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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
    Some Sheppard/Weir fic off the bat...
    Quiet Riot by Angel Leviathan
    Strange Bedfellows by ErabuHikari
    Good Morning by Astrochick
    Friendbear by Ms Raven
    Crossroads of Eshu by Mel (SG-1 crossover)

    There are more... but it's a Sunday morning and I haven't had a lot of sleep. There's probably links to them located somewhere on this vast thread, may take a bit of looking.
    Thanks for the rec Blue, I really need to get that one updated. Maybe this week!


      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
      Thanks for the rec Blue, I really need to get that one updated. Maybe this week!

      Yes you do, hint! hint! As Sheppard would say "no pressure."
      ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
      FBI - Body Preservation Division


        Um, not a shipper for this pairing but been capping Siege Part 2 and thought maybe caps of a particular scene might be appreciated over here.

        Last edited by Purpleyin; 18 April 2005, 01:37 AM.


          yes hans!!! i love the piccys awwww, what a great scene that is! you can just see their feelings in their eyes and faces!


            Originally posted by Purpleyin
            Um, not a shipper for this pairing but been capping Siege Part 2 and thought maybe caps of a particular scene might be appreciated over here.
            They most certainly are Thank you for the caps!
            Uncontrolled Destiny
            My Atlantis Music Videos (Shep/Weir and Misc.)


              Thank you Purpleyin. We can never get enough of caps of scene 39:30

              Thanks again!


                nice caps. i can never have enough caps. especially of that scene.
                Stargate Addicts - a podcast for the obsessive Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis fan
                My new podcast with Merala Anewan, come check it out. It'll make us happy.

                Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.

                Lovely sig by Blue Banrigh, thanks again. As for Atlantis X-Treme, that came from my own loopy mind.


                  Great caps--thanks! Ahhh... the angst.


                    Originally posted by Melyanna
                    Well, if you ask me, she looks like she's about to pass out. I'm also quite curious about what's going on in the picture, as she seems to be in the infirmary.

                    *sigh* Three months...
                    Beckett is the one about to pass out in those pictures. Elizabeth, in my opinion has a haunted look. But I don't think she'd be concerned by John's well being. If you look carefully at the left bottom of the picture you'll see a dark sleeve that could belong to our favourite Major.
                    Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                      Originally posted by Lys
                      Beckett is the one about to pass out in those pictures. Elizabeth, in my opinion has a haunted look. But I don't think she'd be concerned by John's well being. If you look carefully at the left bottom of the picture you'll see a dark sleeve that could belong to our favourite Major.
                      I went and looked at the picture again, and you're right there is someone's sleeve poking out. I could be our favorite Major's sleeve.


                        Originally posted by Athenaktt
                        I went and looked at the picture again, and you're right there is someone's sleeve poking out. I could be our favorite Major's sleeve.
                        Well, I thought some of you needed some cheering up
                        Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                          Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                          We do our best to brainwash... er... convince... ah... never mind. Glad we could help.
                          I haven't been brainwashed yet .....convinced ...well ..I'm always interested in a mature relationship if the show gives it to me I prefer to choose a couple who mostly have a strong working relationship first over a flirting relationship ...this is why I like Weir and Sheppard interaction ...but I still don't ship for Atlantis as such ...I'm not to keen on what tptb is doing with both ship of the same show Sheppard/Weir and Sheppard/Teyla ....and because I can see both ship ..I hate it ..I actually can't stand that ..and I'm too scared to get involved because deep down I think that Tptb will never let one of those ship down and both shipper fans will be disappointed at the end of the series ...whenever that will be ...I'm scared that John will end up with neither Weir/or Teyla just because both Ship are so popular .

                          But believe me I want to be a weir/Sheppard ...I'm not keen on Teyla ..It's realy weird though when you can see both ship's nearly unnatural ..because .I've never seen a show before where a man can't decide who he is attracted too ..but this is only TPTB 's fault

                          OK now try to brainwash me if you like if you win on that one'll be a champion ..because me I try to stay away from Atlantis ship because of what I just said



                            I personally don't see Sheppard/Teyla happening. I think that if they TPTB decide to have any ship, Sheppard/Weir would be the better choice. As many have pointed out, that the relationship that Sheppard and Teyla have seem more like a either "drinking buddies" or Commanding officer and suboridnate...most of the time. But then again I may be biased.

                            Because if you ask a Sheyla supporter they would say they don't see Sheppard/Weir ever happening. I guess it's all in the matter of opinion and how people deduce the subtext between the characters interaction with each other.

                            Sheppard has a working relationship with both Weir and Teyla, but I think within the first season, we were given more glimpses into personal (non-work related) interactions between Sheppard and Weir, then with Sheppard and Teyla. Examples are a couple of the balcony scenes, end of "Rising" and the Birthday gift in "Before I Sleep". Then you have the moment when Elizabeth is talking to John in in his room in "Home", which I think makes that conversation more intimate between the two.

                            In comparison to Teyla...the only time i can think of are when Sheppard and Teyla are sparring, but during those times, Sheppard is too busy getting his butt whooped by Teyla. And the other time I can think of is the football and popcorn scene, but even int that scene, Ford, McKay, and Weir were all in that scene.

                            I guess I still think if the TPTB pick a ship and all, the most logical and plausible one would be Sheppard/Weir.


                              Originally posted by Athenaktt
                              Because if you ask a Sheyla supporter they would say they don't see Sheppard/Weir ever happening. I guess it's all in the matter of opinion and how people deduce the subtext between the characters interaction with each other.
                              not me, not me! i can really see either one happening... each pair has a different and unique dynamic, but all in all, when you get down to each other, weir and teyla both care about shep and he cares about both of them.

                              we get angst in both pairing, signs of obvious caring in both, but beyond that they are very different... in part because shep is equal to each of them on different levels... weir and shep are both leaders of atlantis and they both care about protecting earth and the people of the expedition; on the other hand, shep and teyla share a different kind of leadership, that of a leadership that they weren't necessarily prepared for and which involves close interaction with their people as leaders....

                              you're definately right that we've seen more intimate and one-on-one situations with shep and weir, which i absolutely love but at the same time, there is LFP for shep and teyla... the understanding of each other that they gain in that episode just by going through that situation together i think is on a very different level from the understanding between shep and weir... neither one is superior to the other, at least in my opinion, but i do think teyla understands sheppard on a very different level from weir... teyla doesn't know anything about his past, but weir does, but weir doesn't know as well how badly the situation with the wraith has really affected him...

                              at least that's the vibe i get...

                              the interactions and relationships between shep and teyla and shep and weir are different enough that they're both intriguing and not just "the two possible ships" but at the same time is similar enough that i can really see either one happening, but either one would have a very different dynamic, and it's that which makes shipping both really appealing to me personally it'll be interesting to see which, if either, ship they decide to put on the show, and how the dynamic changes further between both pairings


                                Anyways now that the Vancouver Cons are over...Shipmum was sweet enough to write her Con experience on her LiveJournal.

                                There are some interesting stuff about Joe and other fun tidbits about other people in there and BEWARE of spoilers for episodes in Season 2.


