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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by eyecandylovr
    Loved this vid, Izzy!
    If you sparky lovers haven't checked out Izzy's fic Babel at Command Dynamics, you should. It's great! And anxiously awaiting chapter 7, btw!
    Thank you muchly!! I may have to make a new video after watching The Real World

    I'm really not sure what my favorite moment was...probably when he grabs her arm and appears in her delusion.

    Oh, and Ronnikins, I completely agree with
    So which ship will be featured (tongue-in-cheek) for CG then? Let's see...
    NML: Weyla, Ronon/McKay, Michael/Teyla
    Misbegotten: Sparky
    Irresistible: McShep, Spanky,Beckett/Lucius
    Sateda: Mainly team bonding but let's put down Sheyla and some Spanky (see? I'm fair!)
    Progeny: McShep and yes, McWeir (again mainly team bonding).
    TRW: Sparky
    Common Ground: prediction? John/everybody except Elizabeth but let's put down Sheyla and McShep (think it's their turn again)
    It's either that or they'll be consulting the Magic 8 Ball on who to ship for the episode. I can see it now...

    "Oh, Magic 8 Ball, will there by Sparky in Common Ground?"
    *Shakes Magic 8 Ball and turns it over*
    "Signs point to no??? What do you mean???"

    Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


      Hello Sparkys! I usually lurk, but I had to post tonight. I just finished watching
      TRW. (Hubby and I waited until we were home to watch together.) I loved it! I haven't gotten a chance to read your posts yet, but I think this was one of my favorite episodes. I had been worried about Jack and Elizabeth in her dream. I was afraid they were going to mess with us and imply that Elizabeth had feelings for Jack. I loved the way she saw a fuzzy version of John everywhere. I love that he wouldn't give up on her! I love that ultimately he's the one who got through to her! I was so excited! It was better than I had hoped. I think they are both beginning to realize how strong their connection is!


        Originally posted by Descent
        In The Real World, when John was trying to get through to Elisabeth its almost as if he wanted to say something else to give her support but didn't want to cause the others were there. Something along the lines of "We need you, I need you" maybe? I dunno, maybe im just crazy.
        Yeah, thats what I thought- but it seemed at the beginning he was just too embaressed to say anything, and then later on-well- the others were there and from what I gather from John, he doesn't like putting his emotions out there for everyone to see....or hear....but my god! What a sparky episode, I mean really! It was totally amazing, and John you could tell that he was both really pissed that he couldn't do anything and really scared that they were going to loose her. I loved the ending- when he got through to her! It was so monumentally sweet and caring and a total *squee* moment! I loved this episode so much!
        Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
        |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


          Originally posted by LadyBozi
          ^_^ I made a Vid.
          Name: Across the Universe of Time
          Spoilers: Up until The Real World <--Loved it hehe
          Download for your files ^_^

          hope you guys like it
          Oh My God! What an amazing Sparky video! Oh My God! It made me tear up! The music- the images- this was totally great! And I just noticed that he did grab her hand at the end! He did! Aww, so SPARKY! *SQEEE*
          Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
          |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


            Haha wow.. made you tear up? well thats GREAT! =P yeah.. he did
            Grab her hand *faints*

            icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


              Oh yeah, it is one of the best vids I've seen in a while (and I've been on a sparky video binge the last couple of days) and it is my favorite by far!
              Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
              |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                Well thank you. ^_^ Im honored.

                icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


                  Here is my little contribution to The Real World!

                  I had that vid in mind since I first heard about the episode and though I died two hours during once I watched your comments and saw the episode, I somehow managed to do that one

                  The song is DAMAGED, by Plumb
                  and basically, the video is about how Elizabeth has been broken but how John manages to guide her and help her to get out of her fake world.

                  You can find it here:

                  Anyway, I really don't know what to think of that video. All the effects I used worked as I wanted them to do, and give the video a sometimes confused look, which is the mirror of Elizabeth's mind, IMO.
                  Comments are really welcomed, because I really need to know how the video has been perceived. You can leave comments here or at my LJ:


                  And as usual, I own nothing, nor Stargate, nor the music.

                  Save Dr Elizabeth Weir: (spoiler for Atlantis season four)



                    All you vid makers... you've done a terrific job...
                    It's hard not to see Sparky when you put it all together like that...

                    *goes off to watch TRW again*
                    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                      I'll come back with specific comments for this thread a little later when i have time (just finishing up some quick comments for the Episode thread) but I have a quick (evil) question regarding The Real World:

                      All the moving intrusions into the illusionary world were Shep. So what was the one moving in her bed?



                        Originally posted by Reaceania
                        I'll come back with specific comments for this thread a little later when i have time (just finishing up some quick comments for the Episode thread) but I have a quick (evil) question regarding The Real World:

                        All the moving intrusions into the illusionary world were Shep. So what was the one moving in her bed?

                        That was Sedge.


                          Originally posted by gambit

                          I liked the episode, but like I said in the review thread I was a little bored. And I think it was because of the spoilers, so there was no real surprise as to what was happening. But it was great that it was John who got through, at first I wasn't too sure it was him. Can we say this is canon proof that he is her "rock?" And of course John risking his life just for her, even if it wasn't a sure thing she would make it because of him, but he felt his life was worth it even for just a chance it would work. That was good stuff.

                          Common Ground looks really cool and dark, poor Shep
                          That's the risk you take when reading spoilers. Its definitely the reason I generally don't read them. I make an exception on these threads because it's so long before I get to see the episodes in question.


                            Originally posted by ddc
                            And it reinforced some things I had assumed about Elizabeth:
                            That her background is uppercrust East Coast. That row house in Georgetown is way beyond the salary of a civil servant/professor. Wonder if that was her parents' house and she lived with her mother when in DC.
                            That she has had self defense training. I realize this was all in her head, which can account for some things like breaking the restraints. But her actions in the fight scenes seemed like the sort of moves someone with training would make, not the sort of random push/shove your way out that the average person would likely imagine.

                            I may have additional comments after I watch it again.

                            On TRW
                            and the possible Georgetown connection. I live in a suburb of DC and we who live here find it amusing that in every movie and TV show at least one character no matter their financial situation lives in Georgetown. Georgetown actually covers a tiny area of DC and to live there you need millions. A house like the one shown in TRW first of all doesn't really exist there, the houses are almost all attached townhouses with no porches and secondly, would cost multi-millions of dollars. Georgetown is a familiar name so I guess that's why they use it so much. That house looked like it belonged further northwest, maybe near the zoo or in the Rock Creek Park area. Or in the more affordable areas around American University off Wisconsin Ave. The patio with its view was just bizarre. Georgetown patios at best have a view of an alley or the back of another house. Just a short Geography lesson from a native.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              There's no chemistry between the actors there. Nope, none..

                              They just happened to get stuck sitting together/spending half of the time staring @ one another..


                              and, of course..


                              How exactly does JF deny it while keeping a straight face?


                                Originally posted by k1037
                                There's no chemistry between the actors there. Nope, none..

                                They just happened to get stuck sitting together/spending half of the time staring @ one another..


                                and, of course..


                                How exactly does JF deny it while keeping a straight face?
                                Old images, I know.. I just happened to look back a ways in this thread and saw a post mentioning something along the lines of JF stating there isn't any particular chemistry between the two actors.

