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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Conversion is my favorite SGA episode so far. I think JF did a wonderful job getting pure emotion across thru all the makeup.

    I also loved how E wasn't ready to give up for any reason. She knew there had to be a way to solve the problem without endangering anyone else.

    Elizabeth was not willing to send anyone else on suicide mission just to save one member of the team, no matter how important that member was to her! She knew that Carson would find a way to bring him back to her/them. She wasn't happy that Caldwell implemented changes without checking with her first because it would send the message to the rest of Atlantis that John wasn't coming back. That was not what she wanted anyone to believe, especially herself!

    I also liked the little exchange between Ronon and Sheppard when they finished their run.

    SHEPPARD: All right, sore loser. I don't act like a jerk when you beat me!

    DEX: Yes you do.



      Originally posted by hopalong
      Elizabeth: John, how many times do I have to tell you; at least try to make yourself more presentable
      afterwards. Remember, Steven has been keeping an annoyingly close eye on us lately.
      John: (pouts) Well, you don't have to call him by his first name.

      lol Nice work!.. leave the hair!
      Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
      Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


        Originally posted by Luz
        Bedhair anyone? .
        He always has bed hair.
        Very cute bed hair!
        Thank you Jenova Synthesis

        Thank you to homever I borrowed this from


          mmm agree with u there!
          Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
          Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


            another ficlet

            sort of a reaction to 'Senses'


            hope you like it!
            Thank you Jenova Synthesis

            Thank you to homever I borrowed this from


              Originally posted by Pocus
              Elizabeth was not willing to send anyone else on suicide mission just to save one member of the team, no matter how important that member was to her!
              I think that was the most significant part of the episode, at least where this relationship is concerned.
              We got affirmation that Elizabeth and John are close (more than we've gotten for any other relationship on the show), but at the same time, we also got evidence that their closeness personally won't interfere with Elizabeth professionally. She seems quite aware of where the boundaries are, and where she has to be leader over friend.
              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
              Last update: 14 April 2006
              Melyanna's Multimedia
              Last update: 15 February 2006


                Originally posted by Melyanna
                I think that was the most significant part of the episode, at least where this relationship is concerned.
                We got affirmation that Elizabeth and John are close (more than we've gotten for any other relationship on the show), but at the same time, we also got evidence that their closeness personally won't interfere with Elizabeth professionally. She seems quite aware of where the boundaries are, and where she has to be leader over friend.
                This is why I felt all gooey watching CSI this week.
                After the spoilers here yesterday, I fired up my DVR and watched the last scene. *admits to being spoiler fanatic* I don't really care about ship on this show, but I have watched it from the beginning and saw this coming. It parallels SGA nicely to me. Initial ship didn't work, do new ship in a subtle way that doesn't interfere with the stories. I didn't say a word to my husband so I could get an honest reaction from him. He agrees with me. The best thing I got was confirmation that my judgement hasn't suddenly gone to heck, and that what I see is what is really there. At least on CSI. Now let's hope our PTB learn something. And fan reaction will be interesting also. *runs to bookmark CSI forums* I wonder too how we would feel about a similar revelation about Sparky. I have a feeling we'd feel a little cheated, but then we'd go back to "so doin' it" and "married and don't know it." Then they could do flashbacks.

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by Southern Red
                  This is why I felt all gooey watching CSI this week.
                  After the spoilers here yesterday, I fired up my DVR and watched the last scene. *admits to being spoiler fanatic* I don't really care about ship on this show, but I have watched it from the beginning and saw this coming. It parallels SGA nicely to me. Initial ship didn't work, do new ship in a subtle way that doesn't interfere with the stories. I didn't say a word to my husband so I could get an honest reaction from him. He agrees with me. The best thing I got was confirmation that my judgement hasn't suddenly gone to heck, and that what I see is what is really there. At least on CSI. Now let's hope our PTB learn something. And fan reaction will be interesting also. *runs to bookmark CSI forums* I wonder too how we would feel about a similar revelation about Sparky. I have a feeling we'd feel a little cheated, but then we'd go back to "so doin' it" and "married and don't know it." Then they could do flashbacks.
                  Some CSI spoilers follow.

