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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Luz
    I think you're making too much of it, it's just a smiley . The episode looks good for S/W though, regardless of whatever BamBam might have said.
    Always trust Luz to bring the shippers back to earth


      Originally posted by yamna
      héhé , I put a question with J. BAMBAM about the relationship between sheppard and weir and he said to me!

      the question for BAMBAM
      Originally Posted by yamna
      I said just thank you to your availability to answer the questions of the fans!!!
      and while speaking about question I would like to ask you, the couple which approaches is well to weir and sheppard?
      they will approach it more and more is that?
      known as us please, it is a torture of step knowledge!!!
      the spoliers returns nutcase to me!!!! lol

      and the answer:

      They definately get a stronger relationship in Real World, and continually for the rest of the season, but as far as lovers..........hmmmmm.........can't answer that one.
      Whoo! I LIKE that answer! The 'continually' part really, really makes me smile! My gosh, that's all I ask for is half-way consistency in building a relationship and imo, they've been pretty doggone good at it in regard to shep and weir if they'll just keep taking the next logical progressional steps.

      BTW, how 'off' are the ratings? I personally think it's a problem stemming from SG-1's 'transitional' phase. Both shows have been really good this year imo-SG-1 has certainly improved overall imo but sometimes when people get off a horse, they're leary of or unwilling to get back on.


        For those fretting about ratings, check out Darren's blog entries. Quite interesting:

        . . .and I agree with Bama - SG1 has done a great job invigorating itself. Those who gave up on it, should check it out.

        When all else fails, change channels.


          Originally posted by Major Fischer
          Always trust Luz to bring the shippers back to earth
          Yes, thanks Luz...I do occasionally find myself in need of a slap back to reality.


            Originally posted by Major Fischer
            I'm thinking that's what's going on.

            SHEPWEIR4EVA: You need to put spoiler tags in yourself when you post, when they magically appear in your posts it's because you've been reported to a mod and they've manually done it. To learn how to use them you can read the Frequently Asked Questions. Or as I sometimes like to call them... Frequently Unread Answers.
            Thank you sooo much! I read the FAQ and it really helped!!! I think i know what i did wrong. I really appreciate it!
            sigpicsig by me!


              Originally posted by Suzotchka
              TRW spoilers:

              Now I'm really curious to know what other surprises we're in for! Is it Friday yet?

              As a side note, SCI-FI is airing a special "behind the 200th episode" at 8PM on Friday, in case anyone didn't already know.
              I wish it was!!!! I am so dying to know
              what that other surprise is! Are we going to finally see how John feels about Elizabeth???? Maybe not in words, but in his movements and facial expressions. Action speaks louder than words. And I just saw the Scifi preview for TRW, and there's this scene where Weir sees RDA's head shake and almost morph into somebody with black hair (could it be John trying to reach her subconscious???). What the heck was that???? This long wait is killing me shippy heart!

              And thanks Suz for the info... I want to see that episode too. In the recent TV guide, there was a small pic on the front cover
              of RDA and Amanda Tapping in wedding clothes!!!!!!!!!! Being a Sam/Jack shipper myself, can't wait to see what that is all about.

              Great Chemistry Starts with Great Sparks


                Hey look everyone! Part six of MF's Condor's Flight is up. Woo-hoo! *goes off to read the pretty*

                Edit: Crap, she already mentioned it. I need to quit leaving my computer for such prolonged periods of time.


                  Originally posted by Sukiyaki
                  I wish it was!!!! I am so dying to know
                  what that other surprise is! Are we going to finally see how John feels about Elizabeth???? Maybe not in words, but in his movements and facial expressions. Action speaks louder than words. And I just saw the Scifi preview for TRW, and there's this scene where Weir sees RDA's head shake and almost morph into somebody with black hair (could it be John trying to reach her subconscious???). What the heck was that???? This long wait is killing me shippy heart!

                  And thanks Suz for the info... I want to see that episode too. In the recent TV guide, there was a small pic on the front cover
                  of RDA and Amanda Tapping in wedding clothes!!!!!!!!!! Being a Sam/Jack shipper myself, can't wait to see what that is all about.
                  Spoilers follow...........regarding sam/jack.........

