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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
    Back to Weir/Sheppard, since we were talking about moments, what is you're one (am limiting it so you have to think it through ) favourite Sheppard/Weir moment?
    for me when they first find the balconey in "rising" just the look of awe at the view and then the laying of foundations for ship agnst!


      Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
      Back to Weir/Sheppard, since we were talking about moments, what is you're one (am limiting it so you have to think it through ) favourite Sheppard/Weir moment?

      For me it would be from 'Home', their conversation in Sheppard's room where they are both dancing around trying to suss out what the other is thinking. And I like how the camer pushes in slowly in on their faces. Nice chemistry there.
      What an interesting question. Hmmmmm thats also very difficult to pick just one moment because in some ways there are a number that have contributed to the developement of the two characters.
      I loved the first balcony scene in Rising because of the way it opened them up to each other, the banter and then the seeming coming together and acceptance of each others POV
      I agree, that moment in Home is fantastic. As you say, the dancing around each other and the little looks were interesting.
      There are lots of others too...38 Minutes for the infirmary scene, Hotzone for the argument, Sheppards desire to protect Weir and the conversation at the end, The Siege - well 39.30 says it all.
      But my choice would have to be between two.
      Firstly, the scene from The Eye where Sheppard shoots Kolya just as he is going to take Weir through the gate and
      Secondly, its a very subtle one but at the beginning of Letters from Pegasus when they are discussing the ability to send information back to the SGC. There is a moment where Sheppard and Weir lock eyes and share a clearly intense moment of understanding between them. Very powerful, like there is a real bond and link between them.

      So after that typically long ramble (Sorry!!), I'd have to go for the scene where Sheppard shoots Kolya and then asks Elizabeth if shes ok and ultimately grabs her hand,
      Just the look between them following on from how angry and upset he'd been when he thought she was dead. The look on Weirs face was really telling. The shock at what has happened and that she is alive. The Awe at what Sheppard has done in saving her and the Realisation that he put himself in harms way to save her. I'm not sure shes had anyone ever done so much for her and its a real revelation in respect to her feelings for him.


        Still not a Sheppard/Weir shipper (feels kind of odd to be here somehow...) but popping back in with more screencaps becuase I have them and might as well share, and because I couldn't resist some discussion too.

        Caps for 38 minutes here.

        And a few for the thread.


          Originally posted by Melyanna
          Far too often in fandom, that kind of display is construed as romantic love, as if there's no other reason for showing someone you care. Coming to a point where you love someone else as you would love father, mother, brother, or sister is just as beautiful and powerful as coming to love someone romantically, and often I think it's more powerful.

          As for Sheppard/Weir, I've enjoyed watching their friendship develop, and I see the potential for something more. There's great chemistry between them, and there have been times this season where it's felt like they're testing the waters with each other. Sure, she didn't sit huddling in the rain with John's arm around her, but her relationships with these two men are going to manifest themselves quite differently. That's why, I think, the moment where he grabs her hand to finally take her to safety, after doing so much to keep her alive, was so touching for most of us. It didn't need to be flashy and overstated, because at this point, they're probably not sure of it themselves.
          It is a shame there's less support friendships seen on shows and more focus on romantic ships. I agree its nice to have people just be good friends. As a Mckay/Weir shipper I'd be very happy if it was only ever that because primarily I like the friendship (but it's also sometimes fun to see more too, for me at least)

          I'd also really enjoy seeing Sheppard/Weir friendship develop and I hope next season generally has more time to deal with relationships in this way.

          I did try my hand at Sheppard/Weir fic, friendship that is, was for a ficathon.
          Here's the link if anyone is interested.
          Peace by Purpleyin (spoilers for all Season 1)

          I wouldn't mind reading some fics for them that were only friendship, if anyone has any links I'd be grateful. The friendship I'm interested in but nothing more, just don't have desire to read anything more into it for whatever reason or to read stuff that does, and a bit wary of searching for such fics becuase I don't want to sift through ones with the romance in. If this was the wrong place to ask then I apologise.
          Originally posted by Melyanna
          That's just plain scary.
          Not that incest in fandom is all that uncommon. I'm told that the vast majority of Numb3rs fics is incest slash, and there are a lot of incest fics in Harry Potter, too.
          That is disturbing. I remember seeing a ship listings page for Harry Potter a while back and seeing a Ginny/Ron one. It seems so so wrong.
          Last edited by Purpleyin; 18 April 2005, 08:13 AM.


            Originally posted by Purpleyin
            I wouldn't mind reading some fics for them that were only friendship, if anyone has any links I'd be grateful. The friendship I'm interested in but nothing more, just don't have desire to read anything more into it for whatever reason or to read stuff that does, and a bit wary of searching for such fics becuase I don't want to sift through ones with the romance in. If this was the wrong place to ask then I apologise.
            I'm reading a good one with focus on the team's relationship to Mckay, definately recommend it. So far, no sign of any romantic ship. Great character portrayal, even has a great bit between Kavanaugh and Weir.
            Fortitude by gaffer42

            As for other friendship fics of the ones recently recommended there is Friendbear and Sticky Situation.

            Just thought of another one, Monopoly by Athenaktt.

            Can you tell I read too many fics?
            Last edited by Blue Banrigh; 18 April 2005, 08:07 AM. Reason: Added a fic.


              Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
              I'm reading a good one with focus on the team's relationship to Mckay, definately recommend it. So far, no sign of any romantic ship. Great character portrayal, even has a great bit between Kavanaugh and Weir.
              Fortitude by gaffer42

              As for other friendship fics of the ones recently recommended there is Friendbear and Sticky Situation.
              Ahhhh...gaffer. She's great isn't she? (here's where I hope my impression isn't wrong about 'her' - sometimes hard to tell online) I read that story months ago over at SGAHC yahoogroup (tons of fab authors then, with a tendancy to gen/humour fic, particular focus on Shep/Mckay friendship, team or the trio). There's even a sequel up now, Fortitude Consequences

              Anyway, thanks for the links, off to read.


                Originally posted by Purpleyin
                It is a shame there's less support friendships seen on shows and more focus on romantic ships. I agree its nice to have people just be good friends. As a Mckay/Weir shipper I'd be very happy if it was only ever that because primarily I like the friendship (but it's also sometimes fun to see more too, for me at least)
                yes, i totally agree honestly, the thing about all my "'ships" is that i'd love to see their friendships develop further, and if they do move toward romance then great, but if they don't, i love seeing the close friendships developing over time

                of course we shippers can take ANYTHING (just about) and turn into a "romantic" moment but really, just two people showing they care about someone or having an angsty scene with them just shows us what kind of friends they are (i didn't mean to imply that weir and mckay huddling for warmth in the eye had to be taken romantically... i always thought it was just a sweet moment that showed they cared about each other )... and honestly, as much as i LOVE my ships, i'd prefer ten great close friendships to ten wacky ships if ya know what i mean... at the very least, if they're going to handle romance BADLY if they go there, i'd just rather they didn't...


                  Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                  Just thought of another one, Monopoly by Athenaktt.

                  Can you tell I read too many fics?
                  You're telling me. I read all I can get my hands on (with that slight exception of avoiding S/W fics). I've read 'Monopoly' also, though at the time my mind was a bit in the gutter, having had a recent discussion on why no one ever plays strip monopoly... I notice no ones written that story yet.


                    Originally posted by Purpleyin
                    You're telling me. I read all I can get my hands on (with that slight exception of avoiding S/W fics). I've read 'Monopoly' also, though at the time my mind was a bit in the gutter, having had a recent discussion on why no one ever plays strip monopoly... I notice no ones written that story yet.
                    I avoid the Sheppard/Teyla and Weir/McKay fics. But I also avoid the badly written and plotted stories as well.

                    Got any good Sheppard/Teyla or Weir/McKay friendship fics you'd recommend? Non-romance of course.

                    And you're probably giving someone a plot bunny with the stip monopoly.


                      Monopoly is my fave shep/weir fic!


                        lol... i think i've read more baam fics than any other SG pairing!! ok, well at least i've read basically EVERY one out there plus i'm writing one... er, i'm supposed to be! i'm easily distracted! but i've also read about two sheyas, one or two mcweirs, and one or two shep/weirs... all my reading lately has been a book for school i used to be absolutely addicted to fanfics, though!! i just have, er, not much time...


                          Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                          Got any good Sheppard/Teyla or Weir/McKay friendship fics you'd recommend? Non-romance of course.
                          non-romance uh *glances at NC-17 rated fics* No not any that i've read


                            Originally posted by emily_reich
                            of course we shippers can take ANYTHING (just about) and turn into a "romantic" moment but really, just two people showing they care about someone or having an angsty scene with them just shows us what kind of friends they are (i didn't mean to imply that weir and mckay huddling for warmth in the eye had to be taken romantically... i always thought it was just a sweet moment that showed they cared about each other )... and honestly, as much as i LOVE my ships, i'd prefer ten great close friendships to ten wacky ships if ya know what i mean... at the very least, if they're going to handle romance BADLY if they go there, i'd just rather they didn't...
                            Yes, pretty much all shippy moments are likely just sweet/amusing friendship moments that can be expanded into more if people choose to. I agreet too, it's better to have friendships than badly done romances. Here's to hopnig any romance is done well.


                              definately! i mean, if it's done well, romance can truly serve both the characters and the story, and can be fun and interesting to boot!! not to mention full of lots of great emotion

                              BUT if they don't do it well, i'll still watch, but be thinking the whole time "umm... ok, wish that wasn't there"... the main problem i had with how sam/jack was handled, for example, was having nothing more than friend stuff then suddenly "BOOM!!!" a huge mega-ship episode that totally overkilled and overstated it!! other than divide and conquer and evil!pete and kerry, i actually thought it wasn't handled THAAAAAT terribly


                                Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                                I avoid the Sheppard/Teyla and Weir/McKay fics. But I also avoid the badly written and plotted stories as well.

                                Got any good Sheppard/Teyla or Weir/McKay friendship fics you'd recommend? Non-romance of course.

                                And you're probably giving someone a plot bunny with the stip monopoly.
                                Well I'm not really a reader of Shep/Teyla either.
                                As for Weir/Mckay friendship pieces. Trouble is that alot of McKay/Weir fic is interpretation, it's usually thought of as a subtle ship so it makes it hard to find which are friendship and which border on more but hopefully I've done a good enough job sorting out which are which. There were a few more that were iffy (bordering on more), so I left them out. Besides that there were enough here anyway, just a few.

                                The Right Call
                                The Watcher
                                Callous Cares
                                Hypnos & Phobetor
                                Three, Two, One
                                Good Intentions
                                The Transporter Series

                                EDIT: on the plot bunny - I hope I am giving someone one! I have way too many of my own to deal with.
                                Last edited by Purpleyin; 18 April 2005, 10:33 AM.

