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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SallyLizzie
    Just to let every body know, Athenakkt has added a story to Langford U ~ Dinner and Taxes

    Great fic Athena, loved the sam/rodney, shep/rodney, weir/rodney interaction. Heck i think i love Rodney full-stop *ponders new revelation...*
    Loved the 'T-shirts and cargo pants' line and “Only dinner?” - squee!
    Hehe! Thanks SallyLizzie! I'm glad you liked it. I have a feeling with all these plot bunnies I might end up writing a follow up to the Langford fic.

    The little Rodney moment wasn't planned. He just kind made an appearance.


      Originally posted by SallyLizzie
      It's actually an interesting thought Just how many condoms did they take with them? Obviously there are more important things happening to deal with than finding time to hook up with somebody, but these things do happen and contraception is a must - take note kids. Apart from other things, starting a baby-boom when exploring and bringing a city to its full potential so they can make a stance against the Wraith, awell as the food shortage, would generally be considered a bad idea.
      Thoughts like that have been plaguing me as well (although I admit I hadn't thought of contraception originally). How much did they bring of certain items? For example, if your boots give out, how many spares do you have, and is there a cobbler among the crew?
      And what about all the stuff you take for granted back on Earth? Haircuts, dental work, eye exams - I know we have a medical staff, but we usually only see them relating to medical emergencies. And while Carson's a perfectly competent M.D., I doubt he's as skilled in dentistry or optometry. If they have major problems, too, they don't have the opportunity to call on specialists as Janet did on SG-1.

      I also wondered about razors and the like - did they bring electric and assume they could use them in Atlantis, or blades that have to be replaced?

      There are a ton of little things like that that are continually popping into my head and are quickly forgotten - I had an entire list I made once, but I've since misplaced it.

      Gah - thinking about this too much. Although I know I stumbled across a fic once that had Sheppard cutting Weir's hair...

      Just to let every body know, Athenakkt has added a story to Langford U ~ Dinner and Taxes
      Yay!!! *runs off to read*
      ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
      The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


        Have now read the story - it's great, Athena! And there's just something about that universe that drags me in (maybe because I've been mired in the education system for years now, and have years to go).

        I agree with SallyLizzie - I enjoyed the Rodney interactions. Although I have to say, I think the brief dialogue between Peter and Sheppard was priceless as well. And of course, all the shippy moments were really the best - the banter between Sheppard and Weir is great.

        It's all great!
        ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
        The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


          Originally posted by LurkerLa
          And what about all the stuff you take for granted back on Earth? Haircuts, dental work, eye exams -
          As for Haircuts, a friend who is a bad influence on me, gave me a plot bunny about Haircuts...I still need to do quick edit for the fic. So I'll post it up once I get it up.

          From experience, I will NOT try to edit a fic this late at night.

          Have now read the story - it's great, Athena! And there's just something about that universe that drags me in (maybe because I've been mired in the education system for years now, and have years to go).

          I agree with SallyLizzie - I enjoyed the Rodney interactions. Although I have to say, I think the brief dialogue between Peter and Sheppard was priceless as well. And of course, all the shippy moments were really the best - the banter between Sheppard and Weir is great.

          It's all great!
          Thanks again! I'm glad you had fun reading it. I actually really like writing Langfords fic, they are so fun to write.


            Originally posted by Athenaktt
            Hehe! Thanks SallyLizzie! I'm glad you liked it. I have a feeling with all these plot bunnies I might end up writing a follow up to the Langford fic.

            The little Rodney moment wasn't planned. He just kind made an appearance.
            One could only hope, the Langford AU is great.


              Originally posted by Athenaktt
              Hehe! Thanks SallyLizzie! I'm glad you liked it. I have a feeling with all these plot bunnies I might end up writing a follow up to the Langford fic.
              Yay I'm loving the Secret Journals too. Actually choked on my on spit last night after reading
              Wake up. Check. Bang head against wall. Check. Throw the Geneva Convention out the window. Check. Bang head against wall again. Check. Throw sanity out the window. Check. Sex in closet with Sheppard. :grins: Check.
              !! Good job i wasnt drinking coffee or my new pc would have been wrecked.

              I also wondered about razors and the like - did they bring electric and assume they could use them in Atlantis, or blades that have to be replaced?
              This has come up in the 'Toilets in Atlantis Thread'. The exact post is here. I must admit i hadn't thought of things like Dentists and Optimologists.

              I always wondered how much they planned to take with them and in which order they were prioritised given that they didn't know if they were going to be able to open a womhole, let alone how long for. I suppose they have help from the Athosions know, i mean Teyla's had her hair cut so maybe there is an Athosion Beauty Parlor on the mainland

              Although I know I stumbled across a fic once that had Sheppard cutting Weir's hair...
              Aw man that sounds really funny. I wana read *pouts*
              As for Haircuts, a friend who is a bad influence on me, gave me a plot bunny about Haircuts...I still need to do quick edit for the fic. So I'll post it up once I get it up.
              Yay Athena! Can't wait

              Okay i can't remember if i've linked this fic before but as it's abfab and it's just been updated i'll link it anyway ~ Darker Star. It's a xover with SG1 and is very angsty.
              Last edited by SallyLizzie; 21 May 2005, 05:36 AM.