                  What???!!!! wedding clothes?!!! ok, now u have got me really physched!!! (okay, even more than i already was! lol) do u think that you could possibly get that picture of them in the wedding clothes put on here? i am dying to see it!!! I myself am still a sam/jack shipper even though RDA isn't on the show anymore...i am still hoping that he and sam have a future together...
                  Last edited by shepweir4eva; 15 August 2006, 08:25 PM.
                  sigpicsig by me!


                    Shepweir4eva, check out this post.

                    ETA: Wow, combined with my sig, this post is all lit up with the S/J love . . . we need a Sparky set of those smilies, .


                      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                      I'm with Sukiyaki,
                      I think Elizabeth was infected by Niam when he was reprogrammed and grabbed her throat.

                      Up front TRW seems like a very "Sparky" episode but I'm not going to hold my breath. In the past, episodes that seemed they would be very Sparky ended up being the opposite, and episodes out of the blue ended up being very shippy.

                      We just have to wait and see.
                      Well, I think that any episode that has
                      John giving Elizabeth emotional support
                      is bound to be shippy to some degree, even if it's no as shippy as we're hoping.


                        Originally posted by RoryJ
                        Hey look everyone! Part six of MF's Condor's Flight is up. Woo-hoo! *goes off to read the pretty*

                        Edit: Crap, she already mentioned it. I need to quit leaving my computer for such prolonged periods of time.
                        That's okay Rory, I'll take all the pimping and comments I can get


                          Well, well, well, after gallivanting interstate for a few days I come back and have to wallow through, oh, 15 pages of discussion. The first thing that popped into my mind? Ha! Not Sparky, believe it or not, no, it was the top notch quality of the postings. I may be a tad bias but you posters provide really insightful, articulate thoughts, whether it's pro and anti- for the same scene AND you treat all other posters with respect. As Southern Red has mentioned, you guys are a class act.

                          Better late then never.....Progeny

                          As mentioned before, I've been trying to view this season more objectively. Progeny, as an episode, was very good. I enjoyed it from start to finish. It was a team episode through and through. Sparky-wise, not so much, but I didn't mind. Truthfully, it didn't feel off-beat to me when I shelved my shipper tendencies. The bonding moments between individual members esp. Teyla and Elizabeth, John and Rodney were well done. The word "professional" popped into mind when I saw the scenes between John and Elizabeth. I didn't expect them to be like siamese twins joined at the hip and they weren't. LOL! I remember seeing the SG1 episode but frankly, I thought this one was better. It moved at a better pace.

                          The balcony scene, to me, was just a plot device justifying seeing Niam floating around in space. However, I will note how comfortable John and Elizabeth were around each other. The overt Sparky moment came in the jumper scene, not so much John manhandling Niam to the back of the jumper but more John's look as he asked Liz if she was OK and then looking rather shell-shocked and breathing rather heavily as the camera lingered on him for quite a while. Was it editing? Maybe, but JF could have easily played him just focussing on the controls instead of just having him staring off into space like that. Yeah, maybe it was just editing.

                          *sigh* I must stay out of the episode threads. /Start mini-rant. As sure as eggs, it can be absolutely guaranteed there will be the inevitable posts of Weir bashing. I can almost predict when it happens. There'll be a couple of general posts on the episode and then the moment somebody else mentions Weir, kaboom! the usual "I agree, I find Weir disappointing this season" leading on to "Weir is a bad leader" etc, etc. OK, I'll admit Weir is my favourite character but I'm not so one-eyed that I think she walks on water, she doesn't. Far from it. Other characters are not so perfect either but I don't go around dissing them at each and every thread I go into, but I should save my thoughts for the Weir Discussion thread. /end rant.

                          Thoughts on TRW

                          I've been trying to dampen my Sparky tendencies for this episode. It sounds too good to be true for some John angsting. Just too convenient. That said, does it seem weird that secretly, deep deep inside, I hope I am wrong? If nothing else, I'm looking forward to a nice juicy Weir-centric episode. I'm also bracing myself for yet another round of Weir bashing that will come from it. BTW, I had a look at the promo recap and I don't think it's John. Shipper tendency slipping out a bit, I wouldn't mind if John was the dead "fiance" since she had already broken up with Simon.
                          Oh, thanks Yamna for asking the question to BamBam I didn't dare ask. LOL! I was afraid all the other shippers would come out of the woodwork and ask about their ship too. Some have mentioned their ship indirectly though. Hee!

