.

            But totally I've wanted to see
            John and Lorne in their dress blues, but at the expense of Carson. I don't think it was worth it.

            Not much John and Elizabeth. But Mike Branton is very very hot. I'm glad for that. John did mention he was married before. But he says he isn't interested in anyone here. Ronon says he always thought "Shep and teyla would..." But Sheppard sort of makes the "Eh, really?" face.

            At the End Sheppard does look at Elizabeth when she goes to stand next to him, but that's about it. I don't know even though this was a "day off" episode. Everyone felt off too me. Maybe it's just me.

            ETA: For those curious at what Mike Branton looks like here's a low quailty picture of him.
            *blech* I don't like Mike just by looking at him, though with my sparky glasses on he sorta looks like John, so there is still hope (at least mike didn't have blonde hair, or red or brown....)
            Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
            |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


              Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
              *blech* I don't like Mike just by looking at him, though with my sparky glasses on he sorta looks like John, so there is still hope (at least mike didn't have blonde hair, or red or brown....)
              Well, my first thought was John Carter payed a visit from the ER to Atlantis...
              Age is an issue of mind over matter...if you don't mind it doesn't matter

              ...Bonkers. But Brilliant...


                Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
                You know, I had a weird little thought (Spoilers for Sunday even though I haven't actually seen it yet):
                Supposedly John was married before? What if he was married to Elizabeth? And that's why she fought so hard for him to go to Atlantis?

                What can I say. I just can't give up on Sparky.
                LOL.....that would be great. It would explain why he didn't want to come to Atlantis in the first place and why she was so worried about him in 38 minutes even though she had Simon already.... *giggle* .....doubt that'll happen but hey, at least it's a plot device for a fanfic (which as someone has already stated are usually better than the actual episodes anyways...because we (the fans) actually care about our beloved characters and the actors who play them....)
                Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                  Originally posted by billy_red_ocean View Post
                  Well, my first thought was John Carter payed a visit from the ER to Atlantis...
                  I genuinely thought it was Noah Wyle until I viewed the ep on my pc and not my MP3 player.


                    Originally posted by Cailliath View Post
                    Agreed. Even TRW
                    was exclusively about Elizabeth and John. There were no other factors involved. Just them. Now I'm finding it hard to believe that episode was actually in this same season.

                    I think I'll boycott season 4 and write to Carl Binder begging him for his own alternative season 4 of Atlantis. At least then there'd be justice done to the characters and the spirit of the show. And of course, Sparky. *grin*
                    Bleh...i'm just going to give up on season 4 and hope that maybe season 5 will be better. Maybe we'll get some sparky in the episodes that Elizabeth will be in.
                    I just can't see Sam in Atlantis! I keep running these images through my mind and they just don't blend! I'm never going to feel right with her there...

           them put Elizabeth on the third series which is why they are reducing her to recurring.
                    + // Sparky = <33

                    [Sig by Me!]


                      I definitely got the feeling they were going for a
                      "kill all the ships" thing. I got a few random sort of J/T vibes, at least from her point of view, but I honestly feel like she was talking about Carson. It was the one part in the infirmary with John that got me. I don't remember exactly what she said, but it was something about how sad she was, and then she started to say something else—but stopped herself and repeated how sad she was.

                      Eh, I don't know. I wouldn't trust them to do any ship, ever, at this point.

                      That being said...
                      Sparky-ness (if you squint at it the right way)
                      The fact that John said he doesn't have feelings for anyone on Atlantis doesn't necessarily mean anything. Since I am currently of the opinion that 1) John is skittish about his feelings, and 2) Rodney is the ONLY one who knows of his sekrit love for Lizabeth, it would only make sense for him to say this to Ronon. He's covering.

                      Elizabeth, meanwhile... in regards to the kiss, I didn't really see it as her thinking about her feelings for John per se. More like... she's built up these walls, like the whole "not dating subordinates" thing, in order to make sure there's always a line between her and John. Probably subconsciously. So suddenly there's this guy kissing her—thereby breaking her rule—and that totally threatens the stability she's built up for herself. If one guy can kiss her, then maybe another one can too, and—well, time to run away.

                      I'm sure I'm reading way too much into this. But, eh, TPTB can't dictate my thoughts, so I'm just gonna go ahead and believe what I want to believe.

                      Sparky on youtube


                        On a random note: Why did the Thread rating go down? Didn't we use to have five stars

                        *wanders off depressed because of the lack of sparkyness these days*
                        Sig by Cailliath - Thanks! And thanks to Leelakin for making the Clubcards!

                        + = Squee!!!


                          Guys I posted my sparky point of view in the episode discussion thread like you suggested with a few corrections. Cause we need TPTB to hear what we have to say.. hope I won't get banned for this... Guys we need to do this !

                          For those who haven't read it, my original post on the Shep/Weir thread ( with a few caps ) :

                          and the one ( quite the same ) on the Episode discussion thread of Sunday :

                          *hopes Suz will be glad about this*


                            Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                            OK so thx for the comment Joe .... pff

                            I've watched Sunday without any expectations ( hiding the ones I previsously had deep inside my shippy heart ).

