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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by alyssa
    You beat me to it... But I wouldn't be surprised if TPTB didn't want them posting so much. I've heard a couple of them lurk, but there may be concerns about them getting too into it.

    I don't know if any of you have heard about the more militant Lost and LOTR fans... Apparently Dominic Monaghan posts or has posted on boards for both. A friend of mine, who's a huge fan, says that he got into a fight with some posters one time, and was online for ages arguing with them. And I mean hours!! The person had made nasty comments about him or something. Another time, there was a woman online who was effectively stalking him -- right down to having his phone number, and bragging about it.
    The cast of Firefly has spent a lot of time on message boards, as I understand it, and the story goes that Adam Baldwin likes to hang out in political discussions and argue with people. Aaron Sorkin (creator of Sports Night and The West Wing) got himself banned from Television Without Pity's forums after... goodness, I'm not even sure what he'd done, exactly, but he made some of the forum moderators pretty angry. So they banned him... and then he wrote an episode that involved crazy people online. You can imagine the explosion that ensued.

    Originally posted by alyssa
    I think that while the majority of people here are sane, and pretty normal, you'd have to be worried if you were a producer/person of power, about your cast getting too involved in fandom. Yeah, they do cons, but that's a controlled environment. There's someone to look out for them if (as has apparently happened to poor Joe and Michael Shanks) some woman decides to pinch their butt and thinks it's funny!

    The internet can be spookier, I think, than actually having obsessive fans in front of you. At least you know who they are if you meet them at a con. You never know what someone can get access to over the internet...
    Yeah, cons at least have security, so if a fan's creeping someone out, it can be taken care of. But the internet's just wide open. I've been following a story developing out of another fandom about a woman who was operating dozens of sock puppets just to make herself a Big-Name Fan and friends with other BNFs, and it's just insane. She attacked herself with racial slurs, invented a stalker, accused people of plagiarizing her (unimpressive) fics... absolutely crazy. And people are coming out with more stories from other fandoms now about people operating all kinds of sock puppets and starting flame wars with themselves. There's one years-old story about a woman who was caught running literally hundreds of sock puppets... and she'd done it before.

    The internet can definitely be spookier, as you said. Anonymity's a scary thing in the hands of the wrong person. And frequently, the people who do it appear to lead perfectly normal lives outside the internet.

    Anyway, it's all a bit off-topic. I'm just glad that Stargate is generally too small of a fandom to attract the levels of drama and craziness that exists in some of the previous fandoms I've been in.
    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
    Last update: 14 April 2006
    Melyanna's Multimedia
    Last update: 15 February 2006


      Originally posted by alyssa
      Yeah, they do cons, but that's a controlled environment. There's someone to look out for them if (as has apparently happened to poor Joe and Michael Shanks) some woman decides to pinch their butt and thinks it's funny!
      Oh jeez. that was in the Photo queue and I wasn't there for that. A friend of mine said that another woman actually went though the bin after he threw his used coffee cup in there.
      Cons are probably the best things to go to despite the odd few weirdo's. The actors seem very secure. Just walking round, mingling with everyone else at the bar.

      ... And it's always seems to be at the bar... *shakes head*

      Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

      LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

      Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


        Originally posted by Major_Moomin
        Oh yeah, I remember seeing that too. You mean this pic?

        She's definitely wearing a vest *is ded*, i'm so ridiculously excited because Lizzie is wearing a vest! .


          Originally posted by Luz
          She's definitely wearing a vest *is ded*, i'm so ridiculously excited because Lizzie is wearing a vest! .

          Well, they did manage to (sort of) pull Teyla's hair back in Season 2, so maybe there's hope that they listen to our complaints of the silly oversights in this series.
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            Oh, guys, her cat's proper name is Shaka Zulu GumboYaYa. *love*

            I feel a bit better about Torri cancelling on the con now... retail therapy is love, especially when it results in Firefly DVDs and a ticket to Wicked in the West End for September.


              Originally posted by Melyanna
              Well, they did manage to (sort of) pull Teyla's hair back in Season 2, so maybe there's hope that they listen to our complaints of the silly oversights in this series.
              I think they do listen to fans, from some stuff we've seen i'd say it's quite posible.


                Just flying by to say...

                Happy Birthday Blue Banrigh!!

                Also, welcome all newbies!
                "We'll name it later!"
                - - - -
                Sparks! A Weir/Sheppard fanficton challenge site
                Love Lorne | Sparky! | Open_Com


                  Originally posted by Bladefanatic
                  Just flying by to say...

                  Happy Birthday Blue Banrigh!!

                  Also, welcome all newbies!



                    Originally posted by A.L.

                    Ditto Ditto!

                    This is a little OT, but I re-read the introduction of the SGA episode guide for season one to get a feel for how far the show has come. Robert Cooper's (I believe it was his) comment that Shep and Weir did not work as antagonists. Did he mean for the writers or ythe audience? It seems to me that their relationship never really reached antagonistic levels (at least not like the arguments Jack and Daniel had in S1). That comment definitely suggests that the writers and actors (in addition ot the fans) are aware that Sheppard and Weir are more than foils for one another; despite the comments we sometimes read. Although, as has been mentioned, many of the "no tension" between Shep and Weir comments are a little bit dated. There was a definite increase in scenes (and develoment) between Shep and Weir.


                    Signature By Amber Moon


                      Originally posted by alyssa
                      Torri was asked about the Sparky business at the Melbourne con, and she said something along the lines of Elizabeth being the boss, which means that she can't be running around holding hands with John Sheppard. What exactly did she say in Sydney?

                      Alexis wore pants in Melbourne. WTH was with the kilt???

                      I've heard funny things about Hewlett. He sounds like he has the biggest personality of all the actors, by far..
                      Happy Birthday Blue Banrigh!

                      Like I said, I missed the explanation of the 'utility skirt'. A kilt is probably a better description, but it was khaki, not tartan.

                      And I can't remember exactly what Torri said. My bad, I know. I think it was more in the way of possible love interests down the line somewhere. What I really remember is that someone who must ship McWeir asked about her relationship with Rodney, and she was quick to point out that Weir thought of Rodney like a brother. I remember breathing a huge sigh of relief on that point. But she was a little vague about a possible relationship with John, not even mentioning the boss thing.

                      Our con was the 5th November, it wasn't long after that that I started posting here. When was the Melbourne one, before or after?
                      Last edited by hopalong; 27 June 2006, 06:58 PM.


                        Originally posted by hopalong
                        Happy Birthday Blue Banrigh!

                        Like I said, I missed the explanation of the 'utility skirt'. A kilt is probably a better description, but it was khaki, not tartan.

                        And I can't remember exactly what Torri said. My bad, I know. I think it was more in the way of possible love interests down the line somewhere. What I really remember is that someone who must ship McWeir asked about her relationship with Rodney, and she was quick to point out that Weir thought of Rodney like a brother. I remember breathing a huge sigh of relief on that point. But she was a little vague about a possible relationship with John, not even mentioning the boss thing.

                        Our con was the 5th November, it wasn't long after that that I started posting here. When was the Melbourne one, before or after?

                        Melbourne was the week before Sydney. Torri was asked who her favourite character was, and she said she'd say McKay, if he wasn't always irritating her character, so she had to say Teyla. I think Torri and David are actually pretty good friends in real life - she did make some funny comments about him at the con, as did Rainbow.

                        But yeah, she said that John and Elizabeth are good friends, or something, but that they can't be running around holding hands when they're fighting wraith!


                          Oooo!! I'm so excited for
                          action!weir!!! It's been wayyyyy too long since we saw her in action... aka... really never (well, as herself)

                          I rewatched Inferno for posterities sake. And I'm just going to say it, I enjoyed it. Though, I have been known to enjoy movies that are really stupid but mindlessly entertaining (*cough*Ithoughtsaharawasreallyfunny*cough*) and the smitten/hot scene is still very very funny. Esp. when
                          Elizabeth asks about what the guy looks like and shep is all, "I dunno, he's a dude"

                          I can't wait for season 3!!
                          Citizen of Braneville


                            Originally posted by hopalong

                            Like I said, I missed the explanation of the 'utility skirt'. A kilt is probably a better description, but it was khaki, not tartan.
                            Lol I've actually seen a couple of people here in Vancouver wearing them, thought it was so weird!!

                            And Alyssa I believe the exact quote was...

                            When asked about John & Liz: "Umm, I think that's so funny because people love the idea of sexual tension, and its exciting, in real life as well as on television. And once you cross that line..." (guy: "You can't go back") "...and the excitement dwindles, like the unknown is more I think the writers, and that's what they did with Sam and O'Neill for years - if you actually consumate anything then the energy is no longer as vibrant. So I think dramatically it's more interesting not to have anything happen. As far as my character goes, she's kinda leader chick so I can't you know be holding hands takes away one's power! So I think that's an issue that she has..."

                            And then she goes on about something else


                              Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1
                              Lol I've actually seen a couple of people here in Vancouver wearing them, thought it was so weird!!

                              And Alyssa I believe the exact quote was...

                              When asked about John & Liz: "Umm, I think that's so funny because people love the idea of sexual tension, and its exciting, in real life as well as on television. And once you cross that line..." (guy: "You can't go back") "...and the excitement dwindles, like the unknown is more I think the writers, and that's what they did with Sam and O'Neill for years - if you actually consumate anything then the energy is no longer as vibrant. So I think dramatically it's more interesting not to have anything happen. As far as my character goes, she's kinda leader chick so I can't you know be holding hands takes away one's power! So I think that's an issue that she has..."

                              And then she goes on about something else
                              I was sure there was a mention of 'holding hands with John Sheppard'. Though the funniest thing in her session was when she said they could use Sedge as a kind of Lassie and she said "what that? Shep's injured?" Too funny!


                                Originally posted by alyssa
                                I was sure there was a mention of 'holding hands with John Sheppard'. Though the funniest thing in her session was when she said they could use Sedge as a kind of Lassie and she said "what that? Shep's injured?" Too funny!
                                LOL that was so cute!! Aaaw that convention was awesome...

                                *looks around*

                                Oh I'm in the Shep/Weir umm...yeah nah got nothing to say I'm leaving now. Cept *fingers crossed* for season three