                  I don't see the parallels myself.
                  I don't care for Sarah/Grissom personally, but what was the initial ship for CSI? What they did with CSI struck me as more of what they did in the X-Files. I'm not sure what I'd think if they did this with John/Elizabeth. My first reaction would be I wouldn't like it. Then again, I don't like Sarah/Grissom and I didn't see Mulder/Scully until seasone 6 anvils and care to see them get together.


                    Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                    The Way It Is by anglequeen
                    Aww! Cute!



                      Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                      The good thing for me is that
                      if I'm nervous about a particular ep I can read about it before it airs here since it airs in the U.S and Canada first. It was the same for Conversion. I was worried about what was going to happen and in the end, I had a lovely few months knowing that it wasn't going to be that bad afterall.

                      I found it very poigant that Elizabeth was willing to let John's condition worsen to avoid putting more personnel in danger, even though we know it hurt her to do so. She was willing to say goodbye even when he was telling her to try again. It proves that when a situation is as personal as it was then she can rise above it and do what is needed to be done for the expedition. And that John can accept it and know that they can trust each other enough to do the right thing. I actually think this makes their friendship even more solid, the fact that they can both keep a clear head, ignoring their own importance to each other.
                      Oh the joy that is Converstion
                      So I had read on line the comment about "Shep and Teyla becoming closer" in some episode but I didn't know which one. So I had no warning for the kiss and I started to feel sick inside when I saw it. BUT it happened fairly early on in the epi so I kept watching. With each second that passed I felt better and better because we saw more and more Sparky moments with Teyla barely in sight for most of the epi. (please don't take that to mean I was glad we didn't see more of Teyla. Not true. Because for Spanky we TOTALLY got that cute shared smirk offworld when Ronon was teasing Rodney. ) It seemed to me that every time Weir met up with Sheppard in the epi it just confirmed more and more for me that Sparky was the underlying intent. And if I'd still had any doubts by the end of the epi, Sheppard's apology to Teyla and her relieved sigh as she walked away said it all.

                      Plus, the final discussion about the failed mission and trying again. I think Weir knew were Shep in his right mind he'd have told her she was right. From all we've seen so far, Shep would never ask anyone to go in his place and risk their lives for him though it's okay for him to risk his life for others. When he was upset about not being able to go the first time I don't think it was just in regards to wanting to be actively involved but I think he would have prefered to go alone so as not to put anyone else at risk.

                      This brings to mind a fic idea I have for a post TLG. But since we're not on that epi yet, I'll leave that 'til later.



                        Originally posted by A.L.
                        Oh the joy that is Converstion
                        So I had read on line the comment about "Shep and Teyla becoming closer" in some episode but I didn't know which one. So I had no warning for the kiss and I started to feel sick inside when I saw it. BUT it happened fairly early on in the epi so I kept watching. With each second that passed I felt better and better because we saw more and more Sparky moments with Teyla barely in sight for most of the epi. (please don't take that to mean I was glad we didn't see more of Teyla. Not true. Because for Spanky we TOTALLY got that cute shared smirk offworld when Ronon was teasing Rodney. ) It seemed to me that every time Weir met up with Sheppard in the epi it just confirmed more and more for me that Sparky was the underlying intent. And if I'd still had any doubts by the end of the epi, Sheppard's apology to Teyla and her relieved sigh as she walked away said it all.

                        Part of me wishes I wasn't so spoiled for this ep. going into it.
                        I would like to know what my reaction to the kiss would have been had I not known. As it was I was quite tense going into the ep.

                        That Teyla/Ronon moment was great. She just seems to light up around him.

