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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Ronnikins
    On UST vs. RST:
    I love me my soft, slow subtle Sparky but up to a certain point. Yes, I would still love them to be great friends if nothing else happens but, honestly, I would feel a tad frustrated too, since I've invested quite a bit (OK, a lot) of time discussing it. The problem, as I see it, is the time-frame of the life of the show. Prime examples were SG1 and TXF. They milked the UST for years and years since they didn't know when the last season would be and they thought they on to a good thing keeping the fans interested in J/S and M/S. By the time they decided to resolve the issue, it was too little too late and nobody was happy.
    I agree the longevity of UST tends to be the problem point, how long should it continue before resolving it. It needs to have a stopping point say the 5th-6th season if Atlantis gets that far and TPTB would need to stick to it and not relent if the ship is still going great as UST and even then it would be a mistake to have them paw each other every time there together onscreen as has been said before Atlantis is not a soap opera so doing that making them be in a infinite lip lock permanently joined at the hip would in my opinion drive viewers away.
    For me it would be enough to know the relationships there as more than friendship.
    Last edited by Mann One; 16 May 2006, 08:52 AM.


      Originally posted by Southern Red
      I love it when you go all snarky. Some shipper glasses must be as thick as coke bottles.
      I find it more entertaining to joke about it, than get worked out about silly things.

      Originally posted by Mann One
      I agree the longevity of UST tends to be the problem point, how long should it continue before resolving it. It needs to have a stopping point say the 5th-6th season if Atlantis gets that far and TPTB would need to stick to it and not relent if the ship is still going great as UST and even then it would be a mistake to have the paw each other every time there together onscreen as has been said before Atlantis is not a soap opera so doing that making them be in a infinite lip lock permanently join at the hip would in my opinion drive viewers away.
      For me it would be enough to know the relationships there as more than friendship.
      Yes, this is not a soap, and i agree with what you're saying, there would be no need to show them being all mushy, and sucking face all the time.
      We've talked about this before, that Sheppard and Weir work so well together, and are already so compenetrated that very few things would have to be changed in their dynamics if they were to be protrayed as a romantic couple. They already have a great friendship going on, sometimes it's astounding how they don't even need words to communicate look at that scene on Critical Mass
      when Weir tells him that "omg, Col. Skinner is a goauld", and he tells her to get out, that he'll take care of things, and she says "okay" and leaves, all with their eyes, not a word uttered.
      And this is not the only example of this, they do it all the time.


        Originally posted by Luz
        Whips out the rulebook , the guide to help us on the proper misinterpretation of scenes.

        *zomfg* Don't you get it?, Sheppard and Teyla's stick fighting is only the vertical expression of a horizontal desire. When he got the retrovirus all it did was lower his inhibitions, allowing him to finally express his long repressed feelings for Teyla, so romantic *sigh*. This is why he never looks at her, talks to her, stands next to her, or interacts with her *at all*, his poor little heart could never take the strength of his feelings, so his lurve for the girl with the supah wraith powerz of awsomeness must be kept supah sikrit.
        So when he got sick the first things he did was outrun (and tease) Ronon, and kiss his beloved, the virus for him was like getting wasted only instead of making him act all stupid and do idiotic things, he kissed Teyla, which wasn't idiotic at all, nono .
        And she ejoyed it, don't let yourself be misled by her stand, the way her hands (and eyes) were saying WTF!?, how smushed her lips looked, or the sigh of relief she expelled after Sheppard left, on the inside she was enjoying it damn it!, *nods emphaticaly*.
        And the apology, well, to an uneducated outsider it might have looked like he was profusely apologising and she was studiously avoiding even the slightest form of eye contact with him, but what was really happening was a promise of undying lurve, yep, that was it *lalala*. Don't let their apparent awkwardness, and their "let's not ever touch this issue with a ten foot pole, EVAH!" mislead you.
        Channeling Ms. Pooh or just quoting her?

        I think if there was RST s5 or 6 would be a good time for it as Mann One said. Of all the shows I've watched I've felt s5 or 6 were in fact about when a show should end. Most shows I've seen that go past that seem to me to go down hill after s5 or 6. S5 usually seems to be where they've peaked. Of course there are always exceptions.


          Originally posted by SGLAB
          Channeling Ms. Pooh or just quoting her?
          Channeling, more like, this is the result of reading Ms. Pooh's recaps when i should've been studying. My economical thought III teacher practicaly told us all yesterday that the final exam was going to be so tough she thought most of us had little to no hope of passing it. Her words were "i don't give pity grades, if you get a zero that's all you're going to get, and from what i see that's what most of you are going to get".
          So reading Ms Pooh is a form of therapy against exams induced panic.
          Last edited by Luz; 16 May 2006, 09:10 AM.


            Originally posted by Athenaktt
            So does this mean Gero has good taste and also prefers Sparky?? Hehe.

