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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1

    You have great English, what are you talking about?? If I'd been learning Deutsch (that's what you guys speak in Austria right??) for five years I wouldn't be able to write that lol!!!

    I think I all I can write is "Ich bin Angel of Fire SG1" and this is probably wrong grammar wise but "Ich wohne im Australia" and "Sheppard liebe Weir"

    That's...all that one year of German could teach me!! *headdesk*

    note to self: Learn a language
    That'd be "Sheppard liebt Weir," or if you want to use Germanic forms, "Johann liebt Elisabeth."

    Welcome, Raylion! Like the others said, your English is fine, so don't worry about it. I have to say, I really admire anyone who's willing to read through our craziness in a foreign language.
    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
    Last update: 14 April 2006
    Melyanna's Multimedia
    Last update: 15 February 2006


      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
      Well all I can say is, that I'm glad you get this in the US before we do, because if there is a hint, even a teensy-weesy hint of Sheyla I'm off...
      I've been on double Zantac since I read that yesterday. I'm ready to hurl.

      When all else fails, change channels.


        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
        I've been on double Zantac since I read that yesterday. I'm ready to hurl.
        Is that where my pills keep going? hmph!


          Originally posted by astronomicalchick
          Well all I can say is, that I'm glad you get this in the US before we do, because if there is a hint, even a teensy-weesy hint of Sheyla I'm off...
          Surely TPTB wouldn't dare do that to us would they?!! Perhaps there's gonna be a bit of a "lurv triangle"! Shep, Weir and Teyla...and he can't choose between them! Oh no, that sounds even worse!


            Originally posted by Elinor
            Surely TPTB wouldn't dare do that to us would they?!! Perhaps there's gonna be a bit of a "lurv triangle"! Shep, Weir and Teyla...and he can't choose between them! Oh no, that sounds even worse!
            Martin Gero said something about Shep/Teyla's relationship will "blossom" in season 2. It just made me gag. I don't want "shove in the face" relationships in my sci-fi/adventure shows. If I wanted that. . I would switch over to Fox and watch "The OC".

            Sheesh. I'm out of Excedrin too.

            When all else fails, change channels.


              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
              Martin Gero said something about Shep/Teyla's relationship will "blossom" in season 2. It just made me gag. I don't want "shove in the face" relationships in my sci-fi/adventure shows. If I wanted that. . I would switch over to Fox and watch "The OC".

              Sheesh. I'm out of Excedrin too.
              Well, no, he didn't say it would. He was asking a rhetorical question and then pointed to an episode that would answer it. I have hope.
              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
              Last update: 14 April 2006
              Melyanna's Multimedia
              Last update: 15 February 2006


                Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                Well all I can say is, that I'm glad you get this in the US before we do, because if there is a hint, even a teensy-weesy hint of Sheyla I'm off...
                You know when I first read it I was taken aback and really quite worried. But having had some time , I can't see it being as bad as we might be thinking. Thats my wishful thinking based on......
                a) he specifically said friendship
                b) I actually don't believe TPTB want to do any form of romance
                c) Its way too early for any major ship arcs

                The way I see it, they've never been great at integrating/writing romantic relationships and its awfully limiting if they go down one route so early in the lifecycle of the series. Lets face it, they are probably hoping for a few seasons yet and you just know they are going to want to string us along for as long as possible!! Yes I know the same will apply to Sheppard / Weir too but honestly I hope anything is done slow and subtle with them in any case.

                Anyway, I'll keep telling myself that and hope they are not going to give Sheyla a spin. If I'm wrong then I'll be one of the first in the Anti thread!


                  First, thanks for the warm welcome!
                  I'm relieved, that you all find my English okay. It's really not easy, to write in a foreign language in this "form". (Homework is much easier, and some time ago I also begun to write a ff, just as a exercise)
                  In the first two years and a half I really had a big problem with the language, but then we had another teacher change, and the new one really got it to me. Then I hooked myself to English fanfiction, and bam, I suddenly began to l-o-v-e the language. Same went on with German(yes, even if it is my native language), I was really bad the first year, not in grammar but my writing mistakes were quite.. much. Then I began reading and later writing, and for the last 3-4 years I have been one of the best students in German, as well as in English.

