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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Sometimes I feel like I'm in bizarro universe b/c Sparky already seems canon to me.
    In TRW, John breaks quarantine risking his life impulsively to try to just touch Elizabeth and tell her to keep fighting. Not Carson. Not Rodney. The team has no idea what exactly Elizabeth is experienceing. John has no cool technical plan to rescue. His couldn't contain his strong feelings for her and finally gives in to them in order to touch her and speak to her. It's like Sleeping Beauty with John as the prince. Also, who does Elizabeth see in her hallucination to help her but John himself. I think she trusts him more than any other Atlantis person. For a Sci-Fi show, wouldn't one expect some neat technological solution, but it's John's love that saves Elizabeth from the nanites.

    Re: Real World Part 1, great analysis Southern Red. It's Elizabeth who pulls away from John and he doesn't know how to cope with that. She ignores his phone calls and emails. He has a hard time expressing his feelings and probably thinks she's not interested in him. Seriously, if TPTB want the audience to think there's nothing between John and Elizabeth, why throw in all that stuff about Elizabeth being in a minor depression and isolating herself. They could have had her back at Georgetown or a university in Colorado teaching to indicate that John and Elizabeth are basically only friends when they all reunite. It's a deliberate roadblock so that they can show ship development later on. All TPTB are men and they probably identify more with John than Elizabeth. Approaching a beautiful, accomplished woman like Elizabeth is not an easy thing to do, even for a hero like John.


      Sometimes I feel like I'm in bizarro universe b/c Sparky already seems canon to me.
      Hehe I feel the same way

      icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


        Originally posted by Flowerbud View Post
        Sometimes I feel like I'm in bizarro universe b/c Sparky already seems canon to me.
        I know what you mean. And it's only gonna get worse because my sis and I are working on our own Season 4 and so far I'm loving it and it's going to be hard to distinguish that from the real season 4 when it comes. *sends out mental vibes hoping TPTB pick up and use some of these same ideas*


        PS Happy New Year! Here in Utah, USA we've got about 6 hrs to go.


          Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
          Uhm, christmas is a religious, the 'christ' in 'christmas' referring to Jesus Christ.
          Yeah, but who said anything about christmas? I said holidays. If they throw up a banner, say "happy holidays", and exchange presents, that wouldn't be christmas. It would be christmas, or hannuka, or kwanza, or whatever else you celebrate. I don't think there's a problem with that.



          "At the crossroads of our life, when we pass in the dark like two silent ships. . .please hand me a flashlight" ~fyd

          "When life gets weary and we can't stand alone. . I'll meet you for pizza at Papa John's"
          ~ Me


            Welcome to our new posters! Becoming a Sparky fan is the right way to start the new year!

            Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
            New Years could work but if they were going to go down the route of celebrating a specific holiday, I'd prefer if it was of Athosion origins. That way, there's more backstory for them, more for Teyla (akin to the scene in ToR
            where Rodney talks to her about the rituals of her father's memorial
            ) and imo, it would be nice to see the expedition adapting and distancing their ways from Earth.
            This is such a great idea. They seem to have trouble finding stories for Teyla and if they would just show us some Athosion history, writing for Teyla wouldn't be hard at all. And they could easily use the entire cast and not make it just about her.

            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
            Just trying to get my last bit of Sparky influenced speculation out of the way before Sunday airs and kills my squee forever. I am heartsick about the upcoming cast change and am not sure that even the possibility of John and Elizabeth consoling each other will help.
            Hugs SR. I'm not sure this will make you feel better, but
            at least they're not killing him. If we make enough noise, maybe they'll bring him back. There is hope!

            Originally posted by Flowerbud View Post
            Sometimes I feel like I'm in bizarro universe b/c Sparky already seems canon to me.
            Re: Real World Part 1, great analysis Southern Red. It's Elizabeth who pulls away from John and he doesn't know how to cope with that. She ignores his phone calls and emails. He has a hard time expressing his feelings and probably thinks she's not interested in him. Seriously, if TPTB want the audience to think there's nothing between John and Elizabeth, why throw in all that stuff about Elizabeth being in a minor depression and isolating herself. They could have had her back at Georgetown or a university in Colorado teaching to indicate that John and Elizabeth are basically only friends when they all reunite. It's a deliberate roadblock so that they can show ship development later on. All TPTB are men and they probably identify more with John than Elizabeth. Approaching a beautiful, accomplished woman like Elizabeth is not an easy thing to do, even for a hero like John.
            The Return, part I:

            Thank you! That is the best explanation I've read to explain why John acted like he did in that episode. I was kinda disappointed they made it obvious he had never even talked to Elizabeth the whole time they were back on Earth until they met up for dinner. Now it makes sense!

            Happy New Year!
            sig by SueKay

            My Team:


              Originally posted by Dia Dahling View Post
              Yeah, but who said anything about christmas? I said holidays.
              Erm, you did. Trees and mistletoe are synonymous with christmas.