            I wonder which episodes Gero has written so far might make us think that.
            He wrote the hug, and didn't edit it out.

            He is Sparky, all the way!

            When all else fails, change channels.


              Originally posted by Luz
              Channeling, more like, this is the result of reading Ms. Pooh's recaps when i should've been studying. My economical thought III teacher practicaly told us all yesterday that the final exam was going to be so tough she thought most of us had little to no hope of passing it. Her words were "i don't give pity grades, if you get a zero that's all you're going to get, and from what i see that's what most of you are going to get".
              So reading Ms Pooh is a form of therapy against exams induced panic.
              I'm so glad I don't have to worry about tests and papers anymore. I take the occassional Adult Ed. class. No tests and it doesn't matter if I studied or not. Good luck on that test, Luz.

              To be sort of on topic. I find when Stargate does two parters the first part is usually pretty weak while the second part is much better. I think Instinct and Conversion are much the same way. Of course they surprised us with The Storm and The Eye. I thought TS was pretty much on par with TE. When it comes to Stargate I tend to look for something to enjoy in every ep. and forget about the rest. In Instinct
              the infirmary scene, Shep smacking Rodney upside the head. Doesn't take much to keep me happy. At least for the moment.


                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                He wrote the hug, and didn't edit it out.

                He is Sparky, all the way!
                It's always great when we have a writer who's a shipper!

                @SGLAB: oh yeah I forgot the
                Shep smacking Rodney upside the head moment!

                That was so funny!


                  I won't go into details (so as not to give TPTB who read this any ideas) but I had a horrible nightmare about SGA last night.

                  I'm just crossing my fingers that I'm not disappointed by this show and it's ship (however subtle or obvious they choose to be). Sliders, JAG, Joan of Arcadia, to just name a few really almost killed me with how they went in the end. I wasn't AS disappointed with TXF but I agree that it was almost too little too late.

                  I guess I'll just watch until I can't anymore. *hopes that day never comes except for went the show ends*



                    Originally posted by SGLAB
                    I'm so glad I don't have to worry about tests and papers anymore. I take the occassional Adult Ed. class. No tests and it doesn't matter if I studied or not. Good luck on that test, Luz.
                    Thanks, it's in three weeks, and it's driving me insane, it's like being slowly taken to the slaughter house.

                    To be sort of on topic. I find when Stargate does two parters the first part is usually pretty weak while the second part is much better. I think Instinct and Conversion are much the same way. Of course they surprised us with The Storm and The Eye. I thought TS was pretty much on par with TE. When it comes to Stargate I tend to look for something to enjoy in every ep. and forget about the rest. In Instinct
                    the infirmary scene, Shep smacking Rodney upside the head. Doesn't take much to keep me happy. At least for the moment.
                    The problem with Instinct to me was
                    that the characters they introduced were so uninteresting, the story was bland, in the end the episode was boring, that's the only word that comes to my mind. There were pieces i loved, like that bit on the infirmary, Sheppard smacking McKay, Ronon's "having good hearing helps", the make up for the wraithy kid looked cheesy, it looked like plastic that had been glued to the actress' skin (which it probably was). And instead of shooting her, they could've stunned her and brought her to Atlantis to try to come up with a cure. Which they did when it came to Sheppard, i don't blame them one bit, though, i too would've wanted to exit the village of boredom as soon as possible *yawns* i get drowsy just thinking about this episode.


                      Originally posted by Luz
                      The problem with Instinct to me was
                      that the characters they introduced were so uninteresting, the story was bland, in the end the episode was boring, that's the only word that comes to my mind. There were pieces i loved, like that bit on the infirmary, Sheppard smacking McKay, Ronon's "having good hearing helps", the make up for the wraithy kid looked cheesy, it looked like plastic that had been glued to the actress' skin (which it probably was). And instead of shooting her, they could've stunned her and brought her to Atlantis to try to come up with a cure. Which they did when it came to Sheppard, i don't blame them one bit, though, i too would've wanted to exit the village of boredom as soon as possible *yawns* i get drowsy just thinking about this episode.
                      Yeah, I think the biggest problem with this episode was that it was entirely set-up for Conversion. Very few shows successfully pull off that kind of episode.
                      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                      Last update: 14 April 2006
                      Melyanna's Multimedia
                      Last update: 15 February 2006


                        Well, this thread needs a shot in the arm.

                        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                        Last update: 14 April 2006
                        Melyanna's Multimedia
                        Last update: 15 February 2006


                          This thread needs some new spoilers or promo pictures. Will the hiatus end already!


                            Well, it's 11 days til the date that we got the promo pics last year!
                            "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                            My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                              Let's have a classic, angry eye-sex. Beckett looks kind off scared.

                              And for the ones that haven't seen Joe's ring .


                                Originally posted by Luz
                                And for the ones that haven't seen Joe's ring .
                                It was even more obvious in Thoughtcrimes.

