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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Trialia
    You should get the latest official magazine... it's so full of Ford I got bored. He's my least favourite character.
    My comment wasn't to mean I like FOOOORD!! I mean I do, but he's not my fave. RSF is cool, though. No I just saw his smilie and every time I think FOOOOORD!!! I think it just like that. I can't just think "Ford" anymore. It's always FOOOOORD!!! I blame Pooh's shippy recaps at John&Elizabeth:Abydos Gate. Curse you Pooh and all your funnyness! J/K. Love the recaps. Can't wait for more. Curse you RL for making Pooh too busy to write freakin' hilarious shippy recaps.

    Whew! Uh, I think I'm on one so I'll just go now.



      Originally posted by GateByte
      I had forgotten about that part of Trinity. See now this is another reason why I believe Rodney is a secret sparky shipper. He can see they have something special between them (and she practically trusts him completely) and that if John asked her, there would be a relatively slim chance that she'd say no.
      Rodney it TOTALLY a Sparky shipper. Because in TLG he
      totally smiled when they kissed even if it wasn't actually them. Unlike Carson and Caldwell who looked away. Though I belive they are Sparky shipper's too, if only reluctantly in Caldwell's case. I mean they're at least aware that it's there. I think Rodney's smile at their kiss in TLG translates into "Well, what do you know. I was right. They DO look great together."



        And in Aurora Elizabeth's glass had the most champaign in it
        About your spoiler space
        I loved that she totally knew it was coming cuz she's the one that got the glasses that were sitting ready behind her desk.
        I have a fic to that effect, kinda. If you're so inclined go HERE



          Originally posted by Ronnikins
          I'm borrowing A.L.'s shippy glasses to interpret best of Season 2's NON eye-contact. Whoa...these glasses are really strong....prescription?
          You have no idea. I'm legally blind without them.



            Originally posted by Luz
            Please don't feel offended by this, but i find that whole shippy glasses thing a tad silly, i know it's just a figure of speech, but it's just that i've seen other shippers refering to that and in my head i laugh because if you need to twist things so badly to make them fit your prefered ship, and if you need to look for things to support said ship with a microscope then maybe there is nothing to look for. It's just one of those small things that really bug me, because IMO we're not that desperate, we need no stinkin' shippy glasses, Sparky is there plain as the light of day.
            I agree, a little silly, but don't think of it as a "need" to see what's so obviously there. Think of it as icing on a cake. Cake is good stuff but even yummier with the icing.



              Originally posted by SGLAB
              I just had to rec this fic by miera. It's really cute. The title is so true too.

              Property Of
              VERY cute.



                Hey, I made it to a mature simbiote. *sniff tear* This is proud day. One day I'll be a pretty grown up system lord like all you fabulous regulars.



                  Hi guys, non-S/W fan popping in with something I found highly amusing. GW just came out with a little blurb on Rachael Luttrell on the main page, and she's quoted as saying this:

                  "Actually, you know what? Well, probably the writers don't want them to know this, but they do listen to what the fans have to say online. If there's enough of a push towards one thing that they just absolutely have to see, then somehow it gets written into the script."

                  Hmm, my mind went right to you guys when she said this. Funny, that.
                  Sig by Whistler84, RIP.
                  You believed in me when it seemed only I could. You stood by me when no one else would.
                  Even though we are two friends who did tragically part, I know your loving memory will forever survive in my heart

                  Poem by Rachel Cooper.


                    Originally posted by emotionallydisturbed
                    "Actually, you know what? Well, probably the writers don't want them to know this, but they do listen to what the fans have to say online. If there's enough of a push towards one thing that they just absolutely have to see, then somehow it gets written into the script."

                    Hmm, my mind went right to you guys when she said this. Funny, that.
                    OMG! Thank you! This just made my day. Well, there is no question about what ship is dominant here...


                      Originally posted by Erised
                      OMG! Thank you! This just made my day. Well, there is no question about what ship is dominant here...
                      Thought you guys might get a kick out it.
                      Sig by Whistler84, RIP.
                      You believed in me when it seemed only I could. You stood by me when no one else would.
                      Even though we are two friends who did tragically part, I know your loving memory will forever survive in my heart

                      Poem by Rachel Cooper.


                        Originally posted by A.L.
                        Hey, I made it to a mature simbiote. *sniff tear* This is proud day. One day I'll be a pretty grown up system lord like all you fabulous regulars.

                        *hums Pomp and Circumstance march*

                        SGA: the 3-season show...


                          Originally posted by emotionallydisturbed
                          Hi guys, non-S/W fan popping in with something I found highly amusing. GW just came out with a little blurb on Rachael Luttrell on the main page, and she's quoted as saying this:

                          "Actually, you know what? Well, probably the writers don't want them to know this, but they do listen to what the fans have to say online. If there's enough of a push towards one thing that they just absolutely have to see, then somehow it gets written into the script."

                          Hmm, my mind went right to you guys when she said this. Funny, that.
                          Damn now I know where all those mcshep anvils come from. LOL.
                          OMG I'm a sparky shipper I swear.

                          My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                            Originally posted by Luz
                            i find that whole shippy glasses thing a tad silly, i know it's just a figure of speech, but it's just that i've seen other shippers refering to that and in my head i laugh because if you need to twist things so badly to make them fit your prefered ship, and if you need to look for things to support said ship with a microscope then maybe there is nothing to look for. It's just one of those small things that really bug me, because IMO we're not that desperate, we need no stinkin' shippy glasses, Sparky is there plain as the light of day.
                            I don't know, I've skimmed elsewhere a little bit (always come running back here, though!) and I've seen comments where someone supposedly saw the same scene I did and interpreted it completely differently. I kinda like the "shippy glasses" as an acknowledgement that I have a tendency to read scenes that way. And that I know that others don't necessarily read them the same way. Though not here, of course! My insanity fits right in here. In fact this place makes me feel kinda normal.
                            SGA: the 3-season show...


                              Originally posted by emotionallydisturbed
                              Hi guys, non-S/W fan popping in with something I found highly amusing. GW just came out with a little blurb on Rachael Luttrell on the main page, and she's quoted as saying this:

                              "Actually, you know what? Well, probably the writers don't want them to know this, but they do listen to what the fans have to say online. If there's enough of a push towards one thing that they just absolutely have to see, then somehow it gets written into the script."

                              Hmm, my mind went right to you guys when she said this. Funny, that.
                              Thank you for sharing. It's good to know we're heard. That said, I'd hate for them to change anything just because the fans wanted it. I'm very much into a story going the way it flows with out force from anyone, even if it's not what we want. Not that I think TPTB would do some drastic thing just to please fans but it's nice to know the little moments we dream of are possible.

                              And that's the thing about writing. As a writer you may expect and try to write a story one way, but sometimes the story takes over itself and it goes in another direction. I believe that's what has happend with the 'ships on Atlantis. From the beginning they intended Sheyla but clearly - at least to me, a former Sheyla now devoted Sparky - the story took over itself and Sparky came to light. I say don't fight it. Go witht he flow and stick with what works - good or "bad." *knocks harshly on wood for several minutes until fist hurts*



                                Originally posted by eyecandylovr
                                *hums Pomp and Circumstance march*

                                Thank you!