              Originally posted by Dia Dahling View Post
              yeah! I think that we need to have them do holidays! nothing religious neccesarily, just a tree or mistletoe!!! or the new year's eve kiss! I mean, they're from earth, they know the customs!

              Wishing you all a happy new year that's rich in every way possible!
              Last edited by SallyLizzie; 31 December 2006, 05:37 PM.


                SPARKY NEW YEAR!!!

                Here's hoping you all have a wonderful new year! Look forward to turning the calendar over to January, and hope some of the new episodes (especially Sunday... that one sounds interesting!) will help TPTB keep the New Years' Resolution that they have probably had for a long time!
                My Myspace (doesn't that seem redundant?)

                Sig courtesy of Whistler84, R.I.P.


                  *looks around nervously*

                  Um. . .hi? I'm fyd, and thanks to Dia Dahling's constant prodding, I am finally coming out of my who-knows-how-long lurk here. I'm a Sparky fan, which I was originally a fan of, but my sig says what I'm also loyal to. I love looking at Sparky art, vids, and fanfics. I also love writing, and am tempted to try a vid. Maybe.

                  I come bearing a Sparky gift for the new year. I hope you all enjoy! It is both Sparky and Teyla/Ronon, but it's mostly Sparky.

                  "Journey to Forever" chapter 1, "Lifeline," is here: I hope you enjoy, and pleeeaasse don't kill me! LOL

                  Bye, and Happy New Year!

                  *slinks back into lurkdom*

                  My fanfic: ~fyd818 My vids: ~decatbastet SAWS: Spanky-a-Week Summer


                    Originally posted by fyd818 View Post
                    *looks around nervously*

                    Um. . .hi? I'm fyd, and thanks to Dia Dahling's constant prodding, I am finally coming out of my who-knows-how-long lurk here. I'm a Sparky fan, which I was originally a fan of, but my sig says what I'm also loyal to. I love looking at Sparky art, vids, and fanfics. I also love writing, and am tempted to try a vid. Maybe.

                    I come bearing a Sparky gift for the new year. I hope you all enjoy! It is both Sparky and Teyla/Ronon, but it's mostly Sparky.

                    "Journey to Forever" chapter 1, "Lifeline," is here: I hope you enjoy, and pleeeaasse don't kill me! LOL

                    Bye, and Happy New Year!

                    *slinks back into lurkdom*


                    HORRAY!! I knew you'd come out!! We won't hurt you!

                    Thanks for the link, and the cute fic!

                    *skips off to read*

                    You should come out and play more often. Welcome also, to any newbies I may have missed!
                    My Myspace (doesn't that seem redundant?)

                    Sig courtesy of Whistler84, R.I.P.


                      Originally posted by fyd818 View Post
                      *looks around nervously*

                      Um. . .hi? I'm fyd, and thanks to Dia Dahling's constant prodding, I am finally coming out of my who-knows-how-long lurk here. I'm a Sparky fan, which I was originally a fan of, but my sig says what I'm also loyal to. I love looking at Sparky art, vids, and fanfics. I also love writing, and am tempted to try a vid. Maybe.

                      I come bearing a Sparky gift for the new year. I hope you all enjoy! It is both Sparky and Teyla/Ronon, but it's mostly Sparky.

                      "Journey to Forever" chapter 1, "Lifeline," is here: I hope you enjoy, and pleeeaasse don't kill me! LOL

                      Bye, and Happy New Year!

                      *slinks back into lurkdom*

                      welcome to the thread fyd! I am glad that you finally came to play! I am kinda new, so I shouldn't have the right to welcome you, but who cares? I am glad you're here! I really like the fic., too and await the next chapter!



                      "At the crossroads of our life, when we pass in the dark like two silent ships. . .please hand me a flashlight" ~fyd

                      "When life gets weary and we can't stand alone. . I'll meet you for pizza at Papa John's"
                      ~ Me


                        HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

                        Let's hope for lots of Sparky in 2007.

                        And so close to 1,000,000 views!

                        Sparky on youtube


                          Happy New Year to everyone!


                          That's what Weir stands for.


                            1 million views.

                            Sparky is teh popular
                            My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                              Happy New Years, all you S/W fans!!
                              Fandoms come and go, but geekiness lasts forever.

                              YouTube - DeviantART - Twitter - tumblr



                                *waves*It's been a while since I've been able to post. I have been lurking on and off for the last few months but just haven't had the time to post until now.

