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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red
    We like you. We really really like you. In fact we like everybody that has a sense of humor whether they see Sparky or not. Did I really just say that? Somebody spork me!

    We would all love to have the...ah...fortitude to travel happily through the ship threads leaving comments that would be accepted by all, but some of us , present company especially, have a problem seeing both sides of an argument.
    I tend to always see both sides of an argument... except some shippy ones. I do accept differing opinions however. One of my best friends is a J/D shipper, and boy do we have interesting (good natured) arguments about the virtues of J/S vs J/D. SHe's on GateWorld, actually, one of the reasons I joined. I sometimes pop into the McKay/Hewlett Thunk Thread to leave snarky comments to her. Love Rodney as a character, but David Hewlett is not one I would thunk over...

    My problem is I don't have the time and access to drop in and out of threads all the time. I post here and in the Sam/Jack Ship Family Thread, and sometimes (when I'm at TAFE) snurch pics from the thunk threads, but that's about it. I'd love to have the time to cruise through some of the other threads.


      Originally posted by A.L.
      Drat! I didn't know they did that! Good thing I lied about my age. Er . . . or not. Double drat! No, 26 isn't old (at least to some people) but it's not the best considering where I am in life.

      Still, I could be tons worse off in many respects and today was actually a pretty good day. They got me an icecream cake at work and my boss informed me that my 6 month anniversary was today as well so I got a raise. Happy birthday to me.

      Thanks, Vicky!

      Happy Birthday A.L.!

      And no, 26 is not old! I turn 30 in three-and-half-months! And my sister is 44 in July, so anyone under 50 is not old! I refuse to believe i have an old sister (especially as she is my only sibling!)


        Originally posted by Pocus
        I am doing a BIG, HUGE happy dance right now! I have just finished reading this ENTIRE thread!
        It has taken me months and months to go through all of it, but I can tell you it was very worth it. I loved reading the thoughts and opinions that you all share so respectfully. I also love the jokes that have managed to carry through all (almost) 1500 pages. Yes, I know all about the mints (so I think I will pass on them thank you very much).
        I have been a Stargate fan since the movie came out and I do believe that I have seen every episode of both shows. I had no idea that there was such a big online fandom until I discovered Gateworld about a year ago. Since I found the forum, I have been a dedicated lurker, mostly on this thread. Hopefully I will be brave enough to post now and then, but I will be enjoying the many cool things this thread shares. Keep the fics and vids coming! You are a very talented bunch.

        Holy Hannah! You're brave and dedicated! That's a lot of reading (600 pages at 50 posts a page--which is what my controls are set at)! All I managed to do is read a few of the latest pages before I posted (tho I think I did the first few as well)

        Welcome to the Sparkyness Thread. And in case no one's warned you yet... Beware the mints!


          Originally posted by Luz
          Hi Pocus, welcome to the sparky thread, and you read the whole thing!?.

          She's so oggling him here .

          Of course! And the expression on her face...

          (And I bet this has been posted before. I am redundant at times....)


            Originally posted by FaithStars
            Welcome Pocus!- I never had the time to read through all the pages of my favorite threads.......Good Job!

            Ok, Question: How would you want the first real(verbal) declaration of John and Elizabeth's feelings to come about?(during a mission....just talking in the office?, etc)

            Happy Posting
            Something like the
            . At the end of a near-death mission with lots of Angst!

            Then you need a scene confirming the declaration, making sure that it wasn't just the heat of the moment!

            On another note... how many posts in a row does this make for me?


              that was my fav Shepp/Weir thing till i watched the Long Goodbye.. then that just went out the window!
              Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
              Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                Originally posted by hopalong
                I tend to always see both sides of an argument... except some shippy ones. I do accept differing opinions however. One of my best friends is a J/D shipper, and boy do we have interesting (good natured) arguments about the virtues of J/S vs J/D.
                I understand what you mean. One of my best friends is a S/T and we sometimes discuss some eps here and there. I understand that she don't see Sparky as she understand that I don't see Sheyla. But I was really surprised when she told me she was a S/T 'cos we tend to see the same ships usually!

                Originally posted by FaithStars
                Ok, Question: How would you want the first real(verbal) declaration of John and Elizabeth's feelings to come about?(during a mission....just talking in the office?, etc)
                That's a tough one 'cos there could be many scenarios. I'd say maybe during another near-death situation but then they could brush it off saying that it was because they were pretty sure they'd die.

                I'm not sure they're the type for declarations of love. They know each other so well that they don't need words so I think they don't need to voice their feeling for the other to understand.


                  Originally posted by atlantis_babe34
                  that was my fav Shepp/Weir thing till i watched the Long Goodbye.. then that just went out the window!
                  First sorry for the double post.

