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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
    Go look at a picture of Dan Payne, then go see him in RL. You'll soon see how you can look sexier off-screen.
    Personally, it depends on my mood as to whether I'd agree with that or not. Elizabeth is a damned hot character, even if Torri is... *giggles and runs off*


      I think Torri can look "sexier" off screen because she can be herself. Elizabeth is reserved and professional. She rarely lets herself be free with her expressions **except when a certain person is around** You can see she has a fun side, but it lurks.

      Torri on the other hand seems like she is an extremely fun person and free with expressing herself. She has said that sometimes it is hard to play Weir because she is not used to being reserved. She has to rein in her emotions.

      I love when little bits of Torri show thru in a smile or expression



        Eh. I'm just saying I enjoy both sides.


          Originally posted by Easter Lily View Post
          Here's me chipping in...

          I don't understand why writers (whether in JAG or some other show with a long term UST) can't resolve the tension earlier and see the couple make that transition as a married couple or item and struggle with their relationship in th e context of their situation or respective careers. If Firefly could do it successfully, I don't see why it can't work in other shows. While I'm not particularly anxious to see resolution between Sheppard and Weir in the short term, it always amuses me that in most shows, the OTP seems to be always particularly cautious about getting involved with each other when in reality (at least in my experience anyway) most people are overly anxious to be in one, sometimes to the point of recklessness.

          I believe in sparky too... and I don't think resolving UST necessarily destroys a show or a pairing. Bad writing does that. I don't know what they teach at writing school but perhaps they need to rethink couples stuff because there are many of us who are in it for the long haul... and happily so.

          ITA. Just think of all the conflicts a married couple could face in Atlantis, especially when they are co-leaders. Writing school? What is this of which you speak?

          Originally posted by sunny View Post
          RST can be written w/out killing the show as many have stated. So I'll just say WORD there. The difficulty w/a show like SGA is the plotdriveness of it all. It's like the L&O of scifi. The character is there to facilitate the plot not vice versa. I think that's where it suffers cos when the transition is trying being made to focus on the characters there's this pendulum effect and then the balance occurs. But I'm not in charge so whadda I know. *shrug*


          Word right back at you. That's why I think Sparky works so well for most of us. It doesn't interfere with the plot. You don't have to let them stop and do a "moment" then go back to the regularly scheduled plot. I've repeated ad nauseam and will continue to do so until at least one PTB hears me. Having John and Elizabeth in a romantic relationship would not have to change anything to the extent that it would interfere with the stories. When I get time, I'll do a conprehensive list. For the moment let's start with the balcony scenes. Proceed as usual but end with his hand touching her shoulder and a meaningful look. Five seconds tops. No harm, no foul.

          Originally posted by Pocus View Post
          I think Torri can look "sexier" off screen because she can be herself. Elizabeth is reserved and professional. She rarely lets herself be free with her expressions **except when a certain person is around** You can see she has a fun side, but it lurks.

          Torri on the other hand seems like she is an extremely fun person and free with expressing herself. She has said that sometimes it is hard to play Weir because she is not used to being reserved. She has to rein in her emotions.

          I love when little bits of Torri show thru in a smile or expression

          Another wish for S4. Fun!Elizabeth. If the team gets to laugh and tease each other in the cafeteria, we should get to see her in a similar situation. with John Remember that cute football watching moment in Hide and Seek. More like that. She just totally got his full attention there. And he was watching football.

          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


            Originally posted by puddlejumper224 View Post
            forgive the ignorance, I'm new, but what is "Sparky" exactly?
            Hello! Welcome to the board.

            As for "What is Sparky?", There is a nice explanation here for the origins of the nickname.



              Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
              Go look at a picture of Dan Payne, then go see him in RL. You'll soon see how you can look sexier off-screen.
              Oh yeah, I didn't become a Dan Payne Fangirl until I saw him in person.

              And Torri is just lovely and adorable in person. My friends who weren't Weir fans at first after seeing Torri at a con just fell in love with her.


                i was going to ask that saem question thx
                Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                  There's been some great comments made about the workings of ship within a non-drama show (even though the Stargate's aren't strictly scifi imo), and I hugely agree about them keeping ship as a reserve to boost ratings when infact, all it does is piss off the fans - including shippers.

                  It doesn't interfere with the plot. You don't have to let them stop and do a "moment" then go back to the regularly scheduled plot.
                  Word! I think that's sometimes forgotten, or that some people are under the impression that for a ship to become canon, there needs to be all these little extra shippy scenes added which would reduce the plot time. And it's just not true. I think once a ship is made canon, then after a while you can get away with such scenes but they're not a necessity.

                  I wonder how long John and Elizabeth can keep up the UST and keep me interested. If they keep going like they are, would it still keep me hooked and squeeing 2-5 years down the line? Perhaps the reason I stopped caring about Sam/Jack was because imo, it became treated like a joke. If they left Sparky alone as it is, without using it to try and boost ratings, etc, do you think you would continue to enjoy it?

