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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
    Here is the article that has the direct qestion about Weir/Sheppard:

    thank you thank you!!!! *hugs Royal*... i wonder what this HUGE thing is that we are going to be on fire over... i hope that it is not another caharacter dieing or something!!! but i am very excited at seeing Sedge back!!!


      Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
      I thought that at first myself, but in the GW interview she mentions
      Sunday and the date, but goes on to add that, "There has been some really awful stuff that happened, and I cannot divulge it at all." That quote had me thinking again. I hope there hasn't been some character kill off, but as SR said, we should overreact when the event happens lol

      However I really liked Torri's comments about Shep/Weir chemistry in that article--she sees it!

      Maybe Caldwell is gonna' die because I heard somewhere that Mitch is working on a new show, isn't he ?


        Originally posted by Blower'sGate
        Maybe Caldwell is gonna' die because Mitch is working on a new show, isn't he ?
        that would be sad yes... but would we really get all that hyped up over that...but i do feel that it has something to do with a character death!!
        ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


          Originally posted by ddc
          Several posts have suggested Mitchel replacing Caldwell, which I guess is possible. Sort of like when Worf came over to DS9 after TNG ended. It would really change the dynamics, though, no more Weir/Sheppard v. Daedalus commander.
          I wouldn't mind Col. Mitchell becoming commander of the Daedalus, but it would certainly shift my ship focus. I'd probably become a Liz/Cam person.

          When all else fails, change channels.


            Originally posted by Melyanna
            (That said, Ben Browder playing a BC-303 commander and showing up occasionally would be fine by me. He's just about the only one I think would fit in the cast.)
            I agree. Plus I have a soft spot for Ben, so yeah. Having him around wouldn't be a bad thing. And since I'm being lazy and I know one of you can answer this - does Mitchell outrank Sheppard?

            As far as whether a more crowded cast might mean less Sparky moments, that doesn't worry me. You guys have pointed out many times that Sparky shows up in scenes that don't necessarily advance the plot. Yet that scene is in the final cut of the show. Somebody likes Sparky!

            The one thing that does concern me is
            the stuff Torri wouldn't talk about because it was too awful. Like others have said, that screams character death.
            It's gonna be a long hiatus.
            sig by SueKay

            My Team:


              Originally posted by Irish Eyes
              I agree. Plus I have a soft spot for Ben, so yeah. Having him around wouldn't be a bad thing. And since I'm being lazy and I know one of you can answer this - does Mitchell outrank Sheppard?
              They have the same rank, but as Mitchell seems to have been a lieutenant colonel around the time of Lost City, he'd have seniority. Sheppard was promoted more than a year later.
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                I can't think of any situation (aside from the occasional guest star) where the cast of SG-1 wouldn't subtract from Atlantis for me. We already don't get enough character advancing stories on our main characters. Shoot, Teyla already has been completely shafted as far as character development goes. I can't imagine what would happen if there were more people to concentrate on.

                Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


                  Originally posted by Izzybaz
                  I can't think of any situation (aside from the occasional guest star) where the cast of SG-1 wouldn't subtract from Atlantis for me. We already don't get enough character advancing stories on our main characters. Shoot, Teyla already has been completely shafted as far as character development goes. I can't imagine what would happen if there were more people to concentrate on.
                  Someone, or two, or three, would have to join Ford in "la la Land", unfortunately.

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    Originally posted by Izzybaz
                    I can't think of any situation (aside from the occasional guest star) where the cast of SG-1 wouldn't subtract from Atlantis for me. We already don't get enough character advancing stories on our main characters. Shoot, Teyla already has been completely shafted as far as character development goes. I can't imagine what would happen if there were more people to concentrate on.
                    I feel the same... and as it is Atlantis is treading on rather thin ice...
                    I think they should throw their efforts into using what they have on the show to make it into the amazing show we all thought it could be. The inclusion of someone from SG-1 will definitely affect the present dynamic.

                    The two people I feel most sorry for are Ben Browder and Claudia Black (can't believe people are blaming them for SG-1's demise)... they have been given the rough end of the stick. But if Atlantis cans after S4 or S5 and either one is given a major role in the show, it won't be long before someone is going to blame them for it I'm sure.

                    The most heartening thing to me in this entire affair is the number of people who have come out in support of Atlantis and the cast members.
                    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                      Originally posted by mcat
                      Meanwhile, I've been musing on obsessing over a certain part in TRW.
                      It's the way that Elizabeth greets John on the balcony. Is it just me, or is that a tone of voice that we hardly ever hear? Not just on the show, I mean, but in life in general. Does that not sound like a tone you use on a person you are really, really close to? Combine that with the smile she gives him, and I feel like maybe, just maybe she is starting to realize something...

                      Someone please tell me if I'm crazy and should probably start paying more attention in my anatomy lectures instead of thinking about this.
                      I noticed that too. I'm just as crazy as you. I think this is the second time we heard this kind of greet from Liz,

                      Last time she greet her after Lucias stroked her face.