                  Then, about what you said, I still prefer
                  the hug rather than teh kiss because when she hugged him she was herself, she wanted to hug him. I'm not saying that she hadn't wanted to kiss him, 'cos being a shipper at heart, I'm pretty sure she wanted to. But the kiss was an "alien made them do it" situation and I still prefer a real themselves situation rather than one where there not themselves.


                    Originally posted by Vicky
                    First sorry for the double post.

                    Then, about what you said, I still prefer
                    the hug rather than teh kiss because when she hugged him she was herself, she wanted to hug him. I'm not saying that she hadn't wanted to kiss him, 'cos being a shipper at heart, I'm pretty sure she wanted to. But the kiss was an "alien made them do it" situation and I still prefer a real themselves situation rather than one where there not themselves.
                    i suppose.. we will have to see what season 3 brings!
                    Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                    Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                      Hello all and Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful women that are raising our future!

                      Thanks for all the wonderful welcome messages. The friendliness and openness of this thread is the biggest reason I decided to delurk. I will say it felt very strange to not have pages and pages of posts to go thru yesterday!

                      As for Sparky, I must say that I have seen "something" between our two favorite people since Rising. When they went out on the balcony to discuss what to do about the situation, my thought was "Well, there is the couple for this series". I have not changed my mind since then. I am still not sure if I want them to go past being incredible friends, but I don't think I would complain too much.

                      I really don't see anything more than good friendship and trust between Sheppard and Teyla. It is a different relationship than Sparky. The chemistry and balance is based on two very different lifestories coming together to develop a work relationship that will, IMO, continue on into a great off duty companionship. I do hope we get to see more of them interacting off duty next season.

                      I am hoping that Season 3 brings us some fun, some drama, and lots more insight into what makes all of the characters who they are.

                      Have a great day!


                        Originally posted by Ronnikins
                        Enjoying the fics, Mel, Athenaktt and Trialia.
                        Thank you.

                        What was the name I wonder? Kavanaugh?

                        To be frank, I wanted the ambiguity with that because there isn't nearly enough decent Weir femmeslash around. I know it can be done, but it's hard to find it and Weir/Teyla just doesn't work for me with their dynamic. Anyway, this is not quite the place!

                        Back on topic, IMO, the interactions between Sheppard and Weir show a lot about both characters and how they relate to one another, and I really like that, whereas with Teyla, I want more character development for her, outside of a 'ship, despite my Spanky leanings. She's too forceful to be defined that way, as IMO she should still be shown to be leading her own people as well as being on John's team, and she hasn't. I want to see more of that. Not that Elizabeth isn't a powerful character in her own right, but the Sparky interactions add that little bit of... what phrase am I looking for... Personal life?.. for her.


                          Originally posted by Pocus
                          Thanks for all the wonderful welcome messages. The friendliness and openness of this thread is the biggest reason I decided to delurk. I will say it felt very strange to not have pages and pages of posts to go thru yesterday!
                          I'll bet! But as someone who's been here since page one, I have to say that I admire your resilience. And I guess that means FP won't be offering you mints, because you know better.

                          Originally posted by Pocus
                          As for Sparky, I must say that I have seen "something" between our two favorite people since Rising. When they went out on the balcony to discuss what to do about the situation, my thought was "Well, there is the couple for this series". I have not changed my mind since then. I am still not sure if I want them to go past being incredible friends, but I don't think I would complain too much.
                          I have to say that I agree. As much as I'd love to see TPTB have the guts to write an actual romance, I won't be terribly offended if Sheppard and Weir just remain good friends. There's something really special about it either way.

                          Mildly off-topic, but happy Mothers' Day to all the moms in the thread –?*I know there are several, even if it's not your country's Mothers' Day. And to those of you who aren't moms, I hope you were extra-nice to your moms today.
                          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                          Last update: 14 April 2006
                          Melyanna's Multimedia
                          Last update: 15 February 2006


                            hey u guys haven't posted much last night.. i was looking fowrad to catching up..but anywho!


                            heheh couldn't resist
                            Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                            Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                              Happy Mother's Day to all the mommys in the thread.
                              Be nice to your mom, she is the one that will always support you no matter what...

                              And to make this post slightly on topic.
                              Do you think Liz would make a rigid or let go mommy? I myself think she would be the former for some reason...
                              Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                                Just thought I'd pop in here to share some caps I made of Critical Mass.. and some in particular that I just think show off beautifully the relationship between Shep and Weir - whether you consider it shippy or just friendship:


                                Love the way he's so casual and comfortable enough to come into her office and just lean on her desk to look at the screen with her.. and his body is tilted slightly towards hers the whole time too...

                                Cutest smile ever.. D

                                Again, just so cute and informal the way he walks in with a grin and perches himself on her desk.

