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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
    I gave up on that Court Martial thread - the Sheylas took it over and turned it into a Weir bashing thread. All that "I like Weir. .really, I do. . but. ." doesn't work. Its obvious they hate the poor lady. We could do a "toss Teyla back to the mainland" thread but thankfully we are more adult than that.
    *Deep sigh* I had a look at that thread and you're quite right. They don't like her much do they? It's on par to whoever is neg-repping this thread so it's been reduced to 4 stars. Is it really going to change anything, I ask? I actually like Teyla in Season 2 so I can't have anything negative to say about her even if there was such an anti-thread. Well, whatever gives them pleasure I suppose (it's only a handful, the others are quite nice people). I can't even muster up the energy to rage a little. *deep sigh again*

    Originally posted by Melyanna
    Oh, I really hope this doesn't happen. Not that I don't think JF would do a terrific job, but they did this with Jack already. I don't want them to give the fandom at large another reason to say that John's just a lesser copy of Jack O'Neill.
    They have said that, haven't they? I agree. I don't want to see John as having previously been married. For some reason, he struck me as a person who had long term relationship commitment issues . Maybe his stint on SGA will change his mind. (cough*Sparky*cough)

    Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
      Yep, I started that rumor - Shep wouldn't do a video in "Letters From Pegasus" because his ex-wife would find him and hit him up for unpaid child support for their bazillion kids. *LOL*

      I gave up on that Court Martial thread - the Sheylas took it over and turned it into a Weir bashing thread. All that "I like Weir. .really, I do. . but. ." doesn't work. Its obvious they hate the poor lady. We could do a "toss Teyla back to the mainland" thread but thankfully we are more adult than that.
      Court Martial Weir? Er, Weir isn't military... *facepalm* Anyways I love the "Ignore" button.

      Anyways as for the "ring" conversation, I totally prefer the "sekrit marriage" idea. Because "Hot Zone" was the first episode he finally said her first name. And they were arguing and worrying about each other like they're married. And you know after a day of fighting there's always the best "making up."


        Originally posted by Vicky
        The wedding ring talk made me remember about another thing. Do you remember in Allies when
        John, Liz and the Wratih Queen were in Liz's office and John said "Let's just say I'm worried about my grandkids." Well, I really wonder why he said grandkids and not kids? Is he hiding something? I know it's probably nothing but I was really surprised when he said that.
        And that just shows we all get something different from a scene
        the wraith queen said something about how it would be after Shep's lifetime which then opened the door for his comment about grandkids. But from a sparky POV ... *VBG!!*



          Originally posted by LurkerLa
          Well, the logical part of my brain always assumed
          he was just referring to how long it would take the Wraith to recover from the thinning of their population - just emphasizing that it might not be in this generation or the next, but he still cared about it.

          But then, all this talk of wedding rings and such makes me think back to something someone said a while ago - FP, maybe? - about John hiding a wife and seven kids back on Earth. I dunno - maybe the day of Hot Zone was his secret wife's or one of the kid's birthdays, and he put the ring on for sentimental value.

          Either that, or he and Elizabeth secretly got married, and he just forgot to take the ring off before leaving the bedroom that morning. And then she probably yelled at him that evening, because, really if you can't remember to take off the ring, how are you going to keep it secret?
          It's a thought except in Letters From Pegasus he's recording the vid for Sumner's people and says "I don't even know if he has family back on earth, not all of us do." Alludes to the fact that Shep doesn't have anyone waiting for him and if he did it'd more likely be someone he hasn't talked to in a very long time after some sort of falling out.

          But I'm okay with the whole "Shep and Lizzie secretly got married" bit.



            Originally posted by Athenaktt
            Anyways as for the "ring" conversation, I totally prefer the "sekrit marriage" idea. Because "Hot Zone" was the first episode he finally said her first name. And they were arguing and worrying about each other like they're married. And you know after a day of fighting there's always the best "making up."
            *sniff, sniff* Is that the smell of fanfic in the air?

            No, wait, you have to finish Season 2: VSAJ first. How's that coming along? Not pushing or anything.........

            Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


              Originally posted by A.L.
              It's a thought except in Letters From Pegasus he's recording the vid for Sumner's people and says "I don't even know if he has family back on earth, not all of us do." Alludes to the fact that Shep doesn't have anyone waiting for him and if he did it'd more likely be someone he hasn't talked to in a very long time after some sort of falling out.
              When he said that I think of these two possibilities too. And the look he had, you just want to push Lizzie into his arms so they can hug. What? *looks around*

              Anyway, I like to think that he still has family on Earth but that they just aren't in contact anymore. Maybe it has something to do with MENSA. His parents might not have liked the fact he didn't choose to join MENSA and instead went into the Air Force.