                  Maybe one of the biggest problems in making a ship canon is, who suggests it? Which writer decides to take that on and write it in, and would the other writers be willing (or capable - we know that each writer has their own strength) to keep it progressing at a natural rate?

                  And I think I'll finish with a fic rec: The Ritual

                  Sunny, rest assured, the Wicked love is very much still alive and kicking. I've just gone back to my black phase *toss, toss*


                    You all make great posts here They don't have to give us much. Like SR mentioned, a meaningful look, a brief touch of a hand, maybe a comforting hug.... I rewatched TR1 the other day and giggled at the amount of times these two threw glances at each other. They have had this great build-up, the actors have a wonderful onscreen chemistry, so really, the writers don't even have to change much in how they write the J/E iteraction and it won't take over the show - as many fear. And because SR also mentioned the balcony scenes, I'll agree again and mention
                    the end of TRW. Such a lovely scene and look where it was placed and how short it was.

                    But, you know....if Elizabeth and John do enter in a romantic relationship before the end of the show, that would mean that John could no longer accept those affections from the hot alien babes


                      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                      Interesting that my opinion here seems to be in a minority. I thought it might be. Part of the reason why I've kept quiet. I hope my perception is wrong....
                      Now for the sake of argument because I love it so much, arguing that is let's look at Return 1 as an example of how I see a distance.
                      I think John should have gone to see her. It's not made clear that he had tried to call her, and he's distracted when Rodney is talking about her on the phone. On the one hand he breaks isolation to try and save her, yet can't pick up the dang phone and call the woman. IMHO that indicates John's tendency to be extremely adaptable. He reacted to being back on Earth the same way he did in Epiphany to being cut off from the team. He settled in to make the best of it and started to distance himself from his former life. Same with Antarctica. Rodney, of course, won't stop calling him. John hurries him along and almost hangs up on him. I wonder why he agreed to the dinner. Is John Sheppard really this easily manipulated? His past history with women tells me maybe so, yet when given a chance to storm the castle and take back their home, he jumps at the chance. The man is a mystery. Being written by committee is not helping either.

                      Sorry to be contrary. I was hoping to come home with a new perspective. *goes off to watch videos for a new lease on Sparky*
                      Bless you SR!! I feel EXACTLY as you. I only lurk here (just look at my pitiful post count, hee) but I was frustrated to the point of actually voicing my opinion after The Return pt 1. Not going to restate it here, because you already did (and probably better!) and besides, it's WAY back there somewhere...but... They aren't as close (to me) as in the previous seasons. It's like they took away all our "little moments" that we squee'd over, to give us some big "in your face" stuff.

                      Pardon me, but I would like some of both, please! I have an active imagination folks. I don't have to have "in your face" to believe in Sparky. In fact, I kinda prefer to fill in the blanks myself sometimes. I do it WAY better than TPTB for the most part.


                        Originally posted by sunny View Post
                        Just curious here, cos I've been outta it for so long. Why exactly would we care about the haters? (not trying to be *****y here, just curious) If anything bringing it up in this thread is just recognising their whiny arses and giving their hatorade glory and spreading it. Ship should be fun not work.
                        Usually when someone runs across a poll elsewhere, they post a link here so people can go support Weir, if they wish. In this case it was a poll to "kill" Weir, so I posted a link in case anyone was interested. We do it all the time here.

                        When all else fails, change channels.


                          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
                          Usually when someone runs across a poll elsewhere, they post a link here so people can go support Weir, if they wish. In this case it was a poll to "kill" Weir, so I posted a link in case anyone was interested. We do it all the time here.
                          *nods* I don't plan to ever register at that forum, though. I stopped following the links when I learned that that site would give me apoplexy at an early age if I wasn't careful.


                            Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                            Before I head to bed, I just wanted to announce that Screen caps for "The Return - Part 1" have been added to the John/Elizabeth Gallery.

                            The Return - Part I
                            Return, Part I pic...spoiler, I suppose


                            You know what this reminds me of? Empire Strikes Back, with Leia sitting behind Han on the Falcon while Chewie copilots.


                              Originally posted by Marbles View Post
                              Return, Part I pic...spoiler, I suppose


                              You know what this reminds me of? Empire Strikes Back, with Leia sitting behind Han on the Falcon while Chewie copilots.

                              SO TRUE!!!
                              My Myspace (doesn't that seem redundant?)

                              Sig courtesy of Whistler84, R.I.P.


                                Originally posted by Vixen View Post
                                But, you know....if Elizabeth and John do enter in a romantic relationship before the end of the show, that would mean that John could no longer accept those affections from the hot alien babes
                                And this is bad . . . how? LOL! PS Love the sig!

                                Originally posted by Marbles View Post
                                Return, Part I pic...spoiler, I suppose


                                You know what this reminds me of? Empire Strikes Back, with Leia sitting behind Han on the Falcon while Chewie copilots.
                                Hee! Boo-yaw diggity! Han and Leia were MFEO and so is Sparky.