                        Originally posted by A.L.
                        Plus, the final discussion about the failed mission and trying again. I think Weir knew were Shep in his right mind he'd have told her she was right. From all we've seen so far, Shep would never ask anyone to go in his place and risk their lives for him though it's okay for him to risk his life for others. When he was upset about not being able to go the first time I don't think it was just in regards to wanting to be actively involved but I think he would have prefered to go alone so as not to put anyone else at risk.
                        Originally posted by A.L.

                        This brings to mind a fic idea I have for a post TLG. But since we're not on that epi yet, I'll leave that 'til later.

                        So self sacrificing that Shep.
                        I hadn't thought of him wanting to go alone.
                        That's a good point.


                          Originally posted by hopalong
                          Elizabeth: John, how many times do I have to tell you; at least try to make yourself more presentable
                          afterwards. Remember, Steven has been keeping an annoyingly close eye on us lately.
                          John: (pouts) Well, you don't have to call him by his first name.



                            Originally posted by SGLAB
                            Some CSI spoilers follow.

                            I don't see the parallels myself.
                            I don't care for Sarah/Grissom personally, but what was the initial ship for CSI?
                            I was wondering that too, but i'm guessing it was Grissom/Blonde lady?. Sorry don't know all the names .
                            Originally posted by A.L
                            It seemed to me that every time Weir met up with Sheppard in the epi it just confirmed more and more for me that Sparky was the underlying intent.
                            If it wasn't Sorry
                            but if tptb were really trying to push that other ship, then they must incredibly dumb, 'cause to portray a ship, shouldn't the characters involved in said ship have at least two seconds of on-screen time together?.
                            And if the episode did anything, it was showing the closeness shared by Sheppard and Weir, how much they care about eachother, but also that as important as Sheppard is for Weir, she knows where to draw the line, and she wouldn't sacrifice more people even when she knew that it would mean not being able to find a cure for John.
                            Even people who are anti-ship have said that although this was supposed to be a Sheppard episode it ended up being a Lizzie!Angst episode. Sheppard was in danger, and they focused on Weir's angst, do the maths.
                            So either tptb are incredibly dumb, they are self-sabotaging themselves, or they're perfectly aware of what they're doing, i'd go for the later .


                              Originally posted by Luz
                              I was wondering that too, but i'm guessing it was Grissom/Blonde lady?. Sorry don't know all the names .
                              Catherine is who you're talking about I believe. Actually if that was the original ship then I would have preferred that.

                              Originally posted by Luz
                              If it wasn't Sorry
                              but if tptb were really trying to push that other ship, then they must incredibly dumb, 'cause to portray a ship, shouldn't the characters involved in said ship have at least two seconds of on-screen time together?.
                              And if the episode did anything, it was showing the closeness shared by Sheppard and Weir, how much they care about eachother, but also that as important as Sheppard is for Weir, she knows where to draw the line, and she wouldn't sacrifice more people even when she knew that it would mean not being able to find a cure for John.
                              Even people who are anti-ship have said that although this was supposed to be a Sheppard episode it ended up being a Lizzie!Angst episode. Sheppard was in danger, and they focused on Weir's angst, do the maths.
                              So either tptb are incredibly dumb, they are self-sabotaging themselves, or they're perfectly aware of what they're doing, i'd go for the later .
                              The latter is the reality I like my mind to occupy.


                                Back to CSI. Remember some here don't want to be spoiled.
                                I think the original ship was Grissom/Catherine. I never saw that one either but would also have chosen it over Sarah. I think she's a bit whiny and self centered but really don't care either way. The parallel I meant was in the fact that they switched from the original ship that was planned as we think they have from Sheyla to Sparky. It remains to be seen if they stick with it. On both shows.

                                And on to Conversion
                                It just goes to show that worrying about what an ep will be like is futile. The ones we feared turned out to be better for Sparky and some we thought would settle the ship Q for good turned out to be more ambiguous than ever *TLG* I for one am not going to get worked up about S3.

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