                Originally posted by Ronnikins
                No, wait, you have to finish Season 2: VSAJ first. How's that coming along? Not pushing or anything.........
                Why not? Pushing for fic is FUN!

                *pokes Athena*

                *pokes everyone else for good measure*
                ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                  Originally posted by Athenaktt
                  Court Martial Weir? Er, Weir isn't military... *facepalm* Anyways I love the "Ignore" button.
                  We know that...but we are talking about the er..."others" here. I don't think they've thought that far ahead. In fact, I think they pretty much stopped just before watching the Pilot.

                  Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                  LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                  Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                    Originally posted by Athenaktt
                    Court Martial Weir? Er, Weir isn't military... *facepalm* Anyways I love the "Ignore" button.
                    Court Martial her, give her the chair, letal injection, anything will work as long as it gets her out of Sheppard's way, right? . They should save the effort (those longwinding posts must take up a lot of time) and admit it, "we want to court martial her", on what grounds?, "DUH!, she ruined any chances our ship ever had", which they should realise weren't much to begin with.
                    Anyways as for the "ring" conversation, I totally prefer the "sekrit marriage" idea. Because "Hot Zone" was the first episode he finally said her first name. And they were arguing and worrying about each other like they're married. And you know after a day of fighting there's always the best "making up."
                    Sikrit marriage, me likes that idea, i'm guessing after that like squable in HZ John had to sleep on the couch, and then two days later when the rage had worn a little they had some wild make up sex on a closet, yeah, i'm sold to that sikrit marriage idea .
                    Last edited by Luz; 17 May 2006, 09:02 AM.


                      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                      I gave up on that Court Martial thread - the Sheylas took it over and turned it into a Weir bashing thread. All that "I like Weir. .really, I do. . but. ." doesn't work. Its obvious they hate the poor lady.
                      Let the pettiness commence !!!!!!
                      only joking (i think thats suppost to be the smilie weir i can't be too sure though)

                      It's amazing how terratorial and petty some shippers can be.

                      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                      We could do a "toss Teyla back to the mainland" thread but thankfully we are more adult than that.
                      This reminds me of an AU season one fic idea i had not too long ago where Sumner takes over as leader, Weir is forced to join sheppards team, they meet Ronon sooner and Teyla returns to the main land to be with her people.


                        Don't forget the "demote Sheppard" thread, which curiously enough always seems to make the turn from "demote Sheppard" into the "let's not demote Sheppard, it's All Weir's fault".


                          Originally posted by Luz
                          Don't forget the "demote Sheppard" thread, which curiously enough always seems to make the turn from "demote Sheppard" into the "let's not demote Sheppard, it's All Weir's fault".
                          John and Liz BOTH need their hands slapped for some of their actions in season 2, but some fans are really getting into very harsh punishments. Sheesh, if you didn't have conflict and mistakes in judgement it would sure be a boring show.

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                            John and Liz BOTH need their hands slapped for some of their actions in season 2, but some fans are really getting into very harsh punishments. Sheesh, if you didn't have conflict and mistakes in judgement it would sure be a boring show.
                            Yeah that and the fact that nobody's perfect and people will always make mistakes. I prefer characters with their failure to perfect but boring people. Even superheroes have their failure so why not ordinary people like Elizabeth and John?


                              I'm seeing people aren't liking the particular mistakes being made and are just looking for some consequences not necessarily what the thread starters were suggesting. That said I don't know what an "acceptable mistake" would be. I don't really care. It's making the charactes much more interesting to me.

                              The earlier conversation about past marriages and such reminded me of a plot bunny I had a while ago, but never did anything with. John's girlfriend in college got pregnant and dies in childbirth and the girlfriend's parents raise the child. I thought it would be too cliche.

                              Anyway, I've finally started on a fic I've been thinking of for a while. It's longer than my last two. I'll probably post the first part on my LJ in a day or so. Yep, got myself an LJ.


                                Originally posted by Vicky
                                Yeah that and the fact that nobody's perfect and people will always make mistakes. I prefer characters with their failure to perfect but boring people. Even superheroes have their failure so why not ordinary people like Elizabeth and John?
                                Superheroes *giggles* .


