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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by GateByte
    Unless you can count 'lack of eye-contact' cause TLG takes the cake on that
    they are just so uncomfortable, or rather, trying not to think about the kiss or the whole ordeal , that they can't even look at each other
    I love the sparky!cuteness of it .

    *fans self furiously*
    Well, after reading FeatherJean's and Gwen's fics I had to cool down a bit.
    Hey Athenaktt, you're right on track with VSAJ - good stuff! So, VSAJ-Season 2 in a couple of weeks, eh?

    I'm like SR, I'm agreeing with everybody's choice as I read them. *nods* There are so many bits I have forgotten and then I think "Why didn't I think of that?"

    I'm borrowing A.L.'s shippy glasses to interpret best of Season 2's NON eye-contact. Whoa...these glasses are really strong....prescription?
    Gatebyte, as usual, is spot on again.
    The infirmary scene in TLG is the one where I would say John really, really, truly viewed Elizabeth as a woman and not just as a leader, close friend, buddy or what-have-you. It opened his eyes to certain possibilities and he was very uneasy in how to deal with it. Hence the non eye-contact. He didn't know quite how to behave at that moment. I mean, come on, he has always maintained eye-contact with Elizabeth, why not then? Surely the PDA or gameboy wasn't that interesting. Elizabeth didn't behave like that at first since she had just woken up and was still processing all the things that had happened when she was Phoebus esp. shooting Ronon and the weirdness of it all. It was only after Caldwell reminded them of the "kiss" for which he received a "stink-eye" from John and a horrified look from Liz that she became most uncomfortable.
    Now, *takes off glasses and hands back to A.L.*, viewed normally I would just say John had reached very high level on his gameboy and was intent on finishing the game. Too bad if Weir wanted to talk. But how did he know the precise moment when she woke up? Did she stop snoring?

    Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


      Originally posted by Ronnikins

      *fans self furiously*
      Well, after reading FeatherJean's and Gwen's fics I had to cool down a bit.
      Hey Athenaktt, you're right on track with VSAJ - good stuff! So, VSAJ-Season 2 in a couple of weeks, eh?

      I'm like SR, I'm agreeing with everybody's choice as I read them. *nods* There are so many bits I have forgotten and then I think "Why didn't I think of that?"

      I'm borrowing A.L.'s shippy glasses to interpret best of Season 2's NON eye-contact. Whoa...these glasses are really strong....prescription?
      Please don't feel offended by this, but i find that whole shippy glasses thing a tad silly, i know it's just a figure of speech, but it's just that i've seen other shippers refering to that and in my head i laugh because if you need to twist things so badly to make them fit your prefered ship, and if you need to look for things to support said ship with a microscope then maybe there is nothing to look for. It's just one of those small things that really bug me, because IMO we're not that desperate, we need no stinkin' shippy glasses, Sparky is there plain as the light of day.

      Originally posted by Ronnikins
      Gatebyte, as usual, is spot on again.
      The infirmary scene in TLG is the one where I would say John really, really, truly viewed Elizabeth as a woman and not just as a leader, close friend, buddy or what-have-you. It opened his eyes to certain possibilities and he was very uneasy in how to deal with it. Hence the non eye-contact. He didn't know quite how to behave at that moment. I mean, come on, he has always maintained eye-contact with Elizabeth, why not then? Surely the PDA or gameboy wasn't that interesting. Elizabeth didn't behave like that at first since she had just woken up and was still processing all the things that had happened when she was Phoebus esp. shooting Ronon and the weirdness of it all. It was only after Caldwell reminded them of the "kiss" for which he received a "stink-eye" from John and a horrified look from Liz that she became most uncomfortable.
      Now, *takes off glasses and hands back to A.L.*, viewed normally I would just say John had reached very high level on his gameboy and was intent on finishing the game. Too bad if Weir wanted to talk. But how did he know the precise moment when she woke up? Did she stop snoring?
      On the subject of TLG
      I think Sheppard spent his night looking over her, aware of her every move, worrying, and angstin', and the moment he felt her beginning to wake up he grabbed the gameboy and pretended he wasn't looking, and tried to act all flippant.
      Last edited by Luz; 04 May 2006, 07:15 AM.


        Originally posted by Ronnikins

        *fans self furiously*
        Well, after reading FeatherJean's and Gwen's fics I had to cool down a bit.
        My fic was nowhere near as hot as featherjeans! I'm not sure I could ever write anything like that! I'm glad prople liked it though!

        LUZ: I agree that the shipper glasses is silly. But it is also fun. Sometimes we need them. Like over in the S/J shipper thread. We really need them there! Not as much here though.

        Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


          Vixen- I agree, Joe does a really good job with "Dark".

          gwenhwyfar- I have a good feeling about Shep and Weir this season.

          Happy Posting
          It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


            Originally posted by Luz
            Please don't feel offended by this, but i find that whole shippy glasses thing a tad silly, i know it's just a figure of speech, but it's just that i've seen other shippers refering to that and in my head i laugh because if you need to twist things so badly to make them fit your prefered ship, and if you need to look for things to support said ship with a microscope then maybe there is nothing to look for. It's just one of those small things that really bug me, because IMO we're not that desperate, we need no stinkin' shippy glasses, Sparky is there plain as the light of day.
            Nah, of course we don't need special glasses to see Sparky. at least I don't. I was just goofing around, like I'm sure others probably are too . But there is something to be said about how a shipper sees a particular scene, compared to how someone else might see it. Granted if it's so obvious it's doubtful that you'd be able to miss it, even if you're not a shipper.