                Welcome one and all!

                That really stinks about dubbing and lack of s/w-ness.

                Athena always has the best stories!! She is just good like that!! Loved the new one at Langford_U! I love LU! It's so fun!! I have an idea for a new one, not really all that SW, but watch, even though I have the story SW will somehow creep in on it... But after seeing Star Wars this afternoon I don't know if I will be capable of rational thought...
                Citizen of Braneville


                  Originally posted by wizengamot
                  Welcome one and all!

                  That really stinks about dubbing and lack of s/w-ness.

                  Athena always has the best stories!! She is just good like that!! Loved the new one at Langford_U! I love LU! It's so fun!! I have an idea for a new one, not really all that SW, but watch, even though I have the story SW will somehow creep in on it... But after seeing Star Wars this afternoon I don't know if I will be capable of rational thought...
                  Heh, all my Langford bunnies have the same issue — I really wanted it to be a gen fic community, and then all my ideas turned out as Sheppard/Weir. I need to finish up the website fic, but alas, I've got three long stories on the docket, including one that's potentially a sequel to The Pacific Rim.
                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
                  Melyanna's Multimedia
                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Originally posted by Melyanna
                    Heh, all my Langford bunnies have the same issue — I really wanted it to be a gen fic community, and then all my ideas turned out as Sheppard/Weir. I need to finish up the website fic, but alas, I've got three long stories on the docket, including one that's potentially a sequel to The Pacific Rim.
                    Same here...I try to write about other characters, but right now all my plot bunnies are Sheppard and Weir...Maybe when I exhaust all my plot bunnies, I'll get some ideas for other characters in the AU.


                      Capped Rising and have some S/W caps to share. The balcony conversation, a few other random bits and the end party scene.



                        @naughty but nice: I like the joke in your signature. *rofl*
                        Me too *gg* It´s dedicated to a good friend of mine

                        Oh Athena, these “very secret atlantis journals” are just hilarious. And “Constellation”, too, just great. Oh, please hunt all those plot bunnies *is begging on her knees*

                        So, the discussion for “The Storm” is going together with “The Eye”?
                        Age is an issue of mind over matter...if you don't mind it doesn't matter

                        ...Bonkers. But Brilliant...


                          Originally posted by naughty but nice
                          So, the discussion for “The Storm” is going together with “The Eye”?
                          That would work for me. I'm just being very lazy in hopes that someone else will start the discussion.
                          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                          Last update: 14 April 2006
                          Melyanna's Multimedia
                          Last update: 15 February 2006


                            Originally posted by Melyanna
                            That would work for me. I'm just being very lazy in hopes that someone else will start the discussion.
                            haha...well I'm being lazy too. I've been shoving aside plot bunnies left and right...

                            But before I go and be a Star Wars Geek for the day...Heres the haircut fic I was talking about earlier.



                              Well, I watched last night's first airing of the Storm for the night was going to tape the second airing, but got caught up trying to get onto GW.


                                Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                                This has come up in the 'Toilets in Atlantis Thread'. The exact post is here. I must admit i hadn't thought of things like Dentists and Optimologists.
                                Aah... that answers a few questions.

                                Originally posted by Athenaktt
                                But before I go and be a Star Wars Geek for the day...Heres the haircut fic I was talking about earlier.

                                Yippy skippy! Okay, now I'm just getting carried away with exclamations...

                                Anyway - wondeful as usual, with great banter.

                                Originally posted by Melyanna
                                I've got three long stories on the docket, including one that's potentially a sequel to The Pacific Rim.
                                If you do that, I just might have to fall down and worship you.

                                As for "The Storm" and "The Eye," are they going to be reairing "The Eye" at some point? That, of course, was the first one I didn't tape, since my brother could watch it for himself, and now I'm regretting it. Otherwise, is there anywhere to get a transcript of the episode, as that would also help?

                                Of course, I also managed to miss "The Storm" by agreeing to help someone move, but that I have on tape.

                                It's been a while since I watched them both, but I do remember one thought (not question, unfortunately) that occurred to me (and it's not that original, either). I really enjoyed seeing the Genii as the enemy - because they are people, with a culture, needs, wants, aspirations we can understand, and not so alien as the Wraith, I really enjoy the way they are portrayed as an enemy. With the Wraith (and the Goa'uld in SG-1) we have these groups of creatures that are undeniably bad. There is not really much in the way of debate about how we should react to these creatures. But the Genii are simply another people, whose interests happen to be at odds with those of the Atlantis expedition. I think it gives them a lot more depth as the "enemy," and makes the storyline just that much more interesting.

                                I could probably refine that some if I went back and actually watched the episodes again.
                                ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                                The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.

