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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Pocus
    [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I feel that Shep/Weir is a canon ship. The Canon male/female Friend "ship" and the best leader "ship" team out of both shows. They anticipate each other's moves and back each other up. No one can come between them.
    I agree with this... It's clear that they have some sort of relationship... whether it's friendship or a working relationship and it is at least a key component in the overall story, eg. Hot Zone or Intruder or Conversion. We can choose to read more into it and look for UST but at least, I think, we have some basis for saying that the possibilities for them to go further is there.
    We talked about chemistry before... but I think that is only one aspect. It seems to me that if you want to have something happening between two people, you need to show them both at least spending time with each other talking or working out issues between them.
    I don't think I can be a multishipper because while I have a reasonably active imagination, other pairings haven't been proven to work onscreen romantically. I'm not saying that they don't work in other ways... such as friendship or a kind of sibling rivalry or even as colleagues. I think there is a very good basis for Ronon and Teyla although I'm not writing fanfics for that ... yet...
    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


      Wow, you all bring up excellent points!

      I have always said that the relationship between John and Elizabeth is beautiful, not just because of the "romantic" vibes I get from them but also because of the friendship and respect for eachother. What they both endure for the safety and caring of this expedition is difficult, unrelenting and probably very rewarding.

      As someone stated earlier, I will watch Atlantis(ship or no ship) for so many reasons. I can honestly say that this "couple" has been a very sweet cherry on top. As for romance, yes.......I do see that in their future. I love the slow build over the past couple of seasons and I look forward to more this time around. Call me crazy or just plain hopeless but, there is something very tangible, earthy.....deeply moving about these two characters together. It feels like they are building a foundation to something incrediably powerful.

      Ok, sorry.....sometimes I like to wax poetic

      Happy Posting
      Last edited by FaithStars; 19 July 2006, 07:12 PM.
      It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


        Time to post my .02 on the subject being discussed. I for one - being the obessed shipper I am - hope for a romantic conclusion in the end. That said, I've watched enough shows to know this is pretty rare. But that doesn't mean you can't build the romance even if we dont' see the end (which is tragic but realistic). Still, as much as I want romance to develope, I could be content without it but ONLY if they do one thing for me: do NOT backtrack the relathinship already built. They don't have to move drastically forward but they shouldn't move backwards either. At least not long term. Losing ground every once in awhile is good for a relationship; keeps things interesting and makes you more aware of what's important. But they can't back step now and have them become near strangers who never talk ever again. That's my fear; that they'll get so afraid of romance that they go to far backwards away from it and ruin the great thing they've already got going.

        Not sure if any of this made sence, but there it is. I'm off to watch Lois & Clark and have some Oreos. "Mmmm . . . chocolate. DOAH!"



          Originally posted by A.L.
          Time to post my .02 on the subject being discussed. I for one - being the obessed shipper I am - hope for a romantic conclusion in the end. That said, I've watched enough shows to know this is pretty rare. But that doesn't mean you can't build the romance even if we dont' see the end (which is tragic but realistic).

          I definitely hope for a romantic conclusion--and you're right--that is rare in television and eve rarer in sci-fi. That being said, I think Shep/Weir have some of the best potential out of any couples I've seen on TV. (Didn't one of the wirters acknowledge a Mulder/Scully type vibe between the two?) Because the two are on equal footing and have such a strong friendship that I can envision them in a resolved relationship without harming the qualitry of the show in the least (ie not a shark jump). I see that as something coming farther down the road, but as Easter Lily said, the groundwork is there and it's a lot sturdier than the stuff many ficitonal relationships are built on.

          It all comes down to what we see on the show and, so far, that has a definite Sparky leaning. I think that is well evidenced by the number of fans in this thread and the LJ community. And apparently, TPTB think it sells since the S2 second half promos included healthy doses of the

          The Atlantis ship situation is very different from SG-1. In TPTB's eyes, there was only one pairing to deny and then accept: Sam/Jack. In this case, given the large number of characters and two possible female interests, they have a lot more to dance around. And, because, Shep/Teyla was the dominant ship (since TPTB suggested it in interviews and promos) they are busier denying Shep/Weir. In short, there is a whole lot of time left in S3, and 1+2 were pretty much only laying the gourndwork and giving TPTB a taste for what did and didn't work. I'm optimistic

          Last edited by Royal_Nonesuch; 20 July 2006, 05:20 AM.

          Signature By Amber Moon


            A.L.........I absolutely agree, may there be NO backtracking!!!!!!!!!

            Ps- What kind of chocolate?.......crap, don't answer that. I'm on a diet

            Happy Posting
            It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


              Well now I only watch for ship, sorry but SGA is not my kind of show and I did get into it in season 1 but season 2 made me *headdesk*. The only reason I keep watching is because of Shep/Weir *hides* That being said, I love how tptb have handled the relationship. While I may not be happy about certain other things in SGA, Shep/Weir together have been the one constant thing that the writers haven't messed with. I'll keep watching as long as they don't try to push another ship at me *coughsheylacough* and they don't mess with what we have right now. I would love for it to turn romantic but I've been told by many people that tptb don't do that in stargate.