                  So I literally have to blame fanfictions for my good grades.

                  Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1
                  If I'd been learning Deutsch (that's what you guys speak in Austria right??)
                  Yes, that's right. Well, I prefer to call it Österreichisch (Austrianish? There's no right translation for this, because it doesn't exist officially), because of the (dialect) difference to German.

                  Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1
                  and this is probably wrong grammar wise but "Ich wohne im Australia"
                  It's almost correct: "Ich wohne in Australien."

                  Originally posted by ohshocking
                  Yes, fanfiction can do that. It can change your mind, even if there's not been much hint of the ship on the show. Although, in my opinion, there was quite a bit of Shep/Weir near the beginning, especially in 38 minutes - ship fest, that one .
                  Just realised - I mixed the episodes again.. *groan* I meant Hide & Seek instead of Suspicion, but got confused with the titles..
                  38 Minutes really was a great episode, and I was full spoiled before I saw it (because of ffs), so I was just waiting for the one scene.
                  A classmate of mine said about that scene: "He was going to say something else to her, I bet it was something more romantic!". And he doesn't even like romance at all, and hardly recognises it, even when it would jump him in the face. Actually, everyone in my class who saw it agreed that he definitely wanted to say something far more important.

                  It's great to have a place to discuss all these little (or big) ship scenes. I have a few people in my class who also watch Atlantis, or SG-1, but the only little conversation going on is mostly on Thursday (because every Wednesday evening a new Atlantis episode airs), but no one of them (all males, of the four girls (myself excluded) we have, no one really likes Sci-Fi) has something for any ship..

                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  That'd be "Sheppard liebt Weir," or if you want to use Germanic forms, "Johann liebt Elisabeth."
                  Yep, that's right. Even if by god, I can't stand the name Elisabeth... By the way, where did you learn German Melyanna?

                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  I have to say, I really admire anyone who's willing to read through our craziness in a foreign language.
                  Oh, I love reading, I was lacking ffs, I didn’t have anything else to do (okay, that's not true, but who cares about school?), and it was really interesting. But I don't think I can remember very much...
                  Oh yeah, and by the way, I admire your fanfictions! Especially Moondance, The Crossroads of Eshu and the Pacifi Rim! You are really talented!

                  Anyway, I wanted to ask I anyone here knows of some good SGA/SG-1 crossovers (possibly with WS ) ?
                  I was able to find some, and several digs brought me to these stories (all on
                  The Crossroads of Eshu
                  The Pacific Rim
                  The Remnant
                  Across the Universe
                  Promises reevaluated
                  Darker Star
                  Reality Bites

                  Anyone who can add something to the list?

                  Uh, I didn't intend to make this post so long.. But if I'm on it once, I just can't stop myself from babbling... And I think I'm going to borrow the nice 39:30 line for my little sig pic..

                  ~39:30 - Don't panic~


                    Originally posted by Raylion
                    Yes, that's right. Well, I prefer to call it Österreichisch (Austrianish? There's no right translation for this, because it doesn't exist officially), because of the (dialect) difference to German.
                    The word is Austrian. My second German teacher spoke the Austrian dialect, and it was quite confusing to me for a while because my first German teacher spoke one of the dialects from northern Germany.

                    Yep, that's right. Even if by god, I can't stand the name Elisabeth... By the way, where did you learn German Melyanna?
                    I learned German in school. It was my first foreign language. My second is Italian, but I don't speak that nearly as well.

                    I like the German diminutives of Elizabeth better than the English diminutives, but none of them really fit our Elizabeth either.
                    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                    Last update: 14 April 2006
                    Melyanna's Multimedia
                    Last update: 15 February 2006


                      Posting while I wait for my parents to pick me up... it's great when they visit and I don't have to pay for the bus or rollerblade in 90 degrees!