                            I thought Mike was really handsome, this guy definitely had something^^ *OMG COMPARING TO SIMON, HE's a GOD* And it was nice to see Liz have some fun on her own, except she seemed not to want to go for it... why exactly? I guess we'll never know for sure and I'll assume that it's just because of her personnal rules against people under her command... True enough, but I thought what Mike said about her being his bosses' boss...guess he found the reason why she could date him.

                            I thought at first that when Ronon told John about the fact that he thought Teyla and him could...( or ever thought about having something with her ) and the "Meh" reaction he had led me to believe it was more like a "Why not". And especially considering the fact that just after that scene they go to the bomb site and John asks many times Beckett if she's gonna be alright, very concerned...

                            BUT ( there's always a but ),
                            he's always concerned for the members of his team so that led me to rethink the scene between John and Ronon. We know now he's been married (OMG) and that he's not interested in anyone in particular made me listen to the "Meh" reaction again and it can be intrepeted in many ways and the one I thought of might not be so true afterall, actually I still think Teyla's a friend period ( Even if she's attractive ) to him.

                            Now :
                            You can ask yourself why Ronon brought it up, maybe because like one of you guys said he wanted to see if the road was clear enough for him to make a move ( but we know Ronon... he's not ready -like he said- and that leads me to the Teyla scene where she talks about the feelings she has towards someone ( BUT WHO ?). Sure she said it wasn't one of her people, so we assume it's someone in Atlantis; of course it could be John but he's not the only one who isn't an Asuran, Ronon isn't either, he's from Sateda ! So nope... TpTb loves to screw with ships period.

                            And finally the only shinny part of the episode :
                            The look mister Sheppard gave to Dr Weir ( I suppose single again by the end of the episode ) again very concerned.... or maybe thinking that he possibly cares for someone more than he knows on the base, even if it's a quick scene, it still counts in my opinion, and there's no other Shep/teyla scene till the end of the ep. AND Ronon and Teyla standing next to each other at the funeral is also a relatively good thing.

                            One last question before the caps of the last scene everybody's been talking about :
                            Why didn't Ronon ask John if he had a thing for or with Elizabeth ? Hm I know, and let's all thx TPTB for not caring about the fan's opinions and being so far away from the fandom and taking under consideration evaluating how ships are popular and see which are the most popular ones... period. ( Love to say period all the time now... )

                            I think I said most of what I wanted to now the caps :


                            XXXX *hugs you guys* hope you'll take confort in this.

                            PS : SAVE STARGATE, SAVE LIZ, SAVE OUR DA*N SHIP!
                            OMG...those episode caps....made the tears start flowing again, and I haven't even seen the episode yet....poor Carson, and the look that John gives Liz....I think that he realised that he may actually think about someone in Atlantis romantically (meaning Liz)....I mean, it was just like the look at the end of TRW....and they made me cry even more.... *sniffle*
                            Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                            |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                              Originally posted by mcat View Post
                              I definitely got the feeling they were going for a
                              "kill all the ships" thing. I got a few random sort of J/T vibes, at least from her point of view, but I honestly feel like she was talking about Carson. It was the one part in the infirmary with John that got me. I don't remember exactly what she said, but it was something about how sad she was, and then she started to say something else—but stopped herself and repeated how sad she was.

                              Eh, I don't know. I wouldn't trust them to do any ship, ever, at this point.

                              That being said...
                              Sparky-ness (if you squint at it the right way)
                              The fact that John said he doesn't have feelings for anyone on Atlantis doesn't necessarily mean anything. Since I am currently of the opinion that 1) John is skittish about his feelings, and 2) Rodney is the ONLY one who knows of his sekrit love for Lizabeth, it would only make sense for him to say this to Ronon. He's covering.

                              Elizabeth, meanwhile... in regards to the kiss, I didn't really see it as her thinking about her feelings for John per se. More like... she's built up these walls, like the whole "not dating subordinates" thing, in order to make sure there's always a line between her and John. Probably subconsciously. So suddenly there's this guy kissing her—thereby breaking her rule—and that totally threatens the stability she's built up for herself. If one guy can kiss her, then maybe another one can too, and—well, time to run away.

                              I'm sure I'm reading way too much into this. But, eh, TPTB can't dictate my thoughts, so I'm just gonna go ahead and believe what I want to believe.
                              I was starting on the "Sunday" transcript and it got me thinking.
                              Mike does have a point when he says that if she says she's his boss. With that mentatlity she the boss of everyone on that planet. Maybe because he said that, she sort of figured it wouldn't hurt to meet him for lunch.

                              Anyways when Rodney saw Elizabeth and Mike eating lunch. I swear that smile had was along the lines of "ooh, I need to tell Sheppard that Elizabeth ditching him for a younger and hotter guy. If he doesn't make his move." But that's just me.

                              Also John did tell Teyla not to cancel on Elizabeth because he knows that Elizabeth never gets out of her office.

                              And to John saying he's not interested in anyone. It is possible he's lying. Because I'm sure there are some of us who have lied about liking anyone to our friends at one point in our lives. Either because you're not sure or you were afraid of the response you'd get. Just a couple thoughts. I need to get back to transcribing. *sigh*


                                Oh... I did promise some post-Sunday Sparky goodness to hopefully cheer us all. Note to self: this is not the place for doom and gloom.

                                With that in mind, I offer a walk down season two memory lane... Sparky style.

                                Sparky on youtube