            On the subject of TLG
            I think Sheppard spend his night looking over her, aware of her every move, worrying, and angstin', and the moment he felt her beginning to wake up he grabbed the gameboy and pretended he wasn't looking, and tried to act all plippant.
            That's entirely possible
            he did know when & how Phoebus had left Elizabeth. That in itself seems to lead me to believe that he had been watching her the whole night (instead of sleeping like he probably should have been) . And as you've said, I'm sure he was full of worry, and angst waiting for her to be herself again, and then for her to wake up so he could confirm that .


              Oh my god! How many people've posted on this thread. It's like 1500 pages long!

              Glad I'm not the only one who's searching every episode for shippy moments between the two of them.

              I don't know exactly when they started having those moments. in the episode 38 minutes?

              I just loved them from the very first episode!

              Anyone know any good sites about Weir and Sheppard? I'm addicted to Weir/Sheppard fanfic
              Thank you Jenova Synthesis

              Thank you to homever I borrowed this from


                I definately think it was entirely possible that...
                Sheppard had stayed awake to make sure Elizabeth was alright. He can never feel settled unless he knows the person he cares about is safe. I think thats the type of guy he is....and why I think he has such intense feelings for Elizabeth

                Happy Posting
                It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


                  Originally posted by keshya
                  Oh my god! How many people've posted on this thread. It's like 1500 pages long!

                  Glad I'm not the only one who's searching every episode for shippy moments between the two of them.

                  I don't know exactly when they started having those moments. in the episode 38 minutes?

                  I just loved them from the very first episode!

                  Anyone know any good sites about Weir and Sheppard? I'm addicted to Weir/Sheppard fanfic
                  Welcome keshya!

                  As for Sparky fanfic, try John/Liz LJ Community
                  Command Dynamics

                  They should be good for fanfics for a while

                  Sometimes you don't even need to search for the shippy moments, they are occassionally right out in plain sight .


                    I've already read all of the ones from command dynamics ! (well prety much all of them)

                    and John/Liz LJ Community? most of them

                    got any other?

                    told you, I'm addicted

                    and yeah, sometimes they're plain obvious
                    Last edited by keshya; 04 May 2006, 07:25 AM.
                    Thank you Jenova Synthesis

                    Thank you to homever I borrowed this from


                      Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                      My fic was nowhere near as hot as featherjeans! I'm not sure I could ever write anything like that! I'm glad prople liked it though!
                      Oh, you mean that one with the chair?, i loved that one, and am glad i'm not the only perv one who had NC-17 thoughts when seeing Sheppard on *that* chair .
                      And i read yours too, very good, i love a bit of mush mixed in with my porn .


                        Originally posted by Luz
                        Oh, you mean that one with the chair?, i loved that one, and am glad i'm not the only perv one who had NC-17 thoughts when seeing Sheppard on *that* chair .
                        And i read yours too, very good, i love a bit of mush mixed in with my porn .
                        Thank you!

                        John: How'd they know what happened on the Orion?!
                        Lizzie: They're shippers John. They know everything!

                        You're definately not the only one who has had those thoughts...
                        *gathers non-PG thoughts and wanders over to the JFT*

                        Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                          I just had to rec this fic by miera. It's really cute. The title is so true too.

                          Property Of


                            Originally posted by SGLAB
                            I just had to rec this fic by miera. It's really cute. The title is so true too.

                            Property Of
                            Thanks for the rec! That was great!

                            Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                              Originally posted by keshya
                              I've already read all of the ones from command dynamics ! (well prety much all of them)

                              and John/Liz LJ Community? most of them

                              got any other?

                              told you, I'm addicted

                              and yeah, sometimes they're plain obvious
                              Welcome. Boy did you come to the right place. We're all about the Sparky here. Better see Dr. Ron before you get in much deeper and have yourself evaluated for SOS Sparky Obsessive Syndrome If you have a bad enough case, Nurse John pays you a home visit. Try this site: and this one
                     or here Those should keep you busy for a while.

                              Anyway, on the subject of the shippy glasses. I've been thinking that this is the last place those are needed also, but it has become kind of a catch phrase that doesn't mean what it used to IMHO. Take for example the above discussed scene from TLG.
                              On the surface you see a simple scene that shows they are uncomfortable with what happened and want not to talk about it. Shippy? Yes, very much. But with the artful application of shippy glasses, i.e. indepth analysis we can come up with all sorts of explanations for their attitude that goes beyond the surface.
                              Confused yet? Let's try harder. OK, take the last scene in The Tower
                              Again a simple exchange of info between them with a bit of teasing on Liz's part. Shippy. Oh yeah, I say, but my husband said no. He said John wasn't the least bit trying to guage her reaction to the "got the girl" bit. But that he was just telling her what happened. Put on those glasses and you see a guy who was backpedaling furiously because he let slip the facts about the girl and desperately wanted Liz not to think badly of him. Or find out the truth depending on what you think really happened.
                              So, in other words, we don't need the stinkin' glasses to see ship but sometimes we need them to explain it. Now I'm confused.

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                Originally posted by SGLAB
                                I just had to rec this fic by miera. It's really cute. The title is so true too.

                                Property Of
                                That was cute! Thanks for the rec