                      I love to see Liz being so casual with John.


                        Just made a spur of the moment fun little graphic under the spoiler cut:

                        This is my take on Lizzie's reaction to the idea that the SG1 cast could migrate to Atlantis...

                        Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


                          Originally posted by Izzybaz
                          Just made a spur of the moment fun little graphic under the spoiler cut:

                          This is my take on Lizzie's reaction to the idea that the SG1 cast could migrate to Atlantis...

                          WOW!!! that is really really pretty!!!! and soooooo adorable!! Go YOU!!!
                          ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                            for some reason i keep making videos, heres another sparky one. the song is a good one and i think it fits them well.
                            three's a crowd...
                            ahh thats better

                            aww cute.

                            I think people who don't watch Atlantis are crazy.
                            And I think people who don't watch Stargate SG-1 are equally as whacked.



                              Originally posted by Rubicon
                              I wish TPTB would start taking advantage of the Friday night 9pm time slot and "up" the "darkness", take some real chances. Instead of the safe plots, give the characters more to work with.
                              I liked TRW, but I was never really concerned for Weirs' return to Atlantis, nor, am I nervous for next week when Sheppard is in "peril".

                              I've enjoyed S.3 ok enough, but so far I haven't jumped up & "OMG?!!!"'d over a story since S.1. mid-season Sparkfest.

                              Sorry I'm so grumpy tonight.
                              So'kay to be grumpy....but my mom read a rumour that a main character would die.....has anyone heard about this (she can't remember where she read it)....I mean it's just a rumour, but it has me worried....and characters have left mid-season before. Look at Kes in Voyager, Lt. Yar left in ST:TNG....and I'm sure there have been others...oh yeah *blushs* Jason, Zack and Trini in the original incarnation of Power Rangers, Sam in The West Wing...... because of this, every episode I see where mortal peril is included, I get worried.....(not so much for Shep, cause I've read spoilers that he's in later episodes, but that doesn't mean anything....anything can happen)

                              Originally posted by Reaceania
                              35000 sounds like a nice round number for a party (Any excuse really). That and 1,000,000 views. Can we have a thread party then?

                              Oh yeh, can someone tell me what was in the extra special stuff that was available at skiffy until 2am after the show aired. I missed it. Was it a deleted scene or something?
                              A thread party sounds great! As to the extra feature it was just a preview of the mid season two parter- nothing really interesting, except that

                              It looks like Jack gets stuck on Atlantis while Weir and her people are on Earth

                              ....other than that- nothing really interesting.

                              [QUOTE=Southern Red] *prays for no more kirking*QUOTE]\

                              Me too! Me too! Though, we haven't seen any since the Tower, have we?

                              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                              SciFi Channel speaks (garbage):


                              No one is quite certain how to interpret Stern's remarks, but it appears that SciFi wants to send some SG1 characters to SGA. This smells like a total revamp of SGA and possible dumping of more characters (like Ford was).

                              SciFi stinks!
                              Okay, now that is just horrible....I mean, I'm all for crossover episodes- I loved "The Pegasus Project" and the interaction between Sam and Rodney once again- but they can't move any of the characters into the show because they are in their groove- building a new team dynamic....who would they loose? Ronan- he's to new to loose. Zelenka? God I hope not, I love his interaction with McKay- they can't get rid of Rodney because he's the brains of the operations, and they can't get rid of Teyla because this show needs her (females seem to be very unapreciated in the SG universe) and they cannot get rid of Lorne, because he's John's second in command.. for that matter they can't get rid of Weir or Sheppard! We need our ship! Not to mention that those two are the heart and soul of Atlantis.... and they can't get rid of Carson either, he's the moral conscious of the group and and if Mitchell does replace Caldwell- well that would just be as horrible because I am starting to warm up to Caldwell....why can't the people at Sci-fi just leave well enough alone....and who are they to dictate the writing? They don't own Atlantis....MGM does!

                              Originally posted by Lizabeth
                              Woah--What? I leave the thread for a few days and the show gets canceled?! Wow didn't I see this on the first page? Am I blind? Was it there?

                              Ok, after initial shock, I can see SG-1 being canceled. Doesn't really surprise me that much. Thank goodness Atlantis is still on. I hope they don't cancel that before Sparky has time to fully develop. If they do cancel can they speed up the Sparky so we can end with a geniune kiss? Pretty please??
                              Oh a genuine kiss....that would be great! And much needed, especially after The Long Goodbye and TRW

                              Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                              Thanks for all the reports and info. 'm thinking, like Melyanna and others, that they won't pull in a Daniel Jackson or a Samantha Carter because of the production cost issues, but I oculd be wrong. It occurred to me that this could be some kind of Sci-Fi channel power play to consolidate all ratings into something larger and therefore justify the increase in cost.