                                ~*Happy 1+ million views*~ to the thread!! Wow, you'd think people are interested in this ship or something.
                                ~*Happy New Year*~ to all.
                                ~*Welcome to all the new posters*~

                                So much to celebrate in the thread. Lets hope there's more to come (yes, greedy of me I know).
                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                Now, Athenaktt, I think you just hit on something vitally important for our ship. Spoilers for Sateda, TRW, Echoes, The Return I and probably more from S3.
                                Here we have a man who admitted that he has trouble with feelings, not just in Sateda but also to R/T when saying goodbye in Return I. He seems to expect his teammates to know that and understand, but he still tries mightedly on both occasions to get his feelings out with limited success. However, lets take the J/E expression of feelings situation in order. It's important to note also that he doesn't verbalize said feelings but still leaves no doubt in anyone's mind who might be watching that said feelings exist. First in Misbegotten the look on his face when she's trying to tell them all how she feels is just astounding coming from a man who plays emotion so close to the vest. Notice that he is sitting turned slightly away from the others so there is no chance that they'll see his face. Which, IMHO, is an open book. Then comes his defense of her to Woolsey and his display of emotion that causes Elizabeth herself to say "I've never seen you like this." She was clearly surprised that a man who seldom shows emotion would get so riled up. Over what? Her honor. Next we have Progeny and the "are you ok?" moment in the jumper. Concerned expression, tone of voice dripping with feelings. TRW, of course, stands alone as the Sparkiest, most John has feelings for Elizabeth and he's not afraid to express them episode of all time. *stops to wonder why this one is so unpopular in certain quarters* Oh well, moving on. In TRW, John by his every action showed that he cares deeply for Elizabeth. No, he didn't declare undying love. Yes, he would have been concerned if it had been any of the other people he considers family, but it wasn't them. It was Elizabeth. Why choose her? Then after it was all over, he comes to seek her out and try to make her feel better? Then in Return I, did he really have to stop by her room to ask if she'd be ready to leave at 0800. Please, what a feeble excuse. He wanted to let her know that he knew she was hurting but words failed him and he quoted Princess Bride to lighten the moment. He made her smile. Mission accomplished. But so much was said that wasn't said. That scene reminded me of Teyla's comment to him in Sateda about the things he "meant to say." She understands that he can't always get things out and so does Elizabeth who just smiles that enigmatic smile at him that tells you she understands John Sheppard better than anyone alive. In The Return II, I thought his comments to her about not sleeping were interesting. How does he know? *get out of the gutter, you scamps* Obviously, they are both up late a lot, if he knows this about her and she didn't seem surprised that he knows. Hmmm? Again he is using a teasing voice with her. She calls him "cheeky" which I think no matter how long they've been out of touch brings them right back to their previous relationship. He says outrageous, teasing things to her to make her feel better. That's all he knows how to do without actually talking aobut feelings. Look at dear sweet Carson. He almost literally pats her hand, goes to visit her and begs her to get out of her funk. Rodney expresses concern about her also. But John just does what he's always done because he knows what works with her. Echoes, of course, was all action!John, not waiting for medical personnel. For all he knew, it might have been dangerous to pick her up like that, but emotion overcame common sense and he just went on instinct. Whew! I haven't done one of my overanalysis rants lately. Feels good. I still got it.
                                I don't know for sure if these showing emotion without verbalizing said emotion moments for John are scripted or are just JF making the most of his part and showing us the depths of JS in spite of the fact that he's given basically **** to work with. Or not. Hey, it might be true. With this bunch of PTB you never know what they are intending. Just trying to get my last bit of Sparky influenced speculation out of the way before Sunday airs and kills my squee forever. I am heartsick about the upcoming cast change and am not sure that even the possibility of John and Elizabeth consoling each other will help.
                                Southern Red that was a wonderful analysis. No overanalysis at all to me That's just the way I see it too! I think its why this pairing works so much for me. I don't have to overanalyse it to see it. It doesn't seem forced and I think that its so much about the chemistry between the actors: where their eyes are, the subtle changes in their faces. But then there are the moments that surely must come from TPTB, such as in TRW and Echoes, that could've been done a different way. Maybe that's just me grasping, hoping that if the TPTB are supportive of it that aren't about to destroy it all. I will join you in your apprehension about Sunday. I am really apprehensive about that one.

                                Can someone tell me whether The Tao of Rodney" was originally intended to screen before Sunday? It was right?

                                Originally posted by Luz View Post
                                tptb's efforts would mean nothing if it weren't for Joe and Torri's acting, their chemistry, and how good Elizabeth and John look thanks to those two truly unique actors. In all honesty, tptb are not that good, and even the best writers in the world haven't discovered how to manufacture chemistry.
                                True. I've got to agree that in the end it comes down to the actors. Kind of what I said before the subtle things. So much of it comes from the unspoken elements in a scene. That's what grabbed me about Sheppard/Weir in Season 1.
                                I think TPTB of shows run in to problems when they try to force a pairing, but seem to get it right when they run with what comes across on screen from the actors. Adama/Roslin (BSG) and Grissom/Sara (CSI) spring to mind as pairings that weren't originally intended by the respective PTB, but were adopted by them after seeing how the actors worked. I think some quarters of the SGA PTB seem receptive to Sheppard/Weir but others I'm not so sure about.