              Why did I get into this show again, oh yeah the power of sparky.

              RN, I think alot of magazines and press have compared Shep/Weir to Mulder/Scullly, but I don't think TPTB have said that.

              The TV book in yesterday's NY Times includes a 2 page cover story on Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis by TV critic Anita Gates. Here she writes about Dr. Elizabeth Weir, played by Torri Higginson, and Maj. John Sheppard, played by Joe Flanigan.

              Sheppard and Weir are primed to be the Kirk and Spock (emotional versus
              logical) as well as the Mulder and Scully (skeptic versus believer) of the new
              series. Mr. Flanigan even looks a little like David Duchovny from some angles.
              And Ms. Higginson, like Mr. Duchovny's X-Files costar, Gillian Anderson, is
              attractive in in an understated way and wears a lot of business suits. So do
              they, uh, like each other?

              "We find that the audience preceives sexual tension when we didn't see it," Mr.
              Wright [Brad Wright, co-creator] said. "You don't even have to plant it."
              (Well, surely, there were some meaningful looks exchanged by Sheppard and
              Teyla, the Athosiasns' beautiful leader, played by Rachel Luttrell.)
              My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle

                The TV book in yesterday's NY Times includes a 2 page cover story on Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis by TV critic Anita Gates. Here she writes about Dr. Elizabeth Weir, played by Torri Higginson, and Maj. John Sheppard, played by Joe Flanigan.

                Sheppard and Weir are primed to be the Kirk and Spock (emotional versus
                logical) as well as the Mulder and Scully (skeptic versus believer) of the new
                series. Mr. Flanigan even looks a little like David Duchovny from some angles.
                And Ms. Higginson, like Mr. Duchovny's X-Files costar, Gillian Anderson, is
                attractive in in an understated way and wears a lot of business suits. So do
                they, uh, like each other?

                "We find that the audience preceives sexual tension when we didn't see it," Mr.
                Wright [Brad Wright, co-creator] said. "You don't even have to plant it."
                (Well, surely, there were some meaningful looks exchanged by Sheppard and
                Teyla, the Athosiasns' beautiful leader, played by Rachel Luttrell.)
                Thanks for that quote--it is the one I was thinking of. They certainly have that give and take that Mulder and Scully had, but Kirk and Spock is a bit of a stretch! Especially since (I assume) they're equating Sheppard with Spock and not Kirk, but we all know Shep and Kirk's connection

                Night all,

                Signature By Amber Moon


                  LOL, I had forgotten that they mention Kirk, how fitting.
                  Pics, what personal space


                  My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                    So I got bored this evening so seeing as I did my work for summer school I decided to try my hand at making a banner. This is the end result. The lyrics are from the movie/musical RENT

                    Can nobodies be somebodies?
                    My Livejournal
                    Lemming #63!


                      Originally posted by KerMcG90
                      So I got bored this evening so seeing as I did my work for summer school I decided to try my hand at making a banner. This is the end result. The lyrics are from the movie/musical RENT

                      I love it!!! That's one of my absolute favorite songs from Rent!
                      "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                      My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                        Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle
                        LOL, I had forgotten that they mention Kirk, how fitting.
                        Pics, what personal space


                        heheh little space at all and i like it like that
                        Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                        Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                          i dont think TPTB shoulve said Teyla is Sheppard's potential love interest in the first place and shouldve waited for the natural interaction between characters and develop on that.

                          Sparky forever!
                          three's a crowd...
                          ahh thats better

                          aww cute.

                          I think people who don't watch Atlantis are crazy.
                          And I think people who don't watch Stargate SG-1 are equally as whacked.



                            Originally posted by Vala_Black
                            i dont think TPTB shoulve said Teyla is Sheppard's potential love interest in the first place and shouldve waited for the natural interaction between characters and develop on that.

                            Sparky forever!
                            Hind sight and all that.

                            a time to mourn


                              *Ronnikins comes back into the Sparky fold*

                              OK, after reading all the great posts, I'm less pessimistic than I was before. I really enjoy it that we can swing from being quite silly one moment to having really in-depth discussions the next. Now that I've discovered the wonders of photobucket (yeah, yeah, old dog learnt new tricks and all that) I come bearing gifts for those who stayed true to Sparky.
                              The uniquely Sparky desk and balcony scenes:

                              I love the expression on John's face in this one.
                              and also

                              I especially love this one. I think it was made by GateByte (correct me if I'm wrong)

                              and just for good measure, these WPs (under spoilers because they're big).

                              I don't care what anybody else say, Lizzeh is hawt!

                              Had to wipe the drool off this one. John in a leather jacket, yummers!

                              Feel free to caption any of them.

                              Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                                Hee. That top wallpaper's the one I'm currently using, along with my beloved Atlantis screensaver.

                                I like the animated icon, but it might have turned out better had the font been sans-serif... they usually do.

                                Why do I feel like I've been up all night? No energy to squee! *sniffle*