                              The other quote that keeps coming to mind is Torri Higginson's from her recent interviews. She said something will be happening in S3 of Atlantis that will likely set off a "firestorm" on the internet. (here is the link: Perhaps the staff already knew about the impending cancellation and decided to move a character to SGA by the end of this season?

                              Or maybe she was refering to TRW or CG, I mean, look at the firestorm that TRW created....I mean it basically cannonized the least it did in my mind. Any one else have any other ideas?

                              Originally posted by mcat
                              Ugh, all these recent news items are really starting to cramp my Sparky style. I like my 'Lantis the way it is...

                              Meanwhile, I've been musing on obsessing over a certain part in TRW.
                              It's the way that Elizabeth greets John on the balcony. Is it just me, or is that a tone of voice that we hardly ever hear? Not just on the show, I mean, but in life in general. Does that not sound like a tone you use on a person you are really, really close to? Combine that with the smile she gives him, and I feel like maybe, just maybe she is starting to realize something...

                              Someone please tell me if I'm crazy and should probably start paying more attention in my anatomy lectures instead of thinking about this.
                              I like 'Lantis just the way it is too! And yes, the tone is different, more softer, more dare I say it- intimate? You are not crazy, I noticed it too!

                              Originally posted by xfkirsten
                              I've heard that one kicked around a lot lately and (Sunday spoilers)
                              she said it right when she was talking about Weir's date in Sunday. I assumed that she was calling it a "firestorm" jokingly when she said that Weir would be going on a date. That's how I interpreted it, anyways.
                              That works fact- that does make more long post, lots to reply too!
                              Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                              |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                                Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                                I thought that at first myself, but in the GW interview she mentions
                                Sunday and the date, but goes on to add that, "There has been some really awful stuff that happened, and I cannot divulge it at all." That quote had me thinking again. I hope there hasn't been some character kill off, but as SR said, we should overreact when the event happens lol

                                However I really liked Torri's comments about Shep/Weir chemistry in that article--she sees it!

                                I know! Me too! And I loved how she doesn't want to look silly by admitting it when Joe doesn't....but if she thinks its there- then it is there, not by the writers doing (well a lot by the writers doing) but because she is putting the emotion in and whether Joe knows it or not- he is doing the exact same thing!

                                Originally posted by Irish Eyes
                                I agree. Plus I have a soft spot for Ben, so yeah. Having him around wouldn't be a bad thing. And since I'm being lazy and I know one of you can answer this - does Mitchell outrank Sheppard?

                                As far as whether a more crowded cast might mean less Sparky moments, that doesn't worry me. You guys have pointed out many times that Sparky shows up in scenes that don't necessarily advance the plot. Yet that scene is in the final cut of the show. Somebody likes Sparky!

                                The one thing that does concern me is
                                the stuff Torri wouldn't talk about because it was too awful. Like others have said, that screams character death.
                                It's gonna be a long hiatus.
                                I don't care if Mitchell outranks Sheppard, he shouldn't come over to Atlantis, it wouldn't make sense for his character- he worked so hard to be a part of SG-1 and if the show goes, there is no reason to belive that things wouldn't continue on in that universe.... is there?

                                Irish Eyes, it concerns me too!
                                I hope that a character doesn't die- and I hope that the really awful stuff that Torri talks about in her interview is the fact that John gets fed upon by a Wraith- think about it, that would be horrible wouldn't it? I know that I'm not looking forward to it....(well sorta, in a morbid way- like the Daniel arc)

                                Originally posted by Easter Lily
                                I feel the same... and as it is Atlantis is treading on rather thin ice...
                                I think they should throw their efforts into using what they have on the show to make it into the amazing show we all thought it could be. The inclusion of someone from SG-1 will definitely affect the present dynamic.

                                The two people I feel most sorry for are Ben Browder and Claudia Black (can't believe people are blaming them for SG-1's demise)... they have been given the rough end of the stick. But if Atlantis cans after S4 or S5 and either one is given a major role in the show, it won't be long before someone is going to blame them for it I'm sure.

                                The most heartening thing to me in this entire affair is the number of people who have come out in support of Atlantis and the cast members.
                                I feel sorry for them too....I heard that in an interview together they hoped that they wouldn't kill the show..... I don't think that they have- but they may think differently now that it's been cancelled from the SCIFI network.

                                Originally posted by Izzybaz
                                Just made a spur of the moment fun little graphic under the spoiler cut:

                                This is my take on Lizzie's reaction to the idea that the SG1 cast could migrate to Atlantis...

                                *spew* That is so bloody funny! And so true too!

                                They better not take away our balcony time! What would we do with less Sparky scenes? I know that I would go absolutly bonkers! But then again- there is always fanfiction- not a good substitute....but it'll do in a pinch- if I really, really have to deal with it- but like I've said before- I doubt that that will happen, cause it isn't practical.
                                Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                                |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|