                      Anyway, welcome Raylion! And wow... your English after 5 years is better than my Spanish after 10 years (and 3 months in a foreign country). Using fanfiction to improve your language skills... you know, maybe I'll try that and then I won't feel as guilty when I'm caught reading them instead of working!

                      Although I was a Sheppard/Weir shipper from the start, fanfiction helped me get really involved in it. Then I discovered this thread, and, well, that was it for me. Now I actively ship for them, which is something I've never done for any of the shows I watch.

                      Just wanted to say "hi," "welcome to the dark side" and... whoops... Mom just called; they're here and waiting for me.

                      How many days left 'til we get more SGA?
                      ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                      The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                        Welcome Raylion!!! Don't worry, as you will soon come to find, your english probably is better than mine and it is my native language

                        A little SGA moment I had today that I thought you would all get: I have a Music for Theater class which is doing sound design for theater and television. My teacher is an established recorder and he gave us some CDs of people he has recorded b.c he wanted us (since we only have a few classes left) to mix songs together by matching beats and one was this girl who is Johnny Cash's granddaughter. And yes, I know, bad story but I immediatly thought John Sheppard and then of that lovely scene in Home with him and Weir in his bedroom.

                        THE END.

                        EDIT On the Martin Gero thread this was said:

                        Originally Posted by David
                        With the Daedalus shuttling crew and items back and forth from Earth to Atlantis, the team will now be able to bring more personal items back with them (besides a football game and War And Peace). When Weir departs Earth again after her meeting with Landry, will she be taking Sedge with her?

                        No, I'm affraid she won't be. We'll see Sedge this year though, Dave...don't you worry.

                        Does this mean we'll be seeing Simon? I think he is in alien. He is weird...
                        Last edited by wizengamot; 27 April 2005, 02:36 PM.
                        Citizen of Braneville


                          Welcome Raylion!

                          Don't worry about your English, its better than mine! I'm amazed that you learned it in five years! If I spent five years learning a new language, I'd probably still be learning to pronounce the letters of the alphabet and say "My name is Buggy".

                          Simon... I wouldn't mind seeing him once or twice, maybe Weir will end her relationship with him in favor of Shep... Or perhaps Simon will tell her that his defenition of a long distance relationship involves being in the same galaxy...
                          Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
                          Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


                            Originally posted by wizengamot
                            EDIT On the Martin Gero thread this was said:

                            Originally Posted by David
                            With the Daedalus shuttling crew and items back and forth from Earth to Atlantis, the team will now be able to bring more personal items back with them (besides a football game and War And Peace). When Weir departs Earth again after her meeting with Landry, will she be taking Sedge with her?

                            No, I'm affraid she won't be. We'll see Sedge this year though, Dave...don't you worry.

                            Does this mean we'll be seeing Simon? I think he is in alien. He is weird...
                   least the actor was an Alien in SG-1...then again Narim fancied Sam.


                              Oy. I totally blew up at some people on the S/J Yahoo list for referring to Simon as both Narim and Weir's husband, especially when someone said that Narim was with Elizabeth to get close to Sam.

                              Anyway, it seems Mr. Gero's ignoring questions about Sheppard/Weir, which I'm choosing to take as a good sign. But I live in hope.
                              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                              Last update: 14 April 2006
                              Melyanna's Multimedia
                              Last update: 15 February 2006


                                Originally posted by Buggy542
                                Simon... I wouldn't mind seeing him once or twice, maybe Weir will end her relationship with him in favor of Shep... Or perhaps Simon will tell her that his defenition of a long distance relationship involves being in the same galaxy...
                                Actually, Martin Gero got a question about Simon and Weir's relationship:
                                Originally posted by Purpleyin
                                14. Will the Simon/Elizabeth relationship be resolved properly or will we see it explored further in Season 2?
                                He said

                                Take that how you will!
                                Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
                                :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:

