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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by HelenT
    Squee! Trialia! I had no idea---pfft shoulda known

    It's lovely to be here, too. What can I say my very new obsession with sparky grows more every day.
    As does your talent with writing Sparky smut. *hugs* It's great to see you in here!

    an honest to goodness, 'we mustn't but GOD we'd have beautiful babies' chemistry
    *cracks up* ZOMG, perfect appellation. Love it.


      Originally posted by Trialia
      As does your talent with writing Sparky smut. *hugs* It's great to see you in here!

      *cracks up* ZOMG, perfect appellation. Love it.
      *snikker* I kinda like it too. And *blush* on the fics. Shsshhh! You'll have these nice folks thinking I'm obsessed. Oh, maybe...




      Sorry, I'm not normally this insanely and annoyingly chipper. I'm just on a red wine high.

      ETA: Oops, sorry thanks for the welcome Southern Red!


        Hey guys! I don't know if you remember me, but i posted here a long time ago... I don't come here a lot, cuz you know, i can't really follow your discussions without reading spoilers... And when the temptation is too strong...
        But i still like lurking sometimes, you guys still me me laugh so much.

        So, in France, we had Critical Mass last Satruday... So my thoughts over the first part of season 2

        Siege III : Just loved that long look between them, just before Liz hugs him... There was so much emotion in this look... Beautiful. Also liked the way Liz tries to comfort him when Ford has gone...

        Intruder : A very cute flirting scene between them at the begining of the episode...

        Duet :Loved the scene when John says "I knew you'd say yes"... There's that look, and the way they turn around at the same moment... Reminded me of a married couple.

        Trinity : Liked the moment when Rodney pointed out that Liz would listen to John more than anyone else... Interesting that he also notices their... Interaction... ^^"

        Conversion : OMG that was a damn big one... I absolutely loved the way she tried to comfort him... The fact that she's the only one that comes in his room to see him... Loved the way John tried to hide his transformation by looking at everything but her when she came in his room the first time, he was so afraid that she would just... Panick and reject him... And that scene when he choked her... And that scene with Shep's team when she tells them that they should say goodbye.. Oh my god. So sad Also, what's interesting in this episode was the way she trusts him completly... It was beautiful. Great Sparky episode (despite the kiss...)

        The lost boys : Loved the way Lorne teases her about John... And that glare... Liz rocks! Also liked the fact that she couldn't say that Shep's team was missing at the end of the episode...

        The hive : What a sad look when the Deadalus told them there was nothing to search for... It broke my heart. Poor Liz. And then, when the gate activates... Very nice. Brillant smile. John's back!!!!

        Epiphany : Liked the fact that she had to go and translate these Ancient writings herself. Nice teasing about the beard at the end.

        Critical Mass : Loved the look between them when they face Caldwell, just before she leaves the room. So much understanding... Silent communication... Also liked the last scene, when he tries to convince her that she did the right thing.

        I guess I'm done, hope it wasn't too boring...

        Just remember that i love this thread, and I'll try to keep reading. You guys rock!


          Originally posted by Bama
          Now, while I don't know the details of Irresistible admittedly, I do think sometimes, 'silly' or 'light' is good for a series and it's characters. Such playful eps give us a chance to see things in characters we don't normally get a chance to see. Now admittedly, there is 'fun' and there is 'over the top'. Imo, 'Duet' was well-done fun while 'Tower' was not as well-done.
          I remember I think David Nykle compared Irresistible to Duet in an interview somewhere. Of course what that comparison is entirely subjective. What DN sees as similar might not be my idea of similar. If Irresistible can have that same balance of comedy and drama that I saw in Duet, then I think it will be a great ep.

          Originally posted by Bama
          I look back at my beloved Xfiles and honestly, there was about as much shippy progression and characterization learned from funny eps as there was from the more serious ones. I learned about what made my beloved laugh; what turned them on; what did not. The funny eps offered a window and gave the audience and the other characters a chance to see what the character might be like without the constant negative pressures they faced. I think that's a nice tool to help characters understand each other and appeal to each other as well as the audience. Serious and humorous eps both offer a different side of the same coin. So long as they don't go crazy and overdo with too many, I enjoy them interspersed properly.
          X-files was brilliant at the humorous eps. At least it was until we got that one with Burt Reynolds as guest star.

          WELCOME to all the Newbies. Every once in awhile we'll get a whole bunch at once.


            I found some ice cream in the freezer!

            Now, I distinctly heard the word SMUT. Who? Where? Link?

            When all else fails, change channels.


              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
              Aww, too many Newbies. I've totally run out of mints again.

              Will have to get megapack at Costco. *LOL*
              And how are you going to get the authentic chalky texture on them?

              a time to mourn


                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                Now, I distinctly heard the word SMUT. Who? Where? Link?
                Two pieces at Helen's LiveJournal. They're fairly recent posts so you shouldn't have trouble finding them. And excellent!

                Wooo, go the mints. *digs out her own private Ben & Jerry's stash*


                  Originally posted by Hatcheter
                  And how are you going to get the authentic chalky texture on them?
                  Lizzie and I are good friends.

                  Lizzie shares her mints with Daniel.

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    Originally posted by Trialia
                    Two pieces at Helen's LiveJournal. They're fairly recent posts so you shouldn't have trouble finding them. And excellent!

                    Wooo, go the mints. *digs out her own private Ben & Jerry's stash*
                    *more blushes* Thanks, darlin'

                    Mind you every sparky post is recent. In fact I don't think I've posted much on any other topic since I bought the DVD's and fell in love with the show/ship.


                      Originally posted by HelenT
                      *more blushes* Thanks, darlin'

                      Mind you every sparky post is recent. In fact I don't think I've posted much on any other topic since I bought the DVD's and fell in love with the show/ship.

                      OMG you wrote those?! I just read the most recent one a few minutes ago! It was wonderful! And I really enjoyed the other. Please write more! We in this thread can never get enough fanfiction, LOL!

                      Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                        Originally posted by Kuroro Lucifuru

                        Hey Kuro! Glad you shared your thoughts!
                        Let me share mine on yours!

                        Siege III : Just loved that long look between them, just before Liz hugs him... There was so much emotion in this look... Beautiful. Also liked the way Liz tries to comfort him when Ford has gone...

               too. But that sexual awareness thing right after it wasn't bad either. They both knew in that three second instant that they could easily learn to want each other physically as a man and woman. Their mutual nervous twitches and laughter told me far more than words could have at that point. Sigh...

                        Intruder : A very cute flirting scene between them at the begining of the episode...

                        And yes, that's EXACTLY what it was-a flirting scene. The twinkle that comes into John's eyes when Elizabeth teases him isn't one we see him have Any other time or with Anyone Else.

                        Duet :Loved the scene when John says "I knew you'd say yes"... There's that look, and the way they turn around at the same moment... Reminded me of a married couple.

                        *Big FAT Grin* at that last statement. They do don't they? I've been saying that for eons. Are you married? There are so many little things in the way that act together that are so softly intimate and reminicent of a married couple.

                        Trinity : Liked the moment when Rodney pointed out that Liz would listen to John more than anyone else... Interesting that he also notices their... Interaction... ^^"

                        We have a running list of about a half dozen people who've noticed. Rodney is just one of many people who've noticed the special attention and bond they have together. I just wonder why people who deny this ship is what it really is becoming bother to ask why they have this special effect on the other.

                        Conversion : OMG that was a damn big one... I absolutely loved the way she tried to comfort him... The fact that she's the only one that comes in his room to see him... Loved the way John tried to hide his transformation by looking at everything but her when she came in his room the first time, he was so afraid that she would just... Panick and reject him... And that scene when he choked her... And that scene with Shep's team when she tells them that they should say goodbye.. Oh my god. So sad Also, what's interesting in this episode was the way she trusts him completly... It was beautiful. Great Sparky episode (despite the kiss...)

                        It was a nice sparky ep despite the scary bad violent red herring. There was just something intimate and dare I say, wifely about how she was the only one that could approach him and how she wasn't afraid to face him and hold his hand in his worst hour and stood by him from beginning to end. The intimacy of her going inside his quarters was special too. You don't ignore the relationship implications of the rest of this episode just because you enjoy seeing violent abuse-like scenes play out and call them 'romance'.

                        The lost boys : Loved the way Lorne teases her about John... And that glare... Liz rocks! Also liked the fact that she couldn't say that Shep's team was missing at the end of the episode...

                        That glare was great! It said to Lorne-don't tease me about my feelings in regard to John or I will hurt you! LOL Lornebaby so knows about these two!

                        The hive : What a sad look when the Deadalus told them there was nothing to search for... It broke my heart. Poor Liz. And then, when the gate activates... Very nice. Brillant smile. John's back!!!!

                        I think I'm addicted to Elizabeth's special 'John' smile.

                        Epiphany : Liked the fact that she had to go and translate these Ancient writings herself. Nice teasing about the beard at the end.

                        I didn't care for the (lack of decent) story in this one or the Baywatch babe and I wanted to slap this wussy version of the village idiot people but that little bit at the end was decent.

                        Critical Mass : Loved the look between them when they face Caldwell, just before she leaves the room. So much understanding... Silent communication... Also liked the last scene, when he tries to convince her that she did the right thing.

                        John goes out of his way so much for her and there comes a time when rational people must ask "Why?" Their jobs, while criss-crossing do not require the ultra intense sort of mutual mind and spirit meld that these two have placed on it. Yet, they are pulled to be as one. They are drawn to each other above and beyond the call of duty. They say and do so much more than they have to and at some point, you have to step back and go, "WHY?" and answer honestly.

                        I guess I'm done, hope it wasn't too boring...
                        Naw, it's fun to rehash Spark moments anytime...
                        Just remember that i love this thread, and I'll try to keep reading. You guys rock!
                        Last edited by Bama; 06 June 2006, 09:50 AM.


                          Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                          OMG you wrote those?! I just read the most recent one a few minutes ago! It was wonderful! And I really enjoyed the other. Please write more! We in this thread can never get enough fanfiction, LOL!
                          *hugs you*

                          Thanks! Colour me chuffed and delighted you liked them. More soon I hope. Blame Sam_jackgirl on LJ but she already has me thinking of another one. And I swore my next fic was gonna be more plot focussed. *sigh*

                          *hugs you again*


                            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                            I looked at "that" pic and it is definitely Weir sitting next to Ronon, which is why Sheppard has that stare thing going on.
                            Maybe Teyla is sitting between Ronan and Elizabeth... That means that John is staring at Elizabeth.

                            Either that or he's miffed that none of the women are paying him any attention...

                            EDIT: Welcome to all the newbies. I have some mints left over from when I got here if you want any?

                            Don't tell FP... she thinks I ate them...


                            Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                            LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                            Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                              Originally posted by HelenT
                              And I swore my next fic was gonna be more plot focussed. *sigh*
                              I've found the only difference in having a plot in a Sparky fic is that it gives our darlings an *excuse* to love on each other.
                              I'm to the point of wanting them to jump each other if they're within a ten mile radius of each other-no excuse needed. But then, I'm easy to please.


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                I've found the only difference in having a plot in a Sparky fic is that it gives our darlings an *excuse* to love on each other.
                                I'm to the point of wanting them to jump each other if they're within a ten mile radius of each other-no excuse needed. But then, I'm easy to please.
                                Well, yeah...I couldn't agree more. I was thinking more along the lines of stringing out the tension, tossing in some angst, a fillup of jealously; dash of action and team, and then smut.