                          And WELCOME ALL NEWBIES this past week!

                          Edit: ATM I can't find Weir/Torri Central thread. Does anybody know what happened to it?

                          Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                            Those of you who are concerned about the ratings should check this out:

                   It looks like we're back up to a 1.6.

                            Just when I had a nice "cautiously pessimistic" vibe going, BamBam just comes along and lifts my mood. Thanks 2Bam. I think. If I've gotten my hopes up for no good reason again, there will be blood spilled. But as someone said last night, BamBam is just so honest. He doesn't manipulate or prevaricate or try to intentionally deceive the dumb shippers like some who shall remain nameless. I really appreciate that. It shows respect. I just hope they don't tell him to cool it. Now let's just hope he doesn't get bombarded with ship questions.

                            It looks like no matter what they say they are doing or planning to do, nothing is cast in stone at this point. I think all their options are open, and with the ratings being so uncertain they just might be open to new directions. At a time like this, fan opinion has to count for something. In fact I just got the new Companion Book for S2 yesterday, and there is some talk in there of changes made due to fan reaction. I've only skimmed it so far but saw several statements about how much input the network has. Cooper and Wright seem to argue effectively for their position, and it looks like the network usually gives in. For example, the Ford situation. No mention of ship, but the same statement they made last year about how Shep and Weir didn't work as antagonists was talked about twice in the new book. Odd to me that this idea keeps coming up. Thus it must have a large part to play in how they plan their character interaction. They realize that The Tower and Epiphany were not their best work, and JF gets his digs in about how they mutilated changed his writing. He also says something in another instance about how he wanted to play a scene differently which coincides with the way most fans wanted it, but I can't remember the specifics. I'll report back when I read more. No hint of Sparky, but the Conversion
                            kiss gets almost a page. They originally filmed it as being more aggressive, if you can imagine that but toned it down in editing. Gero didn't like the tone and felt it would disturb people. No **** Sherlock. But now they think it was left as being ambiguous, meaning that we're not supposed to be able to tell if she liked it. Did they know women would be watching this? Clueless. So is it any wonder that they missed the date rape aspect of Irresistible?

                            BTW, welcome all newbies. There are a bunch of you who have jumped right in. I hope you enjoy it here as much as I have.

                            Oh and on Progeny
                            to console myself and lift my mood I've been making a vid using only clips from S3. *yay, new clips* It's been ridiculously easy with clips to spare. And looking again at parts of Progeny there is undeniable Sparky. *las* Something I haven't seen mentioned is the scene in the cell when Teyla is being so kind to Eliz. John is sitting across from her leaning forward not taking his eyes off her until she says she is all right. Then and only then does he lean back but still keeps an eye *maybe 2* on her. Several other times also when people *including me* have said he doesn't seem to care what she's up to he studies her. When Rodney is questioning her decision John is frowning at her as if waiting for her answer. The statement "You're the boss" seems to be a theme here. After John got up in her face in Irresistible, they needed to reestablish her authority in non-military situations and did it nicely here. In the balcony scene which I agree was unnecessary except to tie in the Niam in space angle, John still uses his tender voice with her. The same voice from the desk sitting scenes BTW. At the end it seems like she is about to move closer to him, but she relaxes back again the pillar. His posture is a bit stiff but the tone of voice to me tells us just how aware of her he is. And I saw all that without once reaching for those special glasses. Just my interpretation of the scenes.
                            Making vids IMHO really changes how you look at things, which could be good or bad. But if it makes us happy, I say go for it. This one BTW is going to require a blood sugar check before viewing. Hee.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              *Reads SR's post twice*

                              Ummm, so where's the link to your vid? Not finished yet? I've got my anti-diabetic pill ready.

                              Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                                you'r welcome RONNIKINS!!!! but it should be thanked Bambam even if its answer is not direct!!! well, I believe that I will continue my investigation on next the episodes lol!!!

